Marvel: The Eye Saga Begins With Mutant

Chapter 240 Hanging Cree Warriors, Marwell's Double Star Absorber

"My lord, a Cree spaceship has appeared on the earth." In January 1988, in the kingdom of gods, in the space city, the soul Ultron appeared in front of Lancelot and reminded him.

"Very well, where's Yuan Devourer?" Lancelot asked calmly with a smile on his face.

"Aim." Just when Lancelot mentioned Yuan Devouring Beast, a space vortex appeared, and then a somewhat silly orange cat appeared in front of Lancelot.

"My lord, please command me." The orange cat uttered the words, squatting its whole body on top of a huge amount of dog.

"My king, Cosmo pays you the most sincere respect." Big Dog, wearing a cool future spacesuit, said respectfully to Lance Lott.

This cat and dog are obviously Lancelot's pet orange cat, Yuan Devourer, and one of the mutant protoss, the space dog Cosmo.

Because they are all animals, the space dog Cosmo seems to be very close to the orange cat, Yuanshou, and often travels together.

"Chronophore, Cosmo. You go to Earth and bring back the Space Gem." Lancelot gave orders to the orange cat Vigorous and the space dog Cosmo.

Lancelot has been waiting for the start of Captain Marvel's plot. In the original plot, the Space Rubik's Cube was hidden on the Skrull refugee spacecraft by the Cree Marwell, and then swallowed by the Yuan Devourer.

And now, the Skrull refugees have settled in the Kingdom of Gods, and Lancelot will never allow the Cree Marwell to hide the Space Rubik's Cube again.

"Of order, my king." The orange cat Chew Yuan Beast and the space dog Cosmo said respectfully, and then they were shrouded in a cloud of red mist.

"Let's go and witness the birth of Captain Marvel Carol." Lancelot looked at the departing Yuan Devourer and Space Dog Cosmo, and said with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Lancelot's right kaleidoscope Sharingan turned slightly, and the power of Pupil Art·Shenwei was released, and his body was dragged into the space vortex.

In January 1988, inside the Tianma Base in Manhattan, New York City.

The 20-year-old Carol Danvers frowned and looked at the white youth in front of her. She surpassed the eyesight of ordinary people and found that the young people were different.

On the neck of the white man, there are blue lines, which seem to be out of tune with his skin.

"Go to hell, Carol Danvers, you poor life form of the humble planet C-53." When Carol looked at the white youth, the white youth showed a cold smile on his face, and then The U-shaped firearm in the right hand released a dazzling energy radiance.


A huge amount of shock sounded, and a beam of energy light quickly hit Carol Danvers. The powerful visual effect made Carol stunned in place.

And just when Carol was in a daze, the energy light beam of the white youth had already enveloped Carol's body, and the powerful energy radiance made Carol feel his heart beating wildly. "Ten senses of crisis made Carol subconsciously raise up the right tail.


A strange feeling emerged from Carol's body, and at the same time, under the astonished eyes of the white youth, Carol's body seemed to gradually become nothingness.

The previous energy beam directly penetrated Carol's body and hit the wall behind Carol, and huge amounts of energy beam directly penetrated the wall.

"Supreme wisdom, what the hell is this?" The white youth looked at Carol's body that seemed to have become nothing at the moment in astonishment, and couldn't believe his eyes for a while.

At the same time, the holographic image on the young white man also disappeared, and the original white man suddenly turned into a blue-skinned, burly, rock-like Cree warrior with muscles like a rock.

Carnegie, a Cree warrior, looked at Carol with a face full of surprise at this moment. As an elite Cree warrior carefully cultivated by the Cree, he has participated in large and small interstellar wars, and has seen countless special races. But he had never seen such a surprising scene.

"Watfak, what's the matter with this woman?" Carnegie was still a little unbelievable, he pulled the trigger again, and this time adjusted the output power of the energy gun to the maximum.


A huge amount of blue energy light beam swept out, the intensity of this energy light beam is enough to destroy a building.

Carnegie is confident that with the scientific and technological strength of the Kree people, the backward planet C-53 is basically irresistible.

However, the next scene horrified Carnegie.

I saw that after the blue energy beam hit Carol's body, Carol, who seemed somewhat illusory, suddenly became like a black hole [began to absorb the blue area crazily.

In just a few seconds, Carol had completely absorbed the blue energy beam, and her body also began to shine with a faint light.

"Energy Absorption?" Carnegie's pupils widened and he yelled in horror.

Among the cosmic races, there are many special races, among which there are very few races that can absorb.

At this moment, Carnegie actually discovered a life form suspected of having Energy Absorption ability on the backward earth, which made the corners of his eyes twitch.

