The red warning light in the safe passage flashed, and Hill's order for all personnel to evacuate was repeatedly played on the radio.

Among a group of heavily armed guards, Natasha and Hill were guarding Dr. Selvig, who was holding the Cosmic Cube, in the center.

Hill took away all the guards in the laboratory because these ordinary guards could not intervene in the battle between superheroes and would even become a burden to them.

After being deeply invisible, Luo Xia followed the energy fluctuations to the S.H.I.E.L.D. base. He could feel that the mysterious energy source had calmed down and was still moving. He tracked the energy source into this channel, and in He met Hill and his group in the passage, and he immediately released the invisibility of the snake charm.

"The situation in the laboratory seems a little bad?"

"Didn't Thor say he could kill his brother?" Natasha said dubiously, "Besides, there are many of them, Barton, Captain, Tony, Sam... five of them can defeat one person no matter what, right?"

"I hope so……"

Hill and Natasha were still communicating when the guards in front suddenly stopped.

All the guards raised their guns, aiming at the person who suddenly appeared in front and waiting for Commander Hill's order.

Hill and Natasha looked from the opening of the guard in front, and they were on full alert for an instant!

A familiar figure blocked the middle of the safe passage. The sirens and broadcasts made the atmosphere tense, and the smiling devil mask made people feel fear from this tension...

"Ma'am, can you give me some directions?" Luo Xia ignored the armed guards and looked at Hill.

Hill looked at the devil coldly, and at this moment she thought of the dead Nick.

Natasha next to her said with a stiff expression: "Long time no see Mr. Devil, where are you going?"

"Below," Luo Xia pointed to the ground and said, "but before that, you have to give me something."


Luo Xia smiled: "You know..."

As Rosha waved his hand, the queue of guards was separated by a force, and Dr. Selvig, carrying a silver suitcase, was exposed in front of him.

"Bang bang bang!" Hill drew his gun and fired, emptying the magazine in an instant.

The guards also pulled the trigger, and countless bullets poured into Luo Xia!

Luo Xia still stood there with a smile and did not move to dodge. The rabbit charm greatly increased his reaction speed. Under the power of the chicken charm, all the kinetic energy of the bullets was wiped out before they hit Luo Xia, and then they flew vertically in the air. It fell and hit the ground with a crisp metal impact.

"Stop!" Luo Xia said loudly, but his tone was very calm.

Something unexpected happened to everyone! Their hands holding the guns actually stopped shooting and pointed the muzzles downward...

Hill and all the guards had shocked faces. Except for Natasha, she would not be shocked no matter what abilities the demon showed...

"Let's play a game! Everyone has played the sheep counting game, right?" Luo Xia smiled broadly, and the shadow of sheep appeared in his eyes, "One sheep, two sheep, three sheep... "

As Luo Xia's sheep-counting game began, all the guards pointed their guns at the teammates around them as if they were rebelling!

For a moment, the sound of gunshots in the passage was deafening! Most of the time, two people shoot at each other. The bullets hit each other's body armor and explosion-proof helmets, causing sparks, and they continue to retreat under the influence of kinetic energy.

Hill and Natasha were the only two people who were not affected. They rushed out to both sides!

Among the rioting guards, Dr. Selvig, carrying a silver suitcase, slowly walked towards Rosha, with a white spiritual energy lingering in his eyes.

"What's that inside?" Luo Xia asked Dr. Selvig who was in a controlled state.

"It's the Cosmic Cube, sir!" Dr. Selvig said.

There was a trace of surprise in Luo Xia's eyes. He waved the suitcase in Dr. Selvig's hand to fly out, and finally hovered still in front of Luo Xia.

The suitcase opened automatically, and a blue square object appeared in front of him. The seemingly weak blue light dispersed the flashing red light of the alarm light in the safe passage.

"It's so beautiful..."

Luo Xia felt the stable energy source in front of him, and he stretched out his hand...

"Bang bang bang!" Hill stuck his head out and raised his gun to shoot him again.

All the bullets were gathered in front of Luo Xia, twisted together and dropped under the influence of huge force.

"Miss Agent, won't you thank me even after being promoted to commander? I helped you get rid of your biggest obstacle." Luo Xia smiled lightly.

