Marvel: The Twelve Spells

Chapter 145 Declaration

"Dr. Banner, do you want to become a fat green man?"

Luo Xia looked at the last person left in the Anti-Demon Alliance.

Banner followed the flow of people and walked over with a look of astonishment on his face. He looked at the kneeling crowd and his defeated teammates. Everything in front of him was stimulating him all the time.

"You know? That's beyond my control." Banner looked at Luo Xia and said, "Do you have any grudge against him? Hulk really wants to beat you up..."

A green figure emerged from Banner's body, and Hulk grabbed the car wreckage on the roadside and threw it towards Luo Xia.

Hulk jumped onto the wall and ran, crushing the wall and controlling his body movement... But he was instantly knocked over by the car wreckage flying back at high speed. Luo Xia controlled him to break away from the wall, and Hulk was stopped. In the air, it was as if the space was frozen.

The familiar scene happened again, and Hulk could only roar. No matter how strong he was, the chicken spell could perfectly restrain him.

Luo Xia ignored Hulk: "What should I do with you..."

Luo Xia raised his head and looked at the sky. Although it was not yet night, a faint outline of the moon could be seen in the sky.

"I have a good idea, how about a trip to the moon?" Luo Xia said with a smile, "The transportation costs are free, no thanks!"

After having the idea, Luo Xia immediately acted. Under the influence of the chicken charm, Hulk continued to accelerate upward and shoot towards the direction of the moon.

Rorschach really wants to send Hulk to the moon!

Because the power of the Chicken Talisman ignores distance, during the process of Hulk's ascent, Luo Xia can adjust his trajectory at any time while accelerating to ensure that he can land on the moon.

As for whether the current Hulk has the ability to survive in space, that is not something he will consider.

The Hulk, who many people had high hopes for, was easily defeated by Rorsha. Now he has to say goodbye to the earth...

Luo Xia was still typing up the manuscript when suddenly the sky darkened, dark clouds enveloped New York, and there were bursts of thunder.

"Is it over yet?"

Luo Xia had lost his patience. He did not wait for Thor to attack, but took the initiative to fly upward.

The sound wave generated by Rorschach's instantaneous acceleration caused a burst of exclamations. The dedicated cameraman immediately turned the lens to adjust the focus, and finally locked onto Rorschach, whose sky was level with the top of the building.

"Stop it now, Mr. Luo!"

Thor fell from the clouds at high speed, and lightning flashed and thundered over New York. Thor's whole body was bathed in electric light, and his voice was loud and reverberant, spreading over half of Manhattan. He seemed to be talking with thunder in his mouth.

"Ignorant!" Luo Xia shook his head and mocked.

Thor, who had already been angry for a long time, had no reservations. Several bolts of lightning arrived first, and he exceeded the speed of sound in an instant. He raised Thor's hammer and smashed it down!


The sound of violent collision resounded over New York. Luo Xia did not choose to hold up the energy shield for defense. Instead, he caught Mjolnir with his hand and let the powerful thunder flow through his body.

Thor was bounced away by the overflowing powerful energy, and he saw a scene that shocked his soul...

Luo Xia held Thor's hammer and raised it lightly.

His father Odin once cast a spell on Thor's hammer, but the power controlled by Rosha seems to have exceeded that spell! Even though Luo Xia didn't have a heart of justice, he still forcibly raised Mjolnir.

Lightning flowed from Mjolnir's hammer, and it was constantly trembling, as if it wanted to break away from Luo Xia's control.

Thor stretched out his hand to summon Mjolnir. Mjolnir trembled more violently, but it was still firmly controlled by Rorsha. Thor summoned countless bolts of lightning to strike at Luo Xia, but it was of no use.

Rosha's Bull Talisman has infinite power. Now even if Odin is present, he can't take Thor's hammer from Rosha's hand.

Before today, as long as Thor recalled Mjolnir, nothing could stop Mjolnir before it returned to his hands...

"Thor, you know nothing about power!"

Luo Xia said as he slowly exerted force on his hands, cracks appeared on Thor's hammer. The next moment, countless electric lights were released over New York, illuminating every dark corner of the city. This process lasted for two seconds.

