Marvel: The Twelve Spells

Chapter 104 Under the Night

The night wind blew, and the curtains turned into the shape of the wind. Luo Xia waved lightly, and the windows slowly closed.

Gwen in the room was still talking. She had been mentally prepared before coming tonight. She wanted to have an honest talk with Luo Xia, even though such an approach might cause conflicts between the two...

Gwen will try her best to change Luo Xia. The education she received since childhood cannot allow Gwen to ignore a person's violent and cruel behavior, let alone this person is her boyfriend.

"And you are very mysterious. You have always known that I am Spider-Woman, but it took me a long time to know that you are also a superpower. Even now, I don't fully understand it. You seem to have many hidden abilities..." Gwen He said quietly, "Like a devil, Luo Xia, you know, for a long time, I have been guessing that you are the devil. You are equally powerful and mysterious, but the devil is a hundred times more extreme than you..."

"Thank you for the compliment!" Luo Xia said in her heart.

"But I don't care about any of this. Everyone has their own privacy. What I like is just Luo Xia, not those powerful superpowers."

Gwen stared at the computer screen. She did not turn around to see Luo Xia's expression. She was afraid of seeing Luo Xia's impatience or other negative emotions...

After all, as his girlfriend, she can't interfere in too many things about Luo Xia, and everyone is an independent individual. It is unreasonable to change other people's personalities and let others accept their own values.

If this had happened to any other New York couple, huge differences would have caused conflicts and it would be normal for the two to break up and separate.

Gwen didn't want to be separated from Rosha, but she couldn't convince herself to ignore the way Rosha treated those criminals.


Suddenly Gwen, who was talking, exclaimed! She felt her body floating uncontrollably, and finally fell into Luo Xia's arms.

The two rolled over on the soft mattress, Luo Xia pressed Gwen on it, and he carefully removed the blond hair from Gwen's face with his hands.

Gwen gave a false alarm and pushed Luo Xia's chest with her hand.

"We are discussing this issue very seriously now!" Gwen protested dissatisfied.

"It doesn't matter. Why do I feel that the atmosphere is a little heavy?" Luo Xia grabbed Gwen's hand and clasped her fingers tightly, then pressed it on the bed sheets. "Are you asking me to accuse you? Because of a group of damn criminals?"

"The criminal is also a human being, and he should not be treated inhumanely!" Gwen did not resist Rosha, otherwise she could easily overthrow the demon with the power of Spider-Woman. "Besides, the crimes committed by the Jackal and the Rhinoceros are not fatal. Not even hurting innocent students!”

"You mean to wait until they kill a lot of people and even hurt you before I can execute them?" Luo Xia caressed Gwen's cheek, "You are really naive, my Gwen... you are too Being too idealistic and showing kindness to sin will only breed greater sin, and you will eventually bear all of it."

"One day you will understand that killing those people completely is the best solution. They don't deserve forgiveness... they don't deserve redemption!" Luo Xia said word by word, and Gwen felt like she was listening to the whispers of the devil. .

"For the first time, I discovered that my boyfriend is a lunatic. I must take you to see a psychiatrist tomorrow."

Gwen said seriously with eyes full, and the fragrance of her breath sprayed on Luo Xia's face, bringing warmth and itch.

"I have long said that I am not a superhero. If I didn't have a superhero girlfriend, I might follow in the devil's footsteps..." Luo Xia said nonchalantly.

"Then I will defeat you with my own hands!" Gwen's eyes were firm, "You will be forgiven by me, and you will redeem yourself in repentance..."

"Every word is unrealistic, Gwen." Luo Xia smiled and shook her head, "You can't defeat me, and I don't need redemption."

Gwen looked sideways at the window on one side, and the two fell into a brief silence. Gwen also felt the somewhat heavy atmosphere in the room. Neither of the two could convince the other, and the differences were not resolved and even widened.

Gwen breathed a sigh of relief and decided to skip this topic for the time being. Her mother, Mrs. Stacey, once warned her to have enough patience when falling in love.

When Luo Xia lowered his head, Gwen reached out and covered his mouth. Luo Xia grabbed Gwen's hand, looked at her, and kissed the back of her hand.

