Marvel: The Twelve Spells

Chapter 151 Underworld

"Dong dong dong!"

Luo Xia opened the door that had been knocked. Under the warm yellow street light, Gwen's shadow was lengthened.

"I thought you had left the earth!" Gwen said with some surprise, "I sent you a message in the afternoon asking you to pick me up at Empire State University in the evening, but you didn't reply."

"I actually just got back from outside the galaxy, so I missed your message."

After Gwen entered the house, Luo Xia closed the door, and the two kissed each other and soon separated.

"How was your first day of internship?" Luo Xia picked a drink in the refrigerator.

"It's very bad... Do you know what question I get asked the most?" Gwen looked at Luo Xia with resentment in her eyes.

Luo Xia caught this emotion, and he asked strangely: "Is it related to me?"

Gwen nodded, covered her face with her hands and said, "Members of Dr. Otto's team will ask me, are you really Mr. Luo's girlfriend? Dr. Otto himself also asked me this..."

"Then how did you answer?" Luo Xia smiled. He put a bottle of cold yogurt with a straw in front of Gwen.

"Of course it's Yes. Is there any other answer besides this?" Gwen said while sucking yogurt. "Many beautiful seniors asked me for your phone number. I refused them all for you. You're welcome! I told them You don’t like parties and gatherings.”

"That's a pity." Luo Xia said with a smile, "Other than that?"

"Everything is good, the laboratory is good, high-precision equipment and sufficient scientific research funds, and the team is also good, because I have previous experience as an intern leader in Dr. Connors' team, and they are quite satisfied with me. ." Gwen was in good spirits, but she suddenly showed regret.

"It's just that their current project is almost over. Dr. Otto's mechanical tentacles have entered the formal debugging stage. The team's division of labor is very clear. As an intern, I can't get involved at all. I can only wait for the team's next project."

"Well...I sincerely suggest that you change your scientific research team."

Luo Xia shook his head. Of course he knew that mechanical tentacles would be Doctor Octopus's last research project... It should be said that it was a legal research project.

Gwen refused without hesitation: "Dr. Otto's team is the best team at Empire State University. Anyway, I have been quite busy recently, so I can wait."

Rosha didn't take it seriously. Maybe Doctor Octopus was difficult for Gwen, but he didn't pose any threat to him now.

"What are you busy with? Why didn't I know?"

"Routine street patrols, cooperating with the Anti-Demon Alliance to shoot a public service video, and recently I followed a Chicago criminal gang who smuggled drugs and illegal firearms into New York." Gwen wiped off the yogurt stuck to the corner of her mouth with paper. She looked at Luo Xia and said, "You don't know it's because no matter how busy I am, I will always be a qualified girlfriend."

Luo Xia hugged her with a smile and said, "I love you, my Gwen."

"I love you too!" Gwen sat in Luo Xia's arms, "Are you free next week? Our team will participate in the science and technology exhibition, and Dr. Otto will show off his mechanical tentacles. It is an amazing invention. , I want to invite you to go with me, if you haven’t left the earth by then..."

"It's settled, let's go to the science and technology exhibition together." Luo Xia said firmly, "Even if I left the earth recently, I will come back on that day."

The two kissed together again, and Luo Xia also tasted the yogurt. When Luo Xia was about to untie Gwen's clothes, Gwen grabbed her hand.

"Sorry, I told my mother that I would go back tonight." Gwen looked at Luo Xia with charming eyes and shook her head, "It's getting late, will you take me back?"

"All right……"

"Then you go drive."

"No, I have a faster way."

Luo Xia smiled and watched Gwen disappear into the room. The remaining half bottle of yogurt fell into the air and was caught by him.

Luo Xia came to the window, the cold wind blew on his face, and he looked up at the dark night sky.

Norway is six hours ahead of New York, and it's still early morning in Norway.

The lights in the room turned off with a "pop" sound, and blue light was released in the dim air...

61°07' north latitude, 4°82' east longitude, Norwegian Sea.

In the dark night sky, a beam of blue light flew at high speed along the coastline, like a gorgeous shooting star.

Fortunately, this was a sparsely populated area, and it was early in the morning, otherwise many witnesses would have added fantasy to the incident.

Luo Xia maintained his flying speed at five times the speed of sound, and under the control of the chicken charm, the space gem flew around his body. He is using the space gem to explore areas with abnormal space.

Hela was imprisoned in Norway on Earth after Odin eliminated her divine power. In order to prevent being disturbed by humans, her imprisonment must be separated from the real world in a small independent space.

Luo Xia controls the space gem and can easily discover those hidden spaces.

Searching for Hela's cage throughout Norway will obviously be a time-consuming and labor-intensive task, but Rosha is patient enough for the things he is interested in, and he has enough time. After he cannot open the Rainbow Bridge, there is no Ah The Sgardians were able to disturb him.

Time passed quietly, and when the sky became much brighter, Luo Xia finally made a discovery on the edge of a sea cliff.

Luo Xia fell from the sky wrapped in blue light. He used the telekinesis power of the chicken charm to squeeze the sea water and form a buffer zone around it to isolate the sea water. He didn't like the feeling of wet clothes sticking to his body.

The blue light bloomed again in the deep seabed. The space gem took him through two disconnected spaces. Luo Xia instantly entered a dark world and saw green light in the distance.

Luo Xia accelerated towards the direction of the green light. What surprised him was that he could not reach his destination after flying for a while. The green light still seemed far away.

The Rabbit Talisman was activated with all its strength, and Luo Xia's speed continued to increase, exceeding a hundred times the speed of sound in an instant.

After more than ten seconds, the green light began to continuously enlarge, and those strange and beautiful scenes were also displayed in front of Luo Xia, who continued to fly faster.

Luo Xia, who suddenly reached a speed exceeding 10,000 times the speed of sound, used the rabbit charm to erase all the kinetic energy from his body, and he stopped instantly.

Before him lay a wide river, with as far as the eye could see from the other side, wider than any river on earth. A huge gold-plated crystal bridge spans the two banks.

In Norse mythology, Odin exiled Hela to a place called Niflheim, and Niflheim, the underworld, was separated from the human world by a river called the Geol River.

Luo Xia landed on the bridge. It had been a long time since he felt his feet on the ground.

On the bridgehead of the Crystal Bridge, there was a blood-red skeleton hanging upside down, which looked extremely strange against the green light.

Luo Xia was not afraid, nor did he feel any fear. If a person is ten thousand times more powerful than all the ghosts in the world, then from the moment he gains strength, he will no longer be afraid.

The blood-red skull's mandible moved and made a sound, but before he could spit out a syllable, Luo Xia raised his hand and released explosive flames to blast it to pieces.

A gatekeeper is not qualified to talk to him...

After crossing the huge crystal bridge, Hela's prison was officially revealed in front of Luo Xia, with forests growing out of steel, giant dogs covered in blood, and rivers flowing with knives...

After passing these bizarre scenes, Luo Xia saw a huge palace.

That is the palace where Hela is imprisoned, Eludnir...

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