Marvel: The Eye Saga Begins With Mutant

Chapter 239 The Story Of Captain Marvel Begins, A Different Carol

"Mola regards our kingdom of gods as an imaginary enemy, and develops steel armor like crazy?" Lancelot is sitting in a cool sci-fi restaurant in the space city of the kingdom of gods, eating the earth food created by the molecular tower , while shaking his head and laughing.

In the past few years, because of the establishment of the Kingdom of God Molecular Tower, the supplies of the Kingdom of God have reached the point of being inexhaustible.

If you let Thanos, who has been committed to the sustainable development of space resources, see it, you will be surprised.

The ideal that Thanos insisted on throughout his life, which he regarded as his destiny to maintain the universe, seemed to become a joke in front of the molecular tower of the kingdom of gods.

"My lord, Mora's idea of ​​steel armor seems to be obtained from Sentinel." Phoenix Jean Gray's right hand was gently placed on her temple, and her spiritual power had been transmitted to the earth, and she sensed Mora La Stark's thoughts.

"My king, are you going to stop Mora?" White Queen Emma had a weird smile on her face. Obviously, Mora Stark's idea of ​​using the kingdom of gods as an imaginary enemy seemed extremely ridiculous to White Queen Emma.

White Queen Emma has the illusion that her own child is rebellious and ready to rebel against her parents.

"Don't worry about Mora, I want to see how much Mora can do with Stark's intelligent mind." Lancelot didn't care about Mora's actions, on the contrary, he looked forward to Mora's growth.

Anyway, Mora still has the chance of reincarnation for the eighth life, which is enough for Mora to make a fuss.

Lancelot wants to see if Mora Stark, who is a Mutant and has acquired the genetic super genius ability of the Stark family, can grow up.

If the series, there has never been a female version of Iron Man.

Maybe Maura Stark, would be a good fit.

"The female version of Captain America, the female version of Iron Man, Captain Marvel...It seems that in the time and space I am in, the Federation of Avengers will really become the League of Enemies." Lancelot smiled playfully and said with a light smile.

"Mind Ultron, how is the research on the super-light space engine of the Kree Marwell?" Lancelot looked forward with incomparable eyes, and as Lancelot asked, a creature Sentry appeared in front of Lancelot.

Inside the creature Sentry, an Ultron daughter saluted respectfully, and then transmitted its spiritual memory to Lancelot's mind.

"I see, because of Carol Danvers' special spatial ability, did the Cree Marvel change his research direction?" Countless mental images flashed before Lancelot's eyes, all of which were recently created by the Cree. In Marvell's research.

"Marwell's research is about to succeed. It seems that the era of the 403 superhero is coming." Lancelot's eyes were shining brightly, and he looked in the direction of the earth.

"The story of Captain Marvel is about to begin."

In January 1988, Carol Danvers, who had been selected to participate in the Pegasus Project, and his best friend Maria Rambo, who had been selected to participate in the Air Force Base, a secret base in Manhattan, New York City, were undergoing regular training at the moment.

Among them, Maria Rambo is undergoing routine training to simulate flying a fighter jet, while Carol Danvers, who was originally a special flight officer, is lying leisurely in the cabin at the moment.

"Shet, Carol. Dr. Marvel must be crazy." Maria Rambo, a black man, looked at Carol's appearance at the moment, his face was covered with black lines, and he couldn't help complaining.

"Maria, you have been cursing Dr. Marvel for several months." Carol Danvers turned over, then looked at Maria helplessly and said.

"Gift Crab, you definitely don't care, I was forced to train for four months, that's fine, Mare Falk, Marvell's bitch actually told me that the research on supersonic space engine aircraft was Cancelled." Maria Rambo turned off the simulator, then walked up to Carol Danvers, cursing with resentment on her face.

"Fake squid, Carol, look at skin has changed from coffee color to completely black, Mare Fake, damn Marvel, damn white supremacy." Ma Leah Rambo was aggrieved, and she is full of resentment now.

"Four years, four years have passed since I went to space to carry out Dr. Marvel's secret mission." Carol Danvers glanced at his friend, then sat up and looked down. to his body.

At this moment, Carol Danvers was lying naked in the sun, his body lines looked pleasing to the eye, like the most perfect artwork.

Moreover, her skin is extremely fair, without the slightest bit of fat on her body, with protruding fronts and backs, and exquisite facial features.

