Marvel: The Eye Saga Begins With Mutant

Chapter 209 Ivan And Natasha Romanoff Romanoff, The Second Terrigen Crystal

August 1984, Earth, Soviet Union, Stalingrad.

A baby in swaddling clothes is staring at its parents with a pair of bright eyes.

"Oh, Natasha Romanoff, my child, it's time to say goodbye to you." In a messy room full of bullet holes, a middle-aged man was looking at the swaddle in his hand with a sad face. .

Beside him was his wife who was already lying in a pool of blood.

"Ivan Romanov, hand over the Terrigen crystal, and we can consider letting your daughter go." Outside the room, a group of agents wearing special battle suits pointed at Ivan Romanov with guns. The room where Nove is.

They are all the most elite KGB agents in the Soviet Union. In the 1960s, for unknown reasons, the trump card agent of the KGB suddenly disappeared without a trace. It took the Soviet Union more than 20 years to finally cultivate This group of elite KGB agents.

And Ivan Romanov is the best of this group of agents. A few months ago, this group of KGB agents received a task, which was to steal the latest biological serum produced by Evolution Glory.

Recently, someone released news that a special biological serum produced by Evolution Glory can make people gain extraordinary power.

One stone caused a thousand waves, and the Evolution Glory Company, which had been collectively forgotten by the entire world, once again entered the public's attention.

And what followed was the mystery and terror of Evolution Glory Company.

Many people find that they have been enjoying the services of Evolution Glory Company since they were young, and various advanced biological serums have made a large number of people never get sick again since they were young.

And many terminally ill patients, as well as deformed children, returned to normal after taking the biological serum of Evolution Glory Company.

Not only diseases, but even various disabilities in the world, organ transplants, neurological diseases, Alzheimer's, etc., all of which can be cured by Evolution Glory.

Many people got rid of disease and pain because of the existence of Evolution Glory Company.

Its biotechnology has exceeded people's cognition.

Among them, antiviral serum, fast healing serum, biological growth serum, etc., have been popularized all over the world and become the necessities of people's survival.

However, this is the strangest thing. Evolution Glory has made an indelible contribution to the entire world. It has cured hundreds of millions of human beings in decades. People who work on the company's products have a very vague impression of Evolution Glory.

Most people's memories stay in 010: It seems that there is such a vague memory of this company.

This is very abnormal.

When people focus on Evolution Glory, they are even more surprised to find that in almost every major city, capital city, etc., Evolution Glory can be seen on almost every other street.

The whole world was stunned.

Discussions about the mysterious Evolution Glory Bio Company also began to ferment overwhelmingly on the Internet.

People on the Internet call it 'the evolutionary glory of Shenyin'.

And the KGB agent's investigation was more in-depth, and they were surprised to find that in the Soviet Union, evolutionary glory creatures were everywhere.

KGB agents immediately launched a secret investigation, and the results of the investigation made them unbelievable.

The guards of the entire Evolution Glory Company are simply heinously lax. Even in the entire Evolution Glory Company, there is only one front desk person in charge of office and registration.

However, the biotechnology displayed by the Evolution Glory Company shocked the KGB agent inexplicably. It looked like the Evolution Glory Company had entered the future technological world, and in the core laboratory of the Evolution Glory Company, the KGB agent discovered the Terrigen crystal research files.

Then the KGB high-level order was issued, and the Terrigen crystal of the Evolution Glory Company was obtained at all costs.

Ivan Romanov, as the most elite agent of the KGB, led the team to carry out this mission.

What this group of agents did not expect was that their infiltration was extremely smooth, and the entire Evolution Glory Company seemed to be defenseless, allowing these agents to come and go freely.

In the core laboratory of Evolution Glory, they not only found the Terrigen crystal, but also found a lot of Evolution Glory's biological serum.

Among them, especially fast healing serum, body mediation serum, and brain recovery serum are the main ones.

Originally, these serums needed to be handed over to the high-level hands, but after the birth of Ivan Romanov's daughter, everything changed.

Ivan Romanov knew very well that his daughter would not escape the fate of becoming a KGB agent in the future, so in order to allow his daughter to survive the cruel agent competition in the future, Ivan Romanov withheld the batch of serum , ready to find a suitable opportunity to inject her daughter.

Yes, Ivan Romanov betrayed the KGB because of Terrigen crystals.

Because of this, he was chased and killed by KGB agent Lan Kuang.

Relying on the quick-healing serum and body-regulating serum from Evolution Glory Company, Ivan Romanov forcibly blazed a trail in the pursuit of KGB agents.

