Marvel: The Eye Saga Begins With Mutant

Chapter 18 Belonging To The Mutant Era, Black Emperor Xiao

Raven was disappointed.

Once again, I was disappointed with the Professor X Charles·Xavier who I grew up with.

Lancelot just glanced at Raven, and did not comfort Raven. He knew very well, let alone Raven, even the future Xavier Talent Academy, Professor X Charles gave up for the so-called future of mankind.

Professor X was never a qualified Mutant leader.

Lancelot stood on the top floor of the CIA building, looking at the world in front of him through the floor-to-ceiling windows. In 1962, many facilities had not yet appeared.

There is no surveillance that can be seen everywhere in the streets, no Internet, no mobile phones and computers. The technology of this era is still very backward.

And it is this backward era that has become a safe haven for Mutants. Those Mutants with deformed and alienated bodies can hide around like mice, without worrying about being photographed by cameras and surveillance that can be seen everywhere.

Even the Hellfire Club, which is ambitious, wants to destroy the world, and prepares to start a nuclear war, has never been discovered that they are mutants. The only senior government officials who have discovered their identities are completely controlled by Hellfire Club's Black Emperor Xiao. .

Mutant, this word, in this era, is really too strange to the whole world.

However, because of the cooperation between Professor X and the CIA, the high-level government of this country saw the existence of Mutant for the first time, and realized the power and threat of Mutant for the first time.

"My lord, there is a special call from the military." While Lancelot was staring at the world beneath his feet, Humpherson hurried over after answering a call, and said respectfully.

"The military is mobilizing military forces at this moment, preparing for war mobilization." Humpherson frowned and reported.

"War mobilization? Humans really don't have a long memory. Not long after World War II ended, they were ready to start a war again." Lancelot turned around with a smirk on his face, his eyes were deep, and his tone was indifferent.

"My king Lancelot, do we want to act?" Hearing Humpherson's words, Raven looked at the surveillance video with some concern and asked.

"It's not time for us to act yet." Lancelot shook his head casually and said.

Now is not the best time for Lancelot to appear. His stage has not been set up yet. Moreover, only after the first battle of Mutants will the group of Mutants realize what they are in the eyes of human beings.

Therefore, Lancelot still needs to wait for a while.

"Mutant needs a war. It's not so much Mutant's first battle, but rather a war where Mutant fully recognizes itself and human beings." Lancelot said a little playfully.

Familiar with the plot, he is definitely clear that although the X-Men stopped the Black Emperor Xiao in the first battle, it started the war between humans and Mutants.

If Lancelot wants to ascend to the throne by relying on the first battle of the new emperor, he needs to follow the development of the plot and wait for the moment of the final battle on the island.

Lancelot and Raven stayed temporarily in the CIA headquarters building. In the next few days, the US military continuously sent orders, and documents about the Soviet Union's war readiness appeared in front of Lancelot like snowflakes.

Lancelot flipped through the confidential information on the table casually, knowing the movements of the two superpowers like the palm of his hand. At this moment, Lancelot held several special documents in his hand, and his eyes were full of amusement.

These few documents are not special to this world. They are about the weapons and armaments orders signed by the military.

And the signature of the order party is the Stark Industrial Building.

"The Stark Group? A document signed by Howard Stark himself." Lancelot looked meaningfully at the several documents in front of him, and tapped the table with his right hand.

According to the information collected by Lancelot these days, although this is not a pure MCU universe, it is almost the same. Except for the addition of mutants like himself, everything else has not changed much.

At the current time point, S.H.I.E.L.D in Marvel does not exist yet, and still maintains a stinky and long name. In S.H.I.E.L.D, the HYDRA headed by Dr. Zola are still carrying out the infiltration plan. It will take a long time to become a snake escape game.

Even in this era, even Captain Marvel Carol Danvers has not yet been born, and even the star-lord who made his teeth itch with hatred in his previous life and was crazily complained by countless people has not yet appeared.

"This era belongs to the era of Mutant." Lancelot sighed again.

Lancelot casually threw the files back on the table and began to concentrate on his own affairs.

The whole world seems to have fallen into a strange calm.

But in the calm, there is a torrent brewing constantly, which is about to tear the whole world apart.

On the high seas, inside a nuclear submarine.

Heihuang Xiao of the Hellfire Club is holding a glass of red wine in his right hand at the moment, savoring the aroma of the red wine leisurely.

And beside Heihuangxiao, White Queen Emma, ​​Red Devil Asazuo, the torrent was waiting, and they all looked at Heihuangxiao with excited eyes.

"My mutant brother, our plan is about to succeed. Now that the two superpowers are hoarding nuclear weapons in Cuba, what we need to do now is to act as the fuse." Heihuang Xiao stood gracefully on a map On, with a smile all over his face, he said excitedly.

Heihuang Xiao was extremely excited at the moment. Ever since Awakening the mutant Ability, he has been looking for his own kind, and even participated in World War II for this.

But there were too few Mutants at that time. He hid in Auschwitz for several years and only found one Mutant, that is Magneto Eric Lehnsherr.

After the end of World War II, Black Emperor Xiao has been running around in various countries, looking for Mutants alone. In more than 20 years, he only found White Queen Emma, ​​Red Devil Asazo, and Riptide.

It is simply too little.

Moreover, Hei Huang Xiao is tired of searching constantly, the world is too big, and although he has the energy absorbing and mutant ability to release energy, this is of no help in finding Mutant.

He also tried to let White Queen Emma use the power of Telepathy to find Mutant, but unfortunately, White Queen Emma's Telepathy is very powerful, but it is impossible to use Telepathy to find Mutant directly like Professor X.

It is also for this reason that Heihuang Xiao formulated the crazy idea of ​​using the radiation produced by nuclear explosions to forcibly transform the surviving humans in the world into Mutants.

For Hei Huang Xiao, human beings are nothing more than bugs, and Mutant is the future of this world, the ruler of this world.

"Emma, ​​go to Moscow to control General Velevshenko." After being excited, Black Emperor Xiao looked at White Queen Emma and ordered.

"Xiao, if I leave, you can't stop Charles Xavier's Telepathy." White Queen Emma frowned slightly. She didn't like this crazy plan of Hei Huang Xiao, but the long-term loneliness made her put Hei Huang Xiao The others identified as their companions.

She didn't want her companions to be hurt.

"Emma, ​​my old Soviet friend built this for me." Heihuang Xiao still kept a gentlemanly smile on his face, then opened a box and took out a metal helmet made of a special alloy.

"Emma, ​​try to see if you can still sense my thoughts now." After putting on the helmet, Heihuang Xiao couldn't wait to say to Emma.

"Can it really block Telepathy?" Emma looked at the metal helmet on Heihuangxiao's head in astonishment, and said in amazement.

"It was synthesized using an alien metal discovered in a small African country, and after a long period of experiments." Heihuang Xiao moved his arm slightly, explained briefly, and then looked at the red devil Asa Zuo.

"Let's go, let's go to Base X to teach our mutant brothers a lesson, it's a crucial moment."

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