Marvel: The Twelve Spells

Chapter 144 The world is paying attention

Two blocks away, the Avengers were having their first reunion of the Alliance.

Fortunately, they successfully blocked the Chiritans during the Battle of New York, otherwise they would not be able to eat such delicious barbecue today.

Mr. Stark, who is rich and wealthy, has booked the entire barbecue restaurant, and all meals and drinks are available for free. All the waiters in the restaurant are ready to serve them at the front desk.

"Miss Spider, this is the first time I see you taking off your hood." Hill clinked glasses with Gwen, "You are so beautiful."

"Thank you!" Gwen smiled confidently: "Commander Hill, you are also very charming."

"Where's Mr. Luo?" Tony also came up to clink glasses with Gwen's juice. He said with a smile: "I specifically reminded you that you can bring your family members. The alliance is not very satisfied with the execution of your first mission... "

"Sorry, he's a bit... introverted!" Gwen said with a smile, "He doesn't like these social situations a bit, he likes to be quiet."

"What about Miss Pepper? Isn't she here?" Hill and Tony's wine glasses clinked. "And where is Jane? Where are all the ladies?"

"Miss Pepper likes to socialize very much, but she has to take care of her company." Tony said with a chuckle, "Recently, several European countries have sent Stark purchase orders related to new energy... 100% true News, remember to buy more before Stark’s stock takes off.”

"Thank you Stark Industries!" Gwen toasted and said, "I also made a lot of money when the stock price plummeted last time!"

"Jane went to London!" Sol, who was sitting next to him, also raised his whiskey to indicate. "Her research on celestial aggregation made her a top astronomer, so her scientific research work is much busier."

"The company managed by Pepper has become the largest economic union on earth." Tony said casually while drinking.

"Hahaha...Jane has been nominated for the Nobel Prize!" Saul was not to be outdone.

Hill shrugged helplessly at Gwen, "Have you ever managed a listed company? Or were you nominated for the Nobel Prize?"

Seeing Gwen shaking her head, Hill said: "Me too, then let's go have barbecue..."

In the booth next to him, Captain America was communicating with Hawkeye. They both had the experience of being controlled by others, so they were in the same boat.

"You mean you were awake at the time?" Hawkeye was a little confused.

"I knew exactly what I was doing. I smashed a police officer's head with my shield, and then used a combo I had practiced countless times to deal with the agents. I picked up the gun on the ground and shot the fleeing crowd..." Captain America He raised his head and drank the strong wine in the glass, "In that state, I thought everything I did was right. It was like my personality and thoughts had been modified by the devil. Now that I think about it, it is like a devil."

"Then my situation is slightly different." Hawkeye tried his best to describe: "It's like there's another me coming out of my body. He has the same wisdom, memory, and force as me. He controls my body to kill Those guards said those words to lure the terrorists to cooperate, but my original consciousness was pushed into a corner and watched all this. It was amazing..."

"Sounds a bit like me and the Hulk!" Banner said while eating a fruit plate. He rarely drank alcoholic beverages because he needed to stay awake at all times.

"It's over anyway, Captain." Hawkeye clinked Captain America's empty glass.

"What are you talking about?" Sol came over.

"We were talking about your damn brother Loki hypnotizing me." Hawkeye said in a bad tone.

"Haha..." Sol smiled awkwardly: "No blood relationship, I reiterate!"

"Thor, when will you take Loki back to Asgard?" Captain America asked.

"Tomorrow, maybe the day after tomorrow... I haven't decided yet. I want to see Jane before I leave." Saul said.

"Thor! Loki must be locked up. Next time he comes to invade the earth, we will execute him in public!" Tony also sat down and said.

"If there is another time, I will smash his head with Mjolnir first without bothering you." Thor said seriously.

"'Whoever can lift this hammer, as long as he is worthy, he will receive the power of the God of Thunder'?" Tony sneered, "It sounds like you are a replaceable person! Like a company employee, who I can send and receive emails once I know the computer’s password.”

"But the fact is, I am the only one in the world who can lift it!" Sol said with great confidence.

"No matter how it sounds, it sounds like a lie!" Banner shook his head and said, "It sounds like a fairy tale."

"Everyone might as well give it a try!" Thor stretched out his hand to motion to Mjolnir on the table, "Dr. Banner, starting with you? I remember Hulk has already failed."

"I am a scholar, not good at brute force!" Banner waved his hand and refused.


"I'm never afraid of real challenges!" Tony stood up and said, "This is actually a physics problem. Archimedes can tilt the earth with a fulcrum, but I can tilt Thor's hammer easily!"