In a few months, the name of Ivan Death God has spread throughout the KGB.

However, now Ivan Romanov has become the end of the battle, his wife Natalie Romanov also died because of the KGB's pursuit, and the fast healing serum in Ivan's hands has also been exhausted.

"Dovtalov, maybe you are right, please wait a moment, I want to say my last goodbye to my child." Ivan Romanov carefully put the swaddled baby in his hand on the place that was not stained with blood. On the stained floor, he took out a cool silver-white metal box from his storage compartment.

On the metal box is a big X.

On the two ends of the X pattern, there are two words of evolution and glory.


Ivan Romanov put his right hand on the X-shaped pattern, the X-shaped pattern sank, and the box began to shapeshift like flowing water from the inside to the outside.

"What kind of mysterious existence is Evolution Glory Company?" Although it is not the first time I have seen such a sci-fi scene, Ivan will be shocked every time I see it.

The cool picture of countless miniature scale-like metals being continuously shapeshifted and assembled made him deeply fearful and curious about the Evolution Glory Company.


A silver-white metal box was opened in front of Ivan. In the center of the box was a special ruby-like crystal that was constantly changing in shape. Surrounding the crystal were grooves, where hundreds of creatures were originally placed. The serum is empty now, only four biological serums exuding various colors of light are left.

It's hard to imagine that this box doesn't look big, but it can hold so many things.

"Natasha Romanoff Romanoff, my child, please forgive your father for not being able to give you a complete childhood." Ivan Romanoff looked at his infant daughter with a loving fatherly smile on his face. His daughter, Natasha Romanoff Romanoff.

"Ivan, you only have one minute." The agent's voice from outside rang again, reminding Ivan Romanov.

"My daughter, those idiots outside really thought I was going to surrender, what a joke, they killed my wife, your mother." Ivan Romanov turned his head and glanced outside the room , full of sarcasm in his eyes.

From the very beginning, he had no intention of surrendering, but was planning to delay for a while.

"Natasha Romanoff, this is the spiritual growth serum developed by Evolution Glory Company, which can perfect the human mind in a very short period of time, allowing people to obtain wisdom and thinking that even surpass adults." Ivan said, At the same time, he took out a silver-white serum of Ant File size from the metal box.


As Ivan took out the serum, which was as small as an ant file size, a ball of yellow light appeared on it, and then the serum quickly became larger, turning into a palm-sized cylinder, and the silver-white serum was in the It flows like a diamond.

"Praise the glory of evolution, this is really a miraculous technology." Ivan couldn't help admiring, and then placed the cylinder on Natasha Romanoff's forehead with ease.


The palm-sized cylinder melted like mercury, turning into a special biological solution, which directly penetrated Natasha Romanoff's forehead and appeared in Natasha Romanoff's brain.


In Natasha Romanoff's spiritual world, the original Chaos spiritual world began to evolve rapidly like a big bang.

Then turned into a beautiful spiritual world.

It was a world of ice and snow, covered with snow, and in the center of the snow was a warm and warm house.

Inside the house, a swaddling baby is slowly (bfaf) opening his eyes.

"Natasha Romanoff." The baby spoke suddenly, and after appearing in his own spiritual world, the baby suddenly recognized himself.

At the same time, the baby began to grow up rapidly, and in just a moment, it surpassed the baby stage and became a five-year-old girl.

A blond, blue-eyed, pink and jade-carved girl is looking at the world suspiciously at this moment.

"Father?" In the real world, the infant Natasha Romanoff suddenly spoke the purest Russian. The sudden voice made Ivan stunned, and then his face was full of surprise.

"It's effective, it's really effective." Ivan was very pleasantly surprised. This was the only spiritual growth serum he got in the previous mission. Even Ivan couldn't be sure about the effect of this serum.

But now, seeing his daughter's clear eyes full of wisdom and no longer being ignorant, Ivan knows that "this spiritual growth serum is more powerful than I imagined.

"Father, have we encountered a crisis?" The infant baby turned her head and looked around, her big bright eyes just glanced at it, and she had already judged Ivan's situation at the moment.

"My child, Natasha Romanoff. You will become my pride." Ivan did not answer Natasha Romanoff's words, but took out a biological serum from the metal box again.

"My child, this is the biological growth serum. Please forgive me for not being able to give you a complete childhood." Ivan glanced at Natasha Romanoff guiltily, and then personally injected the biological growth serum into Natasha Romanoff's body.

