Marvel: Super Dimensional Lottery Group

Chapter 926 The gap in the food chain? Bai Ji was hit hard! (3 more for automatic subscription)

On the aircraft carrier, Lu Dan stared at the rice team who had been rid of the evil spirits, and was speechless for a long time.

If it is said that he draws items in the lottery, he can still understand, draw a sword, and then summon a person? Or is it a cute lady-in-law? And one of the legendary Charlemagne Paladins?

Team Mi's words contained too much information, and even the Braised Eggs who had seen countless big worlds were stunned for a long time before they came back to their senses.

"Aiwen... Pierce. This..."

Thinking of that person's background, Braised Egg felt a bit of a headache again.

Pierce was originally a S.H.I.E.L.D veteran, and the director of Braised Egg was inherited from him. Moreover, he has recently moved into politics, and his status has risen. This time the presidential election is basically a guaranteed victory.

The only son of such a person, let alone not doing anything, even if he really did something, it is not so easy to catch.

"Looks like I'll have to go and talk to Pierce first."

Shaking his head helplessly, the braised egg immediately instructed Maria Hill next to him:

"The people who captured the captain who attacked the captain must be carefully cared for! Find the best doctor, no matter what, you can't let them die! 05"

Braised egg's eyes are deep, and an idea faintly arises in his heart.

There might be some big secrets hidden in these mysterious people!

"You Youyou Baishu" and "True Moon Tan Yueji" are both medium-sized dungeons, and with the accelerated mode, the group members quickly finished reading them.

Gabriel: That Youyou Baishu is very interesting. The protagonist who started fighting monsters for a living didn't expect that he was a monster! In the end, the monsters actually mixed with the humans! What a surprise.

One-eyed writer: As a writer, I feel that this kind of plot that is reversed for the sake of reversal is very cliché! It was mentioned at the beginning of "Youyou Baishu" that many monsters feed on human souls! It is cannibal! It is the upper and lower ends of the food chain. How can such two creatures coexist?

The evil king's true eyes are the strongest: ah? Sister Quan, you are not...

One-Eyed Writer: We ghouls are enough of a corpse of natural death. And what a monster needs is a living soul! How can this be compared?

Yuuki Asuna: Uh... those monsters don't have to eat souls either. Like Tibetan horses and the protagonists who turned into monsters, wouldn't they still be able to live well without eating people?

Super S Queen: Hey, little girl, you got the essence of things wrong. The last situation of this dungeon is equivalent to letting a group of predators live peacefully with a lot of food! Can you imagine yourself being friends with a plate of barbecued meat? This kind of's so ridiculous! Hahaha...(^o ^)

Queen Tokiwadai: I also think this kind of thing is extremely unreliable. Both Kurama and Yusuke grew up in the human world. He has already regarded himself as a human being mentally, so he will not prey on "similars". How can other monsters have this mentality?

Evil King Feiying: Humph! It's ridiculous, I don't know about others, anyway, I will never become the weak look in the copy! Fighting side by side with humans? What a joke!

Evil King Feiying: But... Now I already know where Yukina is! I'll go find her now, and by the way, peel the cramp of that dangling gold!

Flügel Jibril: Haha, I just hope you don't meet Toyu Lu! Otherwise, I'm afraid there will be another one in the collection! O(∩_∩)O

Evil King Feiying: Hey, I am a well-known thief in the demon world! I will never rush in at will, just wait for my good news!

Chaos Evil Gudazi: Cut! This guy looks like a great man, where does his confidence come from? If his sister has not been rescued, then his strength should be very weak, right?

Aiwen: You still don't read the copy carefully. At the age of 5, this Hiei was a rank A monster! It was because he transplanted his evil eye to find his younger sister, and his power returned to zero. And that Toguro is just a B-rank monster. No wonder it's not in Fei Ying's eyes.

Speaking of which, Aiwen also sighed a little. "Youyou Baishu" is like many Japanese comics, the protagonist relies on ability to fight his father!

Like Luffy, Ichigo Kurosaki, Naruto, and Yusuke, it can be said that they are all the second and third generations of the great! Bloodlines can scare Deadman!

Railgun: But...I really didn't expect that such a lovely Miss Elquite was actually a vampire!

The evil king's true eyes are the strongest: Ha, what's this? She's not the only vampire in the group! It's just that those big guys have cultivated their self-cultivation in recent years and won't suck blood anywhere.

Baekgi Erquit: What? There are vampires here too? Is it a dead apostle? Or...the true ancestor? (①①)

Aiwen: Well...@I'm not a human being, @vampire king, it's up to you to speak for yourself.

Originally, Aiwen was just Aite to try it out, and if no one responded, she would explain herself. Who knows... he exploded two bottom fish in one fell swoop!

I'm not a human anymore: a vampire? How can someone use such an old-fashioned term to describe me? I've already become the ultimate creature of the superman class? Could it be that I've been diving for 857 rooms for a while and everyone has forgotten?

I'm no longer a human being: But... Sometimes I still recall the glorious years when I regarded human beings as bread... uh... Unfortunately, now I have to spend all my energy on cultivation...

Baekgi Elquite: Noodles...bread?

I'm not a human being: In fact, if I want to say, the people I kill may not be as good as Akkado! There should be nearly 100,000 souls in the river of death in his body! If you release them all, you can It's easy to destroy a country.

King of Vampires: Ha, you are exaggerating. Even if the last war devoured tens of thousands of navies, it was only 70,000 or 80,000 souls. Where are there so many?

Bai Ji Erquit: Seven or eighty thousand souls? (¯□¯;)

Seeing this, Erquite only felt a chill on his back!

The Nero Kaos in the dungeon only has 666 beasts in her body! She can rank tenth among the twenty-seven true ancestors! Even if she is in perfect condition, she doesn't dare to say that she can win!

And this king of vampires... there are tens of thousands of souls in his body? There is no such pervert in the true ancestor!

At this moment, Bai Ji felt that her dignity and self-confidence as the True Ancestor had suffered a great blow.

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