Marvel: The Eye Saga Begins With Mutant

Chapter 210 Blood-Red Eyes, Natasha Romanoff's Three Gouyu Sharingans

In August 1984, Natasha Romanoff, the future superhero, grew from a newborn baby to a six-year-old child after being injected with the serum and Terrigen crystal of Evolution Glory Bio Company.

And the spiritual growth serum, Natasha Romanoff Romanoff gained a mature mind and wisdom.

After burying her father Ivan with her own hands, Natasha Romanoff embarked on the road of revenge alone.

Yes, Natasha Romanoff's heart is burning with a fire of vengeance at this moment, but the current Natasha Romanoff's strength is still too weak, and this seed of revenge has not grown yet.

After burying her father, Natasha Romanoff looked at the strange world, and for a while felt alienated from the whole world.

The law and order in Stalingrad is not good. After three days of wandering, Natasha Romanoff was targeted by a group of gangsters.

"Hey, little girl, are you running away from home?" A burly man looked down at Natasha Romanoff, but his eyes did not hide his malice.

"What are you going to do?" Natasha Romanoff frowned slightly. She was not afraid of these gangsters, and her adult thinking made her very calm at the moment.

"You're not afraid, maybe you can sell it at a suitable price." The tall and thick man is called Jeffrey, and he is bluntly expressing his thoughts at the moment.

Recently, the Soviet Union has become more and more chaotic, as if a volcano is about to erupt, and many rats in the gutter have swaggered into the streets.

The entire Soviet Union is already overwhelmed, which makes gangsters like Jeffrey even more lawless.


However, before Jeffrey had time to finish speaking, Natasha Romanoff kicked Jeffrey's ankle directly. After injecting the serum for regulating body functions and serum for stimulating potential, Natasha Romanoff found that she could control her every movement as she wished. An inch of muscle.

Jeffrey only felt a piercing pain in his right ankle, and then his body knelt on the ground, his face full of gloomy anger.

"Fake squid, damn it, catch her." Jeffrey yelled loudly, and under Jeffrey's yelling, a dozen gangsters immediately reacted, and all rushed towards Natasha Romanoff past.

"Run." At this moment, Natasha Romanoff only had one thought left, which was to run. Although she had been injected with the biological serum of evolutionary glory, she still temporarily chose to back down in the face of the siege of more than a dozen adults.

However, before Natasha Romanoff had time to escape, she suddenly felt a sting in her eyes, the stinging pain was as if the entire eyeball had been poked by a needle.

The pain surged like a tide, and Natasha Romanoff could only cover her eyes with her hands and howl in pain.

Tick, tick.

A line of blood and tears flowed from Natasha Romanoff's eye sockets, and dripped onto the ground along Natasha Romanoff's doll-like face.

The sudden change made more than a dozen gangsters couldn't help but look at each other, not knowing what happened.

"Fake, what are you doing in a daze, fuck me." Jeffrey who was behind saw these people's movements paused, and immediately cursed again.

A dozen gangsters heard Jeffrey's scolding, and rushed towards Natasha Romanoff again.

Just when a gangster approached Natasha Romanoff and wanted to grab Natasha Romanoff directly, Natasha Romanoff suddenly opened his eyes.

"Waterfake." The gangster was taken aback when he saw Natasha Romanoff's eyes.

It was a pair of blood red eyes.

Eyes as exquisite as blood rubies make Natasha Romanoff look more like a Barbie doll.

And in this pair of blood ruby ​​eyes, this gangster can clearly see three commas, which are rotating rhythmically.

Such a surprising scene made the gangster's movements stop instantly.

"My eyes feel a little different." The pain in Natasha Romanoff's eyes faded away like a tide, and there were still two lines of blood and tears hanging on her face, but she felt that her eyes had become different up.

In the eyes of Natasha Romanoff, the whole world has become extremely clear, and she can even see the cilia of an ant thousands of meters ahead.

Every autumn must appear.

Not just observation skills, in Natasha Romanoff's eyes, the movement of all objects has become extremely slow, and the movements of the dozen or so gangsters rushing over seem to have become a frame-by-frame stop-motion animation, even Natasha Romanoff Can easily predict their next move based on the trajectory of these gangsters.


And just when Natasha Romanoff felt his eyes, the gangster in front of Natasha Romanoff raised his fist and threw it at Natasha Romanoff.

Looking at the fist slowly moving in front of her, Natasha Romanoff just turned slightly sideways and avoided the attack.

"Gift Crab." The gangster had a look of astonishment on his face, he never thought that his attack would be dodged.

"Straight punch." After Natasha Romanoff evaded the gangster's attack, she had a special feeling, and she remembered the gangster's punching motion.

Subconsciously, Natasha Romanoff also raised her right hand, and then punched the gangster in the stomach.


A muffled blow sounded, and the gangster's body collapsed to the ground. Natasha Romanoff glanced down at his right hand, and then rushed towards the dozen or so gangsters.

