Marvel: The Twelve Spells

Chapter 135 Legacy

Tony withdrew his gaze, and he flew up somewhat unsteadily. When Hulk grabbed his right leg, he crushed the arc pulse propulsion device on his right leg. It was difficult to maintain balance with only three power thrusters. flight.

Tony turned to look at Hulk, who was still fighting Thor, and said to himself: "Perhaps we need to find some way to bring the out-of-control Dr. Banner back to consciousness...or maybe put a shackles on Hulk. .”

Tony turned on the flight stabilization system and walked around the building to the battlefield behind. But as soon as he landed, he saw Captain America coming over carrying the unconscious Hawkeye.

Hawkeye was beaten until his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and the high-tech mechanical bow was broken by Captain America using his shield.

In a one-on-one duel, Hawkeye is still no match for the US team.

"Looks like Legolas needs a new bow," Tony said, looking at Hawkeye, "if he ever comes to his senses."

"Of course." Captain America said silently.

At this time, the loud noise behind the building slowly subsided, which marked that the battle between Thor and the Hulk was over, and Thor won.

If Hulk defeats Thor, then the movement will only get louder and louder, and maybe Hulk will demolish the entire New York.

"Finally, it's over." Tony took off his steel helmet and took a deep breath, "I thought I had to deal with that green fat guy tonight."

"I didn't expect Thor to be able to defeat Hulk..." Captain America said in surprise. He had read newspapers and SHIELD's secret information, and had a clear understanding of Hulk's power.

"No, it's not that I defeated him, but that he woke up on his own. Maybe he was afraid of my power..." Thor flew over and landed on the ground, carrying Banner who had returned to human form on his shoulders. PhD.

"Loki escaped?" Thor put down Banner. He shook his head and said, "Everything we have done so far has been in vain, and we have gained nothing."

Captain America comforted: "At least we rescued Agent Patton..."

"But we lost Sam and Natasha." Tony patted his chest, fully opened the steel armor and walked out.

Tony came to Banner to check on him. Captain America's face also looked a little ugly, but he quickly regained his energy.

"Because someone died for this, we have to win this battle." Captain America put the shield behind his back, "We already know Loki's conspiracy, and the next thing we have to do is to prevent him from opening the door to space... …”

"Or destroy those alien visitors." Tony said lightly, "It's just an army."

"Totally agree," Thor threw the hammer, "I can handle them all by myself!"

Tony was also chatting, and suddenly Captain America saw several black veins on Tony's neck, as if poison was spreading between the blood vessels...

"Stark?" Captain America pointed at his neck, "What is that? Are you sick?"

Tony subconsciously touched his neck with his hand, and he casually excused himself: "It's nothing, it's just a skin disease."

"Skin disease?" Captain America was obviously a little doubtful.

"Captain, I'm just a normal person, not an Asgardian or a super human injected with some kind of serum." Tony looked at Hawkeye and Banner who fell to the ground and said, "I hope that when I get up tomorrow morning, everyone who is still there will be safe." Be sober.”

After Tony walked into the building, Captain America said to his back: "I will definitely do it."

Tony walked into the elevator and pressed the floor. Fortunately, his office was only stolen with the mind scepter and was not affected by the war. It is still intact today.

The Mark 7 armor, which was damaged again in the war, was already on the repair table. Tony shook his head. While repairing the armor, he was thinking about how to put shackles on the Hulk.

As the night gets darker, you can see a figure busy through the glass.

Tony's experience in the past few months has been very exciting. He has negotiated with the devil, experienced the "devil plan" and yesterday's battle, and now he has fallen into Loki's conspiracy.

Today, Tony is very insecure. He can't even sleep if the steel armor is not repaired, because if the devil or Loki attacks when the armor is damaged, then he will have no effect... Of course, he loses his sense of security the most. Nor does the cause come from outside.

Tony wiped off his sweat during the break. He habitually picked up the green liquid next to him and drank it. Now he has adapted to the bitter and strange taste of chlorophyll.

Tony took out a small silver metal box from his pocket. He pressed the button, and a sharp needle stood up from the end of the metal box. He pressed his thumb on the needle, and a drop of blood flowed out.

"Jarvis, check the palladium content."

A spinning progress bar appeared on the screen, and a few seconds later Jarvis's voice sounded.

"The blood toxicity is 69%, and the diffusion speed is extremely fast." Jarvis paused for a few seconds and then said: "According to the current situation, your body has already developed symptoms such as anemia, vomiting, abdominal pain, liver damage, urinary and kidney damage, etc. .”

