Marvel: The Twelve Spells

Chapter 134 Hulk vs. Thor

The ward was very quiet, with only the beeping sound of medical equipment running. On the only hospital bed lay Dr. Banner, who had already fallen asleep.

Suddenly the curtain on one side shook, and Loki, holding the spiritual scepter, opened the curtain and came to the hospital bed. He handed out the scepter in his hand.

Banner suddenly opened his eyes, but at this time the psychic scepter was already pressed against his chest.

With the faint warm light emitted by the bedside lamp, Banner could clearly see the figure in front of the bed, with his green robe, long black hair, weird smile, and the spiritual scepter he held.

"Loki?" Banner's tone was very calm, "Are you Loki?"

Banner has never met Loki, but his attire is distinctive and distinctive, and his sinister face fits the image of the God of Trickery.

"Dr. Banner?" Loki said with a smile, "The most powerful superhero."

"I'm not a hero." Banner looked at the scepter against his chest and said, "Can this thing kill me? If you can please do it quickly, I will thank you very much."

The mind scepter flickered with a faint yellow light, and Loki said slowly: "I never thought about killing you..."

Banner was confused for a while, and suddenly he remembered Hawkeye, who was controlled by Loki in Captain America's mouth. Just as he was about to resist, the psychic scepter had already shot out energy and injected it into his body.

"You don't need calmness...On the contrary, you need more anger." After Loki said this, he turned around and left quickly.

"No!" Banner forced himself to control himself, but his face had turned green and veins popped out on his neck.

The single hospital bed couldn't bear his struggles and collapsed, so he casually smashed the pile-top cabinet beside it...

In that conference room, Gwen was bored and made a swing with spider silk on the ceiling, swinging from time to time.

Suddenly Luo Xia calmly looked at the wall beside him and said, "Maybe we should go."

"Now?" Gwen hung upside down in front of Luo Xia, "Isn't it bad that I didn't say hello to the host before leaving? They won't mistakenly think that we have been kidnapped, right?"

"We don't rule out this possibility, so you can go under the surveillance camera and say goodbye to them." Luo Xia nodded.


Just as Gwen was about to speak, the Spider Sense sent an early warning.

Gwen, who was hanging in the air, began to shake, which meant that the whole building was shaking. Suddenly, there was a loud noise, and Gwen turned to look at a wall...

"Boom!" The solid wall was instantly broken through, and a huge green figure among the wall fragments rushed into the conference room and wreaked havoc.

Gwen turned over and landed smoothly. She was a little unbelievable: "Is this Dr. Banner?"

"Otherwise, are there other possibilities?" Luo Xia looked at Gwen and said, "It seems that tonight is not a pity. We saw what Mr. Stark said when Dr. Banner turned into a big green fat man!"

"This is not a good thing." Gwen said, shaking her head.

Gwen looked at Hulk who was causing destruction. She shot out spider silk and grabbed Hulk and pulled hard, "Stop it, Dr. Banner!"

Hulk was pulled and staggered. He grabbed the spider silk with his backhand and pulled it casually. Gwen flew out with a scream! This is the first time she has felt such terrifying power...

Gwen's flying figure stopped in the air for a moment, and she said fearfully: "Thank you, dear!"

Gwen landed slowly, and Hulk noticed the two people at the edge of the room. He threw a table over two meters long!

Gwen was just about to build a spider web to block the table, but with her super quick reaction, she could already feel the object flying in front of her slowing down, and she immediately jumped to Luo Xia's side.

The long table slowed down quickly and was still spinning when it hovered in front of Luo Xia. Hulk saw this and rushed over. Luo Xia threw the long table back and hit Hulk in the face and broke into several pieces instantly, but Hulk was not affected at all or even slowed down.

Gwen rushed out, she pulled the spider silk she shot to speed up, and prepared to take the Hulk's attack, but Rorsha immediately used the chicken charm to pull her back. Today's Gwen has not experienced high-intensity battles and cannot recognize his own strength at all.

Luo Xia stretched out her hand and pressed it in the air. Hulk's figure began to slow down at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally stopped in place. The Hulk was caught off guard and fell into the mud.

Hulk became even more angry. He kicked his feet hard on the ground, but he still couldn't move forward after stepping through the floor. There seemed to be an invisible wall in front of him blocking his progress, and he could only continue to roar.

"Well done!" Gwen said from the side, "But can you put me down first?"

Luo Xia turned to look at her, and Gwen landed on the conference table in the posture of a superhero landing.