Tony held the end of the hammer handle, "Can I rule Asgard if I lift it?"

"Of course, Thor is the next king," Thor said.

Tony tried hard, but Mjolnir still didn't move. After two or three attempts, he gave up.

"It's a pity that I didn't wear the armor to go out today. The latest Mark8, I will definitely be able to wear it!" Tony said regretfully.

"You upgraded the steel armor to Mark50 and can't even lift it because you didn't get its approval!" Thor smiled, "Who is next? Agent Patton? Captain?"

Agent Barton just gave him a hand and didn't lift it up and didn't try again. After all, Thor said that the Hulk had failed and the Hulk's strength was not comparable to his.

Captain America also put down his glass of wine and tried.

He held the handle of the hammer with both hands and exerted force on his arms and waist, but there was no movement of Mjolnir.

"You are not qualified!" Thor laughed.

Captain America did not give up easily. He stepped on the table and used his most familiar method of exerting force. However, before he could use all his strength, numerous cracks appeared on the glass table. If he exerted more force, the table would definitely break. .

Captain America could only give up. Thor's laughter became even louder. He reached out and was about to get the hammer, but was interrupted by Tony.

"Wait a minute! We have a new member who hasn't played this game." Tony looked at Thor and said, "Spider-Woman, she should be the most powerful person among us now."

Gwen was called over. She wiped the oil from her mouth while listening to Thor telling the story of Mjolnir and himself.

"It's true. SHIELD brought in a truck but they couldn't pull Mjolnir." Hill said at the side.

"Truck? I can lift a truck." Gwen looked at the hammer and said, "Now this cracked glass can support the hammer. How heavy can it be?"

As she spoke, Gwen held the handle of the hammer tightly with both hands. She lifted it hard and Mjolnir shook slightly... Thor's eyes widened instantly.

Gwen continued to exert force, but Mjolnir still stood firmly on the table and did not move.

Thor exhaled, and he felt relieved: "I told you, no one can lift it!"

"This doesn't comply with the laws of physics!"

Gwen tried again, but failed.

Thor picked up Mjolnir from the table with satisfaction, threw it up and caught it easily.

"None of you can!"

"I know someone who can definitely do it!" Gwen said loudly.

"Mr. Luo?" Tony guessed.

"Yes, Luo Xia can definitely lift this hammer!" Gwen said firmly, she firmly believed that Luo Xia could do anything.

"Miss Spider, don't bring your boyfriend with you when you are bragging." Saul didn't believe it at all.

"Love makes people blind." Tony also said.

"Mr. Luo may be able to beat me, but he will definitely not be able to lift Thor's hammer." Thor smiled: "My father put a spell on the hammer. Only those with justice and a pure heart can lift Thor's hammer." Hammer, I don’t mean to offend, but Mr. Luo clearly does not meet these conditions.”

Gwen firmly believed in her point of view, and she refused to admit defeat and said: "I should have dragged him to this party if I had known earlier."

Suddenly, Hill interrupted several people. She put her phone on the table: "News from SHIELD. Demonstrators have gathered to hold a march against superpowers, just two blocks away."

"Parades? Shouldn't parades be commonplace in New York?" Tony said doubtfully.

"But their target this time is Mr. Luo!" Hill's words instantly attracted everyone's attention.

"Jarvis, put the relevant picture on the TV!" Tony immediately raised his phone and said.

The standby TV in the barbecue shop was turned on, and Jarvis selected a live online program. The beautiful female host in the picture was in the parade, broadcasting the parade content in real time.

Gwen listened to the insults and looked at the offensive slogans in the picture, and she slowly stopped thinking...

"There seems to be something wrong..." Tony said suddenly.

"There is nothing worse than this!" Gwen was in a daze. "Where are the Chitauri? I want to fight them again. Maybe that would be easier."

"Please, all superheroes have to be questioned! Whether it's me, Stark, or Banner and Captain." Thor said with some incomprehension, "Although this matter does seem a bit bad...but I think Can Mr. Luo endure it? Usually strong people have a broad mind."

"Mr. Luo never said that he was a superhero..." Hill said silently.

"Maybe anti-hero is more appropriate." Tony said, shaking his head.

"Losha won't see these things, right?" Gwen asked.

"Many media have launched online and TV live broadcasts for this 'Justice March', and there is a certain degree of social circulation. The probability of Mr. Luo knowing the news is 77.9%." Jarvis's voice rang out.

"Sorry everyone, it seems I have some things to deal with first!" Gwen said and walked towards the store door.

"Mr. Luo!" Hawkeye suddenly pointed at the TV screen and said, Gwen also stopped and turned around to look over.

