Marvel: Super Dimensional Lottery Group

Chapter 928 Invaders of Dragon Ball GT! Take over the giant Emiya Shirou! (5 more for automatic subs

Sakata Gintoki: Uh... This... Your Majesty the Empress, Gin-sang, I also want to go to your island to practice domineering... I don't know...

Queen of Nine Snake Island: Yin Sang? Are you a man?

Sakata Gintoki: Yes... yes? Is there a problem?

The evil king's true eyes are the strongest: Hahaha, Yinshi, you should have seen the copy long ago? Don't you know that Nine Snake Island doesn't allow men to go to the island at all? What are you thinking about in your head?

Sakata Gintoki: Cut! In the dungeon, didn't that Luffy just go up? And he also won the heart of the Empress! Since he can, why can't I, Yinsang?

Empress of Nine Snake Island: Bold madman! My concubine never knew someone called Luffy! If you dare to come to Nine Snake Island, your concubine must...

Halfway through, Hancock suddenly got stuck.

Because, she suddenly thought of one thing, will this "Sakata Gintoki" also be a big guy?

If so, will she invite his revenge for being so rude to him?

But at this time, the exquisitely carved shield spoke.

Enoshima Shieldko: Yo, Your Majesty the Empress, you don't need to have any concerns 857. This Yinshi is a well-known waste in the group, and his combat power is only a single digit. You don't have to be afraid of him at all.

Sakata Gintoki: What single digit? I am also a powerful samurai with the soul of a shining samurai! How can you, little girl, underestimate me so much?

Sakata Gintoki: How is it? Empress, with so many women on your island, why do you need a man? I can definitely meet all your needs, Gin-san...

Queen of Nine Snake Island: You scum! If you dare to come, see if your concubine will not take you...

Aiwen: Eh, Empress, you don't need to be so angry, if this Yin Shi insists on going to you, you can't stop him. But...I have a solution.

Queen of Nine Snake Island: Oh? Administrator, please say.

Aiwen: Well... From the dungeon, we can see that there is also a shemale island in the One Piece world...

Sakata Gintoki:!!!(A;)/

Aiwen: So...if that Yinshi really came to you. You can directly let your subordinates knock him unconscious, and then send him to Shemale Island. Thus……

The evil king's true eyes are the strongest: Hehehe...hahaha! Good idea! O(∩_∩)O When you were at silver, didn't you say that making a base is a samurai tradition last time? This time I'll just satisfy you!

Enoshima Tsukiko: Well, after a trip to a new world, did it really open up a new world? This is really... so exciting! I really want to see it with my own eyes! (^o^)

Sakata Gintoki: Whoa ah ah... Admin, why do you treat me like this. TT

Too much, too much, what kind of hatred and what kind of resentment. Using this method!

Thinking of the heavily made-up shemales in the dungeon, Yin Shi only felt like he was in an ice cave, and couldn't help but fight a cold war. The color heart has long since disappeared.

"Hey... If Hinata Benzina and the others all go to that island, then it's basically a preparatory harem for me! How can you let this guy run to sully? 99

Aiwen knew that such a person was not only lustful, but also liked to die. With ordinary methods, it would be difficult to prevent him from traveling to Nine Snake Island to see that daughter country.

But in this way, in the future, when he thinks of Daughter Island, countless shemales will pop up in his mind! No matter how big the lust will disappear!

Seeing that so many girls wanted to go to the island that was said to be full of women, Erquite also felt a little envious.

Baekhye Erquit: ...that's great. You can all play in other worlds, and I... have to hunt down Roja.

Bai Ji Erquit: That Nero Kaos (afaj) was so difficult to deal with, and that Roja's reincarnation ability. Hmm...I started to think, should I go to Misaki-cho and find Shiki Tono who has the evil eye of death...


Aiwen raised his brows, but before he could speak, Liu Hua burst out laughing.

The Evil King's True Eye is the strongest: the Devil's Eye of Immediate Death? Wow, hahaha! I'm dying of laughter! If you need this, Erquite, where else do you need to find it? This group has it!

Bai Ji Erquit: Huh? Really? (⊙o⊙)

Red Queen: Hey, that's definitely. The two rituals in our group are directly connected to the vortex of the root cause, and the devil's eye can kill even the gods! Is it that Tono Shiki who can't even see the dead point can compare?

Baekgi Erquit: Connecting to the root? This, this... This is incredible! (¯□¯;)

Seeing this, Erquite only felt that his heart was overwhelmed, and his brain circuits could not keep up for a while!

The source of the moon world is the origin of all things, and all the truths of the world are contained in it.

If a magician reaches this state, it can even create and destroy worlds!

Aiwen: Hey... By the way, I don't know if Sister Shi has saved Matou Sakura. @I can see death, are you there?

I can see death:  …sigh. In fact, I've been there all the time, just... not in the mood to speak.

Gabriel: Huh? What? Sakura, there's nothing wrong with it, right?

I can see death: since I've shot, what's the problem? Not only did I kill the old bug, but I also killed all the sigil bugs in Sakura's body. It's just that... her body was severely injured, and I'm afraid... she won't live for a few years.

I could see death: I wanted to take her out of that sad place. But... Sakura insisted on staying by Emiya's side, so I had no choice but to stay.

Red Queen: Don't say it's just a physical injury, even if she is about to die, I have a way to prolong her life by 10,000 years! don't need to worry about the two ceremonies at all!

I can see death: I know that too, just...remember how much this child has suffered. Still very uncomfortable.

"Um... Sakura is indeed a tragedy, but, with an honest man like Hyena, let's just let him be the pick-up man. As for the real king...hehe..."

Just as Aiwen rubbed his chin in thought, the system's voice suddenly rang:

["Time and space shocks are detected, and the creatures in the Dragon Ball GT world will soon appear in the Dragon Ball Z world! Among them, Babe! Te issued a mission-----destruction of these alien invaders!"]

Hearing this, Aiwen's eyes changed!

"Dragon Ball GT! Babe!"

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