"There will be a service in the school church on Christmas Eve, and I will help you pray and confess." Gwen also looked at Rosha and said, "There will be a Christmas dance afterward..."

"I know, I hope the dance party that night won't be ruined again. Do we still need to practice Christmas songs in advance?"

"I never said I would be your partner and dance with you." Gwen whispered.

Luo Xia hugged Gwen and rolled around on the bed again, "Do you need me to invite you again? Or do you have other choices in this situation?"

"Of course there are many choices, I am Gwen Stacy..."

"Don't name anyone, otherwise I can't guarantee they'll survive until the dance."

Gwen rolled her eyes at Luo Xia, "From now on, until the devil takes off his mask, I will remain suspicious of your identity. Don't let me arrest you!"

Luo Xia was thinking about a question at this moment. If he suddenly took out the devil mask and put it on, would Gwen collapse directly?

"Alright Officer Gwen, can we delve deeper into other issues now?"

"What's the problem?" Gwen looked directly at Luo Xia, her eyes as charming as silk.

Luo Xia didn't speak. His hand touched Gwen's back and unbuttoned it...but he buttoned it up again.

Gwen looked at him with some confusion, could it be a new method?

"We are unlucky to be interrupted again tonight," Luo Xia helped Gwen organize her clothes. "I'm talking about them being unlucky..."

"What?" Gwen's eyes became more confused.

Under the amplification of the Dragon Talisman, Luo Xia could feel two energy sources approaching quickly, and the target was in the direction of his home.

Luo Xia couldn't help but have doubts. He never left any flaws when he was a demon, and no one knew this secret yet.

So what is the reason why two superpowers want to attack an ordinary student in Luo Xia?

A green figure flew across the night on a bat-winged aircraft, and the second-generation Green Devil Harry Osborn stalked the night for the first time.

Peter, who transformed into a spider orc, followed closely behind him. Peter jumped up and bent the spider legs behind him to grab the crossbar of the street lamp. The crossbar of the street lamp deformed and bent, and Peter's body jumped out again.

Soon the two came to a single-family villa. Peter looked at the villa, and suddenly he was a little lost...a familiar feeling came, which made him a little confused.

"Are you sure this is here?" Peter called to Harry, his face a little gloomy.

"Of course it's not wrong. I found the address from the school's database." Harry didn't understand Peter's behavior, "Peter, what's wrong?"

Peter shook his head and continued to approach the single-family house. He jumped up and jumped over the low fence and green belt, making no sound when he landed.

Harry followed closely, and the bat-winged aircraft made bursts of air flow in the night sky.

Peter came to the wall and used the eight spider legs on his back to climb on the outer wall of the single-family villa. Suddenly, the familiar feeling in his heart became stronger and stronger...

Until Peter walked around the back of the villa and came to a window... suddenly a devil mask flashed in his mind!

The demon mask was hidden in the darkness, making it even more weird and terrifying... Peter was stunned, and at this moment he woke up and realized that it was the memory of the spider-orc.

In the early stage, he was injected with imperfect spider gene serum and simply optimized lizard gene serum, which turned Peter into a half-human, half-spider monster. During that period, he was unconscious after transforming into a spider-orc, so naturally he also It's not easy to remember.

But as he continued to perfect the serum, those sequelae were slowly eliminated, and the memories left in his mind during the Spider-Orc period were slowly restored.

For example, after he returned to the ruined auditorium during the prom, he slowly remembered everything that happened that night. He turned into a spider orc and attacked Spider-Woman Gwen. Gwen was saved by the devil. After killing him, the Green Devil was killed by demons in front of his eyes, and finally he was dropped from the web by the police...

Just when Peter was in a daze, a figure suddenly flew out of the window and kicked him hard in the chest, sending him flying out.

Peter fell rapidly in the air, and his eight spider legs landed first. The slender spider legs bent slightly and lost all their strength.

Spider-Woman appeared on the windowsill, looking coldly at Peter who fell to the ground.

Harry took out a pumpkin bomb and threw it out, but the pumpkin bomb suddenly turned back in the air, and its speed was much faster!

