Marvel: The Eye Saga Begins With Mutant

Chapter 237 Dark Baron Mordo, Ancient One's Selfishness

October 1987, Earth, Kamar-Taj to Holy Place.

The entire earth has not changed during this time, and it is peaceful, but the Holy Place, which has been blocked by the magic of the Sorcerer Supreme Ancient One for a long time, is undergoing special changes at this moment.

The magicians of the entire Kamar-Taj suddenly discovered that at some point, the respected Modu magician began to put on a black magic robe.

And Modu's magician became taciturn, he hadn't communicated with other magicians for a month.

Even my good friend, Wang Magician, who has become the librarian of Ancient One, no longer communicates.

The Modu magician sealed himself off.

What surprised the magicians even more was that sometimes, they could feel the breath of danger and death from the body of the magicians of Modu.

The magicians of the Kamar-Taj line, because they forcibly draw power from the dimension and borrow from other dimensions, make them very sensitive to the perception of danger and death.

This is also the reason why they were able to retreat from the process of borrowing dimension power.

But at this moment, they actually felt the breath of dangerous dimensional creatures from Mo Du magician, which made the magicians drift away from Nemo magician involuntarily.

Until one day, the Sorcerer Supreme Ancient One, which had never been released before, appeared in front of all the magicians, and announced a news that was enough to make the magicians go into an uproar.

"Magician Modu will become the next Sorcerer Supreme." After finishing the news, Ancient One magician returned to his room, leaving the magicians in shock.

The entire Kamar-Taj, at this moment, became surprised because of this order from Sorcerer Supreme Ancient One.

Especially many veteran big magicians are full of puzzlement about this order of Sorcerer Supreme Ancient One.

"Sorcerer Supreme's order, I can't understand." An old big magician Thomas frowned, his eyes were full of doubts about the Modu magician who was passing by.

"I can't understand it either, but the order of the Sorcerer Supreme is absolutely correct." The librarian, the king magician of one of the future Sorcerer Supremes, glanced at Thomas, "Police


"Definitely, we shouldn't question Sorcerer Supreme's order." Thomas Magician nodded in agreement, then looked at Wang Magician, his gaze became serious and serious.

"However, any candidate for the Supreme 15 Magician needs to pass the Supreme Trial." Thomas Magician's eyes radiated a touch of brilliance, his right hand opened, his right index finger circled, and the Sling Ring in his hand burst into a ray of brilliance.

In front of Thomas Magician, a series of sparks appeared, and then a magic portal with sparks and lightning appeared. Inside the portal was the living room of Sorcerer Supreme Ancient One.

"Thomas magician, are you going to start the Supreme Trial?" When Thomas magician came to the living room of Ancient One, Ancient One magician didn't have any surprises, she had already seen the future of Thomas magician's arrival.

"Definitely, the great Sorcerer Supreme Ancient One master, please allow me to use my humble strength to conduct the trial test of the Sorcerer Supreme candidate." Thomas magician looked at the Ancient One magician with serious and firm eyes, and said.

"One month later, I will let Mordo magician participate in your supreme trial. Ancient One magician gave Thomas magician a flat look, nodded, and then Ancient One magician made a gesture of invitation to Thomas magician with his right hand.

Thomas magician nodded, sat opposite to Ancient One magician, and then let Ancient One magician pour him a cup of tea.

"Thomas magician, you were only 7 years old when we first met." Ancient One magician glanced at Thomas magician and said with some sighs.

"Yes, Master Ancient One. When I first came to Kamar-Taj, I was only 7 years old." Thomas Magician nodded with nostalgia on his old and wrinkled face.

"Time flies, and in a flash you are 82 years old. Over the years, I have always noticed your hard work in learning magic." Ancient One magician nodded and smiled, with a kind look on his calm face.

As Ancient One magician said, she grew up watching Thomas magician, and time is eternal for Ancient One.

"Thank you, Master Ancient One." Thomas magician looked at Ancient One magician a little flattered. This was the first time that Ancient One magician praised Thomas magician for his hard work.

"Thomas magician, you should know, the price we Kamar-Taj magicians use magic." Ancient One magician looked at Thomas magician calmly, and asked

"Definitely, we Kamar-Taj magicians, whose power is borrowed from the great god of magic, Lord Visander, and the price we need to pay is that our souls after death will serve the God of Visander." Thomas Magician nodded and spoke.

