Marvel: The Twelve Spells

Chapter 150 The battle under the dome

After Odin left, Rosha came under the throne... where Thor and Loki had just stood.

Rosha has no interest in the throne of Asgard. If he wanted to, he could conquer more than two hundred countries and regions on the earth in a few days and ascend to the throne under the witness of all mankind. Even if he can advance to the depths of the universe, such as Titan, where Thanos was born, nothing can stop him...

Luo Xia glanced at Odin's back, and he also raised his head, looking up at the murals just like Odin did just now.

His eyes stayed on those whitewashed historical scenes, but the real history of Asgard came to mind...

A bunch of flames suddenly rose in Luo Xia's hand. The fireworks split in the air, like scattered fireworks, and exploded instantly after being attached to the mural under the dome.

The mural was instantly covered with cracks, and the next moment large chunks of the mural fell off. Luo Xia stood there without moving, and the rubble automatically avoided him and fell to the ground.

Only then was Rosha satisfied. He stood among the ruins, looking through the flying dust, he saw the true history of Asgard.

Odin holds the eternal spear Gungnir high, and beside him is a green figure, Odin's eldest daughter - Hela, the goddess of death.

Hela stood side by side next to Odin, and she also raised Mjolnir high. At this time, the cosmic artifact Mjolnir in Hela's hand did not yet have the name of Thor's hammer... behind them , the steel-like army exudes majesty.

The peripheral illustrations were also revealed. As the pioneer, Hela rode the evil wolf Fenrir, and Odin rode the eight-legged Pegasus Sleipnir one position behind. Behind them were corpses. On the battlefield, the prosperity and tranquility of Asgard today were watered with blood in the past.

In real history, Hela helped Odin conquer the nine kingdoms. She was once the executioner of Asgard and the master of Mjolnir...

Luo Xia knew this period of history. After Odin conquered the nine kingdoms, he wanted to rule the country with benevolence, but Hela's ambition and warlikeness caused the father and daughter to part ways. Later, the war between the father and daughter spread to the entire Asgard, and Odin sent the Valkyrie Legion to conquer the sea. Radan was almost completely destroyed by Hela, who was ultimately defeated by the god-king Odin. She was exiled after being deprived of her divine power...

So there is a reason why brothers Thor and Loki are feuding. Their sister is "a loving father and a filial daughter" with Odin. Asgard's royal family is already full of disputes.

"Who are you?"

Although the movement caused by Luo Xia was very small, Odin's perception was extremely strong, especially what happened in the palace.

After returning, Odin looked at the mysterious figure looking up at the mural in the palace. He silently held onto the Eternal Spear.

The mysterious man in front of him was not only able to sneak into Asgard silently, but he also entered the palace without the power of Odin. Now he is still watching the hidden history that has been dusted...

As the God King, Odin did not relax at all. He looked at the mysterious man's attire, and based on the distinctive clothing, he judged that the person in front of him came from the earth.

Rosha slowly turned around and faced Odin with a smile: "I saw the true history of Asgard."

"That's not a taboo that cannot be talked about." Odin said lightly.

Odin looked at the demon mask on Rosha's face. Due to many reasons, he often pays attention to the earth, so he naturally knows the demon, the earth's number one villain.

It seems that the demon followed Thor into Asgard. Since the Bifrost was repaired, it has only been opened a handful of times.

"Devil?" Odin frowned, and the Eternal Spear had already lifted off the ground and pointed at Rosha. "You are not welcome in Asgard. Leave here immediately. I will forgive you for damaging the palace."

"The Earth doesn't welcome Asgardians either. Haven't you sent tourists here several times?" Luo Xia said with a smile.

Odin's face looked a little bad, but he had not yet taken the initiative to attack and expel Rosha. He also wanted to know more information about the demon, such as its origin or purpose...

"I have a question, where is she now? Norway?" Luo Xia raised her head and looked up at the murals, "Hela, the goddess of death... Maybe you don't know, now I am building my own power, and I really need someone like Hela. Such a powerful and ambitious subordinate.”

"You can't conquer Hela. Her ambition is like a wolf, and you will only be torn apart by her."

Odin was a little surprised. No one should know the secret that he imprisoned Hela on the earth. How did the devil know it?

"I'm not as petty as you, and I won't be afraid of her growing power, because I can always suppress her." Luo Xia winked at Odin, "You know, no woman can't be conquered, unless you are her 's father..."


The tip of the Eternal Spear fired a powerful energy bullet, but it was defeated by the flames thrown out by Luo Xia, and the two energies erupted in an astonishing explosion.

Odin's face was filled with frost: "Last warning, leave Asgard!"

"You haven't answered my question yet. Are all Asgardians so rude?" Luo Xia shook his head.

The spear of eternity stabbed fiercely, and the cold light was biting. Although Odin was old, he still had strength. This is shown by the ease with which he can remove Thor's divine power.

Luo Xia casually grabbed the tip of the piercing spear. After the Ox Talisman reached its full level, it gave him the ability to ignore all physical attacks. Even cosmic-level artifacts could not break through his physical defense.

Odin found that after the tip of the spear fell into the devil's hand, it could not move no matter how hard he tried. He was still surprised by the devil's power when a high-temperature energy column shot from the front.

Odin hurriedly defended himself, but the powerful energy hit his chest and easily knocked him away.

Odin stood up with the Eternal Spear. He stared at Luo Xia, his fighting spirit soaring. The king who had been away from the battlefield for a long time found a familiar feeling again.

