Marvel: The Eye Saga Begins With Mutant

Chapter 69 Entering The New Jersey Base And Taking Control Of Dr. Pym

New Jersey base, Strategic Science Corps.

Lancelot appeared here with Mystique Raven, looking at the huge base in the distance, Lancelot waited quietly.

Without making Lancelot wait for a long time, a personnel carrier stopped in front of Lancelot, and White Queen Emma, ​​who was wearing beautiful clothes, stepped out of the vehicle with enchanting steps

"My King Hail." Behind White Queen Emma, ​​dozens of soldiers covered in camouflage stripes were waiting in line.

This is one of the Adaptive Forces of the House of Mutant Evolution, the Stealth Force. The camouflage stripes on its body are taken from a Mutant with chameleon genes.

In special environments, these camouflage stripes can provide varying degrees of stealth.

"Let's go, find Dr. Pym." Lancelot brought White Queen Emma and Mystique Raven into this top-secret base like a stroll in the courtyard.

As for the soldiers behind Lancelot, the camouflage stripes on their bodies shook for a while, and then they became transparent in the air.

"Stop, who are you?" The fifth-level agent in charge of guarding the base, after seeing the three of Lancelot, immediately pulled out a pistol with his right hand and aimed the gun at Lancelot.

"Emma." Lancelot just glanced at these five-level agents, and White Queen Emma behind her immediately put her right hand on her temple.

Peng Peng.

Several agents in front of Lancelot fell to the ground, and Lancelot 843 went directly into the base without even looking at these agents.

This is a top-secret scientific research base, and the agents in the base are heavily guarded, almost every three steps, one post, five steps, one sentry. However, the defense of these agents is useless to the three of Lancelot.

Inside the base, countless scientists belonging to the Strategic Science Corps are conducting various experiments in their respective laboratories.

"Fack squid." In the underground laboratory at the core of the base, Dr. Pim was venting his anger angrily at the moment.

Just now, his excitement about developing the Pym particles disappeared. As the director of the Strategic Science Corps, Peggy Carter actually asked him to seal up the Pym particles in his real room.

"Is that woman Peggy Carter crazy? This is the key that can open the door to the quantum realm." Dr. Pym angrily pushed down the experimental platform in front of him, full of resentment towards Peggy Carter and the Strategic Science Corps.

"Mary Falke." Dr. Pym was out of anger at this moment, and he cursed wildly, but then a strange idea suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Why don't I leave here and go to another place to continue my research?" Dr. Pym's pupils shrank slightly, and he did as soon as he thought of it. Dr. Pym began to manufacture Pym particles non-stop.

But Dr. Pym didn't see at all that in his laboratory, the three of Lancelot were leisurely flipping through Dr. Pym's research materials.

"Pym particles, which can scale down anything, is really an epoch-making invention." Lancelot held a tube of pale yellow Pym particles in his hand, "I couldn't help but praise.

Just as Dr. Pym predicted, the Pym particles he developed really changed the world.

At the time of the final battle in the future, the few remaining heroes of Avengers passed through the quantum world through Pym particles, and then went back to the past to collect the infinite rough stones of the past time and space.


While Lancelot was observing the Pym particles, Dr. Pym's experiment was finally completed. He spent ten hours manufacturing four tubes of Pym particles.

"Huh? Who are you?" Until the research on Pym particles was completed, under the influence of the characteristics of Pym particles, Dr. Pym finally discovered the three of Lancelot and looked at the three of Lancelot who appeared in his laboratory. Pym The doctor's face changed drastically.

"Work for me forever." Lancelot cast a Geass at Dr. Pym, taking one look at him.

How could Lancelot let a talent like Dr. Pym who could open the door to quantum time pass.

Mastering Pym particles is equivalent to mastering time travel.

"Of order." Dr. Pym only saw a fiery red bird flying out of Lancelot's eyes, and then Dr. Pym's will was rewritten, and he nodded respectfully to Lancelot.

"Invisible Force, take Dr. Pym out of here." Lancelot ordered, and then the air began to twist. Two invisible force soldiers appeared in front of Lancelot, and gently grabbed Dr. Pym's arm.

As the two grabbed Dr. Pim's arm, Dr. Pim's body twisted suddenly, and then the whole body began to fade and disappear.

A minute later, Dr. Pym disappeared in front of Lan(bfah) Sloat.

"Okay, let's wait for the future superheroes to arrive at this base." Lancelot glanced at Mystique Raven, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.


Mystique Raven suddenly turned into Dr. Pym, and Lancelot brought White Queen Emma to a computer.

"Vision." Lancelot pressed his right hand on his temple, using his consciousness to browse the confidential documents stored in this base.

'In 1978, the god Ego came to Earth. "

'In 1987, Dr. Hank Pym invented the Ant-Man armor, Wasp sacrificed himself for a mission and got lost in the Quantum Realm.

'In 1988, Yondu, the Star Predator, was hired by the god Ego to come to Earth. "

‘In 1989, the Pegasus Project was born Captain Marvel Carol Danvers, the Kree warships attacked. "

Lancelot's gaze became weird. He used his consciousness to search all the information on this base, and among the many information, he found some records about the future.

Without a doubt, this is definitely the message of future Captain America.

Lancelot mentally entered the network of the base again, and then found more information in the extremely hidden independent network.

'In 1970, the future Captain America and the future Iron Man arrived at the New Jersey base, and the Pym Particles have now been sealed [waiting for the future superhero to take them away. "

The '084 item has been extracted from the secret safe house and stored in the base storage in New Jersey, waiting for future heroes to pick it up. "

"Sure enough, everything has been arranged, including the transfer of Howard Stark who is on vacation here in advance." Lancelot put down his right hand, and a playful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Sure enough, in 1970, there were three Captain Americas.

A HYDRA captain who was awakened early by the future Captain America, then frozen by himself in 1963, and re-frozen.

One is Captain America who went back from the future to the end of World War II, completed the final battle, and prepared to retire in the past time and space.

There is another one, Captain America, which is coming soon and is still experiencing the final battle.

"If you never look at it, the endgame doesn't have any bugs.

"But from the timeline I'm in, Endgame is literally riddled with holes.

Lancelot sneered, he urgently needs to confirm one thing now, that is whether his timeline will split after the arrival of the superhero in the future.

After all, no matter where this group of future superheroes travels, time splitting will occur everywhere, and a time branch will be created because of the travelling of this group of superheroes

"I hope that the time and space I live in won't be split." Lancelot's eyes were bright, and he quietly waited for the arrival of future superheroes.

No matter what the result is, whether it will cause time division again, Lancelot is ready to meet this group of future superheroes in person.

"Now, just wait quietly."

"In 1970, time travel became inevitable."

Lancelot took White Queen Emma and walked leisurely in the base of the Strategic Science Corps. He did not go to the unguarded storage warehouse. For Lancelot, the Space Rubik's Cube was at his fingertips.

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