"You can actually subdue the angry Dr. Banner!" Gwen exclaimed.

"No, I can't subdue him."

Luo Xia said and canceled the restrictions on Hulk. Hulk rushed towards the two of them. Gwen nimbly dodged. Luo Xia only turned slightly sideways, and Hulk jumped into the air and passed Luo Xia.

Hulk smashed the wall and fell down. Gwen came to the huge hole in the wall and looked down...

Thor, who was on the ground, heard the whistling wind coming from above. The wind was also mixed with the roar of the Hulk, and he quickly dodged to avoid it.

The huge Hulk fell from a high-rise building, creating a deep crater on the ground like a meteorite falling. There was a loud noise and dust covered the sky.

Thor waved his hand to fan the dust, "I saw Dr. Banner... It should be Hulk."

Suddenly a green figure rushed out in front, Hulk punched Thor in the face, and Thor instantly flew out and disappeared into the night.

Hulk looked up at the top where he fell, and Gwen was standing there watching.

Hulk's legs were slightly bent, he aimed in the direction and jumped, his body quickly rose towards the tall building.

Suddenly the Hulk flying in the air received a violent impact. Tony, who was wearing a suit, hit the Hulk's waist with all his strength, interrupting his jump.

Hulk began to fall sideways under the impact, but he also reacted and instantly grabbed Tony's legs and threw him hard against the building.

The Hulk crashed into a parking lot at the base. He smashed a car, and the explosion caused flames more than ten meters high.

Tony entered the building after breaking through the wall. Now he was lying in the ruins, feeling a little dizzy.

"Who can stop Green Dr. Banner?" Tony said.

"Me!" Thor's voice sounded in the communication channel, his tone confident and determined.

In the parking lot, as soon as Hulk walked out of the explosion, Thor flew from a distance and knocked him away with a hammer.

Thor landed on the ground after a few rolls. He stood up and walked with the hammer.

"It seems that Dr. Banner is not as scared as you said..."

Thor's voice in the communication channel stopped suddenly, and a loud roar was heard after a loud noise, which made several people quickly take off or turn off their headsets.

"Is Thor okay?" Hill asked Captain America while loading the magazine into the pistol. She turned her head and looked out the window. Loki and Hawkeye were leading several of their men to escape from the Anti-Demon Alliance's base.

"I don't know, but Tony is still over there." As he spoke, Captain America began to speed up. He smashed the glass and threw his shield in the air at the crowd on the ground.

The vibranium shield reflected bright light under the emergency lights. It flashed past in the dark night, hitting three terrorists one after another before turning back in the opposite direction.

After Captain America landed, he ran to the side. He caught the turned-back shield with a flying dive, and then held the shield to his side to avoid the flying arrows shot by Hawkeye.

The arrow hit the shield and caused a string of sparks, then deflected and was nailed to the wall. Captain America felt bad when he saw the arrow flashing with red dots, and he quickly took the shield.

Sure enough, Hawkeye's arrow exploded in the next moment, and Captain America was blown away by the shock wave of the explosion, exposing himself to the muzzles of several terrorists!

Several people quickly turned their guns and aimed at Captain America. Fortunately, Captain America rolled to the bottom of the truck on the side in time, and the bullets made deep marks on the cement floor beside him.

Suddenly the sound of pistol firing rang out, and several armed terrorists were shot and fell to the ground. After firing a magazine, Hill immediately retreated behind the wall.

Suddenly, an energy bomb hit the place where she had just been standing. The energy from the explosion knocked her back, and the broken wall scratched her body and instantly opened a bloody wound.

Loki downstairs put down his scepter and said to Hawkeye on the side: "Stop him."

Hawkeye nodded, took out the arrow from his back and put it on his bow, slowly approaching the place where Captain America disappeared, while Loki turned around and left calmly.

On the other side, Hulk pushed Thor to the ground and punched him in the face. Thor's head was smashed into the concrete floor, and blood flowed from his nostrils and corners of his mouth. The angry Hulk punched him one after another. Faster and heavier... Suddenly the dark sky was filled with dark clouds and thunder bursts.

Hulk was still pumping his fists, and the eyes of Thor, the God of Thunder, who was lying under him, burst out with two thick bolts of lightning. The powerful lightning struck Hulk's chest, and the powerful energy sent him flying!

On the upper floor of the building, Gwen, who was sitting in the hole in the wall watching the battle, was slightly startled. The lightning shot from the ground illuminated the whole world in an instant. She was stunned as she watched Hulk's huge green figure fly up, and then Accelerating and falling towards the ground...

