Marvel: The Eye Saga Begins With Mutant

Chapter 238 Tony's Research, Mithril Adamantine Metal

In November 1987, the earth from Kamar-Taj to the Holy Place was still sealed by the magic of Sorcerer Supreme Ancient One, but the magicians in the other Holy Places were panicked.

Not because of an impending crisis, but because of the change of Baron Mordo, the direct disciple of Kamar-Taj Sorcerer Supreme Ancient One.

After a month of accumulation of devouring magic, at this moment Baron Mordo has become the first person under the Ancient One magician.

His magic attainments have risen even higher, advancing by leaps and bounds.

All kinds of Kamar-Taj's magic are at your fingertips, especially the magic about soul and devouring.

At the same time, many great magicians discovered that Baron Mordo's aura was becoming weird and dark, which made them faintly feel the difference of Baron Mordo.

However, no matter how the group of magicians persuaded the Sorcerer Supreme Ancient One magician, Ancient One remained unmoved and allowed Baron Mordo to rise.

"The location of Kamar-Taj will be discovered by Lancelot, the king of the kingdom of gods at any time. I still need to make preparations." In the Holy Place, the Sorcerer Supreme Ancient One had deep eyes, sealed her hands, and opened the door directly. Eye of Agamotto.

A bright green light burst out from the Eye of Agamotto, and the figure of Sorcerer Supreme Ancient One disappeared behind the light.

Ancient One magician, ready to go to the future endgame, tell everything to Doctor Strange Strange.

Yes, Ancient One magician is very clear that no one can stop the rise of Lancelot now, she can only go to the future time and space, tell the existence of Lancelot to the future avengers, and hope to defeat Lancelot through the power of Infinite Gems.

In December 1987, in the space city of the kingdom of gods.

Lancelot looked down at this increasingly magnificent space city, with a smile on his face.

After so long of being awake, his mutant genes finally ushered in further evolution.

Although he has not yet reached the level of an eternal titan, the complex mutant abilities in his body have all been temporarily integrated together.

This allows Lancelot's body to obtain a series of physical resistances such as Super strength, Super Speed, super reaction, super mind, astral projection, Energy Absorption, etc.

At this moment, Lancelot's body has already surpassed the green titan Dr. Banner in the final battle of Avengers alliance 4, and even Asgard's divine body seems a bit eclipsed before Lancelot's body.

Only the Titan Thanos of the Eternal Clan has the physical strength beyond Lancelot.

It was also because of this that Lancelot called his own body the body of a mutant titan.

And the end point of the body of mutant titan is the body of eternal titan.

The current Lancelot, even if he doesn't use the pupil technique, just his body is enough to sweep Asgard with one hand, except for definitely the heavenly father Odin.

"Now, my only weakness is magic." Lancelot's gaze was deep. He now has the body of a mutant titan, and his only weakness is magic.

Lancelot is going to go to the earth in person after waiting for a while, and find the existence of Kamar-Taj through his copying eyes, so as to make up for his magic shortcomings.

"Raven, what's the current situation on Earth?" Lancelot turned his head to look at Mystique Raven beside him, and asked.

At this moment, Mystique Raven is transforming into an Angel, the wings on the back exude soft brilliance, which looks pleasing to the eye, and is working hard to serve Lancelot.

And after hearing Lancelot's inquiry, Mystique Raven raised her head, even Lancelot was a little absent-minded due to her perfect facial features.

"My lord, the technological development of the earth is still growing at a constant speed, but it is worth noting that the development momentum of the Stark Industrial Group is a bit too fast." Mystique Ruifu replied.

"Stark Industrial Group?" Lancelot didn't feel any surprise, because in Stark Industrial Group, there are three veritable super geniuses.

"How is Tony Stark doing now?" Lancelot asked curiously.

"My lord, Tony Stark has been researching our biological shapeshifting metal since Ten Rings obtained a biological Sentry scale from our kingdom of gods, and now he has preliminarily researched a special shapeshifting metal material." Mystique Raven speaks to Lancelot through Telepathy while serving Lancelot.

"Oh? Tony Stark has already developed a metal material capable of shapeshifting.`?" Lancelot showed a look of interest on his face, and his golden eyes shone indefinitely, which belonged to the power of the prosthetic eye of God released.

Relying on the power of the prosthetic eye of God, Lancelot easily controlled the visual senses of billions of people on the earth, and then easily shared the vision of Tony Stark.

In December 1987, in a secret biological experiment base of AIM Biological Company in San Francisco, Tony Stark was looking seriously at a piece of metal scale in front of him.