All of this stemmed from four years ago, when she jumped from a spaceship with a warp drive and returned from space, her body has been undergoing subtle changes.

It is worth mentioning that at the moment Carol Danvers is already 20 years old.

Since August 1984, when Marwell, a Cree, led Carol to the edge of the solar system to rescue the Skrull refugees on the warp-drive spaceship she developed, Carol Danvers discovered her anomaly.

Her memory of going to space has completely disappeared, replaced by her body, which has become different since returning.

Her strength and speed began to surpass ordinary people.

Moreover, what surprised her even more was that her body seemed to be absorbing some kind of power, which made her body stronger and more perfect at the same time

Not only that, since returning from space, her control of space distance has become extremely precise.

Just standing on the ground, Carol Danvers was able to calculate the spatial area and spatial location of the entire Tianma base at a glance.

Even with her eyes closed, Carol Danvers' unique perception ability for space still allows her to completely ignore all space obstacles and easily reach any corner of the base.

Carol Danvers didn't know what happened to her body, but Dr. Marvel was ecstatic after seeing the change in Carol.

And Carol also learned from Dr. Marvel that he has a very special spatial ability.

This kind of spatial ability is not only based on the precise control of the spatial distance, but also within Carol's genetic cells.

Dr. Marvel discovered that even if Carol does nothing now, Carol's cells are still absorbing the surrounding energy.

Solar energy, cosmic rays, thermal energy, wind energy and more.

In the words of Dr. Marvel, Carol Danvers is a masterpiece of heaven, and her life level surpasses most of the races in the universe.

Even Howard Stark, the former super genius, couldn't help but praise Carol Rufus for this horrible ungamble

"Like Superman, you can become stronger by lying down." This is what Howard Stark once blurted out.

In fact, as Howard Stark said, even though Carol Danvers has not done anything in the past four years, her physical strength has still surpassed that of Captain America Pei who is now active in the world news media. Ji Carter.

She has the strength, speed and nerve reflexes beyond Captain America Peggy Carter, and at the same time, Carol Danvers' control of space has reached an unimaginable level.

She can calculate the precise space distance from the earth to the moon by observing with the naked eye, and in her mind, she has even established an extremely large space model of the earth.

This space model, like a Tesseract, is dazzling and illusory.

Yes, at this moment Carol Danvers has turned into a humanoid space probe with terrifying precision.

And recently, Carol Danvers discovered that her body seemed to usher in metamorphosis again, and she began to be able to hear the voices of everyone in her base.

She seems to have super hearing just like Superman in the comics.

"Could it be that I really became a Superman? Have Superman's Kryptonian body?" Carol Danvers sometimes thinks about it, and she is even ready to learn Superman Clark and often enjoys sunbathing.

Four years in, and even Carol Danvers seemed to believe she was really going to be Superman.

Until the night of a week ago, Carol's father, who had disappeared for several years, appeared again. Looking at his father, Carol Danvers keenly felt the difference in his father.

"Carol Danvers, my son. You are wasting your ability." Carol's father, Bo Laike Danvers, looked at Carol Danvers dotingly and disappointedly, he said The words uttered seemed to contain a special rhythm, which made Carol Danvers' heart feel as if it was instantly grasped.

"My child, I have found a group of like-minded people. We are creating an organization. Your spatial ability can help us." Laike Danvers said in a deep and penetrating voice (bfcg), But it made Carol Danvers full of doubts.

"Father, what are you talking about? What organization?" Carol Danvers frowned and looked at his father seriously. Since he was very young, Braike Danvers has been crazily adoring And Obsessed with Evolution Glory Biological Company.

And after getting the Terrigen crystal in 1983 and giving it to himself, Boo Laike Danvers disappeared quite a bit.

Now after five years, Carol reappeared, and Carol found that his former father seemed to have become a stranger. He always talked about organization, glory, evolution, Terrigen crystal, and the kingdom of God.

"A like-minded people composed entirely of people who drink Terrigen crystals and gain the supernatural power of abilities, we pursue evolution and glory together, and at the same time we discover a mysterious kingdom, where is the Garden of Eden for all abilities. "Blaike's eyes became extremely excited and fanatical, but his words made Carol even more irritable.

Especially when Bo Laike mentions Terrigen Crystals and Mystic Realms.

"Son, look, how perfect you are now, you have an unparalleled ability, you shouldn't waste it here, in the so-called Tianma project." Laike looked at Carol Danvers, frowning slightly up, and said in praise.

