Marvel: Superman's Survival Guide

Chapter 25 Fisk's invitation

The price of oriental antiques has increased in recent years, but it has not reached a sky-high price yet. Link's purchase at this time is just right.

He felt that he was lucky. After all, he had not considered this issue before, and his current home did not have such a large space for storage.

Now it is enough to buy some ornaments as decoration. After all, this is the Marvel Universe. Maybe an accident will vanish at any time.

Link did not have any hobbies in this regard. After Vanessa's introduction, the other party had a good reputation and could provide a carbon 14 test report. Coulson had also given relevant information before, so Link could buy it with confidence.

He bought quite a lot this time, but the overall price was not as much as the cost of oil paintings.

Link was lucky. He bought mainly porcelain from the Yuan and Ming dynasties this time. Some of them will become decorations at home, and the other part will be collected first.

Vanessa saw that Link liked these porcelains very much. She introduced the business well this time.

"Thank you very much." Link said to Vanessa after buying it: "If it weren't for you, an expert, I wouldn't be able to buy such a good thing."

"You are too polite. I still hope you will continue to buy my paintings!" Vanessa said.

"Of course, after all, there are still a few rooms that have not been decorated, but I don't plan to continue buying the works of this painter. Remember to notify me of your next exhibition." Link said: "In addition, I plan to set up a charity fund to specifically fund legal matters."

"You know, I used to be a policeman. Now I have money and I want to do something."

"And I also want to find something for Jessica to do."

Vanessa said enviously: "You are so good to her."

"You and Mr. Fisk..." Link only mentioned it briefly.

Vanessa shook her head and said: "I don't know either."

Link didn't ask more questions. This topic was just enough, but he turned to invite, "To express my gratitude, how about I treat you to lunch?"

"Okay!" Vanessa agreed.

Link treated the other party to lunch, then sent him back to the gallery before saying goodbye and leaving.

However, his behavior was known by Wilson Fisk, and his right-hand man and friend James Wesley reported to him.

“Did they have any intimate behavior?” Fisk asked.

“No, it was just a polite thank you.” James Wesley said.

“Well, help me organize some card games, and then invite Lin to participate.” Fisk actually organized a card game.

“Okay, but who should I invite?” James Wesley asked.

“Mrs. Gao and Langley!” Fisk thought about it, then said.

Link received the call and readily agreed. It seems that Fisk cares about Vanessa’s affairs and has been paying attention to it.

Link had not thought of organizing a card game so quickly, but it was in his plan.

He could have not invited Vanessa to dinner, but in order to attract Fisk, he deliberately invited her under the pretext of thanking her.

Vanessa usually doesn't eat with guests, but Link is not an ordinary guest. On the one hand, he knows Fisk, and on the other hand, he has deepened his relationship with Vanessa, and he has a girlfriend.

He has no desire for Vanessa!

On the day of the card game, Link packed up and was sent out of the house by Jessica. He drove to the place prepared by Fisk.

However, he had to be searched before entering the door. Link handed over his gun and was allowed in.

"Mr. Fisk!" Link took the initiative to extend his hand, shook hands with the other party and said, "I didn't expect you to invite me."

"I do have something to ask, so I organized this card game. Let me introduce it." Mrs. Gao and Langley were both here. They came in advance.

The two were very surprised that Fisk organized the card game. Langley recognized Link as soon as he came in, so he said, "Mr. Lin, long time no see."

"Do you know each other?" Fisk asked curiously.

"Yes." Link said, "My financial affairs are entrusted to Mr. Osley's accounting firm. He recently helped me buy a large number of Stark Industries stocks."

"Tax season is coming soon. I must use the funds, otherwise the taxes I have to pay will be enough to make me sleepless."

Langley smiled and said, "Yes, but time is too short. Now I can only temporarily buy more stable stocks to preserve value."

"That's really a coincidence." Fisk suddenly realized, and then said, "This is Mrs. Gao. She has a lot of properties in New York."

"Hello, madam." Link shook hands with the other party.

And Mrs. Gao said in Chinese: "Hello, Mr. Lin."

"It seems that we will have a lot of common language. I just bought some antique porcelain recently. I wonder if Mrs. Gao is interested in this?" Link also used Chinese.

James Wesley helped Fisk translate in his ear. This person has a strong learning ability and is proficient in multiple functional languages. He is Fisk's right-hand man.

"Is Lin Xinsheng a new immigrant?" Mrs. Gao asked.

"No, our family has been here for four generations, but we all speak Chinese at home. Unfortunately, my parents had a car accident, and now there is no one at home to speak to me." Link looked regretful.

Then the card game started, with one thousand dollars per card, which was much smaller than what Tony Stark and his friends were playing.

Link still looked like he was observing, while Fisk was talking more. "Lin, how is Vanessa now?"

"Wilson, you shouldn't ask me this!" Link smoked a cigar. "I met her a few days ago, but I don't know about what happened between you. I only mentioned a few words. It seems that Vanessa is hesitating."

"You should be bolder."

Mrs. Gao and Langley looked at each other. They didn't agree with Fisk's distraction now, but it was not easy to bring it up in this occasion.

And Fisk invited the two of them for his own purpose. He wanted to show his attitude, which Link didn't know.

"If you decide, you have to do it. If you hesitate too much, you will lose."

Link encouraged Fisk. Even if he didn't encourage him, he was a decisive person. Link used this to bring the two closer.

"You're right. There were some unpleasant things during the previous dinner. It was my fault." Fisk said calmly, "I will invite her again."

"That's right. I believe Vanessa will come." Link continued to encourage.

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