Marvel: The Twelve Spells

Chapter 149 Asgard

Colorful circular light pillars rise into the sky, and the Rainbow Bridge falls from the sky to New York.

Luo Xia was standing on the rooftop of the Anti-Demon Alliance base building. He turned on the deep invisibility of the snake charm. No one or detection equipment could detect his trace.

Luo Xia quickly approached the Rainbow Bridge. The opening time of the Rainbow Bridge was very short, often only a few seconds. He had to seize the time.

Luo Xia used the Pig Talisman to break through the wall of the Rainbow Bridge, and then entered it smoothly, letting the powerful space force guide him up to Asgard.

Thor and Loki, who were moving above, heard the noise and lowered their heads to look down. They saw broken space debris flying and falling, but there was nothing abnormal in the Rainbow Bridge.

Thor and Loki immediately withdrew their gaze. They didn't think much about it. It is common for space channels to be unstable and collapse, let alone cracks or vacancies. Only space gems can build absolutely stable space transmission channels. .

Luo Xia, who was deeply invisible, followed the two men up. He looked around. Through the colorful walls of the Rainbow Bridge, he could see the vast universe or the gorgeous galaxy. The scenery was mutating every second, which meant that they had already It spans the outer galaxies that are so huge that they are immeasurably large.

If he falls from the Rainbow Bridge, no one knows which planet in the galaxy he will fall to, but Luo Xia is fearless. He carries the space gem and can instantly teleport back to Earth no matter where he falls.

A dazzling white light flashed in front of him, and he was about to reach the end of the Rainbow Bridge. Rosha could even see the main outline of Asgard.

Asgard is a small celestial body similar to a planet, but it is different from ordinary planets in that it does not rotate on its axis or revolve around a star. At the same time, it is not round but flat, with a top surface It has a gravity similar to that of the earth, and is surrounded by constantly flowing water. The crystal on the bottom is its energy body.

The first stop that Rorschach, Thor, and Loki arrived at was the observatory. Heimdall, the gatekeeper god, wearing golden armor and holding the sword Bultsteel of the Rainbow Bridge, guards here.

From the observatory, Heimdall can monitor the entire Nine Kingdoms and some other planets outside the Nine Kingdoms. At the same time, he can also control the Rainbow Bridge to teleport people to other planets, and can even use the Rainbow Bridge to destroy a planet.

The snake talisman's deep invisibility ability is so strong that even Heimdall, who has insight into the universe, did not notice Rorsha following Thor and Loki.

"Welcome back, Thor...and His Highness Loki." Heimdall stood on the high platform, holding the hilt of the sword with both hands and bowing his head slightly.

"He is no longer His Highness, Heimdall." Thor held Loki's shackles and walked forward, "Where is my father?"

"The king is waiting for you in the palace." Suddenly Heimdall's expression changed as he looked at the box Thor was carrying.

His eyes can see through the star field, and he can naturally see the cracked Thor's hammer in the box through this metal shell.

"No need to shock my friends, it's just broken. I can still conquer the nine kingdoms without this hammer."

Thor said as he stepped onto the Rainbow Bridge. Loki was still looking at the familiar Asgard in a daze. After he fell from the Rainbow Bridge into the abyss of the universe, he left Asgard for a long time and saw these things again after a long time. It was inevitable that he would feel a little emotional at the familiar sight, but before he could express his emotion, Thor pulled him staggeringly, almost dragging him to walk on the Rainbow Bridge.

Rosha flew silently in the air. It was also his first time to set foot on an alien civilization. Asgard's history and culture were splendid, and you could appreciate a bit of its elegance just from the buildings of different shapes.

The two brothers Thor and Loki, who had grown up in Asgard since childhood, became his best guides. Rosha followed them and flew out of the observatory and across the Rainbow Bridge.

Asgard's technology is advanced, and there are many peripheral defenses. Anti-aircraft laser cannons tower on both sides of the Rainbow Bridge. When passing through those large and small squares, you can see strong Asgardians training to fight. They are used to using high-definition weapons. A cold weapon made with technology, the tip of the sword flashes with an astonishingly powerful blue light.

