Marvel: The Eye Saga Begins With Mutant

Chapter 29 Geass And Telepathy, The Collision Of The Spiritual World

Inside a luxurious room in the CIA headquarters building.

Lancelot and White Queen Emma stood facing each other. At this moment, White Queen Emma was full of confusion, and there was a hint of struggle in her eyes.

Just now, White Queen Emma saw Lancelot's eyes, and then she felt a special spirit begin to invade her brain.

This horrified White Queen Emma, ​​who immediately began mobilizing her Telepathy powers to ward off this unknown psychic force.


A crisp bird chirping sounded, and in the eyes of White Queen Emma, ​​Lancelot at this moment seemed to be wrapped in a fiery red bird, and a huge and irresistible spiritual force crazily impacted his brain.

In front of this huge fiery red bird, White Queen Emma felt like a small boat in the waves of the sea at this moment. She could only do her best to use her spiritual power to build defenses, so that she could barely avoid being caught by the vast birds in front of her. submerged.

Shendu used all of White Queen Emma's heart to defend against the vast birds in front of her, so that in reality, she seemed to be stuck in a sluggish freeze frame.


The original red wine glass in Emma's hand fell to the ground, and then shattered at Emma's feet, and the red wine spilled out, staining Emma's feet red.

Behind Lancelot, Raven and others looked at Lancelot standing tall and straight, and White Queen Emma standing sluggishly, and were a little stunned for a while.

They didn't know what was going on, so they just looked at White Queen Emma warily.

And only Raven knew that Lancelot's variant Ability was an absolute command, and it was the first time she saw someone who could resist Lancelot's absolute command, which made Raven look at White Queen Emma with some admiration.

The first time Raven saw White Queen Emma, ​​a familiar face appeared in Raven, Charles Xavier, the same Telepathy as White Queen Emma, ​​and his Telepathy power is stronger than White Queen Emma.

"I don't know if Charles can resist my king's absolute order." Raven was looking forward to the moment when Charles met Lancelot, because only then could he see Charles deflated, even surrendered.


White Queen Emma obviously didn't have time to pay attention to the expressions of Raven and others. Her current spiritual power protected herself layer by layer, as crystal clear as a diamond.

"Who are you? Why did you attack me?" In the spiritual world, White Queen Emma looked at Lancelot surrounded by a vast bird in horror, and asked loudly with all her strength.

"Lancelot, King of Mutants." Lancelot looked at the White Queen Emma who was as crystal clear as a diamond in front of him with great interest.

This was the first time he used Geass to impose absolute orders on Telepathists, so he didn't expect such a change.

Using the power of Geass, he actually entered Emma's spiritual world. At this moment, Lancelot looked at Emma's spiritual world with a little surprise.

"It's really beautiful, just like your appearance, beautiful and pure, pleasing to the eye." Looking at the spiritual world in front of him, Lancelot couldn't help but praise him.

The spiritual world of White Queen Emma is really beautiful. The sky of the spiritual world is vast and broad, and there are stars shining like diamonds on the sky.

The blue sky is like washing, dazzling.

And at Emma's feet, there is also an endless white land, on which there are many dazzling buildings, as if entering a fairy tale kingdom.

And Emma herself, under the protection of spiritual power, shines like a diamond, and behind her stretches out a pair of extremely white spiritual wings.

Relying on the power of the wings of the soul, Emma resisted Lancelot's first absolute order.

Allegiance to me.

"I, Emma Frost, will absolutely...never be loyal to anyone." Emma is under Lancelot's Geass at the moment, like a small boat that capsizes at any time, but she expresses her heart very firmly words.


Geass suffered strong resistance from Emma, ​​but it didn't work. The fiery red bird on Lancelot flapped its wings and croaked, announcing the failure of directly controlling Emma.

"Since you can't give an absolute order directly, let's be gentle." Lancelot glanced at the White Queen Emma who was struggling to resist, and changed his strategy.

"Emma, ​​be my family. You will never be alone again." This time, Lancelot did not use any coercive orders.

He just stretched out his hand to Emma, ​​and said the words that White Queen Emma longed for most.

Hearing Lancelot's words, the White Queen Emma's originally resisted movements froze for a moment.

She looked at the extremely handsome Lancelot in front of her in a daze, and cracks appeared in the spiritual protection of her body.

Yes, Emma really longs for her family. Ever since she became a Mutant and Awakened Telepathy, human malice has been unreservedly displayed in front of her.

Since she was a child, she has noticed the malice of her parents, so she escaped from her home and started wandering.

And as time goes by, Emma's spiritual power is getting stronger and stronger, but her perception of human malice is also becoming stronger. Her ears are filled with the despicable and disgusting voices of people around her all the time, and the evil thoughts of human beings make her even stronger. Look lonely.

It is also because of this that after Black Emperor Xiao found her, she willingly became the White Queen of the Hellfire Club, and has always regarded the Mutant of the Hellfire Club as her companion.

She is no longer alone for a short time, she has a companion.

However, with the passage of time, the Hellfire Club founded by Hei Huang Xiao gradually lost its original meaning. Hei Huang Xiao gradually began to dictate to the surrounding Mutants. .

She didn't like this feeling. Her original companions were forming a class at the moment, which made Emma want to leave Heihuangxiao's side. Therefore, when Professor X and Magneto found her, she didn't have much resistance at all. It's easy to catch.

But at this moment, upon hearing Lancelot's words, a crack appeared in Emma's spiritual wings. Just as Lancelot said, she, White Queen Emma, ​​longed for family, affection, and love.

"Family?" Once the rift started, it would expand instantly, Emma's spiritual wings disappeared, and Lancelot's Geass turned into a vast bird, drowning Emma instantly.

Geass: Be my Lancelot's family, and get the love of my family, no longer alone.

It successfully broke through Emma's spiritual barrier and imprinted it in Emma's brain.

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