"I'm so grateful to you!" Hill shouted, "That's why I used my commander's authority to list you as SHIELD's Most Wanted!"

"Thank you very much!" Luo Xia said with a smile, "A person as outstanding as me will be number one in every aspect!"

Hill was about to say something, but her body flew sideways, her head hit the wall of the passage and she passed out.

"So do you still have the idea of ​​stopping me?" Luo Xia turned her head and looked at Natasha.

"No," Natasha could only shake her head and say, "Mr. Devil, please do as you please..."

Luo Xia's eyes were on the Cosmic Cube in front of him. The Cosmic Cube floated under the control of the Chicken Talisman. It seemed to be lit up, and the bright blue light filled the entire passage.

"Sir, its energy is skyrocketing!" Dr. Selvig said loudly.

Of course Luo Xia knew that with the Dragon Talisman, his sensitivity to energy far exceeded all scientific instruments on the earth.

Luo Xia calmly stretched out his hand, and the Cosmic Cube fell steadily into his hands. Suddenly, the blue light scattered in the passage disappeared, the surge of energy also stopped, and everything returned to calm.

"It's unbelievable!" Dr. Selvig said, looking at the Cosmic Cube that calmed down in Rosha's hands. He thought that Rosha controlled the energy of the Cosmic Cube.

Luo Xia is very calm. He seems to have opened a God's perspective in the Marvel Universe. He will naturally know what this is.

But he is not afraid, because he has the immortal power of the dog charm! Immortal, naturally fearless.

"Now, let's go down and have a look." Rosha looked at Dr. Selvig and said calmly, "Lead the way."

Loki slowly put down the spiritual scepter on Hawkeye's chest, with a smile on his face: "What is true peace..."


Suddenly Tony flew up and hit Loki in the face with an iron fist, and Mjolnir flew from the side and knocked him away.

"You can't control your younger brother?" Tony turned to look at Thor, "After you said you could deal with him, he used that short spear to blow you away..."

Tony's words stopped suddenly, Hawkeye aimed an arrow at him and detonated it!

Tony got up from the ground, his face full of disbelief.


"Things seem to have gotten worse..." Falcon felt something was wrong.

Captain America restrained Loki, and he asked Loki: "What did you do to him?"

Loki also kept smiling in his predicament, "Let him return to the right camp and give him strength and freedom..."

Cap punched Loki in the face.

Hawkeye stood still, his eyes blue... Suddenly he pulled out the arrow again, bent his bow and shot!

Tony fired his palm cannon to intercept the arrow, but was knocked back by the aftermath of the explosion.

"Barton?" Thor shouted, and he flew up with Thor's hammer to subdue Hawkeye.

But Hawkeye still didn't react. He kicked Thor in the stomach and flew backwards. He pulled out three arrows from his back in the air and shot at Thor.

Thor reacted extremely quickly. He swung Mjolnir continuously to blast the arrows flying at high speed, and turned his head to sweep away the fire caused by the explosion with his hands.

The Falcon on the side figured out the plan and jumped up to hug Hawkeye. The Falcon tried his best to say: "Calm down, Agent Patton!"

Hawkeye gave a headbutt to the back with expressionless force. The Falcon roared in pain and two pillars of blood flowed out of its nostrils. Hawkeye's elbow slammed into the Falcon's abdomen, and he broke free from the restraints of the Falcon and threw forward. , continue to bend the bow and set up arrows to stop Tony's progress!

"Damn it!" Tony yelled angrily. The steel armor was not equipped with tranquilizer bombs, and he could not use anti-personnel weapons against the Falcon. "Jarvis, add a few tranquilizer bombs to the armor in the development log of Mark8." Notes."

Thor on the side grabbed Loki's collar. He raised his hammer and said angrily: "Stop your tricks! Otherwise..."

"It's so lively!" The door of the laboratory was pushed open again, and everyone stopped in an instant. They looked at the figure who suddenly appeared at the door in surprise.

"Devil?" Thor stared at Luo Xia as if confirming.

Loki's smile increased a bit, and he calmly activated the Mind Scepter. The scepter fired an energy bomb and hit Thor's chest, knocking him away.

After doing all this, Loki calmly tidied up his collar and hair that were messed up during the fight, and then looked at the equally elegant person at the door of the laboratory...