The pumpkin bomb exploded when it approached Harry, and the shock wave generated by the explosion instantly knocked him off the bat-wing aircraft, causing him to fall from a high altitude and accelerate.

Peter's eight spider legs bent and then exerted force. His body kept jumping up and up, catching the falling Harry in the air with both hands, and then landed smoothly.

The two looked up and saw another figure appearing next to Gwen. It was their target tonight, Gwen's boyfriend Luo Xia!

The light shot out from behind the two of them, lengthening their shadows on the grass.

"Harry? Peter?" Gwen looked at the two people on the grass, her tone full of disbelief.

Gwen would not be able to recognize her former friend Harry. Harry's face was covered with burn marks. He looked as scary as a ghost crawling out of hell. He was wearing bat-wing skateboard shoes and a green Goblin outfit. The armor gave Gwen the illusion that a generation of green demons were standing in front of her.

Peter's change was only the eight slender pointed feet on his back, but Gwen had suffered from those eight pointed feet, and she knew how powerful those pointed feet were.

Other than that, Peter is a normal human being. The last time Gwen saw the spider-orc, he still had an ugly spider head that made people sick to his stomach.

"Should I call you Spider-Woman...or Gwen Stacy?" Peter said first.

Gwen didn't answer. She frowned slightly. Looking at this situation, had Peter regained consciousness? In other words, he did all this while he was conscious. He tried to invade Luo Xia's house and threatened his safety...

Gwen suddenly remembered what the devil said on the dance floor that night: "Your kindness will only create a bigger villain. When he turns into a crazy criminal, you can only regret it. You have no ability to kill him." …”

Gwen felt a little regretful at this moment. Fortunately, Luo Xia was not an ordinary person, otherwise she would have lost her boyfriend forever tonight... All of this was because of her kindness. It was Gwen who saved Peter from the devil.

"Harry, how did you become like this?" Gwen didn't even look at Peter, but looked at her former friend.

"It's all thanks to you!" Green Demon Harry showed a terrifying smile, "Spider-Woman, and the devil... you killed my father, and my sufferings are all because of you. Fortunately, I am now Got reborn."

Luo Xia looked at the two people on the grass without any reaction. He hugged Gwen's waist from behind.

"Have you not finished reminiscing about the past? When can the fight start?" Luo Xia whispered in Gwen's ear, "Don't tell me that they deserve forgiveness. They are criminals and came to kill me tonight... "

Peter was a little angry when he saw the two people being intimate on the window. Harry said lightly: "So you already knew her identity..."

The bat-wing aircraft restarted, Harry jumped on, and Peter also launched an attack!

The attack between the two was fierce, but Luo Xia didn't panic at all. He pushed Gwen's hair behind her ears from behind. He looked at the cold and beautiful side face and smiled silently.

Luo Xia tapped the window sill with her other hand. Harry was trembling violently while flying in the air. The next second, the connection between his consciousness and the bat-wing aircraft was actually disconnected!

The bat-wing aircraft broke in the air, and Harry's body flew sideways uncontrollably, hitting Peter who had just jumped up.

The two accelerated and fell to the ground, rolling on the lawn and breaking the fence before stopping.

Peter also found that his body was floating uncontrollably, and finally hovered in the air, as if there was an invisible shackle imprisoning him!

Suddenly, the eight spider legs behind him also felt a huge force. The spider legs were stretched straight, and then pulled out of his body with great force. Peter let out a scream, and in the dark night sky Very scary.

Gwen turned her head slightly, as if she couldn't bear to look.

But Peter had been injected with an enhanced version of the lizard gene serum. It was a perfect serum that once again greatly improved his ability to recover from injuries.

Rorschach used telekinesis to pluck out eight of Peter's spider legs, but within seconds the legs grew back.

Luo Xia was also a little surprised. This powerful healing ability was probably comparable to the horse charm in the initial stage after upgrade.

He continued to use the telekinesis of the Chicken Talisman to forcefully pull out the spider legs from Peter's back!

Harry stood up again amidst Peter's screams. He was just about to take out the pumpkin bomb carried on his armor, when suddenly the ground around him shook, and Harry looked down.

The underground manhole cover next to him shook even more violently, and suddenly the manhole cover shot out at high speed and hit his head!

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