In front of Tony Stark, virtual projection panels were suspended one by one, and many science books were like magic books, which were constantly opened and closed in front of Tony Stark.

"J.A.R.V.I.S, prepare for the 298th shapeshifting metal experiment." A pair of Tony Stark's eyes burst into a faint golden light, and then a visual projection appeared in front of Tony Stark.

This visual projection is surprisingly Tony Stark's biological sub-brain J.A.R.V.I.S.

After several years of development, Tony's biological sub-brain has already possessed a terrifying neural network computing ability, and the data processing ability of J.A.R.V.I.S has reached the pinnacle of the biological brain

And with the help of Tony's evolutionary algorithm, J.A.R.V.I.S is becoming more and more human.


The visual projection eyes of J.A.R.V.I.S burst out a group of dazzling neuroelectronic pulses, and all the experimental equipment in the entire laboratory was hung up by Fei Weisi.

At the same time, within a special instrument, the ordinary biological scales emitted a dazzling dark blue light.

Start proliferating shapeshifting stability tests. The voice of J.A.R.V.I.S was as gentle as ever, and Tony Stark's gaze was fixed on the biological scale emitting a dark blue light.

This is Tony Stark's painstaking effort that has been silent for several years. For this reason, he spent a lot of memory reincarnation time, researching in memory reincarnation over and over again, failing again and again, and making technological breakthroughs seven times.

Until now, he finally reproduced his own biological shapeshifting scales by relying on the shapeshifting scales on the mysterious Sentry that he obtained before.

Compared with the biological scales on Sentry, the biological scales reproduced by Tony Stark only retain the biological shapeshifting and proliferation abilities.


And as the experiment started, the biological scales in front of him proliferated rapidly, and the dark blue brilliance surged like water waves, and the original biological scale, which was originally only one, began to replicate in an instant.

In just a moment, this biological scale reproduced hundreds of offspring, and under the gaze of Tony Stark, these offspring began to quickly combine shapeshifting, a pistol emitting blue light, appeared on the instrument.

'Proliferation shapeshifting test complete, shapeshifting stable, proliferation required energy stable. The voice of J.A.R.V.I.S sounded in due course.

"Mary Fark, finally succeeded." Tony Stark, already 17 years old, lost control of his emotions for the first time.

"SIR, do you want to name this biological shapeshifting metal?" J.A.R.V.I.S asked.

"Definitely, J.A.R.V.I.S. Although this metal only has the shapeshifting and proliferation abilities of the mysterious shapeshifting metal, according to my research, this special metal can shield telepathy, strengthen the biological force field of the human body, and possess energy radiation, energy Force fields and other abilities are the most ideal materials for making the Ten Commandments." Tony Stark walked to the instrument, picked up the special metal that had been shapeshifted into a pistol, and said carefully.

Yes, this is an artificial metal created by Tony Stark after studying Sentry shapeshifting metal materials.

The Sentinel of the Kingdom of God is all made of Vibranium shapeshifting metal, which naturally possesses the characteristics of Vibranium.

It is also for this reason that the artificial metal created by Tony Stark also has the characteristics of absorbing and releasing energy of Vibranium, and Tony Stark used his brain cursed by knowledge to find another way to change some of the atomic structure of Vibranium, so that It becomes a very different metal.

This metal has a terrifying mind-shielding ability. Tony Stark is confident that even if he encounters Apocalypse, as long as he wears this metal, he will not be afraid of being invaded into his mind.

At the same time, this special metal also has the ability of telepathy, which can communicate with the user's mind, and has a terrifying blessing effect on the biological force field.

That's why Tony Stark regards this material as the best material for his new generation of Ten Commandments.

"Mithril Adamantine, this metal should be named after the Mithril of the Lord of the Rings." Tony Stark thought for a moment, and directly determined the name of this man-made metal.



"SIR, the metal has been named. I have to say, sir, your naming technique is really bad." The voice of J.A.R.V.I.S sounded again, and the tone was full of complaints.

"Hey, J.A.R.V.I.S. I gave you the ability of poisonous tongue, not for you to complain about me." Tony Stark said with a smile on his face.

"Okay, J.A.R.V.I.S. Get ready to create our new Ten Commandments." Tony Stark tapped his temple lightly with his right hand, and the original excitement immediately receded like a tide.

This is an ability among his Ten Commandments, which can forcibly change human emotions by regulating neuron signals.

And Tony Stark, after making this ring, has never used it on anyone else.

"SIR, your sister is here." J.A.R.V.I.S' reminder Tony Stark frowned slightly.

