Marvel: The Twelve Spells

Chapter 103 Deep kiss and disagreement

The dim room was lit only by the light of the screen, and the fluorescent blue light hit Peter's angry face.

"Crack!" A spider leg shot out, a row of glass test tubes shattered one after another, and colorful solutions flowed all over the floor.

"Who killed them?" Peter said solemnly, "Reverse gene... who has this power?"

Peter's anger stems from fear of unknown forces, not the deaths of his two men.

"No one knew that they were all dead when the police arrived." Harry shook his head, "Gwen Stacy couldn't have such power anyway."

"Of course, she is just a low-level spider." Peter murmured to himself, "This is not a power that humans can possess..."

"You mean, devil?" At the mention of this name, Harry's eyes showed hatred and anger.

"Other than that, I can't think of anyone who can easily kill jackals and rhino people. Looking at the pictures, they didn't even resist. And the ability to reverse genes that is unscientific..." Peter said word by word: "Perhaps, New York There are other people with super powers, and he's even in the school."

"An unknown superhero? Has the ability to reverse genes?"

Harry frowned. What they were guarding was the power produced by genetic mutation. This superhero with the ability to restrain them was simply his destined enemy!

Now that he and Peter's genetic villain group had just been established, they encountered such a powerful enemy, which was a bit difficult for him to accept.

"Superhero?" Peter laughed out loud. "The way he kills is not like a superhero. The Jackal and Rhino Man were completely tortured and killed by him, and they were even more cruel than us..."

"Then don't provoke him!" Harry waved his hand and said, "The most important thing for us now is to deal with Spider-Woman and kill Gwen!"

At that ball, his father Norman was reduced to ashes before his eyes. This was a painful memory that he could never forget! He survived the prom and planted the seeds of hatred...

Revenge drove him to do all this. He joined forces with the monster spider orc Peter to conduct a large number of human experiments to continuously improve the genetic serum and create powerful genetic warriors who obey their orders.

Harry was also injected with serum during this process, put on the Green Goblin armor, inherited his father Norman's mantle, and became the second generation Green Goblin.

He longs for revenge, but has not lost his mind yet. Everyone knows how powerful the devil is, and the "devil plan" that shocked the world is enough to prove it.

So Harry's target was on the devil's helper, Spider-Woman, his former best friend Gwen Stacy.

Harry has already prepared a perfect revenge plan in his heart!

Harry must first kill Gwen's boyfriend Rosha, and then let Gwen's director father die in front of her. After she feels the same despair as himself, Harry will kill her completely!

On the first point, he and Peter surprisingly reached an agreement...

"The jackal serum will make people bloodthirsty, and the rhinoceros serum will make people lower their IQ, but today's lizard serum has no side effects." Peter nodded and said, "We have the first perfect serum, and it's time for her to repay Now, I'm already looking forward to the scene when I eat her head..."

Harry shook his finger, and the screen immediately changed to a picture of Rorshasa.

"Then, let's start with him..."

Night falls over New York City, and silence reigns in Queens.

Rorsha is browsing news from around the world at home, filtering the tags: superheroes, anti-evil alliance, mutants, Wakanda...

Recently, Luo Xia didn't go out at night to earn villain points. There were many reasons.

Rorschach has achieved the freedom of villainy, and the ordinary crimes that occur on the streets of New York cannot interest him.

The last point is that since his showdown with Gwen, Spider-Woman often raided his single-family villa at night...Suddenly, Luo Xia logged out of the web page and deleted the browsing history. He got up and went to the window and pushed it open. window.

Luo Xia could already feel Gwen's familiar energy source approaching quickly. He just hoped that Gwen would put on new ballet shoes tonight.

A gust of wind howled, and a black figure quickly approached in the night, and finally crashed into Luo Xia's arms.

"You didn't tell me that you were still a humanoid superhero detector." Gwen said, closing the curtains with her backhand.

Luo Xia pressed Gwen against the window and held her waist with both hands.

"Can't it be the telepathy between you and me? As soon as you get close, my heart will beat faster."

Gwen took off the spider hood and threw it away, and finally it hung on the computer monitor.

Gwen actually wore makeup tonight. Luo Xia lowered her head and kissed Gwen. Her lips were cold, and the two of them were separated at the first touch.

"I thought you didn't know how to talk about love," Gwen looked at Luo Xia with charming eyes, "but yesterday at school, you also accurately predicted the approach of the jackal and the rhinoceros."

Luo Xia's palms on Gwen's slender waist began to point downwards. Gwen had a standard hourglass figure. Her thighs were fleshy but not thick. You could feel the plumpness and tenderness through a layer of tights.

"It's late at night, and this is what we're talking about?"

Luo Xia said and looked down... He took another half step back and finally saw a pair of brand new blue ballet shoes on Gwen's feet. He nodded with satisfaction.

Gwen didn't know Luo Xia's rich psychological activities, "What were you doing just now? Playing games? I see the computer is on..."

"It doesn't matter what I was doing before," Luo Xia looked at Gwen, "but what I will do next..."

Gwen's eyes flickered. After staying with Luo Xia for a long time, she understood a lot of knowledge...

"It's still very early!" Gwen looked at the time on the computer screen and said, "21:31, the night is still very long, and I have something to say to you before that."

"I feel like two things can be done at the same time, talking and doing at the same time..."

Luo Xia picked up Gwen and asked her to sit on the window sill. He buried his head in Gwen's neck and sniffed the fragrance.

Gwen smiled, and she put her hands on Rosha's shoulders and clasped them together.

After dozens of seconds, she jumped off the window sill and walked to the chair in front of the computer while adjusting the tights on her chest.

Gwen lay back on the chair and crossed her long legs on the table like she did that night. She took the mouse and played on the computer.

"I think we should have a good chat," Gwen looked back at Luo Xia and said, "I saw the photos of the scene released by the police on the Internet..."

Luo Xia nodded, he had already anticipated what Gwen wanted to say.

Gwen's sense of justice was too strong, and it was normal for the two of them to have differences and conflicts in their ideas, for which Luo Xia had already been mentally prepared.

"Luo Xia, you are really powerful. Jackals and rhino men are powerless in your hands." Gwen said slowly, "You can even control the penetration of fragile strings. The body of the jackal was cut into several pieces...but don’t you think this is too cruel?”

Sorry, I'm in a bad mood today, but don't call me short.

I'll start paying back the outstanding chapters tomorrow...

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