Rosha came to the huge palace gate of Eludnir.

This prison of Hela is even bigger and more gorgeous than Odin's golden palace in Asgard.

Luo Xia took a step, and two palace doors tens of meters high automatically opened inwards, making a loud "squeaking" sound. In fact, these two doors had never been opened since the day they were built...

After entering the gate, all sounds were blocked, and there was only deathly silence inside.

Two rows of tall courtyard pillars extend inwards. In the deepest part of the palace, black lines intersect, and there is a figure among those interlaced lines...

If nothing unexpected happens, that person is Odin’s eldest daughter, the goddess of death... Hela!

Luo Xia's footsteps echoed in the silent palace. He seemed to be strolling through Asgard's palace that day, admiring the carved beams and murals.

"Are you Odin's messenger?"

A voice sounded, the tone was obscure and hoarse, as unfamiliar as someone who had been mute for decades speaking again.

"No, you are more like Odin's enemy."

She looked at the devil mask on Luo Xia's face and said, starting from this sentence, her voice became normal, her tone was clear and rhythmic, and her tone was very calm, without any indifference or surprise.

Luo Xia didn't answer. He continued to go deep into the palace, neither fast nor slow. After going deeper, he could clearly see the intertwined black lines. They were not lines but thick iron chains. They blocked Hela and made it difficult for her to move.

"The space gem is in your hands, what happened to Odin?" Hela said again, "Odin used the space gem to build this cage. Even if I lose my power now, I will not feel wrong... you kill him?"

Luo Xia was still dozens of meters away from Hela. Luo Xia had already clearly seen the smile on Hela's face. It was mysterious, strange, and a little alluring...

Hela stood up, and the metal chains collided with each other, making a crisp and noisy sound, but she did not move after she stood up, and the chains slowly stopped.

Hela was wearing black clothes and green armor. The thick armor could not hide her curvy figure. She has long, enchanting green hair, which hangs down to cover one eye. She has a smile on her face at the moment...

"Yes, I killed Odin." Luo Xia said with a smile.

"No, Odin is not dead yet. If he dies, my divine power will be restored." Hela shook her head and continued to look at Luo Xia seriously, as if she wanted to remember his face and figure. , "You are the first human being I have seen in thousands of years. Before that, there was only darkness in this cage..."

"This is obviously a palace," Luo Xia said, looking around. "A magnificent palace is just a prison for you!"

Hela didn't react at all. After thousands of years, she had adapted and got used to the life of being imprisoned.

"So are you here to visit? As an enemy, come to visit Odin's creation - me, and this kingdom of death." Hela smiled and said, "That's right, hold the space gem, and you will be a An excellent sightseeer, it can take you in and out of any space freely.”

"It seems to make sense... I can also develop tourism here and bring those Asgardians to see the legendary God of Death Hela. Five gold coins are required for a round trip. There is an additional fee for close viewing." Luo Xia was very interested. He said, "Before this, I need to put a fence around you to prevent you from hurting or scaring my customers."

"Hahaha..." Hela smiled and shook her head, "It's not necessary. After losing my divine power, I am as weak as an indigenous woman on this planet. I can't hurt anyone, including you... Please come closer."

Luo Xia threw the space gem and caught it again, playing back and forth like this.

"You can't hurt me, even when you were still working as a lackey under Odin, but now you may hurt me... It makes me feel sorry for you!"

Hela laughed again, "You are very interesting. Even if it were thousands of years ago, I would not have the heart to kill you."

She didn't care at all what Luo Xia said. Hela didn't feel the powerful energy fluctuations in Luo Xia, but he was able to take the space gem from Odin's hand and enter here, which already proved his strength.

Thousands of years of not seeing the light of day made Hela very patient, and she was not in a hurry to ask about Luo Xia's identity or the purpose of her visit.

But Luo Xia took the initiative to express his intention: "I am a devil, from New York... New York is a city on this planet."

"It's a bit unbelievable that you are a living thing on this fragile planet."

"I saw those murals in the palace of Asgard and saw your achievements."

"Odin will let the public see that period of history? And have it engraved majestically in the palace?" Hela shook her head and said, "I don't believe it."

"He added a new layer underneath these murals, and of course nothing was hidden from me," Rocha said.

"This is what Odin does, covering up the bloody history with false beauty."

"Aren't you curious about my purpose of coming?" Luo Xia said suddenly.

"You will understand once you have spent thousands of years in silence. That will dull all your curiosity." Hela said seriously.