The superheroes of the Anti-Demon Alliance were silent as they watched the confrontation between Luo Xia and the demonstrators. They also saw the indifference and majesty on Luo Xia's face.

Even when facing the Chitauri in the Battle of New York, Rosha did not show such an indifferent expression. Everyone felt that a storm was brewing... They had seen Luo Xia's strength with their own eyes.

"Miss Spider, you really should go! The Alliance has an important task for you to solve the trouble there!" Tony said immediately, "Jarvis, you can launch my steel armor!"

Gwen turned around and left, when Luo Xia's cold voice came from the TV: "Kneel down!"

Gwen sped up and ran out of the store, shooting out spider silk and flying out.

"Oh God..." Banner exclaimed as he looked at the shaking picture on the TV and the floating tall buildings.

Captain America had already rolled out of the sofa, and Thor strode after him with a hammer in hand.

"Avengers, it's time to assemble..."

Two blocks away, the site of the Great War in New York. All the marchers knelt on the ground, including those who were watching the excitement, or the police officers and journalists who were maintaining order. Even the construction workers on the side knelt down timidly after Luo Xia glanced at them, for fear of Luo Xia was dissatisfied and threw a building over.

Luo Xiafei looked down at the crowd of people kneeling in the air. He looked like a king lording over the world.

His eyes swept across, and the flags and slogans turned into pieces. The demonstrators kneeling on the ground lost their courage, trembling under the power of Luo Xia, fear came, and their hearts beat wildly.

Luo Xia flew slowly towards the center of the crowd.

"I'm here now, flying over your heads. If anyone wants to say anything, please don't miss such a good opportunity." Luo Xia's voice was not loud, but it could be clearly heard in everyone's ears.

"As for placing hope on the government or the anti-demon alliance, it is all in vain. No one can defeat me and no one can restrict me." Luo Xia said coldly, "You despicable and stupid people have no hope at all. I don’t know what kind of existence I am trying to humiliate.”

"I have never understood the meaning of your demonstrations, and you still use them in the name of justice. Who can tell me?"

There was silence in the street. Luo Xia flew through the crowd and came to the center, but no one dared to look up at him.

"It was I who defeated the Chitauri, it was I who saved New York and your humble and insignificant lives!"

"But how do you repay me? Insult me? Resist me? Block me? It's just one delusion after another. You are ungrateful. You don't deserve redemption. Maybe conquest and destruction are more suitable for you."

"It should have been like this a long time ago. You only deserve to kneel down in front of me! Of course, this does not mean surrendering to me, because you are worthless." Luo Xia glanced at everyone, "I can protect you, bring safety and stability, and also To be able to destroy all of this easily..."

Luo Xia suddenly stopped. He looked at the street in the distance and smiled helplessly.

"Please! Baby, don't interrupt me at this time, it will make me lose face." Luo Xia said in a low voice.

"Stop! Stop!" A figure flew out from the intersection. Spider Gwen came with spider silk. She stood on the wall of a floating building, "Mr. Luo, what are you doing?"

"As you can see, in this world, it is not just criminals who produce evil." Luo Xia smiled, "I am trying to fix everything."

"It shouldn't be done this way..."

"This is the best way. The one who can patiently listen to their confession is God. I can only give them violence!" Luo Xia was firm.

"Put them down first!" Gwen frowned, and she motioned to the floating buildings.

"You shouldn't interfere in today's affairs."

As he spoke, Luo Xia snapped his fingers, and all the high-rise buildings that flew up landed smoothly again. The crowd looked at this scene in horror. Every move of Mr. Luo reflected his supreme power.

But some people raised their arms and shouted "Spider-Woman" and stood up.

In their minds, Spider-Woman stabilized the scene, and at least Mr. Lowe would stop his rampage.

"I can't watch you make a mistake without stopping it!" Gwen said loudly, "Now, let's leave immediately, and nothing has happened yet!"

Luo Xia continued to smile, and he looked at Gwen with warm eyes.

"I didn't make any mistakes. I was even helping them correct their mistakes. You know what they are doing. Only a turtle will endure this resentment silently." Luo Xia said lightly.

"Also, I won't make mistakes, I am justice!"

Luo Xia scanned the crowd again, and his eyes fell on those who stood up without authorization.

"Do you think your savior has arrived? How dare you disobey my orders?"

The pressure that dropped instantly crushed those who were standing. Unable to bear the strength, those people knelt down heavily. Their knees hit the pavement and blood flowed out. The screams echoed in the dilapidated streets. The rest of the people listened to the wailing in their ears, and for the first time they felt grateful for their weakness and hesitation.

