Marvel: Super Dimensional Lottery Group

Chapter 923 A'Fu's Heart Attack! Elquette and the Empress join! (6 more for automatic subs

Aiwen was also a little surprised to see that the "Evil King" who had been diving since joining the group last time finally bubbled up.

In fact, he had guessed the identity of this newcomer before, but because there was too little information, he couldn't draw any decent conclusions at all.

This time he bubbled directly, and Aiwen felt that his curiosity could finally be satisfied.

However... not everyone likes this newcomer, because of what he said just now, Tong Nao was very angry!

Xiao Tongtong: What evil king! What nonsense are you talking about? If I have a sister, I will definitely love her! Let her be the happiest sister in the world! How can she be unlucky?

Evil King: Cut! I also read your copy. Obviously a little girl, but likes to play... that kind of game! Who knows what you will do to your sister?

Xiao Tongtong: Wow! What nonsense are you talking about! (▼Ware▼#) My sister is a sacred existence to me! How can you talk nonsense like this! I want...

["Evil King" was banned for five minutes. 】

["Xiao Tongtong" was silenced for five minutes. 】

"Hey... It seems that another problem child has come in."

A little helplessly pinched his eyebrows, Ai 840 Wen felt that, judging by the way the evil king spoke, this cute new person was either young, or... as long as the issue of his sister was involved, he would become irrational.

Seeing that those who were arguing were all silenced, the group members also began to discuss the battle just now.

Gabriel: I really didn't expect that the captain of the United States would become so strong after wearing that evil ghost! It made me want to get a set of Teiji!

Super S Queen: Haha, this thing will turn into a dragon at the end! Don't you be afraid, I still have a set of evil spirits that were collected from the revolutionary army here, it's okay to give it to you!

Gabriel: ……Damn! Why is that girl’s new outfit so powerful that she can draw something as powerful as a super devil fruit! And I get a bye every time I draw! Am I born a non-chief?

Super S Queen: Huh...? Super Devil Fruit? What is that?

When the group explained it to her, Estes laughed.

Super S Queen: Ha (afaj) Haha! There is no immunity to physical attacks at all? What is the use of this devil fruit? I can smash him into pieces with a quick punch!

Astolfo: Light...Light Speed ​​Fist?(¯△¯;)

"Again, Esdes' Favorite 'Baptism of Newcomers' 99


Aiwen shook his head and decided to mediate, otherwise... Ah Fu's heart will suffer a heavy blow!

Aiwen: Let's put it this way, although this super devil fruit can't resist pure physical attacks. But... it can completely absorb the opponent's super ability! If it is domineering and "qi", the acquired ability, it can even be superimposed!

Aiwen: Although Ah Fu can't do it now, just imagine, if he can absorb all the "Qi" of Sun Wukong one day, how powerful will his strength jump to the level?

Upon hearing this, even the arrogant Esdes was speechless for a while.

Although she has obtained the inheritance of the Golden Saint Seiya, but... after all, time is short.

And... in the dungeon, after Sun Wutian and Trunks merged into Gotenks, they circled the earth several times in an instant, and even if the speed could not reach the speed of light, it would not be too bad.

No matter how high Estes thinks of herself, she doesn't think she can beat Sun Wukong at one point.

The Evil King's True Eye is the strongest: it absorbs infinitely and becomes stronger indefinitely. It seems that this time there will be another newcomer in the group! I originally thought that Godzilla, who can become stronger by eating, is already very powerful. It is.

Monster Girl Akane: What a great thing! I'm dying of suffocation.

Monster Girl Akane: Originally, after knowing that my world is the plane of "Godzilla", I was very excited, waiting for that Muto to appear all day long!

Monster Girl Akane: But... it's been so long, when will those two monsters come out? (♥~▼#)


Mordred: Admin, can I tell her? She looks so pathetic.

"Heh... It sounds so nice, you should still want to see her miserable appearance after her hopes are shattered? I didn't expect Xiao Mo to be so black...

Laughing softly, Aiwen felt that this was also an opportunity to teach this monster chef a lesson! To prevent...she will eat people at every turn in the future!

Aiwen: Okay, I'll just upload the memory copy, so... everyone can see it.

Monster Girl Akane: Remember... a memory copy?

When asked this question, Xiaoqian swallowed a mouthful of saliva, faintly feeling that something bad happened.

Soon, after downloading Aiwen's newly uploaded "Untitled" copy, Xiao Qian's screams rang out:

Monster Girl Akane: Why? Why is this! This is my monster! Why... go to the administrator's world! (ToT)

Monster Girl Akane: Admin, you too! Why didn't you notify me? Let me kill them!

Aiwen: Hehe, when you played Thanos last time, what did you do in the end? Haven't you thought about it yet? I'll teach you a lesson this time! Don't be so reckless in the future!

Monster girl Akane: www

Xiaoqian still doesn't understand what's going on right now? She was at a loss for words.

She also ate the Hulk on a whim, and wanted to see if eating it could increase her strength! didn't work!

But she never imagined that it was because of her willfulness that she missed the opportunity to kill Godzilla's old enemy with her own hands!

And just when the miserable Xiaoqian could not wait to find the regret medicine, the system's voice rang again:

【"Queen of Nine Snake Island" has joined the lottery group!】

【"Bai Ji Erquite" has joined the lottery group!】

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