"You're wrong, Thomas Magician." However, Thomas Magician's words made Ancient One Magician shake his head.

What the Ancient One magician said afterwards made Thomas magician's eyes widen in astonishment.

"The Kamar-Taj magician in ancient times borrowed power directly from the Trinity God of Visandi, so his soul will return to the God of Visandi after death.

"However, with the passage of time, the power of Kamar-Taj magicians has gradually grown, and many white magicians have begun to be dissatisfied with only borrowing the power of the God of Vishandi, and they have set their sights on other dimensions. They forcibly borrowed the dimensional power, and the Kamar-Taj lineage got stronger magical power than before. And complex and varied magic."

The Ancient One magician's voice was as flat as ever, but the words he spoke made Thomas magician frown.

"With the passage of time, the Kamar-Taj lineage gradually gave up directly borrowing power from the Lord Visandi, and instead forcibly absorbed the power of multiple dimensions, which allowed them to obtain powerful magical power, but at the cost, It's also extremely heavy." The Ancient One magician looked at Thomas magician, his eyes full of regret.

As the Ancient One magician said, there are very few people in the current Kamar-Taj lineage who can return to the embrace of the Lord Visandi after death.

Even for Sorcerer Supreme and his ilk, after death, their soul and magic power will be divided up by other dimension masters, and their death is miserable.

"Watfak? Master Ancient One, are you saying that I cannot return to the arms of the God of Visandi after I die?" Thomas Magician's originally calm face suddenly changed color at this moment, he looked at Ancient One in disbelief, and endured I couldn't help but questioned loudly.

"Thomas magician, in fact, in Kamar-Taj lineage, there are only a limited number of magicians who have been borrowing the power of Lord Visander, who can return to the embrace of Lord Visander, and the other magicians are crazy Drawing power from other dimensions without knowing it."

Under Thomas Magician's astonished gaze, Ancient One Magician shook his head, and said words that shocked Thomas Magician greatly.

"No, it's impossible. The Lord of Visandi is the founder of the Kamar-Taj lineage." Thomas magician's pupils shook violently, he couldn't accept this fact.

"How long has it been since you borrowed the book of Weissandi from me." Looking at Thomas magician who was a little bit collapsed, the understatement of Ancient One magician was like the last straw that broke the camel's back.

In fact, Thomas Magician only watched the Book of Vishandi once when he was a child, which recorded a lot of Vishandi's magic. However, since Thomas Magician understood how to borrow power from other dimensions, he never read it again. I have read the book of Emperor Weishan.

It's not that Weissandi's book is difficult to understand, but Thomas Magician's own energy is too complicated, which made him lose the qualification to learn Weissandi's magic.

"After most Kamar-Taj magicians die, they will be divided up by the dimensional masters. These dimensional masters are like hyenas at the moment, waiting for our death, and then swarming up, crazily devouring our souls and magical power, even Enslave our will." The Ancient One magician's words made Thomas magician show fear for the first time.

If it is true as what Ancient One said, then the death of every Kamar-Taj magician will usher in an endless purgatory.

"Master Ancient One, why are you saying this..." Thomas magician suddenly came back to his senses, looked at Ancient One magician with some doubts, and asked.

"Thomas magician, I have seen your death, the future that mournfully wailed in front of the lord of the dimension." Ancient One magician's voice was as flat as ever, but what he said made Thomas magician terrified.

"Gift crab." Thomas magician couldn't help but swear, and at the same time, the old magician keenly sensed the meaning of Ancient One magician's words.

"Can Modu Magician solve our problem?" Thomas Magician gently raised the tea in front of him, drank it, and then asked.

"That's right, Thomas magician. Mordo magician has learned a new kind of magic that can extract all the dimensional power in our body." Ancient One magician succinctly stated the solution of Mordo magician.

"Modu magician, hide it from Thomas magician." Ancient One magician tapped the table lightly with his right hand, and the surrounding space suddenly changed.

The original living room instantly turned into a mirrored dimension world, and within the mirrored dimension, there is a magic tower that looks pleasing to the eye.

And inside the magic tower, Mordo magician, who was wearing a black cloak, walked in front of Ancient One and Thomas magician with an indifferent expression on his face.

"Modu Magician, you..." Thomas Magician looked at Modu's body at this moment, with surprise and shock on his face.

Modu Magician's body still maintains its original appearance, but his facial features, even his magical aura, are full of evil, and his face has special magic lines

It looks extremely evil.