"Mola? My Mutant sister." Tony Stark glanced at the shapeshifting metal material in front of him, then tapped his temple with his right hand, frowning slightly

"J.A.R.V.I.S, log off." Tony Stark said, and then his eyes burst into a bright blue light, and when the blue light disappeared, Tony Stark's eyes became dull.

At the same time, in the private villa by the sea in New York City, in the secret biological laboratory, Tony Stark slowly opened his eyes.

"Huh, teleportation of mind and consciousness is still a little imperfect." Tony Stark's eyes were full of exhaustion. Just one second ago, he was still in San Francisco, and the next second, Tony Stark had returned Your own private villa.

All of this stems from a crazy plan by Tony Stark, the Phoenix Rebirth Project.

Long ago, Tony Stark had his own clone reserves all over the world, and in these years, besides researching Mithril metal, he was perfecting his Phoenix rebirth plan.

Because of the existence of Maura Stark, Tony Stark already knew X

Professor exists and is very aware of the Professor X Ability.

It is also for this reason that Tony Stark, relying on his super-genius-like brain, successfully produced a mind-consciousness transmission ring through reverse research on Professor X Ability.

With the help of J.A.R.V.I.S, Tony Stark can transmit his brain consciousness through special neuron pulses, and enter the clone body that has been adjusted long ago.


Tony's act of transferring his spiritual consciousness to the clone is called going online.

And the behavior of spiritual consciousness breaking away from the clone is called offline.

"." J.A.R.V.I.S, relieve my fatigue. ’ Tony rubbed his temples, then ordered.

"As you wish, SIR." The moment the voice of J.A.R.V.I.S sounded, Tony felt his spirit shake, and then all the fatigue was swept away.

Tony Stark opened his hands, and the ten local tyrant rings were shining brightly. At the same time, the suit on the side automatically floated in front of Tony, and then he put it on Tony.


The door of the laboratory opened, and Tony Stark walked out of the laboratory in good spirits. Just as he walked out, he bumped into his sister, Maura Stark.

"Hey, Tony, long time no see." At this moment, Maura Stark has already drank the body growth serum developed by Tony Stark. Although she is only three years old,

But it has acquired the body of an adult.

"Look, who is it? Isn't this my thief sister Mora. You stole my growth serum, I haven't troubled you yet, and you licked your face and appeared in front of me?" Tony

Stark curled his lips and said mockingly.

He didn't regard Mora as his younger sister from the beginning, so he spoke very rudely.

"Tony, since I was born, I have the ability and ability you said is incomparable." Maura Stark didn't care about Tony's attitude, she was even proud of it.

Just kidding, before there was no soul reincarnation, Mora was the ace agent of the CIA, stealing a tube of Tony's serum, it was easy to catch.

"Tell me, what's the purpose of coming to me this time?" Tony, who has the ability to read minds, is very clear about the purpose of Mora's coming here (Wang Dezhao), but he still understands

Knowing why he asked and said.

"I want your biological shapeshifting scale." Mora's tall body stood straight at the moment, her eyes were shining brightly, and she said bluntly to Tony.

"Mola Stark, what can you exchange for it?" Tony glanced at Mora. After researching the mithril metal, the shapeshifting scales of the mysterious Sentry creature

It's useless to Tony.

But he didn't intend to hand it over to Mora, even if Mora was his sister in name.

"The blueprint of the second-generation Sentry mech..." Mora took out a blueprint from her pocket, and it was obvious that she had already prepared well before she came to find Tony.

"Mechanical blueprints? Dogs don't even look at them." Tony just glanced at Sentry blueprints and lost interest. He has no interest in physical machinery now.

No Sentry mecha is as effective as his biological evolution.

"Super Soldier Serum." Mora frowned slightly, put away the drawing, and threw out another condition.

"Heh." Tony sneered, he had already stolen the super soldier serum from S.H.I.E.L.D's Tahiti project.

"Watfak, you already got the super soldier serum?" Moura looked at Tony's appearance, and Yi Shi burst into a swear word.

Mora only knows that the super soldier serum is in S.H.I.E.L.D's secret base in New Jersey. As for where it is hidden, Mora has not yet investigated it.

"The clues of Dr. Annie Zola." Mo La gritted her teeth and said.

This was when she found clues during an investigation mission in her previous life.

"Deal." Tony Stark showed a smile on his face, he was not interested in Dr. Annie Zola, but he was very interested in Dr. Zola's mental electronic technology

of interest.

If Dr. Zola can be found, Tony can realize the real Phoenix rebirth plan.

"Mola, your steel armor is useless in the face of great strength." When handing over the biological shapeshifting metal to Mora, Tony Stark had something in mind

fat said. .

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