"Based on the premise of regular drinking of chlorophyll, if you only use the Ark Reactor to sustain your life, then the symptoms of palladium poisoning will not be life-threatening until six years later, but if you use the Ark Reactor to continue the function of the steel armor, then eleven hours You will then develop symptoms of syncope and difficulty breathing, which will become life-threatening twenty hours later." Jarvis continued: "Sir, my advice is to stop using it..."

"My advice is to stop your advice!" Tony interrupted.

"Does that mean I can still be Iron Man for twenty hours?" Tony stood up and came to the workbench. He looked at the mottled steel armor after two battles and was silent.

"You look bad." Suddenly a voice came from behind.

Tony turned around suddenly, and all the monitors in the office lit up at the same time. Nick Fury's face with an eyepatch appeared on the largest monitor.

"I heard that you are dead, so now you are just a bunch of data. You can change your image at will, so why are you still wearing an eyepatch and pretending to be a disabled person?" Tony said quickly, waving the repair tool in his hand.

"I'm just used to showing you familiar images." Nick said calmly.

"Not to mention familiarity, you haven't appeared a few times in total." Tony shook his head and said, "Are you here to mock me now? Taunt me for how firmly I rejected you at first, but then I still joined your Super Boy 'Organize it, and make it a mess, allowing an Asgardian and a demon to destroy it at will?"

"No, and on the contrary, I think you're doing a good job, at least so far."

Tony shook his head, took a deep breath and then turned to face the steel armor.

"Can you help me with some data debugging of the armor? Your computing power should be more than Jarvis now." He said without looking back.

"No, no, no, I'm not here to be your repairman..."

Nick said as a crunching sound was heard and Tony turned around holding a wrench.

The glass door opened to both sides, and a white robot slowly walked in with its tracks rotating. It was the intelligent housekeeper robot in the base. Its daily job was to transport the superheroes' meals.

Now there are three syringes on the robot's tray, and a black suitcase is pulled behind it.

"Maybe I can help you tighten the loose screws." Tony frowned slightly as he listened to the creaking sound of the robot being transported.

"Lithium dioxide, after injection, can alleviate your symptoms of palladium poisoning." Nick's voice sounded.

After Tony washed his hands, he picked up the syringe from the robot's tray. The liquid in the needle tube turned blue under the light.

"Is that thing for me too?" Tony said, pointing to the black suitcase behind the robot.

"Not really." Nick denied.

"Are you sure it's not some medicine with strange effects?" After speaking, Tony lifted up his sleeve and inserted the needle into the vein after disinfection. He paused for a moment, and finally pushed down the plunger and injected the medicine.

Lithium dioxide was very effective in suppressing palladium poisoning. In just a few seconds, Tony felt as if his shackles had been removed and his whole body was relaxed.

He picked up his phone and saw that the black lines spreading on his neck had disappeared.

"As expected of the former director of SHIELD, he still has such illegal drugs in his collection." Tony looked at Nick and said, "Give me two more boxes and I will get better."

"Unfortunately, that is not an antidote, it can only slow down the symptoms." Nick said, "The only one who can save you is yourself..."

"I clearly understand this." Tony nodded, "I have been looking for alternatives to palladium. I have tried every combination of elements, every one! But no combination can replace palladium..."

"No, you haven't tried them all yet." Nick said meaningfully, "The thing on your chest is made based on unfinished technology, so it has flaws."

"No, it is a finished product. There is a functioning Ark reactor in Stark Industries, and that big thing will also have a service life." Tony shook his head, "I shrunk it and it became effective. Now The shrapnel in my body is crawling towards my heart all the time, if it weren't for it I would have died long ago."

"But your father said that the Ark Reactor is just a springboard for greater technology..." Nick's words made Tony fall into silence. "Back then, he had a clue of a super power. In comparison, the nuclear reactor would look like A 3A battery... But he died before he could complete the research. I remember he once said that you have the wisdom and resources to complete the mission that he could not complete. "

"Hahaha..." Tony smiled, "What you said is a bit false. My father never praised me, only criticized and educated me. The happiest day in my memory was the day he sent me to boarding school. "

"Don't take anything at face value." Nick's face disappeared from the screen, leaving only a lingering voice: "The suitcase is what Mr. Howard Stark left for you."

Tony put down what he was holding and opened the suitcase. Inside was a silver safe with black English printed on the front: "Property of Howard Stark".

"Didn't you say it wasn't for me?" Tony muttered to himself.

"Don't interrupt the rhythm and sequence of other people's narratives, Mr. Stark." Nick's last words rang out.

Tony sat on the ground and opened the safe, and the food delivery robot retreated with a creak.

In the box were several notebooks and some photos. In addition, he also found a video storage device, which he plugged into his computer and started playing.

"Stark Industrial Expo 1974..."

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