"Call me Baron Mordo." Mordo gave Thomas Magician an indifferent look, and said in a cold tone.

"Ancient One, I have already learned the devouring magic of the Book of Darkness." Baron Mordo turned his head to look at Ancient One again. It's gone.

Instead, it was full of resentment.

"The Book of Darkness? You actually learned dark magic?" Thomas Magician was terrified. He looked at Baron Mordo angrily, then opened his hands, and a magic whip quickly condensed into Thomas Magician's hand.


Thomas Magician flicked the magic whip quickly, and the red magic whip wound around Baron Mordo like a dexterous snake.

"Go away." Seeing the magic whip coming at him, Baron Mordo's eyes burst into a deep purple light, he opened his mouth directly, and the magic whip condensed by Thomas magician suddenly turned into pure energy , was swallowed into the mouth.

"Water?" Thomas Magician watched in astonishment as Baron Mordo devoured his magic, and his aura became more powerful and evil, and he couldn't help but swear again.

"Food." Baron Mordo glanced at Thomas magician, then turned to look at Ancient One magician.

"I'm sorry, Mordo magician." Ancient One magician gave Modu magician an apologetic look, but then she regained her composure.

Ancient One opened his hands, and a huge amounts of magic circle quickly appeared in front of him, and in the magic

In the formation, a group of gorgeous brilliance began to flash.

In front of the Ancient One magician, Baron Modo formed complicated magic handprints with his hands, and in his hands, quaint magic circles were quickly released by Baron Modo.


And just when Baron Mordo had just completed his magic, Ancient One was controlling the magic circle, and tentacles like Cthulhu emerged from the magic circle.

An evil and weird octopus magic creature appeared in the magic circle.


When the octopus magic creature appeared, Baron Mordo opened his mouth directly, and a group of terrifying suction was released from his mouth, and the 090 huge octopus magic dimensional in front of him

The creature began to shrink immediately, and was swallowed by Baron Mordo.

Surprised lines like tentacles appeared on Baron Modu's face, and a tentacle condensed out of his body, and then the tentacle disappeared.

"Unfortunately, compared to the devouring magic of the dark Doctor Strange, Baron Mordo's devouring magic is a bit difficult." Ancient One magician looked at Baron Mordo without saying a word, her gaze

There was a hint of disappointment in it.

The reason why Baron Mordo was allowed to watch the Book of Darkness and hand over the devouring magic in the Book of Darkness to Modu was all due to the selfishness of the Ancient One magician.

Many magics in the Book of Darkness have irreversible side effects.

Among the long timelines she observed, there was once a dark Doctor Strange whose strength was comparable to her, or even surpassed her.

Its devouring magic is learned from the book of darkness.

Relying on devouring magic, the power of the dark Doctor Strange increased almost in the form of nuclear fission. In a short period of time, he became a pseudo-Level God Father. His magic attainments even

Even I can't even catch up.

It was also because of the way the dark Doctor Strange improved his strength that the Ancient One magician saw a glimmer of hope to defeat Lancelot.

The Ancient One magician, who owns the Time Gem, definitely knows that Lancelot already has a copy eye, as long as he makes a move, the magic will be engraved by the copy eye.

No matter what kind of magic, in front of the copying eye, there is no longer a shred of secrets.

In order to prevent Lancelot from copying all his magic, Ancient One magician chose Mordo magician, and endowed Mordo magician with the power of dark magic.

She hopes that Mordo can grow up quickly, and then gain strength comparable to Lancelot [and wants Lancelot to engrave Viola's dark magic through Treasure Eye.

And once it is engraved, Lancelot will inevitably be watched by the dark Mephista Sithorne.

At that time, with the power of the dark Mephista Sithorn, it will be enough to make Lancelot fall into the boundless purgatory.

"Doctor Strange was originally the most suitable candidate for the Doctor of Darkness, but Doctor Strange is the Sorcerer Supreme of the future after all, so Baron Mordo, who is destined to be Blacken in the future, becomes

For the most suitable candidates. The Ancient One magician looked at the indifferent Baron Modu in front of him, and sighed secretly.

Above this matter, Ancient One magician has his own selfishness.

She wants to protect Kamar-Taj's lineage and the future Sorcerer Supreme Ancient One. For Kamar-Taj, sacrificing a Baron Modu is not a big deal.

The future Ancient One magician, let go of Kaecilius, making him a stepping stone and magic tester for Doctor Strange.

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