The periphery is where ordinary people live. The buildings are not uniformly planned and appear various, but they do not feel cluttered.

Luo Xia looked at Thor's figure, and he suddenly accelerated to the side. Luo Xia overlooked the buildings in the air. He passed through the splendid coronation hall, where Asgard held a coronation ceremony for Thor. It is a solemn occasion.

Luo Xia then flew over the city-state to the outer suburbs, passing through dense forests, surrounding towering snow-capped mountains, flying over flowing lakes, circling Asgard before entering the city-state, passing between open-air theaters, and arriving again Follow Thor through the central passage and arrive in front of the majestic palace.

The palace stands in the center of the Asgard city-state. If Asgard is invaded, Odin will activate a huge energy protective shield to cover the entire palace to defend against enemy attacks and allow all people to take refuge.

Two teams of guards wearing golden armor poured out from the two side doors in front of the palace. They met Thor and Loki. The two guards removed the shackles on Loki's mouth and hands, and gave Loki the Asgard. The chains and fetters of virtue.

The guards asked Thor to meet him first, and they escorted Loki outside the palace to wait for Odin's summons.

Sol walked up the steps carrying the silver suitcase, and Luo Xia followed closely behind him quietly.

After entering the palace, Rosha didn't know whether Odin could detect his uninvited guest.

After all, Odin controls the powerful Power of Odin. As the nominal supreme ruler and defender of the nine kingdoms, his strength is beyond doubt.

But from the time Rorschach flew into the huge palace to when Thor walked under the throne, Odin didn't show anything unusual. It seemed that he couldn't see through the deep invisibility of the snake talisman, or that the power of the talisman was far greater than Odin's. The power is strong.

Odin sits on a high throne. He has white hair, one eye, and is wearing golden armor. Behind his back is a red cloak of the same taste as Thor. The only thing that stands out is that he holds the Eternal Spear in his hand.

Odin's eternal spear Gangnir, Thor's hammer Mjolnir originally held by Hela, and the storm battle ax that Thor later obtained were all forged by the dwarf king of Fairy Island using Uru steel. The ultimate artifact, every artifact is full of power and style.

Luo Xia is also thinking about whether he should also get an artifact. Although the twelve talismans have comprehensive abilities, they cannot increase the clothing value like the artifact...

Queen Frigga was on the side of the hall. Thor had just said a few words to her when Odin on the throne interrupted the conversation between mother and son with a slight cough.

"I thought you would stay on that planet forever." Odin's voice came from high up, calm and full of majesty.

"I also want to continue to stay on Earth. I have met a group of like-minded friends on Earth. Life there will not be boring." Thor raised his head and said, "But I must escort Loki back, Asgar." Germany still has my unfinished mission..."

"Thor, you have grown up." Odin said, and Frigga beside him also smiled.

"Of course, I'm not going to Earth for a vacation!" Thor smiled confidently.

"You do have other missions," Odin's eyes fell on Thor. "Because of the rupture of the Rainbow Bridge, the plunderers in the nine kingdoms took advantage of the situation to start a war. Although the Rainbow Bridge was rebuilt, the war has not subsided. .”

"Then when will we attack? Which star field will we start from?" As the bravest warrior in Asgard, Thor is never afraid of war.

"It's not us, it's you." Odin shook his head and said, "I will not lead this war personally, or from now on, you will be responsible for maintaining the peace of the nine kingdoms."

Thor instantly understood that this war was not only Odin's training for him, but also a way to build momentum for him to successfully ascend the throne of the Lord of the Nine Kingdoms.

Suddenly Thor put the suitcase on the ground and opened it, revealing Mjolnir, which was broken and then glued back together.

Odin stared at Mjolnir expressionlessly. He had cast a spell on Mjolnir, and he could naturally feel the shattering of Mjolnir. Frigga was surprised when she saw this.

"I'm sorry, father... Because of my lack of strength, Thor's hammer was damaged by others." Thor said with some guilt.

Odin said: "No need to apologize, it has been yours since you raised it."

"Is there any way to repair Mjolnir?" Thor asked eagerly. Since he lost Mjolnir, his strength has dropped significantly, which makes him feel very insecure, let alone what he can do immediately. What we are facing will be a war.

