Marvel: The Twelve Spells

Chapter 119 Prelude to the War

"Mr. Devil, that definitely does not include me. I have made a statement not to join any official organization!"

Tony said slowly, and suddenly he raised his hands, and there was a sound of mechanical operation. In an instant, all the weapons on the steel armor Mark7 were activated by Tony!

Palm cannons, cutting lasers, chest arc pulse cannons, micro armor-piercing projectiles, right shoulder heavy missiles... all activated weapons were aimed at Rosha. Tony said firmly:

"If you put down the Cosmic Cube in your hands..."

Tony knew the importance of the Cosmic Cube, and he also understood the dangers of demons. If the two were combined, he simply couldn't imagine what would happen...

"Wow!" Luo Xia exclaimed, he smiled and didn't care: "Are you threatening me? Mr. Stark, my friend."


Tony in the steel armor said cautiously. He gave instructions to Jarvis to observe the demon's movements at all times, including energy changes. Tony recorded several battle scenes with demons and developed a specific battle mode to deal with demons.

At this moment, the devil has not made any move, but Tony's spirit is highly tense. The reason is very simple, the devil's record is too brilliant...

For example, he easily seriously injured the Asgardian Thor... Although Tony often mocked Thor for his resemblance to the hero of Breaking Point, he also had to admit how powerful the opponent was.

Of course, the devil also had another shocking move... During the webcast of "Devil's Plan", he destroyed a helicarrier in front of hundreds of millions of viewers!

In the hands of demons, the strong and huge aerial fortress is as fragile as a castle made of sea sand.

Luo Xia was about to say something when suddenly he felt a rapid attack from the side...

Thor threw his Mjolnir again, and Mjolnir hit with the roar of the wind!

Luo Xia did not turn around, he suddenly raised his right hand to hold it in the empty space, and the power of the Chicken Talisman was activated by him with all his strength!

The flying Thor's Hammer began to slow down, but the speed weakened to a very small extent. At this time, the distance between Thor's Hammer and Luo Xia was only a dozen meters.

Luo Xia didn't even look at the flying Thor's Hammer. He once again activated the Dragon Talisman with all his strength, supplying unlimited energy to the Chicken Talisman!

The beeping alarm "Didi Di Di" kept sounding, and Dr. Selvig said subconsciously: "That's the environmental energy detector in the laboratory..."

Before he could finish his words, a small explosion occurred in the instrument, sparks continued to appear, and white smoke caused by the burnt circuits rose.

There was darkness between Thor's hammer and Luo Xiaping's raised hand. The space was torn apart and collapsed by the collision of the two energies, and a roar like a sonic boom resounded through the laboratory.

The Thor's Hammer flying in the air has almost stopped, and it is moving forward at a slow speed... The dragon talisman has infinite energy, and Luo Xia's telekinesis after activating the chicken talisman has also been greatly improved, and it is Keep outputting!


The two energies exploded, and a shock wave spread out. Luo Xia's clothes were blown open, and the others were knocked off their feet.

Thor's hammer stopped completely, as if it was held by Luo Xia through the void.

"What..." Thor's shocked expression was indescribable.

Tony on the other side did not hesitate anymore. The sounds of several weapons being fired were mixed together, and the target was Rosha who was fighting against Thor's hammer.

Luo Xia stretched out his other hand with a calm expression, and the energy of the Dragon Talisman surged out, holding up a yellow spherical energy defense shield to wrap Luo Xia and Dr. Selvig.

The first attack to arrive was the palm cannon. It hit the Luo Xia Dragon Talisman energy defense shield and disappeared without causing any waves.

The cutting laser arrives instantly, and the continuous high-energy laser attack stirs up waves on the energy defense shield. The cutting laser weapon is very destructive to the energy defense shield, but the Dragon Talisman has an unlimited supply of energy to repair the defense shield at all times, and the high Energy-consuming cutting lasers only last a few seconds.

Then the chest arc pulse cannon arrived. This attack was even more powerful. The energy defense shield held up by Luo Xia shook violently, but the penetrating power of the arc pulse cannon was not strong, and it did not break through the defense shield held up by Luo Xia.

Tony did not fire heavy weapons such as right shoulder heavy missiles, otherwise the entire laboratory would be destroyed.

"Is your turn over?" Suddenly Luo Xia asked.

Rorsha used the telekinesis of the Chicken Talisman to firmly grasp Mjolnir. He swung Mjolnir and hit Tony in the armor!

The Mjolnir controlled by telekinesis seems to be more powerful than in Thor's hands. Rorsha's speed is increased by the rabbit charm, and Tony has already swung Mjolnir before he can react!


A roar of metal collision echoed in the empty laboratory, as if Falcon and Dr. Selvig couldn't help but cover their ears with their hands.

Tony flew out and hit the wall, making a big hole. Several accessories of his steel armor fell off under the violent impact...

"Your hammer is pretty easy to use." Luo Xia looked back at Thor and said.


Thor's body was shaking slightly, as if he couldn't believe that this scene was really happening... From then on, Thor, the god of thunder, never dared to throw his Mjolnir in front of the devil again!

Under the control of Luo Xia, Thor's hammer turned back in the air and continued to accelerate, shooting straight towards Thor!

The rabbit charm was activated by Rorschach, who applied five times the speed of sound to Mjolnir, which was controlled by the chicken charm. Mjolnir instantly flew dozens of meters and hit Thor's chest!

The sound of impact came only after Thor flew far away. At high speed, Thor continuously knocked down the walls, connecting several underground laboratories together...

