Marvel: The Twelve Spells

Chapter 153 Goddess of Death

"You can't do this, Hela." Luo Xia stepped back, "How many years have you not bathed in the sun? I saved you and gave you my divine power. Does Asgard also have the concept of 'repaying kindness with enmity'? Words?”

Hela pressed forward step by step, and she was always ready to shoot out the double blades in her hands and penetrate Luo Xia's chest... Because Luo Xia held the space gem in his hand, it was too easy for him to escape.

"Do you want to try my will to die? If not, then please hand over the space gem!" Hela said with a smile, "You may be just a little thief, or maybe you really have the power to defeat Odin from him. You have taken the space gem in your hand, but you have no chance of winning against me. My power and hatred have been accumulated for thousands of years, and now Odin can't compete with me!"

"Perhaps we can discuss it. We can form a team. I have already thought of a name. Let's call it 'Avengers'. I can use the space gem to take you back to Asgard. How about that?" Luo Xiasha said Something to say.

"No!" Hela refused without hesitation.

Her purpose of snatching the space gems was not just to return to Asgard. As Odin said, Hela had great ambitions, and she was not satisfied even after conquering the nine kingdoms...

Thousands of years of imprisonment have not been able to erase her ambitions, and even those thoughts are still growing crazily after settling. This time when she returns, she looks at the entire vast universe.

Only the Space Stone can help her complete this amazing idea, so she is bound to win.

"It seems that Odin imprisoned you for a reason..."

"Shut up!" Hela suddenly said angrily, "I have made great achievements in conquering the nine kingdoms, but Odin still ruthlessly deprived me of my divine power and imprisoned me on this planet! But he cannot keep me imprisoned forever. I, he is going to die, you just broke his magic in advance.”

"We can't talk, there's nothing we can do..." Luo Xia shrugged helplessly.

Suddenly, a beam of energy shot out from Luo Xia's chest, instantly blowing Hela away. Hela's green figure disappeared directly on the sea level...

Two short blades shot straight into Luo Xia's chest. Luo Xia did not dodge. The two short blades hit Luo Xia's body and then fell, piercing Luo Xia's clothes.

Hela's figure slowly emerged, and she was a little surprised when she saw this scene.

The next moment, she kept pulling out a sharp short blade from the air and stabbing Luo Xia. She drew the knife so fast that an afterimage was created.

The sharp blades formed a dense curtain of knives and attacked. Luo Xia silently held up the energy defense shield of the Dragon Talisman. He could already smell the magic from those knives...

Hela is not only powerful, but also has rich combat experience. Just a face-to-face test, she guessed that Luo Xia has strong physical defense capabilities.

Countless blades were accurately shot at Luo Xia's chest, and they were inserted into the energy defense shield, causing ripples in circles, but they were still unable to break through Luo Xia's energy defense.

The curve of the corners of Hela's mouth became even wider. She stretched out her hands behind her hands and pulled out two green long swords from the void.

"You bring me more and more surprises," Hela dragged two long swords closer. "I will not kill you. I will also use the space gem to build a magnificent cage for you. How about that? Eludnir is a hundred times greater!”

"Sounds good!"

The blue light flashed in Rosha's hand, and he slowly pulled out a golden spear from the shattered space. It was the trophy of his trip to Asgard, Odin's eternal spear Gungnir.

Hela's expression suddenly changed again, and from this moment on she really paid attention to the opponent in front of her.

"It seems that you stole more than just the space gems..."

"The space gem was originally an ownerless thing. Odin only held it. In the end, he also placed the space gem on the earth. Now there is another owner of the space gem, and I just borrowed it."

"Yes, the actual owner of the space gem is me!"

As Hela swung her long sword, Luo Xia blocked with a long spear. The two were entangled, the sword edge met the spear tip, and every attack they made emitted a cold light!

The black and green figures moved at high speed, and then collided violently. Their figures were blurred, and they did not even leave a shadow in the sun. The two illusory afterimages kept separating and colliding, and the high-speed movement was torn apart. The air was filled with shrill and harsh noises!

In hand-to-hand combat, Luo Xia quickly fell into a disadvantage. He didn't know how to use weapons to fight at all. The Eternal Spear was particularly clumsy in his hands, relying entirely on speed and strength to support it.

Asgardians are all born warriors. Thor, for example, has used all weapons to mastery over a long period of time, and Hela is no exception. Her swordsmanship is exquisite, and it can be seen in close combat with Rosha. Get up with ease.

Luo Xia's fighting style in the past was often very direct, using the power of spells to crush and win with absolute power, absolute speed and absolute energy. Now when he faced Hela, he just made a new attempt and gave up quickly.

