Marvel: The Eye Saga Begins With Mutant

Chapter 28 White Queen Emma, ​​Geass' Weakness

"Professor X is planning to use his own Telepathy to control Wolverine Logan?" In the House of Mutant Evolution, Lancelot put down the communicator with great interest.

He has learned everything that happened after Base X became ruins through the report of Councilor Francis, and he also knows the purpose of Professor X.

"John, bring Francis back." Lancelot looked at the phantom John under the high platform, and ordered calmly.

"I obey, my king." Phantom John, who was wearing a western cowboy outfit, stroked his chest with his right hand, and then his whole body disappeared into the hall.


Almost in the next second, Phantom John appeared in front of the ruins of Base X. Under Francis' astonished gaze, he grabbed Francis' arm and teleported again to appear in front of Lancelot.

"My king." Francis, who was astonished, only felt a blur in front of his eyes. When he opened his eyes again, he saw Lancelot sitting on a high platform, looking down at him. This made Francis calm down and saluted respectfully. road.

"Francis, go down and rest first." Lancelot nodded and waved Francis away.

After Francis left, Lancelot tapped the table again with his right hand, thinking about the next plan, and at the same time had a clearer understanding of Professor X in this period.

As the future Professor X said, when he was young, Professor X was a complete bastard, which can be seen from the fact that after Professor X felt the crisis, he planned to use Telepathy's Ability to control Wolverine Logan.

"Let's go, my fellow mutants, White Queen Emma needs us now." Lancelot raised his head, and then extended his hand to Raven beside him.

The other Mutants understood and jumped onto the high platform directly, and then everyone formed a circle. Lancelot held Raven and Silverfox Karla with both hands, and looked at Phantom John.

"CIA headquarters." Lancelot said the destination this time, and Phantom John closed his eyes immediately.


Lancelot and others disappeared in the Mutant Evolution House.

When he opened his eyes again, Lancelot realized that he had traveled hundreds of kilometers and appeared in the CIA headquarters, the office of Senator Humpherson.

"My king." Humpherson, who was on the phone with the president, was not surprised when he saw Lancelot and others suddenly appearing in the room. He just hung up the president's phone and came to Lancelot's side.

"Humpherson, take us to see Emma." Lancelot gave Humpherson a look and ordered.

"Yes, my king." Humpherson responded, leading Lancelot and others to a luxurious room.

Lancelot pushed the door open, and immediately saw the blond beauty sitting on the luxurious sofa, sipping red wine leisurely.

White Queen Emma · Frost.

A beauty with super punctual appearance and figure, she can always feel sexy and beautiful in her body, as if she is a stunner carefully crafted by heaven, which makes Lancelot pleasing to the eye.

Especially at this moment, White Queen Emma's dress is exactly the same as when she went to Moscow. She is wearing a white cape, fashion avant-garde, and even a miniskirt that leads the trend of the times. Her fair skin makes her look more elegant.

Like a princess in a fairy tale, even Lancelot, who already owns Mystique Raven, can't help but be attracted by it.

"Mutant?" At this moment, White Queen Emma was sitting on the sofa so elegantly, without the consciousness of being a prisoner at all, and said with a light smile.

Her Telepathy perception realized that the people in front of her were all her own kind, which made White Queen Emma, ​​who had been imprisoned here for several days, couldn't help being a little surprised.

Since being found and captured by Professor X and Magneto, Emma has been brought by CIA agents to this luxurious room in the CIA building.

Originally, White Queen Emma was still a little worried, worried that humans would experiment on her after capturing her.

So, for the first two days, White Queen Emma has been trying to use her own Telepathy, trying to control these agents and escape from here.

But what happened next made White Queen Emma feel like being struck by lightning. She could easily use her Telepathy to read the memories, thoughts, and even change their minds of these agents.

But when it comes to the most fundamental escape from here, no matter how White Queen Emma releases the ability, it's like a mud cow sinking into the sea, without any response.

Even White Queen Emma tried to use her Telepathy to forcefully change the minds of these agents and make them loyal to herself.

But when Emma said the words "loyalty to me", Emma was shocked to see that a fiery red flying bird with a proud posture and aloof appeared in the eyes of all the agents.

When Asuka appeared, Emma's head felt like a heavy hammer, and she clearly realized that she was backlashed by some unknown force.

In addition to being unable to control the thinking of these agents and let them obey their own orders, White Queen Emma also discovered that once some special instructions are involved, these agents will be immune to their own Telepathy.

Mental commands like let me get out of here, don't stop me from getting out of here, are completely ineffective.

At the same time, Emma is also trying to get these agents to tell her deepest secrets, and questions such as who to obey, will also be ignored by these agents.

Over time, Emma knew that this group of agents had a mental imprint beyond their own Telepathy in their brains. This unknown spiritual imprint, like a thick firewall, could easily invalidate their own Telepathy.

Emma has been trying to probe the memories of these agents for the past few days, but when it comes to the most fundamental memory, no matter how Emma probes, she finds nothing.

"Emma Frost, White Queen of Hellfire Club, my dear fellow Mutant." Lancelot looked at Emma, ​​who was sitting gracefully on the sofa, with a smile on the corner of his mouth. Before Emma could react, Lancelot's eyes A gorgeous bird flew out of it.

"Geass!" Facing Telepathy Emma, ​​Lancelot didn't have any arrogant thoughts, he launched Geass directly.

"Be loyal to me." Lancelot tried to impose absolute orders on Emma, ​​but his own Geass didn't respond much.

Emma on the opposite side was just a little dazed, but her eyes were still clear and bright, obviously not affected by Geass.

This is the flaw of Geass, who cannot directly command Telepathy Ability, and the existence of extremely firm will, such as Professor X and White Queen in Mutant, and Marvel's 50-50 Captain America Steve Rogers with amazing willpower, Lancelot's Geass will be affected, unable to use Geass' absolute command to bend the will of these people.

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