Marvel: The Eye Saga Begins With Mutant

Chapter 241 Captain Hydra, The True Face Of Dr. Marvel

In February 1988, in a secret air force base in Manhattan, New York City, Carol Danvers was lying in a double star absorber built by Cree Dr. Marvel.

In the center of the double star absorber, there is a bright blue Rubik's Cube, which emits bursts of space fluctuations, and these space fluctuations are being stored in the core of the double star absorber through special instruments.

Space Rubik's Cube.

The Cree Dr. Marvel called it Tesseract, and at this moment the power of the Space Gem inside it is gradually being activated.

Before the Binary Star Absorber, there was only one scientist left, that is Dr. Marvell from Kree.

As the chief scientist of the Cree, Dr. Marvel has mastered the unimaginable technology of the Cree Empire, among which the gene technology and Energy Absorption technology are beyond the imagination of earth scientists.

"Success or failure depends on one move, and I will create the history of the Kerry Empire." At this moment, Dr. Marvel's eyes were full of excitement and excitement, and she clenched her hands tightly. From Carol Danvers, she saw the end The future of the war of the Cree Empire even saw the picture of the collapse of the entire Cree Empire.


Just when Dr. Marvel was about to press the button to start the experiment, the door of the laboratory was opened, and a burly figure wearing Captain America's costume walked in.

"Captain America, Peggy Carter?" Cree Dr. Marvel turned his head and looked at the approaching figure. When he saw such a burly figure, the first thing Dr. Marvel thought of was the recent Peggy Carter, the new Captain America active in New York City, Five Thirty".

"Wrong, Dr. Marvel." A gloomy voice sounded in the laboratory, and then that figure walked in front of Dr. Marvel.

"Gift Crab, Captain America Steve Rogers?" Even Dr. Marvel couldn't help but gasped when he saw the person coming.

What appeared in front of Dr. Marvel was the object of worship of countless people, the famous first superhero during World War II, Captain America Steve Rogers.

However, at this moment, Steve Rogers had an extremely gloomy expression on his face, and his gaze seemed to be like a poisonous snake, which made Dr. Marvel tremble with fear.

"No, no, Dr. Marvel. That idiot Captain America Rogers is dead, please call me Captain HYDRA." Captain America Rogers said the words in a gloomy tone that surprised Dr. Marvel.

"Captain HYDRA?" Although Dr. Marvel is a Cree, she has lived on the earth for many years and knows the history of the earth, especially the history of World War II.

Captain America Steve Rogers fought against the evil scientific organization HYDRA in World War II, and it is almost a household name.

However, now this guy who looks exactly like Steve Rogers actually called himself the captain of HYDRA, which made Dr. Marvel's brain become dull for a while.

"Captain America Rogers, that idiot, actually believes in a theory that the damn past and future can't be influenced at all. He ruined the good situation." HYDRA Captain Rogers took a look at Dr. Marvel, and then thought to himself Went to the laboratory [began to constantly debug the cutting-edge beam electric instrument that only Kerry can figure out.

In fact, it was Captain America Steve Rogers who appeared in front of Dr. Marvel, but he was just an extreme character of Captain America Rogers.

After winning the final battle, Captain America Rogers traveled through the world of princes and accidentally split himself into different personalities and different peers. These Captain Americas are scattered in one of the parallel timelines among the tens of millions of timelines. middle.

And just when Captain America Rogers got in touch with his own body because of the birth of Apocalypse, this body spent huge amounts of money and used Captain America Rogers' body to forcibly summon himself to this timeline.

And the HYDRA captain Rogers in front of him is a peer of Captain America Rogers. Compared with Captain America Rogers, who has a salty fish personality, the captain of HYDRA has the opposite personality.

And in the time and space of the captain of HYDRA, relying on his own wisdom and power, he successfully let HYDRA replace the SHIELD Director, and then used HYDRA's power to control the entire world.

In the following time, the HYDRA captain worked hard to develop HYDRA technology, while paying close attention to the development of the main timeline.

In the following time, the captain of HYDRA suddenly discovered that there was a terrifying race in the main timeline, the Mutant.

This is an existence that his branch timeline does not have.

In order to stifle the crisis in its infancy, Captain HYDRA forcibly transferred his spirit into the body of Captain America Rogers, who was still buried deep in the polar ice at that time, through special quantum technology.

Then, the HYDRA captain, who had just escaped from the trap, went to the Siberian polar region non-stop, preparing to wipe out the Mutant group directly.

However, the captain of HYDRA had a very good idea, but before he could make a move, Lancelot, who had become the king of Mutants, descended strongly in front of the HYDRA Siberia base, and then only used the energy technology developed by the Mutant House, It easily slaughtered the entire base.

That battle was the first time Captain HYDRA saw the power of Mutant, and was also the first time he was afraid of Lancelot's power.

After forcibly returning to his branch timeline, Captain HYDRA began working on how to deal with Mutant.

Especially for the Telepathy Ability in Mutant, the captain of HYDRA carried out the research enthusiastically.

For more than ten years, although he did not research how to restrain the Mutant mutant Ability, he invented a special brainwashing device by accident.

The HYDRA Captain calls it the HYDRA Stamp.

Through special mental fluctuations, some false memories and instructions are implanted into the target person, and it only takes a short time to control a person's mind.

"Stop, HYDRA Captain Rogers, what are you doing?" Seeing HYDRA Captain adjusting his technological device as if no one else was around, Dr. Marvel's face changed drastically [angrily questioned and asked.

"Although the Cree's technology is very advanced, your brainwashing technology is simply appalling." The HYDRA captain took the time to tear off the Captain America costume on his body, revealing the HYDRA uniform inside.

