Marvel: The Eye Saga Begins With Mutant

Chapter 17 The Return Of Professor X And Magneto, The Disappointment Of Mystique Raven

"Humpherson, report the situation of Base X." On the roof of the CIA headquarters building, a helicopter landed slowly, and then Lancelot walked out with Raven.

On the roof of the building, Senator Humpherson, the supreme commander of the CIA, had long been waiting. When he saw Lancelot, he immediately touched his chest with his right hand in a respectful salute.

"My lord, Professor X Charles Xavier and Magneto Eric Lehnsherr have just returned to Base X." Humpherson said as he led Lancelot to his office.

"Did you just come back? It's slower than I thought." Lancelot frowned slightly as he watched the surveillance video of Base X that Humpherson opened.

A week ago, Professor X Charles and Magneto went to Europe to track down and stop the Hellfire Club's conspiracy.

With Professor X's ability, as long as he wants, he can even directly obtain the information of the Hellfire Club through the brain wave strengthening device.

But the young Professor X is far away, insisting on the so-called humanitarianism, directly abandoning the brain wave strengthening device, and instead chasing the Mutant of Hellfire Club all over the world with Magneto.

Therefore, it was not until today, a week later, that Lancelot finally got the news that Professor X had returned to the base.

"Ridiculous humanitarianism." Lancelot couldn't help but sneered, dismissing Professor X's humanitarianism.

Human beings have never insisted on any humanitarianism towards Mutant. Instead, they have an attitude that they would rather kill the wrong than let it go.

After the first battle of Mutant, the Mutant exposed to the eyes of high-level human beings has completely become a street mouse, treated as a poor mouse by human beings, and dissected and studied.

And the root of all this is because of the naivety of Professor X Charles Xavier, who not only cooperated with the high-level CIA, but at the end of the first battle, he did not directly erase the memories of the soldiers of the two superpowers, resulting in the existence of Mutant being banned. feared by countries all over the world.

"Charles." Behind Lancelot, Raven looked at Professor X in the surveillance video with a complicated face, and couldn't help but whispered to himself.

"Raven, do you want to meet Charles?" Lancelot casually took Raven into his arms and asked.

"Forget it, Charles doesn't understand your greatness." Raven glanced at Lancelot, then shook his head firmly, the complexion on his face returned to calm.

Then Lancelot and Raven turned their attention to the surveillance video in front of them at the same time.

"Raven and Darwin left?"

Professor X Charles, who had just returned to Base X, was informed by Beast Hank before he had time to report the intelligence he had obtained to Francis.

At this moment, Professor X is still a young and handsome youth, not paralyzed or bald, and now Professor X is still a young gentleman.

After hearing that Raven left the base with a stranger, Professor X, who was still discussing the next thing with Magneto, suddenly changed his face. He couldn't help but press his right hand directly on his temple.

Beast Hank, who was planning to continue reporting to Professor X, suddenly lost his eyesight.

This is Professor X using the power of his Telepathy to read Beast Hank's memory.


"Mutant glory?"

As Professor X reads the memory, all the scenes that happened three days ago are presented in front of Professor X, as if Professor X was in the room at that time.

He looked at Lancelot's high-spirited and impassioned speech, and was slightly absent-minded for a while.

"Variation and Glory." Professor X couldn't help sighing, and couldn't help muttering.

When Professor X saw Lancelot from his memory, he already knew that this Lancelot was the Asian Mutant that he and Magneto were planning to recruit.

Because Lancelot's variant Ability is too common, Professor X at that time directly gave up the idea of ​​wanting Lancelot to join X-Men.

"Magneto, I think we are in big trouble." Professor X put down his right hand, looked at Magneto Eric with complicated eyes, and at the same time transmitted all the pictures he saw to Magneto's brain.

"Lancelot? Who is this?" Magneto froze for a moment, then looked at Professor X with a look of surprise on his face.

Magneto always felt that he had seen Lancelot somewhere, but couldn't remember for a while.

At this moment, Magneto has not yet established the belief in the supremacy of Mutants. For him, any Mutants or nuclear war crises are not as important as his own revenge.

"Sure enough, you have already forgotten him." Professor X shook his head with a wry smile, and then directly used his Telepathy Ability to find out the memory of Magneto recruiting Lancelot before.

"So it was him, that Asian?" With the help of Professor X, Magneto finally remembered the existence of Lancelot.

"Eric, I have a bad premonition, maybe... maybe that Lancelot will become a more terrifying existence than the Black Emperor Xiao." Professor X said earnestly at this moment, after seeing Lancelot, Telepathy constantly asked He had a very bad premonition.

That is, in time, maybe this Asian youth will become a more terrifying enemy than Hei Huang Xiao.

"Professor, professor." The conversation between Professor X and Magneto was in his mind, and Beast Hank just saw that the two were slightly absent-minded, which made Beast Hank couldn't help interrupting their state.

"Phew, Hank, let's put the matter of Raven aside for now." Professor X let out a breath, put aside his bad premonition, and then said to Hank with a serious face.

"Charles, did you just give up on Raven? Isn't she your family?" Hank looked at Professor X in astonishment. After learning that Professor X and others had returned, he immediately found Professor X and informed him Raven and Darwin follow the news of Lancelot's departure.

Hank's original intention was to let Professor X search through the brain wave strengthening machine and persuade Raven to return to the X base.

But what Beast Hank didn't expect was that Professor X was only surprised at the beginning, and there was no other action.

Beast Hank knew that Professor X had always regarded Raven as his younger sister, and now that his younger sister left with a stranger, Professor X was indifferent.

"I checked Lancelot's brain once, and he has an innate sense of identification with Mutant, so there is no danger for Raven to follow him." Professor X saw what Beast Hank was thinking, and said comfortingly.

"Moreover, compared to Raven, the upcoming nuclear war crisis is more important. Hank, humanity is at stake now, and nuclear war is imminent. The world needs us." Professor X's eyes became extremely serious, and he said in a solemn tone.

"Charles, you really let me down again." Mystique Raven, who had been watching Base X through the surveillance video, was disappointed once again in his eyes.

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