Marvel: Super Dimensional Lottery Group

Chapter 922 Ah Fu moved in! Meng new identity! (5 more for automatic subscription)

After a huge amount of explosion, a big hole appeared on the ground, and Pike Nuoda lay on the edge of the big hole with bruises all over her body, unconscious.


Peeling Lev's eyes were splitting, but at this moment, a hammer shot from behind him at an unimaginable speed and hit him in the head!


His head turned into pieces like a watermelon that fell from a height, and his body swayed and fell to the ground.

"Roar... Roar."

A brigade member was killed with a hammer, but the Mi team didn't take a second look at Lev's corpse.

At the moment, he was carefully examining the armor on his body.

"Now my strength has increased by at least six or seven times! And... this seems to be far from the limit of this armor!""

Feeling the almost infinite power gushing out of his body, Team Mi only felt that he had never been so strong in his life.

And when he looked around and saw the big hole that Ah Fu had punched, his heart was even more ups and downs.

At first Doctor Strange told him how amazing that Aiwen's lottery was, but he still didn't quite believe it.

It was only because Yu Muto felt his powerlessness in the first battle that he became a living horse doctor and decided to give it a try.

Who knows, not only did I draw such a powerful Teigu, but also that... the power of the women's clothing boss is also astonishing!

Now, in Team Rice's heart, Aiwen's image has become more mysterious.

At the same time, the braised egg on the aircraft carrier, watching the actions of Team Mi and Ah Fu on the screen, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and his eyelids jumped a few times:

"This girl actually has such a powerful firearm! There is absolutely no such weapon on Earth! Is she an alien?

"And who's that guy in the armor? Look at his hammer and shield, could it be... the Captain of the United States? Where did he get the `|| for such a strange armor?"

All kinds of questions popped up one after another, making the head of the braised egg hurt.

At this time, A'Fu saw that all the enemies had run away, and was about to throw Franklin down and leave, but Aiwen ate her in the group at this time.

Aiwen: @Astolfo, don't go in such a hurry, the reading abilities of the following two brigade members are very useful, you might as well absorb them before leaving.


After listening to Aiwen's words, Ah Fu turned his eyes to Wo Jin and the others who were lying on the ground curiously. was only when she flew down that she found out that Wo Jin's right body was almost shattered by the Mi team's blow, and he died a long time ago. And his super dark fruit can only extract the super ability of living people.

With some regret, he turned his target to the seriously injured Nobunaga and Pike Norda. After Afu had exhausted their ability, just as he was about to leave in Junying, a golden halo suddenly appeared beside him.

"Huh? This is... the former Master?"

When A'Fu was wondering, he suddenly found through the aperture that the opposite was the Aiwen's villa he had been to!

At this time, Aiwen also sent him a private chat in the group:

Aiwen: Uh...Astolfo, if you don't want to go back and follow Doctor Strange. So... you can stay at my house for a while, anyway, there are a lot of empty rooms in my house.

Aiwen said that he just couldn't bear to see Ah Fu so cute...the child was displaced, that's why he made this suggestion. It's definitely not that he has any interest in Lucifer!


With his little head tilted, Ah Fu made a decision in just a few seconds!

He was very curious about Aiwen, the "raffle organizer" and "administrator". Is there any special place to go now, and what else is there for hesitation?

Without further ado, Ah Fu first transformed Jun Ying into a spiritual body, then stepped into the golden aperture with one foot, and then disappeared.

Both the braised egg and the rice team saw this scene, but they didn't think much about it, they all thought that Ah Fu was called back by Doctor Strange!

"Hey! Admin! I'm Astolfo!"

As soon as Ah Fu passed through the golden halo, he saw Aiwen sitting on the sofa. After introducing himself, he immediately asked energetically:

"Administrator! I didn't ask your name before I said it? Besides... What's the principle of your kind of lottery? Why can there be so many prizes in such a small box?

"and also……

Looking at Ah Fu who looked like a curious baby in front of him, Aiwen touched his forehead and gave a bitter smile.

Because of Xiao Mo's "`" acquaintance", all the women in the villa knew A Fu's gender immediately. When they learned that Aiwen invited him to stay, almost everyone's eyes changed!

In the end, Aiwen repeatedly emphasized that he would never do anything that would harm his soul, and deliberately set A'Fu's bedroom to the other side of the second floor, which ended a sad Shura field ahead of schedule.

If it really happened that a group of women and a man robbed a man, what else is there to say other than sadness?


After finally getting rid of the group of bastards, Aiwen let out a long sigh and decided to go to the water group to relax.

As a result, he found that some members of the group were still obsessed with Ah Fu!

Xiao Tongtong: How is that possible! Such a cute little sister A Fu is actually a... man?\(¯A¯;)/This time...(money)...I can't even look directly at those cute little sisters in the game!

Xiaotongtong: Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu maybe i need the amnes}

The evil king's true eyes are the strongest: By the way... why are you so obsessed with your sister? I see in the copy, you are your sister, right?

Xiao Tongtong: Che, you can't understand this kind of thing. When those sisters in the game called you "Big Gege" with cute voices, my whole heart was sublimated!

Xiao Tongtong: Ah! If only I could have a lovely sister.

Evil King: ... Whoever is your sister will have eight lifetimes of bad luck.


The evil king's true eyes are the strongest:...Wow! You are...the newcomer last time? You are finally willing to bubble up! By the way, who are you?.

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