Marvel: The Second Element is Fierce

Chapter 696 Press Conference (3)

Hearing Daisy's answer, Wang Kai's face also showed a smile. The question that Hank pointed out earlier made Wang Kai almost mad, but he held back. Wang Kai believed that Daisy could handle these little troubles. Yes, since Daisy is in the position, these doubts are unavoidable, and it is possible to take advantage of this time to respond to the doubts.

Daisy's answer did not disappoint Wang Kai. Wang Kai applauded Daisy in his heart. Although this answer is quite satisfactory, it is also one of the perfect responses. Daisy works in almost most departments of Umbrella Company. However, Umbrella's company is known far more than the other top executives.

The reporters also admired Daisy. Daisy is indeed capable. No wonder she was able to sit in the position of CEO of Umbrella Corporation. This answer has already satisfied the reporters.

"Hello, Ms. Johnson, this is Daniel Cassel, a reporter from Le Figaro. I would like to ask Ms. Johnson, after you take over as CEO of Umbrella, what are your goals and the direction of the company?"

A reporter asked a question, but instead of targeting Daisy, he began to ask about Umbrella's company. Le Figaro is a French newspaper. This time, the country that counts Umbrella's company has France's share, although no one It was confirmed that the United States, Britain and France dealt with Umbrella, but the gossip has spread.

"In the future, Umbrella's development direction will still be space exploration and biological research. In terms of space exploration, Umbrella has begun to study large-scale voyage spacecraft, and will develop it together with other allied companies. In biological research, Umbrella will Continue to explore the secrets of the human body, help human beings improve their genes, and eliminate human diseases. My goals are consistent with the company's goals, and I will lead the company toward these goals..."

Daisy talked eloquently, these issues had long been in her plan, or in her preparations for taking office, Daisy easily introduced her plan briefly, it seemed to be orderly and very clear.

These things are not only heard by reporters, but also by the senior management of Umbrella Company. Yesterday, Daisy was only initially accepted. As for Daisy's future, it all needs to be tested.

Now Daisy is talking about her future plans. Umbrella's executives and Umbrella's employees are listening. It's about them. The company's benefits are better, and they will get more. These years Their salaries are already at the forefront of similar jobs in the world. It is very difficult to find a position with better salary and benefits than the current job, so everyone will sincerely hope that Umbrella will get better and better.

Now it sounds that Daisy's plan is still full of prospects. All the executives and employees of Umbrella Company still have smiles on their faces. This scene was captured by the camera, making the employees of other companies envious.

As the press conference progressed, the reporter's questions also began to be a bit sharp, but they were not excessive, because not only was there a warning from his own boss, but also Wang Kai's attention on the scene.

Although some of the problems were a bit pungent, Daisy responded very well. She was generous without losing her demeanor. She was steady, harmonious, and funny. Various performances made the media and the melon-eating people know Daisy. Many people who knew Daisy before. Everyone thought that Daisy had changed so much that they couldn't recognize her at all.

After the press conference was over, the audience applauded, whether it was to please Daisy who wanted to make a good relationship, or to admire Daisy sincerely, in short Daisy's press conference was very successful, and then the reporters were in a mess, one after another. Request an exclusive interview with Daisy.

The spokesperson of Umbrella Company immediately stopped these reporters and told them that the company would make arrangements for the exclusive interviews, and the media would be invited to submit their applications. After leaving the press conference, Wang Kai also left from the other side.

"Thank you, Pepper, you are my teacher, without you,

I don't have today..."

When she came to Daisy's office, Wang Kai heard Daisy's voice. She seemed to be having sex with Pepper. Pepper was indeed Daisy's teacher, and she was the first teacher after she stepped into society. Pepper taught Daisy how to be a leader, so much so that Daisy now has a lot of Pepper on her.

After Wang Kai entered the office, he watched Daisy talking to the computer. Wang Kai didn't disturb Daisy, but just sat aside while Natasha went to Daisy's assistant to prepare a drink.

Pepper also watched the live broadcast of Daisy's press conference today. She was very relieved. She still remembered that when Daisy first came to her, she didn't understand anything and was clumsy in doing things, but Daisy was very smart and learned The rapid learning of things makes Pepper feel a little incredible, and now, Daisy has grown into a CEO, and the size of Umbrella's company is no less than that of Stark Industries, which makes Pepper feel that his own The child seems to have grown up.

Wang Kai knows why Daisy learns things so fast. Daisy is the child of luck in this world. She is the protagonist of a whole TV series for several consecutive seasons. If she is not smart, there is no reason. Wang Kai likes to collect The children of luck, such as Mindy, Alice, Serena, Wade, these people have more luck than ordinary people.

"Thank you dear."

When Daisy ended the call with Pepper, Daisy flew directly into Wang Kai's arms, and said in Wang Kai's arms, Daisy thanked Wang Kai for coming to support her today. Superb performance, perfect performance.

"What is there to thank, it's your own ability. If you can't do it yourself, even if I stand next to you, you will still be the laughing stock of today."

Wang Kai said that Daisy's ability to have the perfect performance today is also Daisy's own ability, which is not something Wang Kai can control.

"Then I also want to thank you, with you, I have today, with you, I found my parents, with you, I don't have to wander outside, with you, I have today's pride ."

Daisy put her head on Wang Kai's shoulder and murmured, she can still clearly remember the situation where she was looking for an unoccupied house and living like a stray dog ​​in it, if she hadn't entered that house, if not I saw Wang Kai, maybe I am still a wanderer today, so Daisy would like to thank Wang Kai.

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