"Wow, I feel great now." Carol's whole body exuded the light of the fence at the moment, and she felt as if she had soaked in a hot spring, and all the cells in her body were comfortable.


Carol stepped forward, her body seemed to be teleporting, and she appeared in front of the Cree warrior Carnegie in an instant, then clenched her fists, and punched the Cree warrior Carnegie with one punch.

"Energy shield." Carnegie quickly released the energy shield on his Cree battle suit, and a blue energy field enveloped Carnegie.


However, in the next second, the shield formed by Carnegie was smashed by Carol's punch, and then her right fist hit Carnegie firmly.


A dull impact sounded, and Carnegie's body was directly thrown out by Carol's punch, and then fell heavily on the ground, instantly losing his ability to resist.

"Gift Crab..." Carnegie looked at Carol in front of him in horror. At this moment, Carol's body was still emitting a faint light.

"Carol, what happened?" Just as Carol was feeling his powerful strength and speed, Dr. Marvel arrived late. Surprised and stunned.

"Dr. Marvel, there is, alien?" Carol didn't know how to describe the existence of the Kree.

"Kree people?" However, without Carol's introduction, Dr. Marvel knew that the people of the Kree Empire had discovered himself the moment he saw Carnegie.

"Fack, Kree traitor, Marwell, you will eventually be judged by the Accuser's Council. The accuser Lord Ronan will not let any Kree traitor go." The moment he saw Dr. Marvel , the Cree warrior Carnegie looked angry and cursed loudly.

"Shut up, Carnegie. The Supreme Intelligence is enslaving the Cree, and the Supreme Intelligence is using the Cree to start a war, making it stronger and more omniscient." Marvel walked in front of Carnegie , directly lifted Carnegie's neck, and retorted.

While speaking, Dr. Marvel's camouflage disappears, revealing her blue Kree skin.

"Gift Crab." Carol's eyes widened when she saw the scene in front of her, and she couldn't help but swear.

"Carnegie, go back and tell the accuser Ronan that if his Cree fleet dares to come to Earth, he will definitely regret it." Dr. Marvel gave Carnegie a cold look.

Then he directly threw Carnegie out of the hall.

"Marvel, wait for Lord Ronan the Accuser's fleet to arrive. This planet will be trembling under the star fleet of the Kree people." Carnegie let out a roar, and then quickly sat on himself The hidden small dead spaceship directly opened the space jump and disappeared into the Tianma base.

"Dr. Marvel, I think I need an explanation." Carol Danvers looked at Dr. Marvel seriously, and then said.

"I'm sorry, Carol. As you can see, I'm a Cree from an alien race." Marvell briefly introduced his race and the reasons why he escaped from the Cree Empire.

Then she looked at Carol, and then there was an expectant smile on her face.

"Carol Danvers, the earth is in crisis, and I need you to stand up now to defend the earth and the homeland of mankind." Marvell's words stunned Carol again.


"Hey, defending the earth is Captain America Peggy Carter's business." Carol shrugged and couldn't help but complain.

"No, Carol, you have spatial ability, enough to become a superhero surpassing Captain America Peggy Carter." Dr. Marvel walked up to Carol, reached out and patted Carol on the shoulder, with a serious face Said.

"Carol, I need your help now." Dr. Marvel's serious words made Carol serious.

"Well, Dr. Marvel, I hope you are right." Carol took a deep look at Dr. Marvel, and then followed Dr. Marvel to the core laboratory of Tianma Base.

"Carol, for the past four years, I have stopped all research on the superluminal space engine." After arriving at the core laboratory, Dr. Marvel showed a look of pride on her face, and she walked in front of a special container , operated quickly.

"For the past four years, I have been researching your space ability, and I found that the cells in your body have an infinite ability to absorb space energy." Marwell said while opening the special container in front of him .

A blue space Rubik's Cube appeared in front of Carol Danvers.

"Watfake, what is this?" When Carol saw the Space Rubik's Cube, a special feeling in her body made her unable to help stretching out her right hand towards the Space Cube.

"Carol, now is not the time." Marvel grabbed Carol's arm, and then used a special device to place the Space Rubik's Cube on a container full of sci-fi.

"The power of the Space Rubik's Cube is infinite, and its essence is the power of infinite rough stones. Although you have a special space ability, you cannot bear the power of the Space Rubik's Cube." Marvel brought Carol to a special biochemical chamber Within, and then introduced with some pride.

"Have you seen this special biochemical chamber? This is a space energy converter I made using the technology of the Cree people. It can absorb the power of the space Rubik's Cube. I will record it as a treasure."

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