"I have already introduced you. I am a devil, and a lazy devil. I need my subordinates to help me spread fear and cause destruction. I feel that you are very good and should be qualified for this great job." Luo Xia asked with a smile: " Are you willing to be my lackey? Submit to me and obey my orders."

Hela also smiled. She moved, and the chains collided and made another sound.

"Now that I have lost my power, the most I can do is play the game of pretending to be the king with you." Hela looked at Luo Xia, her tone was like the big sister next door reading a children's book.

"Please don't use that coaxing tone!" Luo Xia said lightly, "I don't like bargaining. I will help you lift all these restrictions at the cost of surrendering to me forever."

Luo Xia approached Hela as he spoke. He did not say any nonsense about "what if you dare to betray?" He never liked threatening others. If he was in a good mood at the time, even if Hela betrayed, he would just suppress it... Of course it is possible. If you offend him, you will be completely killed by him. He has no habit of imprisoning and sealing others.

Hela turned her head, her long green hair hanging down, and she showed a weird smile: "I'm looking forward to it..."

Luo Xia stopped one meter away from Hela. He snapped his fingers. In an instant, all the chains on Hela were broken, and the thousand-year imprisonment was released in an instant.

"I haven't felt this relaxed for a long time..."

Haila stretched his waist, and there was the sound of bones exploding from his body.

Of course, Hela is not completely freed yet. She can only move freely. She has not gotten rid of Odin's magic seal, and her divine power has not yet been restored.

Odin used the space gems and spent time and effort building this huge Niflheim just to imprison Hela and erase her divine power. This space is eternal. As long as Odin does not die, Niflheim's imprisonment of Hela will last forever.

Hela saw the man's eyes flashing red...

Hela was slightly surprised. This was the first time she showed strange emotions. She felt the powerful energy, and even she couldn't resist it.

Luo Xia activated the Pig Talisman with all his strength, and his eyes shot lasers that could destroy everything. He continued to use the lasers, penetrating the entire space in an instant.

Hela raised her snow-white neck. She took a deep breath and her chest rose and fell violently. She stretched out her hand, and green flames rose in her hand.

The stripped divine power poured into her body again. Although it was only a little, it flowed through her body like a trickle, nourishing her dry body... She felt that familiar feeling again, after a thousand years. , she took hold of the power again!

Luo Xia continued to shoot lasers. He turned around and turned his head. The two lasers streaked across the entire space. Wherever the lasers swept, the darkness and green light disappeared, leaving nothing but nothingness.

After a while, the entire Niflheim was cut into pieces by lasers. Odin used the power of the space gem to build this stable space, but at this moment it began to shake violently and could collapse at any time.

As Niflheim was shattered, more and more divine power poured into Hela's body, and she subconsciously let out a moan...

The palace began to collapse first, and countless rubbles fell. Some of the stones fell into the broken space in the air and were shattered by powerful force.

The space gem shone with blue light, and Luo Xia stretched out his hand.

After a moment, Hela put her hand up, and blue light enveloped her.

Luo Xia said dissatisfied: "You should kneel down."

Hela just smiled, like a flower blooming on the other side of hell...

For some unknown reason, wind and waves arose in the Norwegian Sea. The turbulent seawater hit the rocks and sea cliffs, causing white foam to appear.

A blue light lit up on the sea cliff, and the figures of Luo Xia and Hela emerged.

Dawn was just breaking in the sky at this moment, and the first ray of sunlight shone on the earth from the gap in the clouds, lengthening the silhouettes of the two people.

"Odin didn't teach you loyalty?" Luo Xia asked curiously.

"He taught me many things, magic, fighting, leadership, government affairs, and even roast venison...but he never taught me loyalty, because I was born to be a king, and I was supposed to be the next queen of Asgard. ." Hela said with a smile.

"'Born to be a king' again... Odin also said this to his adopted son of the Frost Giants." Luo Xia mocked, "The most important thing is that you all believed this stupid lie."

"No, that's not a lie. From now on, it has become a reality." Hela stretched out her hand to Luo Xia, "The space gem, give it to me."

"Please! I was the one who rescued you. I was the one who cut off your shackles and destroyed that dark place so that you could hold the power again."

Sometimes Luo Xia would kill the opponent immediately if he didn't want to talk nonsense, but sometimes he would give "good words" before taking action.

"So, in return I will not grant you the will to die that I possess..."

As he spoke, Hela spread her hands, and two black daggers appeared.

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