And with the injection of the biological growth serum, the baby in the swaddle grew up at a speed visible to the naked eye, and in just a moment, it had already turned into a six-year-old girl.

"My child, this is a piece of biometal from the Evolution Glory Company. It seems to possess the ability of shapeshifting." After seeing Natasha Romanoff turning into a six-year-old girl, Yi Fang took out a gold-colored metal from his arms. scales.

"Shapeshifting Ability?" At this moment, Natasha Romanoff has fully possessed the mind and body of a six-year-old child, and her mind is still growing constantly.

She obediently took over the golden scale from her father. As soon as she touched the golden scale, the scale began to proliferate rapidly, completely covering Natasha Romanoff's whole body.


Under the surprised eyes of Natasha Romanoff and Ivan, the scales on Natasha Romanoff's body are like

It fluctuated like flowing water, and then turned into a long white dress.

"Gift Crab, can you really shapeshift?" Ivan's eyes widened. Although he had already learned about the function of this golden scale through the biological files of Evolution Glory Company,

But seeing the shapeshifting of golden scales into a long dress with his own eyes still shocked Ivan.

"Father, is this really the technology that the earth can have?" Natasha Romanoff also looked at the long skirt on her body in amazement, and then she glanced at her father, the original long skirt

The skirt instantly turned into a cool tight combat suit.

"There is no doubt that this is definitely not earth technology." Ivan patted Natasha Romanoff on the head, and then smiled rarely.

"Okay, Natasha Romanoff, we don't have much time left." Ivan's face became serious, and there was not much time left in one minute. He wanted to take advantage of this time to

Inject all the serum into Natasha Romanoff's body.

"Potential activating serum, according to the biological serum archives of Evolution Glory, this serum can imperceptibly activate the body's potential, and constantly optimize the body's genes." Yi

While introducing, Wan injected the serum in his hand into Natasha Romanoff's body.

To Ivan's regret, there was no change in Natasha Romanoff's body this time.

"Body functions adapt to the serum, and can adapt to the surrounding environment by adjusting body functions." Ivan injected a serum into Natasha Romanoff's body again.

But this time, Natasha Romanoff's pupils began to expand and contract violently, and at the same time, her musculoskeletal muscles began to fine-tune visible to the naked eye.

"Father, I feel very good." Natasha Romanoff looked down at her body, she always felt that her body had become completely different, she seemed to be able to

Adjust your body and control every muscle in your body.

She felt her body become extremely flexible.

"The body function adaptation serum, according to the biological serum archives of Evolution Glory, seems to have been developed from a scientist known as evolution master Darwin, which

It is one of the few biological serums specially preserved by Evolution Glory Company. "Ivan gave a brief introduction, and then set his sights on the very center of the metal box.

Terrigen crystal.

According to rumors, each piece of Terrigen crystal can endow human beings with an extraordinary power, making people unique.

Although Ivan doesn't know what kind of ability the Terrigen crystal he got has, but looking at the center of the Terrigen crystal, the pink ball is constantly flowing.

Ivan couldn't help but be attracted by the moving serum.

"Ivan Romanov, you still have the last ten seconds to say goodbye." From outside the room, KGBT's cold urging voice came.

"There is no time. Natasha Romanoff, my child, hold it tightly." With a solemn face, Ivan picked up the Terrigen crystal roughly and handed it to Natasha Romanoff

"Yes, father." Without any hesitation, Natasha Romanoff directly clenched the Terrigen crystal in her hand, and the pink serum inside the Terrigen crystal turned into a cloud of mist,

Natasha Romanoff looms over it.

Between breaths, these fogs entered all of Natasha Romanoff's pore, and the Terrigen crystal, which was originally like a ruby, lost its original color and light.

"Father, I feel that my body has become a little different." The mist on Natasha Romanoff's body disappeared, and in its place was a radiant little girl.

Natasha Romanoff feels that her body has become different, but she can't tell exactly what is different.

"Okay, okay, kid." Ivan looked at Natasha Romanoff excitedly, and then when the agent outside rushed in, Ivan walked out.

In his hands was a metal box that had been prepared long ago.


Natasha Romanoff was still experiencing the changes in her body, when she heard a huge amount of explosion sound from outside, and at the same time a Shockwave swept across, completely destroying the house where Natasha Romanoff was.


Natasha Romanoff also therefore, saw the situation outside.

Obviously, at the last moment, Ivan detonated the bomb, killing all the surrounding agents, and Ivan only had one breath left.

"Son, don't avenge me."

"Evolution Glory, Natasha Romanoff, your future is in Evolution Glory.".

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