Marvel: The Twelve Spells

Chapter 133 Attack

There was a sound of footsteps in the long corridor, mixed with Tony's cold jokes, echoing in the corridor. Luo Xia, who deliberately stayed at the back of the team, suddenly stopped and looked in one direction.

Feeling that something was wrong, Luo Xia thought for a while and summoned the ninja regiment of the Ghost Soldiers to investigate. The night was the home ground of the ghost soldiers, and the ninja regiment moved quickly and was undoubtedly the best scout.

Soon Rorshasa smiled. It turned out that Hawkeye, controlled by Loki, was leading a group of terrorists to attack the Anti-Demon Alliance's base. The convoy was hiding in the dark and approaching quickly, but the superheroes didn't seem to pay attention to the base. Defensive arrangements.

Because normally no one would attack an alliance of all superheroes...

"Luo Xia?" Gwen stood not far away. Luo Xia walked over. She also came up to him and said apologetically, "Do you want to go back? Then let's go. I'm sorry that I ignored your feelings tonight. "

Gwen was in a state of excitement tonight. Now that she came to her senses, she realized that Luo Xia was not interested in these superheroes and that Luo Xia would stay here just to accompany her.

"No, tonight's Anti-Demon Alliance base is not boring..." Luo Xia said meaningfully, and before Gwen could think about it, he pushed Gwen forward.

At the end of the corridor, Hill had already pressed the elevator button and was waiting for the two of them.

The Anti-Demon Alliance held a meeting late at night, and Captain America and Tony invited Rorsha and Gwen, who were visiting the base, to attend the meeting.

This late-night gathering did not involve any secrets, and both Captain America and Tony regarded the two as associate members of the Anti-Demon Alliance, and it was natural for them to send invitations to let them know more about the work of this alliance.

Gwen and Rosha only regarded the meeting as a visit, because Tony's words were like this: "Would you like to go up there to take a look? There is a party going on in the multi-functional smart conference room. Maybe you can see the people who were on the Internet a few years ago." Dr. Banner, who is very popular, is currently recovering in the ward. Unfortunately, you didn't see what he looked like when he turned into a big green fat man..."

"Is this their party?"

"In a sense, there seems to be no problem..." Gwen looked at Luo Xia with a guilty conscience.

"Thor, tell me about the information you got from Asgard." The US team began this informal meeting.

"I know Loki's purpose for coming to Earth. He has an army called the Chitauri. They are not from Asgard or the Nine Kingdoms. Even Heimdall doesn't know where this army came from. Come..." Tony said with a somewhat unhappy expression: "Loki plans to lead them to conquer mankind and rule the earth. In return, he will hand over the Cosmic Cube to the Chitauri."

"An army of aliens?" Gwen, sitting on the edge of the conference room, said in surprise.

"There is an Asgardian sitting in front of you. If there are aliens, there will be alien civilizations. What's so surprising about the birth of an army from a civilization?" Luo Xia and Gwen bit their ears.

"Then what should we do? Will the earth be in danger?" Gwen was very worried.

"Of course, choose nuclear peace!" Luo Xia said, putting her arm around Gwen's shoulders.


The rest of the people heard Luo Xia and Gwen whispering and didn't pay attention. They were outsiders to begin with.

"An alien army is coming to invade the earth?" Captain America was a little surprised. This kind of thing was too shocking for a person born in the last century.

"So they are going to use the Cosmic Cube to build a portal..." Tony said to himself, and then looked at Thor: "Do you know anything about that alien army now? Its combat effectiveness, equipment configuration, fighting methods and number of people in the formation?"

"No idea," Thor said with a shrug.

Luo Xia said coldly: "It seems that their situation is very bad..."

"Once the Anti-Demon Alliance fails to eliminate this alien army, all humans will suffer." Gwen said silently, she has always been very responsible.

"There is only one way." Suddenly Thor stood up suddenly, "I will bring Loki back to Asgard now, so that all his plots will be defeated."

"It would be nice if things were really that simple." Tony shook his head, "Now involved in this matter are Dr. Selvig, who was controlled by Loki, Agent Patton, and... the devil!"

When Tony said the last name, the atmosphere on the conference table froze. It was the haze cast by the Demon Belt and the Anti-Demon Alliance.

"Tonight they took away a large amount of iridium, and the accessories and materials under them have already been gathered based on Agent Barton's ability. Even if Loki is captured by you and taken back to Asgard, they can open the door to space and summon everyone. Tarui's army..." Tony analyzed it carefully, "Of course the most critical point is the devil, because the Cosmic Cube is on his body."

"No!" Captain America suddenly interrupted, "The Cube is not on the devil, but on the girl in red."

"The girl who was with the devil yesterday?" Tony confirmed.

"Yes." Thor also nodded and said, "During the entire battle yesterday, that girl was guarding the Cosmic Cube."

"Excuse me!" Gwen suddenly said from the side.

"Spider-Woman, do you have any questions?" Captain America asked.

"Devil and girl?" Gwen was a little unbelievable, "The devil also has girls with him? Are they also controlled by him?"

It was difficult for Gwen to connect the powerful and violent figure in her impression with the image of the girl. The sense of inconsistency was too strong.

"It doesn't look like it." Captain America shook his head, "That girl also possesses extremely powerful power. Her ability is similar to that of Rorshasa, who can act on objects through the air."

"I am an only child." Luo Xia said first in response to Gwen's curious gaze.

