Marvel: The Twelve Spells

Chapter 102 Genetic Villain Group

In a dark secret room, there were constant sounds from the operating table in the center... A man was restrained there, his mouth was sealed, and his body and three limbs were fixed with metal shackles. He was disabled, with his left side The leg was amputated at the knee.

He kept struggling, even though his hands were bleeding from the metal shackles.

Accompanying the darkness was absolute silence, without any noise in the chamber. The man could even hear his own breathing and the rapid beating of his heart from the friction of the cloth during the struggle.

A completely dark confined space is an extremely terrifying psychological challenge, because humans are accustomed to a noisy life and cannot adapt to an absolutely quiet place. Staying in this environment for a long time will cause double psychological and physical damage.

Not to mention that he was still restrained and could smell a strong smell of blood in the air... At this moment, he felt like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered on the chopping board!

Suddenly, there was a rush of footsteps in a certain direction, from far to near, which seemed even more strange in this silent environment... The man's scalp went numb when he heard the footsteps.

The footsteps of a normal person are a series of clicks with a fixed frequency, but the footsteps he heard at this moment were loud and extremely chaotic, like a group of women approaching, or a person with multiple legs and wearing clothes for each leg. The creature on high heels was approaching rapidly.

After hearing the footsteps, the man struggled even more fiercely, but when the footsteps stopped beside him, he calmed down and did not dare to move. His eyes widened and he could see a shadow shaking in the darkness. with...

With a "click" sound, the shadowless light on the top of the operating table was turned on, and the snow-white light fell, making the man unable to open his eyes.

It took him a long time to get used to the dazzling light, and he squinted his eyes carefully to look at the people next to him and the surrounding environment... In his memory, he was recuperating in an Osborne Hospital, and he woke up after sleeping. He found himself in this dark secret room.

The person standing next to the operating table remained silent during the entire process. He looked at the fear on the ferocious face of the person in front of him, and he slowly smiled.

"Bryce Clary?"

Bryce, who was lying on the operating table, stared at the person in front of him with wide eyes. The person in front of him looked young, about eighteen years old, and his appearance was still a little green.

But what is frightening is that there are several black limbs growing on his back, like spider legs. The tips of the legs are extremely sharp, reflecting little bits of cold light under the light, and they can easily sting at a glance. It penetrates people's chests and makes them shudder.

Peter Parker held a piece of copy paper in his hand and kept a smile on his face.

"During a military operation a year ago, your left leg was injured and subsequently amputated." Peter read the information on the copy paper, "Dear Mr. Bryce, I believe you have also fantasized about yourself on countless nights. Can a severed limb be regenerated and return to a normal life?"

Bryce didn't know why, but his intuition told him that something bad would happen next. He shook his head vigorously, making a whining sound in his mouth, and struggled more violently with his hands.

"Goddess of luck is favoring you..."

Peter muttered to himself as he took out a syringe from the box.

The green liquid in the needle tube seemed to be flowing under the light, and they seemed to have vitality.

"Lizard gene enhanced serum, number A34, first experiment..."

Peter gently pressed the plunger handle of the syringe, pushing out the air inside.

Bryce shook his head wildly, shaking the operating table as he struggled. He knew what kind of situation he was in now. He was actually being used for human experiments!

Peter stretched out a hand and pressed it on Bryce's chest. In an instant, Bryce stopped struggling and made no movement...

A huge force came from Peter's palm, and Bryce felt as if a huge mountain was pressing on his chest, and he couldn't breathe.

There was a "click", and Bryce's face turned pale. He felt the severe pain in his chest. The ribs were broken and pierced into his lungs. He became dying and could only exhale but could not inhale air.

The person in front of him actually crushed his ribs with one hand? What kind of monster is this!

"Quiet and relax."

Peter spoke slowly, as if telling a bedtime story.

The needle tip pierced Bryce's skin and entered a vein. Peter pushed down the plunger handle and pushed all the serum into Bryce's veins.

"A moment to witness a miracle..." Peter said, taking a half step back.

Those highly active serums surged in Bryce's blood vessels, and he felt a warm current rushing through his body, accompanied by severe pain!

Bryce struggled again, his movements became even greater, and the metal shackles around his neck creaked when hit, and finally fell off...

Bryce felt the heat intensify in his chest, and then the pain caused by the broken ribs decreased. After a few seconds, he even stopped feeling it, and his breathing became easier.

Greater pain came from his long-amputated left leg, accompanied by itching, as if someone was grinding his bones...

Peter looked at Bryce's left leg. The broken limb was growing rapidly. White cortex was constantly falling off on the newly grown left leg, and there was delicate new skin under the cortex.