Luo Xia's eyes shot out lasers that could penetrate everything, and Hela quickly dodged and pulled away.

The blue light flashed and the Eternal Spear in Luo Xia's hand disappeared. He said with some regret: "Game time is over...I'm going to start beating you!"

Hela smiled, and a long sword burst out from her hand, accurately piercing Luo Xia's chest... But the Luo Xia in front of her suddenly collapsed, and it was just an afterimage.

The alert Hela slashed to the side, but she was still a step too slow. Luo Xia punched her in the face, and the huge force directly broke her mandible.

Hela, who flew out, turned around and drew out with his sword, but Luo Xia grabbed the sword directly and broke the blade. He inserted the broken blade into Hela's body.

Hela fell to the ground and rolled several times, almost falling into the sea. She finally stopped at the edge of the sea cliff. Hela got up, blood spilled from the corners of her mouth, her long hair was messy and full of mud, and she was very embarrassed.

"Tsk tsk..." Luo Xia sighed and shook his head, "Why is this so miserable... You should have looked like this when you were exiled to Earth, right?"

"No, I was a hundred times more miserable then than I am now."

Hela said calmly, she reached out and grabbed the broken blade on her abdomen and pulled it out, ignoring the blood spurting out of her body.

"Are you ready to feel the will of death?"

Luo Xia also felt the powerful energy gathering, and instantly healed Hela's injuries. Hela brushed her hands behind her ears, and her messy green hair floated as if alive. She was about to begin to transform...

Suddenly Luo Xia used the snake talisman's spatial displacement, and then blasted the dragon talisman's explosive flames onto Hela's body, forcibly interrupting her transformation.

"No, no, no, please don't do that!" Luo Xia looked at Hela who was knocked down again and said, "Your appearance after transformation is too ugly, but your current appearance is much more pleasing to the eye!"

As Luo Xia activated the Dragon Talisman again, Hela immediately turned around and used her dark green cloak to resist the energy attack.

When her cloak was removed, Hela was already in her transformed form. Hela stood up, but did not continue to take the initiative to attack.

"Perhaps we should talk about what you just said..." Hela said seriously, "We can join forces together. With your strength, you are fully qualified to do so."

Luo Xia shook his head. His body slowly floated up. The dragon-shaped totem in the palm of his right hand was lit. In an instant, a beam of fire rose up and surrounded him. His eyes glowed red. The laser of the Pig Talisman had already Ready to be released at any time...

"Isn't it a little late to talk about this now?" Luo Xia slowly approached Hela, "And whether it's an alliance or not, I've already said that you should kneel down."

"That's impossible. The goddess of death will not kneel down to others." Hela transformed into two swords again. "Even if you defeat Odin, that's impossible!"

Hela shot out the long sword, which instantly enlarged in the air and hit Luo Xia like a mountain.

Luo Xia swung his fist fiercely to crush Hela's attack. Huge cracks instantly spread to the sword body, the sword shattered, and countless dark green fragments flew in the air.

The two flew to attack at the same time, Hela slashed out a dark green blade, and dragon-shaped flames swept out of Luo Xia's fist.

The two attacks collided together. Hela was knocked back by the powerful impact, and her expression changed slightly.

Suddenly, a blue mesh beam shot out from Luo Xia's hand and spread to the entire space instantly. Luo Xia used the power of the space gem to seal off the space. Even if Hela wanted to avoid the sharp edge after this, it would be impossible. She could not Nowhere to escape.

Hela bent her legs slightly and exerted her strength. She ejected again and slashed at Luo Xia with her dark green sword.

Luo Xia also took the initiative to attack. He activated the Dragon Talisman with all his strength, and unlimited energy was continuously poured into his body to ensure that every blow he made was far more fierce than Hela.

The battle between the two entered a white-hot stage. Hela was retreating steadily and relied on her own strength to hold on. However, facing Luo Xia, who had unlimited energy, her defeat was obviously a foregone conclusion.

Hela also discovered this situation. It was the first time she encountered such a difficult opponent. The opponent had been using powerful energy attacks to maintain the stability of the battle, and there was no sign of energy exhaustion.

Suddenly, when she was stunned, the long sword in her hand was shattered by Luo Xia again. Luo Xia controlled her hands and fired deadly lasers from her eyes.

But Hela avoided the two lasers with a weird posture. Her body was extremely flexible.

Hela is destined to lose, but she is not willing to accept it, because she is not in her prime at this moment...

Hela's power comes from Asgard. Once she returns to Asgard, she will have unlimited energy and can use unlimited powerful attacks to fight against the man wearing a demon mask in front of her...

And that kind of power can be infinitely improved. As Asgard grows, Hela will become stronger, until it swallows the entire universe. So how can she accept her defeat on this weak planet today?

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