Thor, who was at the center of the explosion, could not bear the force and was knocked out. As he fell, he saw the shattered remains of Mjolnir falling from Rosha's hand...

Everyone has become numb, whether it is the demonstrators kneeling at the scene or the viewers who are watching the conflict in the center of New York through live broadcast... There are also some people in power in human society who are also paying attention. about this conflict.

Moreover, those in power think much more than ordinary people, because with the appearance of Mr. Luo, they have much more to lose than ordinary people. No one wants to have a handful of Dafa hanging over their heads. The Sword of Morcles!

Now Mr. Luo's invincible image has been rooted in their minds. No matter which superhero they face, Mr. Luo will always crush them with one move.

Spider-Woman and Captain America both ended in failure, and Iron Man's armor was also shattered by him. Now even the strongest Thor and Hulk can't stop him.

What else on earth can limit Mr. Luo? Nuclear bomb? No one can know the answer.

Perhaps it is really as Mr. Luo said: "This is New York, or it can be the capital under my rule. It all depends on whether I am willing."

Luo Xia slowly descended from the sky, and the camera kept focusing on him.

He hovered again, waving for all the cameras to zoom in.

"So now, there are still people who question me? Do they want to fight against me?"

The footage was broadcast live around the world.

"I don't want to hear any more unfriendly voices. Please be quiet, world. If someone continues to shout, 'Death to Mr. Luo', or resists abusive remarks, then I will shut him up forever! No matter where you are Which corner of the world..."

Luo Xia looked at the camera, he looked at the whole world:

"Or does it mean that this world needs me to re-write the rules?"

Luo Xia glanced at the audience with a smile.

"Everyone, please stand up. I forgive you, but only this time!"

Luo Xia snapped his fingers, and the infinite energy of the Dragon Talisman surged out, and the repairing power of the Horse Talisman spread throughout the neighborhood.

The cracked asphalt pavement began to heal, the collapsed buildings quickly returned to their original shape, and the debris and blood stains on the streets disappeared...

A miracle unfolded in front of the whole world. The battlefield that had been turned into ruins during the New York War was restored to its original state in just a few seconds, and the bustling commercial street reappeared...

Everyone looked around in astonishment, and the photographer moved the camera to record this mythical scene.

If it weren't for the corpses of huge alien mechanical beasts lying on those high-rise buildings, some people would suspect that the alien army invasion was just a hoax.

And all of this comes from the most powerful existence, Mr. Luo.

His appearance was very sudden, just as weird as the abilities he displayed.

Rorschach's figure disappeared over the street, and the camera spread his last smiling image to the world.

Until Mr. Luo's departure was confirmed, the streets instantly became chaotic. The injured demonstrators were finally able to cry and howl to their heart's content. More people got up and crawled away from the area...

"team leader!"

Tony was about to help Cap up, but Hill stopped him.

"He has multiple fractures on his body. I can't move him yet, so I've called an ambulance." Hill's mood was extremely low.

"It's really terrible..." Tony sat on the asphalt road, "What just happened?"

"Tony, we have to find a way..." Cap said as he lay on the ground, coughing up blood as he spoke.

"There must be a way... maybe there will be." Tony's face also looked very bad.

"Mr. Stark?" an old man stood behind and said, "Why can't superheroes protect us? This is your dereliction of duty!"

Tony's eyes were a little complicated, and he said slowly:

"I'm very sorry……"

Inside a secret manor that "cannot be discovered from the outside".

The empty living room was very quiet, with only the constant sound coming from the TV, first the screams of the crowd, and then a burst of dead silence.

Wanda was sitting on the carpet with her back against the sofa, holding a glass of iced Coke in her arms.

She watched the superhero named Mr. Luo do all this.

Mr. Luo easily defeated the Anti-Devil Alliance. He showed his force in front of the whole world and was extremely arrogant.

Mr. Luo's style was familiar to her, just like the devil. And his casual fighting style, as well as the strength he showed...

But there is no mask on Mr. Luo's face...

It wasn't until Mr. Luo's declaration ended that Wanda took out her mobile phone and typed "Mr. Luo" on Google to search...

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