"Yes, that girl looks like an Eastern European!" Tony also interjected.

"Although we know the general conspiracy of Loki, we still have nowhere to start." Captain America analyzed and said, "We don't know where Dr. Selvig and Agent Barton are hiding, let alone how to recapture the Cosmic Cube... "

"The only breakthrough is Loki!" Tony punched the conference table. He looked at everyone and said, "I will make him speak!"

As Thor walked towards the door, no one stopped him. Although his method was not correct and there was a high probability that it would be indifferent, it was only natural for the elder brother to teach the younger brother...

As soon as Sol walked to the door, there was suddenly a huge explosion, and the whole building was shaking violently.

The red alarm light in the conference room flashed, and a cold female voice echoed throughout the building: "The enemy has invaded!"

Thor's expression changed drastically, "Loki!"

Sol ran towards the window on the side of the conference room. He was so anxious that he didn't even have time to take the elevator!

The window happened to be right behind Luo Xia and Gwen. Thor used his hands to support the conference table and took off. He jumped over the two of them with a perfect forward somersault. He broke through the bulletproof glass of the window and began to fall.

Thor's speed was extremely fast, and Gwen quickly evaded under the warning of the spider sense, but Luo Xia sat still and did not move. At this time, Luo Xia's head was already covered with black lines!

Thor jumped from a twenty-story building. When he landed in the air, he stretched out his hand and summoned Thor's hammer!

From Thor's original position in the conference room, Mjolnir quickly flew towards the window!

Captain America saw Mjolnir about to hit Luo Xia and was about to take action when Luo Xia, who looked a bit unhappy, waved lightly. Mjolnir flying at high speed suddenly turned sharply to the right and crashed into the wall. Disappeared after a big hole...

Three seconds later, a loud sound of a heavy object falling to the ground came from the window...

Thor slowly got up, and then Thor's hammer arrived belatedly. Thor, who had no idea what was going on, cursed a few times. He didn't have time to think about it, and immediately climbed up with the hammer and ran towards the place where Loki was imprisoned.

"Stay in a safe place!" Captain America said to Gwen and Rorsha, considering the two of them as trainee superheroes in his heart.

Because of the pressure from the devil, Captain America now always keeps his shield close to his body. As soon as he picked up the shield and turned around, he bumped into Tony who was in a hurry.

"I'm going to put on the armor," Tony said immediately, "Captain, go to my office, Loki's scepter is there!"

In an instant, only Gwen and Luo Xia were left in the conference room, and Gwen's excitement that had just been extinguished was ignited again.

The anti-demon alliance's base was attacked? So can she fight alongside superheroes such as Iron Man, Captain America, and Thor?

Gwen has always had the adventurous gene in her body, probably because she has never encountered major suffering or failure. She has no fear of powerful enemies and high-risk events, and even treats them as a game.

"Honey, wait for me here!"

As she spoke, Gwen jumped out of the window with a backhand jump... But she did not feel the pleasure of free fall. Gwen's figure froze in the air, as if the space had been stopped.

Luo Xia waved her hand, and Gwen's body began to move, and she sat down next to him again.

"This is their war." Luo Xia said calmly.

Gwen also suddenly realized that those who dared to attack the Anti-Devil Alliance must have the same strength, unlike the criminals she met on the street who could be easily solved.

Although she is not afraid of the enemies who invade the building tonight, Gwen also needs to care about Luo Xia's attitude. Obviously Luo Xia does not want to get involved in the affairs of the Anti-Demon Alliance...

Thor came to the room where Loki was held with a hammer in hand. He felt something bad when he saw the security gate that had been blown open. When he entered the room, it turned out that there was no one in the circular cage.

"Loki has escaped from prison!" Thor said in the communication channel, and he turned and walked out.

Captain America's voice also sounded: "The scepter is also missing."

"They must not have left yet!"

"I know!" Tony came to the place where the mecha was stored. He pressed the button on his phone, and the door lock opened instantly, revealing the gold and red Mark 7.

"Jarvis, scan the whole building!"

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Thanks to book friend "Carrot Leaf" for the 5,000 starting points.

Thanks to the book friend "Inexplicable" for the 1,500 starting points.

Thanks to book friend "Xiao Awei Shiye" for the 600 starting points reward.

Thanks to the book friend "book friend 2021030110402299156" for the 520 starting points reward.

Thanks to the book friend "Meow Up the Tree" for the 500-point starting coin.

Thanks to book friend "Timothy Merkez" for the 500 starting point coin.

Thanks to book friend "Situ Xieyue" for the reward of 650 starting points.

Thanks to the book friend "Little Monsters No Little Cuties" for the 473 starting points.

Thanks to book friend "Luo Baixin" for the 200-point starting coin.

Thanks to book friend "book friend 161229061623685" for the 200 starting points reward.

Thanks to the book friend "Yanxi Zaozhaozhao" for the 100 starting points reward.

Thanks to the book friend "book friend 20230427123954996" for the 100 starting points reward.

Thanks to the book friend "book friend 20190525022921739" for the 100 starting points reward.

Thanks to the book friend "Old White and Yellow Jingmeng" for the 100 starting points reward.

Thanks to the book friend "Come on Dachao, it's very beautiful" for the 100 starting points reward.

Thanks to the book friend "Zhu Di is not Judy" for the 100 starting points reward.

Thanks to the book friend "Scheming Pass" for the 100 starting points reward.

Thanks to the book friend "When I was born"

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