In the eyes of Natasha Romanoff, the movements of these gangsters are slow, and she can remember and predict the attack direction of these gangsters at a glance.

With the three commas in Natasha Romanoff's eyes constantly turning, Natasha Romanoff even felt that she could imitate the movements of these punks.

Because they are all street gangsters, these dozen or so people are very good at street fighting, almost omnipotent.

Just after Natasha Romanoff dodged a gangster's fist again, another person who saw the situation was not good, picked up a beer bottle dropped by a drunk on the street and threw it directly at Natasha Romanoff's head .

The sound of a beer bottle breaking was heard, but Natasha Romanoff was unharmed. On the contrary, the gangster holding the beer bottle fell directly on his back, and in Natasha Romanoff's hands was a broken beer bottle.

As early as the gangster picked up the beer bottle and was about to smash it at Natasha Romanoff's head, she had already clearly captured the gangster's movements, and easily learned the gangster's fighting style, directly bending over, and this The gangster picked up the beer bottle at his feet in exactly the same way, and hit the gangster directly.

Bang bang bang.

As time went by, Natasha Romanoff got used to her eyes more and more, and all the street fighting skills of these gangsters were reproduced by her eyes.

Chaotic cloak boxing.

Street boxing fight.

Anything that can be picked up around you can greet each other regardless.

There are no rules at all in street fighting, no matter what method you use, as long as you can knock down your opponent, you are considered a victory.

Boom boom boom.

Unknowingly, Natasha Romanoff's street fighting began to be recombined and optimized, making it pleasing to the eye, every move, there is no redundant movement, all punches and kicks greet the gangster's vitals, and anything within reach around him, All became a sharp weapon in the hands of Natasha Romanoff.

In just a minute, the previous fight had turned into a one-sided beating by Natasha Romanoff.

"Fuck, Farke, is this little girl a monster?" On the street, there were more than a dozen gangsters lying on the ground, and only one gangster was holding a stick at the moment, looking at Natasha Romanoff with fear.

Only six years old, the little girl learned the street fighting technique in just one minute.

And he used it even more skillfully than himself and others, and he was able to use all kinds of dirty tricks at his fingertips. His brothers were kicked to death by this little girl, and now they are still in pain.

"I, I surrender." When the only remaining gangster saw Natasha Romanoff picking up a thick wooden stick just like himself, he directly dropped the wooden stick in his hand on the ground, put his head in his hands, and squatted in front of Natasha Romanoff.

waste. Seeing his last little brother surrendered, Jeffrey suppressed his anger and took out a gun from his bosom.

"Little boy, I admit that you are very good at fighting, but what's the use of being able to fight? Have you seen the treasure in my hand? The Locke pistol, a street killer." Jeffrey pointed at Natasha Romanoff with the Locke in his hand, Said with a sneer.

This pistol was acquired by Jeffrey at a high price. Unlike the United States, the Soviet Union and the United States implemented a ban on guns here. This pistol is an important partner of Jeffrey who has always been domineering.

Natasha Romanoff looked at Jeffrey, and walked towards Jeffrey without saying a word, her blood-red eyes exuded a coquettish brilliance at the moment.

"Fack, stop, or I'll shoot." Jeffrey was stern at the moment. For some reason, Natasha Romanoff in front of him, who was only six years old, seemed like a scourge, bringing Jeffrey a powerful force. pressure.

However, no matter how Geoffrey scolded, Natasha Romanoff still kept walking, and Geoffrey looked at Natasha Romanoff who was getting closer, gritted his teeth and pulled the trigger directly.


A bullet came out of the chamber instantly, but in the eyes of Natasha Romanoff, the bullet was extremely slow, and even Natasha Romanoff had predicted all the trajectory of the bullet the moment it flew out.

Natasha Romanoff gently raised the thick wooden stick in his hand, waved it casually, and the incoming bullet was accurately bounced aside by Natasha Romanoff in an instant.

"Watfake, what... what is this?" Jeffrey's eyes widened, and he pulled the trigger one after another.

bang bang bang.

One bullet after another was constantly shooting towards Natasha Romanoff, and in Natasha Romanoff's eyes, inside the blood-red pupils, three commas were spinning rapidly at this moment.

The trajectory of each bullet was clearly visible again.

Natasha Romanoff just waved the thick wooden stick in his hand lightly, and directly bounced all the bullets out of the doctor.

"This... is this the devil?" Jeffrey pulled the trigger constantly with his right hand, even though the bullet had been emptied by him at this moment, he still pulled the trigger mechanically.

He couldn't believe his eyes, even Captain America, who was once famous all over the world, had never heard that he could use the weapon in his hand to accurately bounce all the bullets.

When Jeffrey was terrified, Natasha Romanoff had already come to Jeffrey, and a thick wooden stick hit Jeffrey's other ankle.