Odin shook his head. He did not say anything clearly, but said lightly: "Just like what you said, you are the God of Thunder, Thor, the son of Odin. Without that hammer, you are still the God of Thunder."

Thor wanted to say something else, but Odin waved him away.

"Let Loki come in and see me!"

Thor reluctantly stepped aside and stood beside Frigga.

The palace door opened again, and guards wearing golden armor escorted Loki into the palace. Loki walked slowly, and the metal shackles made a clear sound as they dragged on the floor.

The last time he entered this palace, Thor had been banished to Earth, Odin had fallen asleep, Frigga had given him the Eternal Spear, and he was king of Asgard, albeit temporarily...

But now times have changed, and when he returned to his hometown, he had already put on shackles and became a prisoner, and was escorted to Odin's throne as a prisoner.

"Loki!" Frigga beside her lost her voice, and Thor quickly supported his gloomy mother.

After Loki fell into the abyss of the universe, Frigga, who missed Loki so much, used magic to find out that Loki was still alive and was plotting something with a group of unknown people. At that time, Loki, who controlled the mind scepter, felt Frigga's feelings. investigation, but he refused to communicate with Frigga.

"Long time no see, Queen Mother!" Loki's smile contained a rare hint of warmth, "Are you proud of me?"

Frigga shook her head and said: "Please don't add fuel to the fire..."

Loki smiled and said, "How do you say this?"

"That's enough!" Odin on the throne slammed the Eternal Spear on the floor, "I want to talk to the prisoner alone."

Frigga looked at Loki, who was in chains, and left the hall with the help of Thor.

Luo Xia leaned against a huge pillar in the palace and looked at the scene of the Asgardian royal family's dispute indifferently, as if looking down.

Loki raised his head and looked at Odin with a smile. Now he had nothing to lose except his life, so he acted unscrupulously.

"Have you never repented? Loki!" Odin said loudly, "Don't you know how sinful you are? Wherever you are, there will be war, destruction and death!"

"It's just an earth. As a benevolent god, I want to bring them true freedom and peace, so why not." Loki couldn't help laughing and said, "You rule the nine kingdoms, I'm just learning from your practices. "

"We are not gods," Odin said calmly, "We are not nobler than humans, and we will also grow old, sick and die. All of this comes from your pursuit of the throne..."

"You once said that I was born to be a king!" Loki suddenly roared.

Odin was extremely calm, and he said calmly: "Your fate should be to die with the Frost Giants and die on the cold stone slab... If I didn't adopt you, you wouldn't hate me like this now. "

"Then please kind priest, grant me death!" Loki struggled to say, and the chains all clanked against each other.

"If it weren't for Frigga and Thor interceding for you, you should be executed under the witness of the people on earth to resolve their hatred and grief." Odin raised the eternal spear in his hand and pointed it at Loki, "I I want you to stay in the dungeon for the rest of your life and never see the light of day!"

"What about Thor?" Loki broke free from the guards. "I became a prisoner forever, but that stupid guy ascended the throne? Asgard will be defeated in his hands!"

"Even if it is defeat, it is Asgard's fate and has nothing to do with Thor." Odin looked at Loki, "He will deal with the mess you created first, and then after solving the troubles in the nine kingdoms... Like you Said, he will become the king!"

The golden guards escorted Loki out of the palace. Loki struggled all the way, and it seemed that he was still unwilling to give up.

Luo Xia stretched in the corner of the palace. This vulgar royal battle drama was finally over. He walked in the huge palace, looked at the carved beams and painted buildings in the palace, and then fell on the murals on the side.

Odin's face on the throne was a little downcast, and he looked up at the top of the palace.

Asgard's best painter writes a history book under the dome. The central mural shows a prosperous and peaceful Asgard. The peripheral illustrations include Odin signing a peace agreement, or Liu Zhan's entertainment at a garden party...

Odin's eyes fell on the arc-shaped illustration. In the mural, Odin, Frigga, Thor, and Loki, the four members of the royal family, were enjoying themselves.

After a long moment of silence, Odin stepped down from his throne. He held the Eternal Spear and left the palace step by step. His back was covered with wind and frost, like an old man holding a cane...

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