"Yes, father. I have become a Superman now, and I have the body of Krypton." Carol Danvers looked at her father complicatedly. If it wasn't for her father, she would not be able to obtain such a perfect body.

"The body of Krypton? Superman?" Carol's words made the excited Bo Laike stunned in place, and then the excitement on Bo Laike's face suddenly became serious.

"Gift Crab, what a shitty Superman, that's just an unfounded manga, the Ability you got is not a Kryptonian body at all, and you don't need to absorb any damn solar energy." Laike looked extremely excited at the moment, he couldn't help it Stop yelling.


And because of his excitement, the pitch of his voice suddenly rose, and then it turned into a muffled thunder, exploding over the entire Tianma base.

Countless base personnel hugged their ears, and began to roll over in pain.

DC comics are shit, carol, carol danvers, you gotta remember

Let's face it, your ability is not a superman's body. From the beginning to the end, all you have is space ability.

"You won't become a god on earth, but you will become a god of space." Bu Laike cursed loudly, obviously, he scoffed at the recent popular DC comics


And because of Bu Laike's curse, the surrounding base began to faintly collapse, and a special sound wave energy spread out with Bu Laike's words, "The whole base resounded.

The sound of the country's buildings collapsing.

"Watfark." Carol Danvers looked at his father in astonishment, and couldn't believe that all this was caused by his father.

"Phew, I'm sorry, my boy. I lost my composure. Remember, your body changed like this because you drank Terrigen crystals, and the deep purple Terrigen crystals, which represent, It's the space ability."

"You can become the brightest star in the sky, not the body of a shitty Superman." Boo Laike took a deep breath, then said something solemnly to Carol, and then said

Before the base security personnel arrived, they directly merged into the night.

Laike Danvers is gone, as he was in 1983.

However, the impact caused by Bu Laike has not disappeared at all, and the entire building of the Tianma Base collapsed and shattered. Therefore, a week ago, Dr. Marvel brought Carlo

Er and others moved to what is now the Secret Air Force Base in Manhattan.

"Hey, Carol, there is a handsome guy looking at you." Just when Carol Danvers was in a daze, Maria Rambo's words sounded in his ears, and Carol, who came back to his senses, factory

Follow Maria's line of sight to look over.

Immediately, he saw a handsome Caucasian youth. This Caucasian youth was staring at Carol with incomparably complicated eyes.

"Huh?" Carol Danvers was stunned for a moment, then walked up to the white young man, looking at the white man with some doubts.

She felt a special feeling from this man.

"The accuser, Ronan, found traces of the Kree traitor Marvell, and I found a special human on planet C-53." The white youth faced Carol

He smiled, then pressed his right hand on his ear, and said as if no one else was there.

"Ronan the Accuser? Cree? Hey, handsome guy, are you role-playing?" Beside Carol, Maria Rambo showed an excited smile on her face, showing great interest.

Bob said.

At the same time, Maria Rambo generously put her right hand on the shoulder of the young Caucasian man.


A dull voice sounded, and Maria Rambo was directly thrown away by the white youth. The powerful force even cracked the wall behind Maria.

"Mary Falke." Maria Rambo couldn't help cursing, and she felt that her internal organs seemed to have been shattered.

The severe pain caused Maria Rambo to pass out directly, and some surrounding air force flight personnel who were training and the security personnel of Tianma base heard the movement

, quickly surrounded the former white youths.

"Electrical energy surges." Surrounded by the crowd, the white man unhurriedly raised his right hand. On his right hand, a very sci-fi interstellar bracelet exudes a dazzling light.

The blue light of the eye.


A bolt of lightning was released from the interstellar bracelet, and in the astonished eyes of everyone, it turned into a power grid, and then enveloped everyone.

Bang bang bang.

The moment the power grid was touched, both the air force flight crew and the security personnel collapsed to the ground, only Carol Danvers was left standing in the entire base.


"Huh? Why are you able to ignore the electric shock?" The white young man looked at Carol Danvers in amazement, and then looked down at his interstellar bracelet uncertainly.

This is the standard configuration of the star soldiers of the Kerry Star Empire.

Possesses a variety of technological weapons.

"Who are you?" Carol frowned and looked at the white youth in front of her. She could feel that the white youth in front of her was completely different from ordinary people.

"Go to hell, Carol Danvers." The white youth didn't answer Carol's words, but took out a special U-shaped firearm from his clothes with his right hand, and went straight

Then he pulled the trigger. .

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