Marvel: Super Dimensional Lottery Group

Chapter 929 Vegeta with the limiter turned on! Broly and Super Saiyan IV! (6 more for automatic subs

[In this mission, in addition to the administrator Aiwen and Vegeta, who is an aboriginal in the Dragon Ball World, only two more members are allowed to join!]

Hearing the mission issued by the system, all the group members except Aiwen were at a loss.

Evil King True Eye is the strongest: Dragon Ball GT? What is that? Sounds weird.

I am Iron Man: Could this be the parallel world of Dragon Ball~World?

Aiwen: Bingo! This Dragon Ball GT can be regarded as a branch universe after the end of the Dragon Ball dungeon, and there are many enemies that are much more powerful than Sharu and Majin Buu! And... there are more than Super Saiyan III More powerful transformation-----Super-Saiyan 4!

Accelerator: Super-Saiyan... Four?

Gabriel: There's no end to these Saiyans! Shouldn't there be five, six, seven, eight Super Saiyans? (¯△¯;)

Fubuki of Hell: It feels like these Saiyans are almost the same even if they don't turn on the limiter?

The evil king's true eyes are the strongest: fear... so terrifying!

Legendary Super Saiyan: Ho... Interesting, I would like to see how powerful these otherworld powerhouses are!

I just want to live a quiet life: Yo Broly, is your mission accomplished?

Legendary Super Saiyan: Hey, my dad finally gave up, it took me so long to finally get me that "Meteor Burst!"

Aiwen: Broly, don't underestimate the enemy. Even if you get Meteor Outburst, the strength of those Dragon Ball GT world powerhouses is likely to be far above Super Saiyan III!

The legendary Super Saiyan: Ha! Admin, don't underestimate me, during this time, it's not that I didn't do anything, and I persuade my father every day. I also entered the training room to practice!

Legendary Super Saiyan: This is the first time in my life that I have practiced so hard! And all of this... is to completely defeat that Kakarot!

Seeing Broly's words, many members of the group gasped.

As the legendary Super Saiyan, Broly can become stronger even if he lies down every day! How strong would such a person be if he continued to practice seriously?

"Heh... If Broly can really unearth his potential, maybe... he is the strongest warrior in the entire Dragon Ball world!"

I just want to live a peaceful life: Asuna Yuuki: Heh... Those who are stronger than you are actually working harder than you! This is really disappointing!

The evil king's true eyes are the strongest: Nanzi, can't you just lie down and become stronger every day? If even you are talking like this, how can ordinary people like us live!

Aiwen: Well, let's put it this way, this time the mission may have to face extremely powerful enemies. So... those who don't have the Starburst Ability don't get involved.

Aiwen: In addition, I will upload the copy of Dragon Ball GT now, so that everyone can know about it first.

[Ding! Administrator Aiwen has uploaded a medium-sized memory copy "Dragon Ball GT"]

After uploading the copy again, Aiwen's heart suddenly moved, and he uploaded another thing.

Aiwen: Considering that many members of the group do not have the ability of Flight, so... if you are interested, you can practice this "Crane Immortal Cultivation Method"! It includes the dance of the sky.

Chaos Evil Gudazi: Hahaha! Thank you so much, administrator! I envy those who can fly a long time ago!

Chaos Evil Gudazi: And... the singularity I'm going to next-----There are dragons in the Evil Dragon Hundred Years War! With this, watch me slaughter that evil dragon Fafnir, and then use its The blood of Muyu will definitely become stronger!

Astolfo: Evil dragon... Fafnir?

Chaos Evil Gudazi: Huh? Are you also interested? If so, you can come too, as long as you are willing to... Hey, hey, I can also give you part of the blood of the evil dragon.

Astolfo: Humph! I'm not interested. Please do it yourself.

And just when Aiwen was about to quit the group to take a break, Xiao Qian suddenly sent him another private chat.

Monster Girl Akane: Admin, last was my fault. I shouldn't have eaten that Hulk, please forgive me...

"Hoo... This girl is sensible. However, it's enough to teach her a lesson...

Aiwen: Well, remember, it doesn't matter if you kill people in the future, don't do things like cannibalism. Otherwise, it may affect the psychological state for a long time!

...for flowers 0

Monster Girl Akane: Well, I see. Also... Admin, I have one more request...

Aiwen: Huh? What?

Monster Girl Akane: I want to...stay in your world for a that okay?

Aiwen didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

He immediately guessed that this girl was afraid of something like Ghidorah, the king, and reappeared in her own world, and Aiwen didn't notify her! So...she simply ran over and waited!

Aiwen: …Okay. But... if you really want to come, you must be obedient! Most importantly, if no monsters appear, you will never be allowed to transform!

Monster Girl Akane: No problem! I'll be obedient! Hahaha! Administrator, I'll come over now!

Aiwen: Forget it, I'll pick you up later. Otherwise, your time-travel card will not be able to stay in Minecraft for a long time.

Aiwen rubbed his chin and pondered:

"Roar... this monster chef is really troublesome. But... new monsters shouldn't appear so soon, right?

Soon, with the acceleration mode, all the members of the group finished reading the copy of "Dragon Ball GT".

But...someone is not happy.

Vegeta: Damn it! Why is that Kakarot taking over all the good things! (¯Dish

Vegeta: Super Saiyan 3 is nothing, but Super Saiyan 4 is the only one who can change! And I... actually have to... rely on...


Vegeta: Convex (Fucking +)

Vegeta: Anyway! This is what happened in an alternate universe! Now, with the help of Aizen, I have opened a part of the limiter! Become a Super Saiyan III! No matter what monster! Come and die at my hands!


Hearing Vegeta's words, the group suddenly fell silent.

No way, this ten thousand year old [Second, he wants to rise up? Nine.

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