Marvel: Superman's Survival Guide

Chapter 24 Contact Again

Link smiled politely and said, "I just respect my own feelings. This painting has a strong sense of space. I think it is suitable for my living room. What I like most is the glass ceiling above the living room. The sense of space is very open."

"They match well!"

"Indeed, this is one of the painter's proud works. There is a lot of room for appreciation in the future, and now it only costs 80,000 US dollars." Vanessa introduced the price, "Lin, do you want to continue or buy it first."

"Of course, continue. One painting in the living room is not enough. I chose two today. Both are prepared to be placed in the living room. I hope there will be satisfactory works." Link will not buy all at once, and he will not just hang one person's paintings.

Intelligence gathering is a meticulous job. Link continued, "Of course, I can't buy all oil paintings. Do you have any other friends?"

"Of course, but what kind of art do you want to buy?" Vanessa asked.

Link turned to Jessica and asked, "Dear, do you like anything?"

"I don't know about these, just make the decision. I feel that the painting you bought last time is very suitable for the restaurant, but we haven't cooked yet." Jessica is very smart. If Link hadn't appeared, she would have experienced a huge change and would have been a private detective in the future.

She is very good at investigating, analyzing, and collecting intelligence.

Link said, "What do you think of the sculpture?"

"The main color of the house is white. The designer's blank space is to add our own color. I first used photos, and then oil paintings, especially this colorful abstract painting."

"Then I think the sculpture is a suitable decoration."

"Well, it's a good choice." Jessica thought about it, and it seemed to be true.

"What do you think, Vanessa?" Link asked Vanessa again.

Vanessa thought for a moment and said, "It's true, but most Western sculptures are monotonous in color. Lin is Chinese. Are you interested in Eastern art?"

"Of course I am interested, especially porcelain. This is a good idea." Link looked happy. "But I don't understand this aspect. Porcelain is about color on the one hand and age on the other. I don't understand antiques."

"You must introduce me to a businessman who is as honest and reliable as you."

"No problem, I promise!" Vanessa agreed with a smile.

Link continued to visit and bought another work for the living room. It looked like a starry sky, but this one was not too abstract, or the starry sky was too different, and you could see it at a glance.

A total of 140,000 US dollars, and it was delivered at 10 o'clock the next morning. The delivery was responsible for installation, which was very worry-free.

Link and Vanessa agreed on a time to go to another place to see Eastern porcelain, and then left.


At the headquarters of S.H.I.E.L.D., Coulson reported Link's achievements to Nick Fury, who was very satisfied.

"Very good, it seems that his intelligence gathering ability is good, and the intelligence this time is very valuable. Coulson, I will give this task to you now, but you must keep it secret." Nick Fury was very tempted by the wealth recorded here. This is money that does not go through the accounts of SHIELD.

"Secretly deal with these guys, don't touch the United Construction Company for now, and deposit the funds into the secret account."

"Yes, sir!" Coulson agreed without asking.

Coulson turned and left. Nick Fury looked at Link's information and felt that this person was good, whether in combat ability or intelligence gathering, but he also had a question, why is this person so powerful?

He only knows psychology and has been trained in the police academy. Is this a genius?

Of course, Nick Fury did not doubt anything too much, because the other party was recruited by themselves, not by others.

And the other party now seems to like this exciting industry. After all, the speed of his wealth increase is too fast. He is not short of money, nor is he short of means to make money.

Looking at his past experience, especially after being a policeman, there is no problem.

Nick Fury focused on observing for the sake of his future Avengers. There are not many people with extraordinary abilities now, and not many people can join.

Even if there are in the future, there will be some people who obey his orders. The more people among the Avengers, the better.

Although Hawkeye and Black Widow are powerful, they are ordinary people. It is necessary to add Link, who is similar.

Even if the Avengers cannot be formed, it is also good to have a team of agents with advanced combat effectiveness led by Coulson.

Now Link's ability is very strong, especially this time he got a large amount of funds, so he can build more security points.


Link didn't know these. After receiving the oil painting, he asked the workers to hang it up and sat in the living room with Jessica to appreciate it.

"It's great, dear, you have a good idea." Jessica felt good, "Tracy introduced me to a charity foundation, I can go to learn."

"It's a good idea!" Link agreed, "But we should buy a car, and then find you a driver and a part-time bodyguard."

"No need?" Jessica didn't want Link to spend too much.

Link insisted, "This is necessary. After all, if you run a foundation in the future, do you have to take the subway every day?"

"Okay!" Jessica accepted it and snuggled in Link's arms. She felt very happy.

At the same time, she was also a little scared, afraid of losing this happiness, so she made a decision, that is, to train herself so that she could master the power.

This was a question she had never thought about before. She never liked this power, so she had never trained, but now it was very necessary.

A few days later, Link made an appointment with Vanessa to see oriental porcelain, and Jessica was very busy these days. On the one hand, she went to the charity fund to learn management, and on the other hand, she hired a coach.

The best way to control power is actually fighting. Jessica also realized whether Link's wealth would increase.

Because Link had arranged a bodyguard for him, she originally thought she didn't need it, but now it seems necessary, because she doesn't want to expose her power.

Tracy suggested that she learn to fight, even use firearms, control her own power, and protect herself with weapons, so that she can avoid being discovered by super power to the greatest extent.

Jessica began to train secretly, and Link was not clear for the time being.

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