The man wore a mask on his face, like a demon in an Asgard mural. He was wearing decent clothes. Of course, Loki didn't pay attention to these, but focused his sight on the Cosmic Cube in him!

The superheroes were also surprised when they looked at the Cosmic Cube in Rorsha's hand. They became even more confused when they saw Dr. Selvig standing behind the devil. Dr. Selvig was also controlled by the devil?

"What did you do to Hill and Natasha?" The enemy was extremely jealous when they met, and Captain America looked at Luo Xia with eyes that seemed to burst out with anger.

"Besides death, what else can I give them?" Luo Xia looked at Captain America with a smile and said, "Guess how they died? Was they burned to death, or were they killed by teammates' bullets? Or..."

Luo Xia couldn't bear it even before he said Team Perfect, and he rushed towards Luo Xia!

"Captain!" Tony tried to stop Cap.

Rorsha waved casually, and Captain America was swept away. Tony arrived in time to catch him, and the two of them knocked over several pieces of research equipment before stopping.

"Hahaha..." Luo Xia laughed out loud, "Is this the only amount of power that can be unleashed when angry?"

Luo Xia walked into the laboratory ignoring everyone's eyes, and he was talking as he walked.

"I'm really sorry for deceiving you just now. In fact, the two ladies are still alive. I can not only sentence them to death, but also give them a chance to survive." Everyone's eyes were focused on Luo Xia, "A beautiful flower welcomes Withering, this thing also has a sense of beauty. I think we should choose a good time instead of burying them deep underground... What do you think?"

A lone round of applause rang out from Loki, whose face was filled with undisguised admiration.

"What do you think of yourself? A god who controls the destiny of mankind?" Captain America got up from the ground and said firmly, "You can't control anyone's destiny!"

"At least now I can control your destiny, Captain America!" Luo Xia smiled, "Now, kneel down!"

Suddenly a huge force came, and Captain America lost his balance and was instantly pressed down. He fell to the ground face to face.

"Okay, okay, you can just lie down." Luo Xia shook his head and said.

A hammer flew from behind, Luo Xia moved to avoid it.

"Hey! Sneak attacks are immoral," Luo Xia looked at Thor and said, his eyes turned red, "Haven't you had enough of lasers?"

Luo Xia shot out lasers from his eyes, and Thor, who had suffered a lot, quickly dodged, but his arm was still scratched by the laser, and a blood hole instantly appeared in the wound, and blood flowed horizontally.

Thor stretched out his hand to recall Mjolnir. He jumped up and smashed the hammer down. After Luo Xia got out of the way, he made a big hole in the ground.

Thor's fighting awareness was very good. He turned around and blocked the laser shot by Rorsha with Thor's hammer, and then swung the hammer to hit Rorsha's head again!

Suddenly, a huge beam of energy shot out from Luo Xia's chest. Thor was reflected under the powerful impact, smashed into one wall of the laboratory and disappeared.

"Hmm!" Loki exclaimed. He bent his right hand under his left shoulder and saluted, "Are you the master of the earth?"

"No, but it's almost the same. I can dominate everyone. Welcome to Earth!" Luo Xia was very satisfied with his attitude. "I like chatting with polite people."

"Me too," Loki said. He pointed at the Cosmic Cube in Rosha's hand and said, "So dear Lord of the Earth, can you return my things now?"

"your things?"

Luo Xia also had a smile on his face. He raised his arm to activate the Dragon Talisman, and a bright pillar of flame shot out from his palm.

Loki turned sideways to dodge the astonishingly powerful fire attack, and stood up slowly with his scepter in hand.

"Whose is the Universal Rubik's Cube now?" Luo Xia looked at him and said calmly.

Facing Luo Xia's question, Loki did not answer. Loki still smiled, but the smile on his face was much reduced... It seemed that the man in front of him called the devil was more difficult to deal with than this group of people who thought they were the protectors of the earth. too much.

"Long time no see. Everyone knows me, right? After last time, a qualified earthling must first know the devil." Luo Xia, who was holding the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, scanned the crowd and said, "There are so many people today, what are your names? That’s the name of that group…the Anti-Demon Alliance, right?”

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