Thor's body flew up, and he reached out to recall Thor's hammer.

Thor looked at the falling Hulk. He held the hammer and began to fly faster. Thor swung the hammer violently, and the electric light in the sky flashed again!


There was a huge impact, and the glass on the nearby floors was shattered. Hulk was sent flying out by the hammer. He smashed the corner of the first floor and finally hit the empty apron!

Tony, who was wearing armor, landed on the tarmac first, followed closely by Thor, the God of Thunder with lightning in his eyes.

Hulk slowly got up and shook his head.

"Calm down, big guy, Loki is trying to manipulate you!" Tony tried to comfort Hulk, "But you shouldn't be manipulated by him. You are stronger than him and smarter than him. You are Bruce Banner!"

Hulk looked back at Tony with a fierce look in his eyes.

"Uh...well, I shouldn't have mentioned that name." Tony said regretfully.

Hulk rushed forward again, and Tony quickly started the power system and flew backwards. He knew the destructive power of the Hulk in front of him.

Thor dropped from the sky and inserted himself between the two of them. Hulk saw Thor's eyes turn redder. He accelerated and ran and jumped up to punch. Thor was not afraid at all and continued to swing his hammer to meet him.

Lightning bursts instantly appeared on the huge apron, and loud noises were heard.

Hulk raised a fighter plane. Even an Asgardian knew that a fighter plane was valuable, Thor turned Thor's hammer.

"Dr. Banner, put it down! Don't make me get mad and beat you up."

Hulk responded to Thor with a roar, he jumped up and raised his fighter plane to hit Thor.

Thor threw Mjolnir, and Mjolnir instantly penetrated the flying fighter plane and hit Hulk's face.

Thor felt guilty when he saw the huge flames exploding from the fighter plane. He said angrily: "Dr. Banner, look at the good deeds you have done!"

"There is no Banner, only Hulk!" Hulk roared. He raised the wreckage of the fighter plane beside him and threw it at Thor. After Thor dodged it, he saw Mjolnir on the ground.

Hulk grabbed the handle of the hammer and prepared to throw it at Thor, but he failed to pick up Mjolnir and stumbled and almost fell to the ground.

The angry Hulk grasped the handle of the hammer with both hands. He exerted such force that his feet shattered the apron and sank in, but Thor's hammer still did not move at all.

"Hahaha!" Thor not far away burst into laughter, "You are indeed the Hulk, stupid Hulk, Dr. Banner is not that stupid! Haha... Oh!"

A piece of cement flew at high speed and smashed into Thor's head. Just as he recovered, Hulk had already rushed in front of him. Thor was pinned down by Hulk and wiped out a deep groove on the ground. When Hao When Ke was about to launch a continuous fierce attack like last time, an arc pulse cannon shot from the side and blew him away.

"Do you need a hand?" Tony said, looking at Thor whose head was pushed into the ground.

Thor stretched out his thick arm, but Tony ignored it because Tony was just being polite...

Thor could only get up by himself, and he was very angry when he looked at Hulk who fell to the ground.

"A surprise attack?"

He met Hulk's attack again, crossing his arms to resist Hulk's punch. Thor jumped up and punched Hulk on the chin. He turned over and rode on Hulk's back, and strangled Hulk's neck with both hands...

Tony shook his head slightly as he watched the two of them continue to cause destruction during the fierce battle. Fortunately, this little money was nothing to him.

There was a gust of wind behind her, and Spider-Woman Gwen slowed down and landed smoothly while hanging on the spider silk.

"Hi, Spider-Woman and Mr. Law." Tony looked at Rorsha who was hanging in the air. "Are you leaving? I'm sorry that we can't spare the time to see you off in this situation."

"No, you guys are busy first..." Gwen said, "We had a lot of fun tonight. It was an unforgettable visit experience."

"Of course, I think so. You don't usually see this kind of battle." Tony gestured to Thor and Hulk who were still fighting. "Although there are some twists and turns in the second half, I believe this is a good visit. Both of them have a deep understanding of the anti-demon alliance."

"Mr. Stark, please do your business first. I wish you all a good night."

Gwen said and flew into Luo Xia's arms. Tony looked at the two people's retreating figures, and a piece of debris shot out from behind and hit his head crookedly...

"A night like this is not beautiful at all..."

ps: Because "Thor" and "Tony" are similar, Thor uses another translation name "Thor".

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