……ask for flowers…

The severe pain made Jeffrey kneel down in front of Natasha Romanoff. Natasha Romanoff looked down at Jeffrey condescendingly. His eyes exuded a coquettish blood-red light, which made Jeffrey even more frightened.

Only demons from hell have blood-red eyes.

At this moment, Jeffrey has regarded Natasha Romanoff as a demon in hell.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me." Jeffrey began to beg for mercy frantically. It was hard to imagine that he, a burly man, would beg for mercy from a six-year-old child.

But after witnessing what Natasha Romanoff did, Jeffrey felt that everything definitely made sense.

"Look into my eyes." Natasha Romanoff made a childish and calm voice, and Jeffrey subconsciously looked into Natasha Romanoff's eyes.


With just one glance, Jeffrey felt that Natasha Romanoff's eyes seemed to turn into a vortex, sucking Jeffrey's soul into it.

Jeffrey's gaze became extremely dull, and he stared blankly at Natasha Romanoff, as if he had lost his soul.

"Is this the Hypnotic Ability Ability of these eyes?" Natasha Romanoff covered her eyes with her right hand, and she felt a slight tingle in her eyes.

"Take me to your residence." Natasha Romanoff glanced at Jeffrey, and then gave the order directly.

"Okay, please follow me." Jeffrey seemed to have forgotten the pain in his ankle at this moment, stood up like a walking dead, and then led Natasha Romanoff to leave the dirty street

An hour later, Natasha Romanoff came to a not-so-spacious but rather cozy room, which was Jeffrey's home.

"Hey, Jeffrey, whose child is this?" Just as Jeffrey walked into the house, a woman came over and looked at Natasha Romanoff with some doubts.


"Irina, this is the child I picked up, Natasha Romanoff." Jeffrey seemed to have returned to normal at the moment, hugged his wife Irina affectionately, and then warmly introduced Natasha Romanoff.

It's hard to imagine that Jeffrey, who is domineering outside, will be a good doctor when he returns home.

"Nice to meet you, Natasha Romanoff." Irina smiled at Natasha Romanoff and greeted him kindly.

"Nice to meet you too, Mrs. Irina." Natasha Romanoff nodded politely to Irina, then turned to look at Jeffrey.

"Dear Mr. Jeffrey, can you let me live here temporarily?" Natasha Romanoff said in a playful tone.

"Definitely, Natasha Romanoff, you can live here, in fact, you can stay as long as you want." Jeffrey saw the playful expression on Natasha Romanoff's face, and his heart beat wildly with fright. Natasha Romanoff nodded.

"Thank you, Mr. Geoffrey. I'm sure we'll have a good time." Natasha Romanoff smiled.

Jeffrey graciously arranged a bedroom for Natasha Romanoff, which was originally his daughter's room, but the daughter died in an accident, and the house was vacant.

"Are these eyes the ability that the Terrigen crystal gave me?" At this moment, Natasha Romanoff was sitting alone on the bed in the bedroom, holding a mirror in her hand, staring blankly at her own eyes.

Looking into the blood-red eyes, a smile appeared on Natasha Romanoff's face.

After Awakening these eyes, Natasha Romanoff understood her own ability and the name of these eyes.

Three Gouyu writes sharing eyes.

The three commas in the blood-red eyes are three hook jades.

The Sharingan Ability has three different Abilities: Insight, Copy and Hypnotic Ability. Insight allows Natasha Romanoff to have terrifying dynamic vision.

And copying allows Natasha Romanoff to perfectly copy anyone's actions, and copy them down, even in complex actions, in Natasha Romanoff's eyes, it can be copied at the moment of seeing it, and it can be used proficiently This set of moves.

As for Hypnotic Ability, Natasha Romanoff can let anyone with Hypnotic Ability see his own eyes, and even create illusions for them.

However, this Ability needs to consume Natasha Romanoff's mind, just the Hypnotic Ability Jeffrey has already made Natasha Romanoff feel the sting in his eyes.

"Evolution Glory Company...As my father said, my future is in Evolution Glory Company." Natasha Romanoff's eyes shine with the brilliance of wisdom, and Terrigen Crystal can really make you have extraordinary power, which is enough to show Evolved the horror of Glory Company.

She felt that her future would definitely become extremely exciting because of the evolution of Glory Company.

"However, before finding out the truth about the Evolution Glory Company, I still need the power of revenge." Natasha Romanoff's Three-Goal Jade Sharingan turned slightly, and then she walked out of the bedroom directly and came to the TV in the living room.

Under the stares of Jeffrey and others, Natasha Romanoff found the fighting channel and began to learn fighting skills.

Under the terrifying copy ability of Sharingan, Natasha Romanoff can basically understand these fighting skills at a glance.

She is like a sponge, constantly absorbing fighting skills.

In just one hour, she has already learned many fighting techniques that exist in the world.

Boxing, Sanda, Judo, Muay Thai, Sambo, cudgel playing, knife skills, fencing, Kung Fu and a series of Fighting techniques. .

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