Marvel: Super Dimensional Lottery Group

Chapter 927 Ben Zina and Hinata! The Empress Who Catches All! (4 more for automatic subscription)

It took a long time for Erquite to come to his senses.

Bai Ji Erquite: @I'm not a human being, @vampire king, will you still attack humans everywhere now?

I'm not a man anymore: Ha! I've made it very clear just now. And... as the ultimate creature, I actually feed on vampires! Humans are no longer nutritious to me! It's pointless to eat them!

Baekhye Erquit: ... feeds on... vampires? (p;)/

This time, Bai Ji was really startled! All of a sudden, she choked, not knowing what to say.

For a split second, she even thought Dior was intimidating her!

Due to Arkado's speech just now, Elquette instinctively classified Dior as the kind of monster that is "far stronger than the true ancestor"!

Thinking of such a powerful monster, it actually eats vampires! The pure Elquite quickly imagined all kinds of terrifying scenes in his mind, and he was stunned by himself!

However, holding on to the hope in case, she still cautiously asked:

Bai Ji Erquite: Excuse me... This "I'm not a human being" gentleman, how is your strength better than that of Mr. Arkado?

Vampire King: I'll answer that. Actually... Don't look at the tens of thousands of souls in me, in this group, I'm just a weak monster. There are countless people who can kill me!

King of Vampires: Although I don't really appreciate this Mr. Dior's behavior of giving up his human body in order to become stronger. But I also have to admit that his strength is far above mine!

I'm not a human being: yo! In fact, I can beat you and there is nothing to boast about. My real goal now is to catch up and surpass the Saiyans!

I'm not a human being: Unfortunately, if I don't open the eight doors, I can only barely achieve starburst! It seems that I still have a long way to go...

Baekhye Erquit: •(A)!!

The Empress of Nine Snake Island: Blast... Blast?

At this moment, both the Empress and Bai Ji felt that their heads were not enough!

Faced with the unimaginable concept of "exploding `||star", they did not dare to think deeply, or even dare to speak. I can only feel my body trembling!

Seeing that the two cute newcomers were silent, Aiwen hurriedly came out to comfort them, lest they be scared by the big guys in the group and dare not come again!

Aiwen: Cough... In fact, no matter how powerful the other group members are, in this group, it is forbidden for group members to hurt each other. So... newcomers don't need to worry at all!

The evil king's true eyes are the strongest: yes, yes, I have been in this group since it was first established. Although the strength is still very weak now, but no big brother treats me like this?

Super S Queen: I'm afraid you are the only one who regards salted fish as something to boast about...

The Evil King's True Eyes are the strongest: ...... I won't be a salted fish forever! I went in and practiced for a long time in the latest One Piece game copy! But... Without a teacher, it is really difficult to cultivate domineering...

Xiao Tongtong: Yes, yes, I have also worked very hard, and I only managed to learn a little bit of knowledge, armed and domineering, and I can't even touch the door.

Xiao Tongtong: ... Mr. Dior, can you teach Guda Zishu, and can you teach us by the way?

I’m not a human anymore: Ha? What are you talking about? I’m too late to cultivate myself, so I still have time to accept so many students?

I'm not a human being: Last time I wanted to test the effect of the "New Bamen Dunjia" on ordinary people, in order to prepare for further improvement and optimization. So... I'm sorry, I'm busy with my practice, so I'm saying goodbye!

The Evil King's True Eye is the strongest:

Xiaotongtong: …………It seems that we are destined to be salted fish for a lifetime……(ToT)

Empress of Nine Snake Island: Uh... Concubine Rong asked, do you... do you want to learn domineering?

The evil king's true eyes are the strongest: yes, but no one seems to have time to teach...

The Evil King's True Eye is the strongest: wait! I remember, everyone on Nine Snake Island seems to be domineering? (⊙o⊙)

Queen of Nine Snake Island: It's not as exaggerated as "everyone can", but... as long as it's a warrior, no one can't!

Queen of Nine Snake Island: So... if you want to learn domineering, your concubine can teach you personally? Except for the overlord color, which cannot be taught, there is no problem with armed color and knowledge!

The evil king's true eyes are the strongest: Hahaha! That's great! Having Qiwuhai to teach is much better than practicing alone!

Yuuki Asuna: Excuse me, Your Majesty Hancock, uh...I would like to go to you as my teacher too. Excuse me...Is it okay?

Empress of Nine Snake Island: Definitely yes! As long as you want to learn, all concubines are welcome!

In fact, Hancock is not some kind of great educator, the reason why she does this... is purely to establish her own power in the group!

As an empress, she already has a certain political experience. And after hearing Aiwen's introduction, Hancock immediately realized that in this group... it seems that not everything is taken by the boss!

So... although I don't know what it means to do this, but with (Qian Li Zhao) female intuition, Hancock still wants to use his greatest advantage to win over the group as much as possible!

Anyway, she has nothing to lose!

Yukino Yukino: Heh... I'm tempted to hear that. It is still a bit boring to practice alone all day long. Also... in the world of One Piece, it seems that there are still some strong ones, right?

Queen of Nine Snake Island: Well, although Mama Kaido has died. But most of the Qiwuhai are still there, and some newcomers have also been added!

Yuuki Asuna: Drink, drink, it's really interesting. I have played a lot of One Piece games, and I also want to see the "`" real thing"!

White Eyed Princess: I...I want to go too, can I?


Aiwen saw her eyebrows jump.

This empress almost wiped out all the little girls in the group!

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