Marvel: The Second Element is Fierce

Chapter 695 Press Conference (2)

When the time was up, Daisy brought several senior executives of the company to the venue. The reporters were in high spirits, but the sharp-eyed reporter saw a young Asian man standing with his arms crossed not far behind. It was Wang Kai and Wang Kai. Kai actually came to support his fiancee, this is really speechless, you guys are too bullying.

Daisy had a smile on her face when she saw Wang Kai. She could understand the purpose of Wang Kai's coming after a little thought. She wanted to help herself stand on the platform and support herself. The sense of happiness suddenly filled her whole heart, and her self-confidence also filled her heart. Kai supports, what else do I worry about, I want to make Wang Kai proud.

After the press conference started, the spokesperson of Umbrella Company announced the announcement of Umbrella Company, that is, to inform everyone that Daisy was in the position. This news is nothing new for reporters, but for those who are watching. The live TV audience still caused a commotion.

Because in the live broadcast, Daisy's young face made many people smack their tongues, especially Daisy's slightly Asian face, which made many white supremacists resentful. Another Asian is in power, and there is a king Kay was enough, now there's more, it's disgusting, white people are the best race.

There are also many girls who are envious of Daisy. It is really better to be born well than to marry well. Not only is she married to the strongest person on earth, she is also able to sit on the throne of the CEO of a Fortune 500 company. I am very sure that I am definitely better-looking than Daisy, with big breasts, thin waist and fat hips, and my figure is called a devil, and my angel-like face can definitely give Wang Kai a different feeling, but unfortunately I have not been able to meet Wang Kai. .

Once Wang Kai's classmates, Daisy's classmates, still can't believe it, how the two Asians who were ignored in the school and couldn't remember at all suddenly became so powerful and became world celebrities, even that Wang Kai's Best friend Jimmy, it is said that he also entered the Umbrella company and became the junior director of the information department. bed, then I might be sitting in that spot on the TV today.

No matter what the outside world thinks of Daisy's ascendance this time, Daisy can accept it calmly. Daisy is no longer the kind of little girl who is sensitive in her heart and will fidget when others say a few words.

After the introduction by the press spokesperson, Daisy also gave her inaugural speech. Yesterday's speech was for the company's colleagues, and today's is for the media and the outside world to let the outside world know that Umbrella's company has changed.

"Next is the time for reporters to ask questions. Ms. Johnson will answer ten questions. Everyone is limited to asking one question. Please obey the order."

After Daisy's speech, the press spokesman carried out the next process, that is, the reporter asked questions, and made a rule that there are only ten questions, and each reporter can only ask one question. This restriction makes many reporters dissatisfied, but They didn't dare to make a noise, because behind them stood the security guards of the Umbrella Company. As long as they disturbed the venue, they would be dragged away from the venue.

"Ms. Johnson, I'm Clyde, a reporter from n. May I ask Ms. Johnson, you are the CEO of a Fortune 500 company at such a young age. Can you withstand the pressure of this position?"

A lucky reporter was picked up by the press spokesman. In fact, it can't be called lucky, because the media he works for determines his chance of being selected. The press spokesman will never choose a reporter from a street tabloid to ask questions. .

It's just that his question made other reporters feel speechless. You are also a reporter from a major TV station. Even if you were warned by your boss to be honest, you wouldn't ask such a bad question. It's like asking Daisy to answer plus equals two. Simple, nothing newsworthy.

"Thank you for your question. This question is not a problem for me. Since I can take over this position, I have already made psychological preparations. If I am not prepared enough, I will not agree to take over.

So the pressure you mentioned, for me, is just a motivation to urge me to do better. And I would also like to thank the company directors for their recognition. It is their recognition that gave me the opportunity to prove it. I would like to thank the company directors for their support. "

Daisy thought for a while, and then said with a smile, this answer is very official, but the thanks later, but Daisy came from the heart.

The reporters were speechless. The board of directors of Umbrella Company knew very well. There are only three guys, Wang Kai, scientist Stern and Tony Stark. Wang Kai is your fiancé, and the other two are your fiancés. good friend, the board doesn't support who you support.

"Ms. Johnson, I'm Hank from the Observer, I would like to ask Ms. Johnson, what makes you think you can take the CEO position, we all know that Ms. Johnson has not been in the company for a long time, and the company There are still many high-level seniors in the middle, and they should be more qualified in comparison."

Here comes the exciting point. Although this question is not a very spicy point to point out that Daisy is the superior of nepotism, it also handed over the problem to Daisy, which is to the point.

"I don't think this problem is a problem. If you are based on seniority, then a company will never be able to develop healthily. Your knowledge and ability will always be under the pressure of those who enter the company before you. I think Excuse me, Mr. Hank, I think there should be more seniors than you in the Observer, why are you sitting here today, not them."

"Now I will answer your question. I am able to sit in this position because I have this ability. As for my ability, it is considered by the company's board of directors. In addition, I can also tell you that after I joined the company, I worked in logistics successively. , personnel, sales, finance and other departments, I have a good understanding of company operations and company development plans, and I have a broader vision, so I can stand out and sit in this position, so this is my answer."

Daisy was not angry because of the hidden meaning of this question, and she still answered the reporter's question calmly. Her answer caused applause from the audience. Daisy's answer was really admirable, and she easily avoided Han. K's trap, and answered Hank's question with reason.

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