After easily dealing with the two strongest combatants, Luo Xia turned around and scanned the remaining people, and finally landed on Captain America: "Captain Rogers, do you want to try too?"

Before he could answer, Dr. Selvig stood in front of an alarm machine and said, "This place is about to explode. Hundreds of feet of soil above it will collapse, and everyone will be buried alive!"

Dr. Selvig pointed to the sky and said that everyone's eyes were drawn towards it. Only then did they realize that there was a blue energy group gathered directly above the space door opened by the Cosmic Cube, which seemed to be rotating. Like a vortex.

Luo Xia raised his eyebrows slightly. He could feel the powerful energy contained in the vortex and its instability.

"The energy cannot be monitored, is extremely unstable, and has a high risk factor!" Dr. Selvig said excitedly, "The passage opened by the Cosmic Cube is collapsing. If we don't leave within two minutes, we will die!"

Rosha waved his hand, and Dr. Selvig came behind him. He turned to look at Loki, who had been hiding in the corner waiting for an opportunity as soon as the battle started.

"Want to go together? A somewhat polite but not much alien tourist?"

"I plan to live on Earth forever!" Loki waved to Hawkeye, who was controlled by him, to follow him, and the two of them came to Luo Xia's side.

"Thank you for your help, Lord of the Earth," Loki smiled, his eyes inadvertently falling on the Cosmic Cube in Rosha's hand, "So how should we go?"

Luo Xia smiled contemptuously and did not respond. He looked at Captain America and the others and said, "I look forward to meeting you next time!"

Luo Xia activated the ability of the Snake Talisman group to move through deep invisible space, and the four of them were instantly teleported to a safe ground.

During this process, the Universe Rubik's Cube felt the power of space being lit up...

Captain America glanced at the place where the four people disappeared in an instant. He turned and walked towards the hole made by Tony. As soon as he arrived, Tony climbed to the entrance of the hole. Captain America and Falcon helped him up.

"We have to leave quickly!"

"There's still one minute and forty seconds left. I have a countdown here." Tony said, "Thanks, but I can get up on my own."

The power system of Tony's suit restarted and he flew at low altitude while Captain America and Falcon ran wildly on the ground.

"We don't care about Thor?" Falcon said.

"He has a hammer, he will be fine!" Cap said.

"Are you still thinking about that Asgardian?" Tony teased, "Escape yourself first! Countdown... fifty-eight seconds!"

Speaking of entering the underground lane, Tony once again increased his power and flew to the front. Captain America and Falcon also got on an off-road vehicle and started racing!

Until the countdown ended, a huge explosion occurred in the underground laboratory. The astonishing power instantly spread to the entire base, and the ground continued to collapse!

Tony flew out of the underground passage of the base and accelerated upward. He saw the entire base collapse from above.

Tony hung steady in the air, "Jarvis, global scan!"

The off-road vehicle that Captain America and Falcon were riding in also drove out of the base safely. At this time, Hill's call on the public communication channel came from the headset.

"Captain? Captain, are you safe?"

"Safe, Sam is with me." Captain America held down the headset and said, "The Cosmic Cube was snatched away by the devil. He seemed to have used the power of the Cosmic Cube to take away Loki, Barton and Dr. Selvig. Just like when the Red Skull disappeared in front of me...and Thor, have you seen him?"

"I haven't seen that Asgardian yet." Tony from above replied, "But many people are buried in the base. The life body detection showed that there are 17 people in the east area and 31 people in the west area. I uploaded the data map Here you go, luckily the evacuation order was issued in time, otherwise there would have been more people..."

"Sir, an abnormal target was found." Jarvis suddenly reminded.

Tony watched a scanned life form rising continuously, which meant that he was moving through the soil...

"I seem to have seen Thor..."

Suddenly there was lightning and thunder in the sky, and a figure rushed out from the ruins and flew at high speed. It was Thor, the God of Thunder.

Thor and Tony stopped dozens of meters apart, and Tony could even see the flashing arc of electricity on each other's bodies.

"Where's the devil?" Thor asked menacingly, holding up his hammer.

"Already ran away... The term "running" is not accurate. He achieved his goal and left leisurely, just like you coming home with a full load of shopping." Tony said dissatisfiedly, "Why didn't you use the ultimate move earlier?"

An off-road vehicle was speeding on the road near the base, and Hill, the co-pilot, continued to issue orders: "All staff, guards, and agents below level four will carry out rescue work. Mr. Stark will send you a rescue map."

"The rest of the people who did not participate in the rescue returned to the base, entered the seventh level of alert, and tried their best to find the devil!" Hill paused slightly, and the devil mask appeared in her mind again, "There are also Loki, Agent Barton, Seth Dr. Ervig, use all methods to find them! The war has begun..."

After giving all these instructions, Hill lay down on the seat. The cold wind blowing in front of her hit her face, and a trace of blood on the side of her face had solidified.

"What luck!" Natasha said with a sigh of relief, "We were buried just one step slower."

Hill did not respond. She was silent for a long time before speaking out: "I thought I would die here tonight, but I didn't expect that he didn't kill me..."

"It's not surprising at all!" Natasha said, "It's reasonable for us to survive tonight or die together at the base. The devil does things without any rules, like a madman who does whatever he wants! Unless you are his target. , then you will definitely die..."

Natasha looked at Hill aside, "I have often thought about this problem, and I came to the conclusion that the devil is too powerful. No one can bring him danger, or even cause trouble for him, so he doesn't care." Will it leave any trouble?"

"I will make him regret it," Hill said calmly, "I will make him regret letting me go tonight..."

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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