Then Captain HYDRA walked up to the sleeping Carol Danvers, looked at Carol quietly, and what he said made Dr. Marvel's face change drastically.

"Fack, what are you talking about?" Dr. Marvel frowned, staring fixedly at Captain HYDRA, his originally gentle face became a little stern at the moment

"I have studied the Cree people, and I found that their spirits have already been branded. This brand will make the Cree people tyrannical, and they will crazily destroy all life in sight." HYDRA The captain's face was as gloomy as ever, and his deep words carried a special rhythm.

"The desire for tyranny and destruction is deeply rooted in the bones of the Cree people. Whether it is the Kree soldiers who are loyal to the Supreme Intelligence or the Cree traitors who have escaped the control of the Supreme Intelligence, they cannot change the nature of the Cree people." HYDRA Captain He looked at Dr. Marvel with a cold gaze, but what he said made Dr. Marvel's face change constantly.

"That's right, the tyranny and destruction in the core of the Cree, no matter how well the disguise is, it is a fact that cannot be changed." Dr. Marwell smiled wryly, "The gentleness on her face was also replaced by coldness.

Yes, since breaking away from the Cree Empire and hiding in the earth, the Cree Marwell has been plotting how to end the rule of the Supreme Intelligence of the Cree Empire and take revenge on the Supreme Intelligence and the Cree Empire.

As for helping the Skrull refugees and becoming a cosmic pacifist, Marvell did it casually.

During the decades-long brainwashing of the supreme wisdom, every Cree is filled with the desire for tyranny and destruction.

This is the supreme spiritual imprint issued to every Cree during the reign of supreme wisdom, and even the current Cree traitor Marwell cannot get rid of it.

She has now removed the earth disguise and turned into a blue-skinned Cree through and through. Her eyes, looking at Carol Danvers, have become extremely hot.

"Although I'm not the bitch of supreme intelligence, I have also mastered some brainwashing methods in these years, and I have studied the spirit of the earth people very thoroughly in the past few years..." Ma Wei A smile appeared on Dr. Er's face, and his originally gentle expression became surprised. two

"As long as I brainwash Carol and infuse the power of the Space gem into Carol, I will be able to create an ultimate weapon that will destroy the Kree Empire. I will name it Captain Marvel." After the captain pointed out his purpose, the Cree Dr. Marvel stopped pretending.

"Brainwashing? Your so-called brainwashing is to instill in Carroll over and over again that you are righteous and the Kree Empire is evil?" Captain HYDRA looked at Dr. Marvel and couldn't help but sneered. Pulled out a strange instrument.

This instrument is somewhat similar to a handheld camera in the 21st century, or a popular pager in the 1980s. In the center of the instrument is a HYDRA skull logo.

"Dr. Marvel, let's make a deal." The HYDRA captain glanced at Dr. Marvel, then turned his head to look at Carol Danvers, with a playful smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Deal? What deal?" Dr. Marvel frowned, she didn't believe the HYDRA captain in front of her, because the HYDRA captain gave Dr. Marvel the feeling of a poisonous snake hidden in the dark, as long as If you are not careful, you will be swallowed whole by it.

"I'll help you brainwash the future Captain Marvel Carol Danvers, and you need to take Carol Danvers to help me gain control of the capital of the Kree Empire, Starhala." The words of the HYDRA captain let Dr. Marvel was stunned.

"Gift Crab, are you planning to control the Kree Empire?" Dr. Marvel dared not elaborate on what she heard. Although she was always full of resentment towards the Kree Empire in her heart, she wished for its immediate destruction.

But Dr. Marvel, who is a Cree, knows very well that the Cree Empire, which possesses supreme wisdom, cannot be artificially destroyed.

Unless the Supreme Intelligence goes crazy, even Thanos' dark order cannot destroy the Cree Empire.

And the captain of HYDRA in front of him wants to gain the control of the capital of the Kerry Empire, Hala, which is simply wishful thinking.

"You just need to kill the Kree warships, and I will take care of the rest." Captain HYDRA's words made Dr. Marvel's face even colder.

"Why?" Dr. Marvel was a little puzzled. The terms of the transaction that the HYDRA captain said really made her unable to understand.

"The kingdom of God is unstoppable. I need to find a way out for myself." The captain of HYDRA said words that Dr. Marvel couldn't understand at all.

"The Kingdom of God?" Dr. Marvel had never heard of the existence of the Kingdom of God.

"Okay, time is running out 5.2, no matter how well you hide, you will

Spotted by the agent king of S.H.I.E.L.D... oh no, it should be called Captain America Peggy now. "The captain of HYDRA pressed his right hand on the handheld, and a three-dimensional

Volumetric projection emerges.

Outside the air force base, Peggy Carter, wearing a Captain America battle suit, was sneaking in quickly with her Roaring Commando and S.H.I.E.L.D agents.

"OK, I seem to have no choice." Dr. Marvel shrugged, and then walked in front of Carol Danvers. She wanted to see what happened to Captain HYDRA

How to brainwash Carol.

Boom boom boom.

Under Dr. Marvel's gaze, HYDRA captain Shi Shiran knocked on the double star absorption device, and then Carol Danvers, who had been injected with anesthesia before, opened his eyes.


The captain of HYDRA lightly pressed the handheld device in his hand, and a special mental wave instantly enveloped Carol Danvers.

At the same time, Carol Danvers' eyes, which were originally confused, became extremely dumbfounded at this moment.

"Ferth, this is your name. You were originally a Cree warrior, but after witnessing the war between the Cree and the Skrulls, you understand that the war of the Cree Empire is wrong."

Wrong, so you, the Kree Firth, followed Dr. Marvel and betrayed the Kree Empire and escaped from the rule of the Supreme Intelligence. "

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