But this still did not satisfy Peter. He carefully observed Bryce's condition, from his ferocious face to his fearful eyes, to determine whether Bryce's body was controlled by the lizard's beast gene.

Tens of seconds passed, and Bryce did not grow blue skin like other experimental subjects. His appearance and figure remained the same as before the injection. The only difference was the newly grown severed limb.

"It looks like Lady Luck is really favoring you...Mr. Bryce." Peter said and picked up the syringe with the "A34" number.

"Hey!" A spider leg behind Peter broke through the air and quickly penetrated Bryce's abdomen, dragging out a stream of blood when it was retracted.

Bryce let out a scream when the spider's legs were retracted, and he struggled in pain.

But the wound on Bryce's abdomen stopped bleeding immediately and healed at a speed visible to the naked eye. In less than five seconds, the wound left by Peter's spider leg was completely healed, except for the pool of blood, which was not even on the skin. Leaves scars.

"I'm really a genius..."

A spider leg was cut out again under Peter's control, cutting off Bryce's newly grown left calf.

Bryce screamed repeatedly, he was about to faint from the pain, his teeth clenched hard, and blood flowed from the corners of his mouth.

Peter watched the left leg that was cut off by Bryce grow back again, and he finally showed a satisfied smile.

Another spider leg stained with blood... There is no doubt that Peter is enjoying this process.

"Peter? The enhanced version of the lizard serum was successful?" Another voice came out, the voice was hoarse and harsh. Bryce, who had been enduring the torture, did not notice when there was a third person in the secret room.

"It looks like it, Harry." Peter said without looking back. He sensed it when Harry was walking in the passage. "This is the first perfect serum, pure life force. It will only give human lizards The healing gene will not turn people into ugly lizards like Connors, so it will not reject the genes of other animals..."

"In other words, we can inject every genetic warrior with an enhanced version of the lizard serum? Everyone has powerful recovery power, and can even build an army of powerful immortal genetic warriors?"

After Harry finished speaking, he smiled wildly, and his burned face became extremely terrifying.

"By the way, it can also repair my face..."

"Bang!" Bryce used his hands to break the metal shackles. He stood up and rushed towards Harry beside him almost madly.

"Bang, bang, bang!" Harry pulled out the pistol from his waist and emptied the magazine, and every bullet accurately hit Bryce's chest.

There was a splash of blood, and the bullet penetrated Bryce's body. The powerful momentum caused his body to stop, and he fell back on the operating table.

What surprised Harry happened. Bryce, who had only been injected with the enhanced version of the lizard gene serum, actually withstood the bullet!

Bryce showed no signs of losing his life. The flesh and blood on his chest healed quickly, and he rushed back with teeth and claws...


Blood splashed several meters high and flew to the ceiling, also splattering Harry's blood.

A sharp spider leg penetrated Bryce's chest from the front, and when it was pulled out, a beating heart hung on the tip of the leg.

A spider leg inserted into Bryce's temple from the side. The lizard gene could no longer repair his body. When he fell, the blood hole leaked out white human tissue...

Harry calmly took out a white handkerchief from his chest and wiped the blood from his face. The two walked outside, Harry walking quickly in the corridor, but Peter walking upside down from the ceiling.

"The Jackal and the Rhinoceros are dead. They died in our school." Harry said calmly, as if he didn't care about their life or death.

The big screen was filled with a photo of a ruined music classroom.

Peter saw the jackal lying among a pile of piano fragments at a glance. He distinguished it by its green hair, otherwise no one would recognize the "hedgehog".

Countless wood chips and iron pieces were inserted into his body, and what was even more terrifying were the strings that penetrated his body. Peter was slightly surprised that the piano that played the music was actually the weapon used to kill the jackal.

The rhinoceros man was nowhere to be seen, but upon closer inspection you could find several body parts on the ground, which could be pieced together into a human form.

"Is he a rhinoceros?" Peter asked in surprise.

"After examination, his identity was confirmed, Rhino Man Ivano Muniz." Harry's hoarse voice sounded, "It's unbelievable that he has returned to the way he was before the gene serum was injected."

Peter's face was very ugly, and there seemed to be a sense of fear in his depth.

His power is brought by the gene serum, but now someone can divide the power of the gene...

Thanks to the book friend "Alone by the Moon on the West River" for the 1,500 starting points.

Thanks to the book friend "The trumpet is born for complaining" for the 100 starting points reward.

Thanks to the book friend "Motou Village Official" for the 100-point starting coin.

Thanks to the book friend "From the Ultimate Madman to Complete Crazy" for the 100 starting points reward.

Thanks to book friend "20210225084604320" for the 100 starting points reward.

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