"Quiet!" Luo Xia ordered again.

Just listening to that voice gave people chills. Those who endured the severe pain from the fractured bones gritted their teeth and dared not make a single sound as blood flowed from the corners of their mouths.

"Kneel down and keep quiet." Luo Xia said, "If anyone dares to disobey again, he will be executed immediately, and Jesus will not be able to keep him!"

"You are crazy!" Gwen said in disbelief.

Luo Xia shook his head. Gwen had been going smoothly from becoming Spider-Woman to now. He was still a little worried about Gwen's ability to bear it.

But he also felt that it didn't matter. The identity of the devil couldn't be concealed forever. It was better to let Gwen accept it slowly than a sudden blow.

Gwen shot out the spider silk, but was caught by Luo Xia.

"Are you going to attack me? Miss Spider."

"I want to stop you, but your anger has already made you lose your mind!"

Gwen pulled hard, harder than when she held Mjolnir in the barbecue shop, but Luo Xia didn't move at all.

Luo Xia pulled him casually, and Gwen left the building and flew towards him.

Gwen shot spider silk towards the side wall, but was easily interrupted by Luo Xia.

Luo Xia grabbed Gwen's shoulders, "Baby, don't hinder me. These people don't deserve your bravery. It's you who need to calm down. I'll send you back to rest first. Don't look for me all the way. You can't stop me." It's just a wasted trip, see you tonight."

As Luo Xia activated the spatial displacement of the snake talisman, Gwen found herself in another place in the blink of an eye. Instantly she recognized that this was Luo Xia's home. Her body began to fall, and she landed on the bed before returning. bomb……

Just after sending Gwen away, the smile on Luo Xia's face turned cold again.

"Why do people keep bothering me?"

As soon as Luo Xia finished speaking, a golden and red figure flew out from the street. Tony wore his newly upgraded steel armor Mark8 and slowed down for a short distance to hover dozens of meters away from Rosha.

"What are you doing? Are you performing some kind of religious ceremony?" Tony slowly approached Luo Xia, "Everyone, the worship time is over, please go back to your homes!"

But no one heeded Tony's advice, and the crowd remained on its knees, shaking. Someone was killed just now to scare the monkeys, and now no one is willing to be the chicken that was killed...

"Mr. Luo, we also invited you to a barbecue party..." Tony said, "We heard about the matter. It is indeed very bad, but we can solve it together. How about another way?"

"This matter has nothing to do with you." Luo Xia just smiled, "It has nothing to do with the Anti-Demon Alliance. Of course, if you want to change the name of your group to the 'Anti-Luo Xia Alliance', I welcome your challenge."

Captain America has arrived at the scene, followed by Hill, and they rush into the crowd.

Although Captain America is wearing regular uniforms, he holds the iconic shield in his hand. As a representative of superheroes a few days ago, his face is also very recognizable.

"Get up! Everyone, get out of here!" Captain America kept pulling the people kneeling around him, "This is very dangerous, evacuate quickly!"

But no one listened to their evacuation instructions. Captain America even tried to pull up an old man so hard that his lower body went limp. He kept shouting "No", so Captain America had no choice but to give up.

No one dared to disobey Rosha's orders again, even after these famous superheroes arrived.

The main reason is that the power Luo Xia showed just now is too powerful. If he lifts several buildings and knocks them down, there will be nothing these superheroes can do, right?

Captain America wanted to step forward and say something, but was stopped by Hill.

"Trust Stark."

On a high point beside the street, Thor landed with Hawkeye. Hawkeye drew an arrow from his back and aimed at Luo Xia in the distance.

"Why did Mr. Luo alone put more pressure on me than the Chitauri army that day?" Hawkeye took a deep breath and adjusted his sight.

"That's just your illusion." Thor didn't care. "There is no other person on this planet who can beat me!"

Since seeing the devil being taken away from the earth with his own eyes, Thor's confidence has been restored, and now he sees everyone as a betrayal.

"Don't be so quarrelsome. We fought together to repel the Chitauri two days ago. You delivered the nuclear bomb and I closed the door to space. We have a tacit understanding like teammates who have been working together for many years." Tony continued to fly closer to Luo Xia, "It's your business. It’s my duty!”

"Get lost!" Luo Xia shrugged, "Sorry, I really don't want to say that, so can you get lost? Take your 'Superboy' organization with you."

"It's really sad. I was helping you write a letter of recommendation for Empire State University this morning..."