"Is this the power of the rulers of the nine kingdoms?" Luo Xia opened his palms, and there was a shallow white mark in his palms, "Odin, you are already old."

"Every life will grow old. There is nothing immortal in the universe."

Odin raised the Eternal Spear. He was whispering to the Eternal Spear, and a series of obscure and ancient spells were cast on the gun body.

The Eternal Spear is made of Uru, a unique metal from Asgard. It is almost indestructible. When it is given magic by Odin, it will become a divine spear that can penetrate most things and return to life after being thrown. It can be automatically returned to the user.

Luo Xia smiled and didn't care. He also put up a powerful energy defense shield. Even if the horse charm could heal himself, he didn't want to get hurt.

The old man in front of him had firm eyes, and he threw the Eternal Spear!

The flying speed of the Eternal Spear is not fast, and its momentum is not amazing, but it has an unstoppable momentum. It easily broke through the energy shield held up by the dragon talisman, and the energy collapse caused ripples. Luo Xia's use of this method had been unfavorable on the earth, and for the first time it shattered like fragile glass.

Luo Xia, who was slightly surprised, once again raised his defensive shield, but was still pierced by the Eternal Spear, and the tip of the spear was aimed at his chest!

Luo Xia immediately activated the "unselectable" function of the snake charm to avoid the incoming attack.

He didn't want to use his body to resist this magical attack. Even with the horse charm, the pain after being penetrated through the chest was a bit annoying.

Then a shocking scene happened. The Eternal Spear actually passed through Luo Xia's body and shattered a huge pillar. Luo Xia's body seemed to be nothing...

Odin, who could remain calm even when he saw the devil, couldn't help but be horrified. He had been fighting constantly in his life, but this was the first time he encountered such a situation... The myth that the Eternal Spear hit 100% of the time was broken!

This can only explain one situation, the devil has the power to surpass his rules!

The Eternal Spear began to turn back, but was controlled by Luo Xia using the chicken charm to fly towards him.

Luo Xia held the Eternal Spear. He glanced back at the mess on the ground and said, "This is the destruction you caused yourself. Don't touch me, old man!"

Suddenly, the Eternal Spear in Luo Xia's hand shook violently, shaking the air with a light roar. Luo Xia suddenly inserted the gun body into the ground. Under the control of his huge force, all vibrations immediately stopped.

Odin's face was full of disbelief. He shook his head and said, "Who are you?"


Suddenly a roar came from the palace door, and Thor ran over quickly!

He was a little surprised when he felt the battle fluctuations coming from the palace, and his anger suddenly surged after seeing the familiar figure.

In fact, the devil has left a lot of shadows on Thor. After all, every time he fights the devil, he ends in failure and leaves a lot of injuries...

What's more important is that every time he meets the devil, Thor can feel that he is more powerful than the last time, which will give Thor the illusion that the devil is invincible.

But when Thor saw the devil appearing in his homeland of Asgard, holding Odin's Eternal Spear in his hand, he immediately rushed forward fearlessly, even though he had even lost Thor's hammer. …

"Thor!" Odin shouted.

Luo Xia met Thor. He grasped the Eternal Spear and turned around to sweep across it. The unarmed Thor was instantly blown away.

Thor did not stop even after breaking the huge courtyard pillars. Finally, he smashed the palace wall and flew out and disappeared...

"Ahem... These are also the destruction caused by your son. It's rude to interrupt someone's speech!" Luo Xia put the Eternal Spear on his shoulder and held his collar with one hand.

Guards wearing golden armor rushed in from the door, led by those generals with considerable strength.

"Sorry to introduce myself so close to exiting," Luo Xia smiled, bowed slightly and said, "Devil, from New York!"

Luo Xia watched everyone take a step back, and instantly his figure disappeared into the palace.

The guards who gathered around looked at each other, and Odin's face was covered with frost under the throne.

On the observatory outside the Rainbow Bridge, Heimdall took out the Horn of Galar and blew it, warning all Asgardians that there was an enemy invasion.

Suddenly, Heimdall drew out the metal sword Hofende from his waist and slashed towards an empty area. The next moment, Rorsha appeared there. Heimdall's sword struck the Eternal Spear and a string of sparks shot out. He opened his eyes and shot two laser beams through his chest.

Heimdall, who was seriously injured, instantly lost the ability to move and collapsed on the ground. Rosha walked up to the high platform of the observatory and grabbed the Rainbow Bridge Sword Bolt Steel embedded in the ground with both hands.

There are only two keys to open the Rainbow Bridge, the sword Bultsteel of the Rainbow Bridge, and the eternal gun Gungnir. If he takes away these two artifacts, all Asgardians will only become caged. The trapped beast...

Just when Luo Xia was about to pull out the Sword of the Rainbow Bridge, Thor ran from the Rainbow Bridge, carrying thunder, and he was so powerful!

Luo Xia shook his head, "It's annoying!"

Thor attacked fiercely, and Luo Xia said calmly: "Become a stinky dog!"

In an instant, white light flashed, and Thor, the god of thunder, disappeared. Only a muscular dog remained in the observatory. Thor, who turned into a dog, wanted to bite Luo Xia's leg, but Luo Xia kicked him away.

Luo Xia easily pulled out the sword Boltsteel of the Rainbow Bridge. At this time, Odin and the sergeants arrived at the Rainbow Bridge.

"Asgardians, when I come next time, remember to kneel down and welcome me!"

There was a flash of blue light, and Luo Xia's figure disappeared into the Rainbow Bridge.

Odin was a little surprised, "The space gem..."

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