Marvel: The Eye Saga Begins With Mutant

Chapter 70: Howard Stark And Peggy Carter, Chief Paige's Purpose

1970, New Jersey base.

Howard Stark, an advisor to the Strategic Science Corps, ended his vacation with a confused face and came to this secret base.

"Peggy, you need to explain to me why you want to end my vacation. You know, my son was born this year." Howard Stark came to Peggy Carter's office and complained annoyed.

After the birth of his son, Howard Stark's character became calmer, and he finally changed his playboy and arrogance.

However, although the current Howard Stark is calmer, his words are still domineering, which is the pride of a super genius.

"Congratulations, Howard. Your son is destined to become as great as you." Peggy Carter looked up at Howard Stark, and said sincerely.

"Thank you, Peggy." Hearing Peggy Carter praise his son so much, Howard Stark showed a proud fatherly smile on his face.

"Howard, what do you think about Evolution Glory Biological Company?" Peggy Carter handed a document to Howard Stark, and then said in a solemn tone

"Evolution Glory Biological Company? This is a biological company comparable to Stark Industries. The disease serum produced by this company has cured countless patients." Howard showed a smile on his face, and then looked at Peggy Carter.

He knew that Peggy Carter must have some purpose in investigating Evolution Glory Bio Company.

"My agent recently infiltrated the Evolution Glory Company and discovered some problems. This is a biological company that provides support for Mutant Awakening. It holds a kind of serum base serum that can turn on mutant genes in ordinary people."

"As long as there is an X variant gene in the body, injection of this serum will metamorphosis into a mutant." Peggy Carter said with a serious tone, frowning.

In the past few years, Peggy Carter has been paying attention to Mutant's situation, but because the Mutant Evolution House is too mysterious, she can only focus on Evolution Glory Bio Company.

"I don't care about the matter of Mutant. Tell me, what are you planning to do when you call me this time?" Howard Stark sat down on the table in front of Peggy Carter cynically, and asked absent-mindedly.

"I want you to study space... Tesseract." Peggy Carter tapped the table lightly, her face becoming extremely serious.

"Huh? Peggy, you really know something." How clever Howard was, he discovered some clues just from Peggy Carter's wrong words.

"You don't need to care about these, you just need to tell me whether we can open a portal through Tesseract." Peggy Carter's words made Howard Stark stunned.

"Portal? This is really a stupid idea. Tesseract has only opened one space teleportation so far." Howard's face was serious, and he couldn't help thinking scientifically.

Peggy Carter definitely knew that Howard Stark was talking about the time the Tesseract teleported the Red Skull into deep space.

And this is also the purpose of Peggy Carter.

After she learned of the existence of Lancelot, the King of Mutants, she has been thinking about how to eliminate unknown threats like Lancelot, and thinking from 1962 until now, she finally found a way.

Since the threat cannot be resolved, expel it.

The reason for choosing now is that Peggy Carter knows that Tesseract at this time is one of the most active periods.

"Okay, Howard. I know you can do it." Peggy Carter couldn't help but lead Howard Stark into a high-energy cutting-edge laboratory.

"Huh? Dr. Pym? Why are you here?" However, just after entering the high-energy cutting-edge laboratory, Peggy Carter saw an unexpected person.

Dr. Pym.

"Fack, Peggy Carter. You don't let me study Pym particles, but let Howard Stark study Tesseract?" Dr. Pym in front of him glared at Peggy Carter, and then left the laboratory angrily .

When Dr. Pym returned to his laboratory, his body suddenly changed like flowing water, and then turned into the appearance of Mystique Raven.

"My lord, Howard Stark has appeared, and Peggy Carter is going to let Howard continue to study Tesseract." Mystique Raven walked to Lancelot's side and reported.

"Emma, ​​check Peggy Carter's thoughts." Lancelot ordered to White Queen Emma, ​​and then White Queen Emma activated her spiritual power, instantly covering the entire base.

"My lord, Peggy Carter plans to send you into the deep space of the universe through Tesseract." A minute later, White Queen Emma had finished reading Peggy Carter's memory and detected Peggy Carter's purpose.

"Interesting, is this also a way to eliminate future threats?" Lancelot's ruby ​​eyes flickered, and he didn't know when he had grown into a future threat.

At the same time, Lancelot also understood why Professor X said that he was lost in the deep space of the universe when Lancelot used the future eye to observe the future of Mutant.

...ask for flowers...

"Peggy Carter, Tesseract." Lancelot tapped the table lightly, and then his eyes became unparalleled.

"Exactly, I want to try to see if I can devour the power of Space Gem." Lancelot exudes the spirit of a king, he has never been afraid of any challenge, especially in this special period of 1970.

"Don't bother with Howard Stark, let him study with peace of mind." Lancelot didn't intend to startle the snake.

Lancelot doesn't want to cause complications until the future superhero crosses over.

A month passed quietly.

In Howard Stark's cutting-edge laboratory, on top of a huge amounts of machines at the moment, Tesseract is exuding violent fluctuations.

"What's going on?" Howard Stark had never seen such a violent Tesseract fluctuation, and he looked at the assistant beside him.

"Doctor, the energy level of Tesseract is increasing geometrically, and the specific reason is unknown.

The science assistant looked at the violently fluctuating Tesseract in front of him in horror, and then spoke.

"Is the energy transmission stable?" Howard Stark quickly came to the machine, and then began to debug the equipment.

This is the shuttle device that Howard Stark spent a month developing. By extracting the explosion of Tesseract's space energy, a space crack is opened.

In this day and age, that's the limit.

"The energy transmission is stabilizing now, Doctor, do you want to terminate the energy input?" The assistant looked at the machine equipment in front of him with fear, and felt anxious for a while.

"Sometimes, you have to learn to run before you learn to walk."

"Scientific research is originally accompanied by risks, and scientists want to transform risks into results." Howard Stark was unmoved, and even excited. Tesseract's energy fluctuations just gave Howard Stark some inspiration.

And while Howard Stark was still diligently debugging the machine, within the base, two clusters of quantum light spots flew out of the void, and then rapidly expanded.

Two future superheroes wearing white quantum shuttle suits have finally arrived.


And at the moment when these two future heroes arrived, Lancelot opened his eyes, and Lancelot's future eyes opened automatically.

Two different futures roll in front of Lancelot.

"Sure enough, the timeline is split." Lancelot's face was livid, and his future eyes began to show two different futures uncontrollably.

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