Tony has been slowly approaching Luo Xia. He knows how powerful the elegant mage in front of him is. If he is pulled away from him, he will definitely have no chance of winning. If he fights in close quarters, he thinks he will have a chance.

"Those cameramen and the reporter, please stand up. I forgive you." Luo Xia said with a smile. "Please point the camera at me, but don't focus too much, because you have to live broadcast the battle footage waiting for you."

Reporters and cameramen from several media hesitated slightly, but still stood up and obeyed Luo Xia's instructions, focusing their cameras on Luo Xia and Iron Man flying at low altitude. There were even cameramen who were very enterprising and took out their radio devices. .

"You sound like a king, but I'm sorry this is New York." Tony said, shaking his head.

"This is New York, or it can be the capital city under my rule," Luo Xia said seriously, "It all depends on whether I am willing."

"No, no, no, no one will agree to it, the people will not agree to it, the MPs will not agree to it, and your approval rating will be zero."

"Then ask those who disagree to die, and I can build a new system among the ruins." Rosha said. "I saved New York from a nuclear explosion, and I can also send it to another destruction."

"This is crazy!" Tony said with a smile. He was now only a few meters away from Luo Xia. At this distance, as long as he ran the arc recoil propulsion device at full power, he could reach Luo Xia in an instant.

"We still had a great time chatting, so can we end this?" Tony finally asked, "I think many of them need medical assistance."

Luo Xia shook his head, "I haven't finished my speech yet, and you keep interrupting me."

"Really? I'm so sorry. By the way, where is Spider-Woman?"

Tony lit the fire instantly, and a red figure flew out and crashed straight into Luo Xia.

The cameraman standing on the ground quickly adjusted the lens. The temptation to record the battle even covered up the fear in his heart.

Tony's long-premeditated attack seemed a bit funny to Luo Xia. He stretched out his hand lightly, and Tony, who was speeding up in an instant, stopped in the air.

Tony wanted to move, but the steel armor seemed to be locked.

"What the hell?" Tony looked surprised, "Jarvis!"

"Sorry sir, the external force is too great and I can't move..."

"No, Mr. Luo, I think we can still talk..."

"Who gave you the courage to challenge me? This iron skin?"

Luo Xia snapped her fingers, and the power acting on Tony's body suddenly suddenly changed. A burst of teeth-piercing sound sounded. Tony's steel armor was torn into countless fragments. The fragments were floating like dead leaves, and his chest flashed with white light. Tony also lost power and fell downwards. Several unlucky demonstrators were knocked down, and they screamed and immediately shut up.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the people of the Anti-Demon Alliance immediately took action. Captain America on the ground threw a shield hard at Luo Xia.


Luo Xia caught the shield with one hand, and the strong wind blew up his forehead. His eyes were full of coldness, and he threw the shield back casually!

A scream came out, and the shield cut through the air and rotated rapidly. In his hand, the shield was as light and sharp as a dart.

Captain America was about to dodge, but the shield was already in front of him, so he subconsciously stretched out his hands to block.

There was a sound of bone cracking, and even with his arm blocking, the shield still hit his chest hard. Captain America fell to the ground, his arm bent at the elbow and unable to move, and he had no idea how many ribs were broken.

Many demonstrators secretly raised their heads to watch the battle. This result also surprised them. Mr. Luo fought against Iron Man and Captain America, and each of them completely defeated them with just one blow.

A dazzling white light flashed in the sky, and Thor raised Mjolnir and fell from the sky!

Luo Xia just waved his hand lightly to interrupt his attack. The falling Thor suddenly flew sideways and crashed into a building without any follow-up.

An arrow flew towards the front at high speed, but the arrow accelerated and turned back while it was still in the air. The eagle's eyes widened, and the sharp arrow arrived in an instant, piercing his shoulder blade and nailing him to the wall. .

Hill on the ground raised his pistol and aimed at Luo Xia in the air, but she delayed firing until Luo Xia's eyes fell on her. Hill's body trembled slightly, and she could hear herself beating like a drum. A heartbeat like that!

"Ms. Commander, put down your gun and kneel down." Luo Xia said calmly, but no one knew whether that was the calm before the outbreak.

Hill hesitated for a moment and followed the instructions, knowing that she was only a mortal.

Everyone in the entire street was trembling. Because of the defeat of those familiar superheroes, their fear was infinitely amplified. Many people even smelled the breath of death...

The cameraman was so trembling that he couldn't even hold the camera steady. More people were witnessing this moment through the live broadcast, and the video of the battle had been saved and was spreading rapidly.

This scene is somewhat familiar. The familiarity reminds people of "Devil's Plan", but of course "Devil's Plan" has a stronger influence.

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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