Marvel: The Twelve Spells

Chapter 154 Ragnarok

Luo Xia suddenly stopped the next laser attack, because Hela in front of her had ended her post-transformation fighting state. Her long green hair was hanging down wantonly, and her dark eye shadow revealed a fatal danger in her beauty.

Hela quickly said: "I am willing to work for you..."

Before Hela could finish speaking, Luo Xia grabbed her by the neck and lifted her up. The sealing power of the monkey charm entered Hela's body, sealing her divine power again.

After a thousand years, Hela once again clearly felt the disappearance of her divine power, and for the first time she showed a panicked look...

That feeling of powerlessness lasted for thousands of years, and she never wanted to feel it again. Hela thought that she would be invincible after seeing the light of day again, but she never thought that the person who rescued her in advance also had the ability to destroy her.

Luo Xia's hand slowly began to exert force. He was very careful, for fear of breaking Hela's slender neck. Hela's pale face slowly turned ferocious.

Seeing Hela's graceful figure begin to struggle and twist, Luo Xia smiled. He now has control over the life and death of the goddess of death. This feeling is so wonderful...

"No..." Hela made a weak voice with difficulty.

"Are you begging for mercy?" Luo Xia said with a smile, "If you ask for my forgiveness and ask me to forgive your offense, maybe I will give you a chance of life..."

Hela struggled to say something, but Luo Xia increased the strength of her hands, and her voice disappeared as if it had been crushed.

"Goddess of Death, does it mean dead goddess?" Luo Xia looked at Hela's pale face and said, "You are so fragile..."

Suddenly, Luo Xia threw Hela to the ground hard. Hela rolled on the muddy ground but didn't care at all. She was breathing heavily, and her chest was rising and falling violently, as if she was trying to suck all the oxygen into her lungs.

Luo Xia shook his head. He was condescending and his tone was full of contempt: "I still like your unruly look just now!"

Hela slowly climbed up with support on her hands. She did not try to forcefully break through the seal and regain her divine power, because even if she regained her strength, she could not be Luo Xia's opponent, nor could she escape from this sealed space. , that will only anger the demon in front of you.

"I'm deeply sorry for my ignorant actions," Hela was still panting, "I beg for your forgiveness, Mr. Demon."

Luo Xia held her hands in her arms and looked at Hela with a smile. The goddess of death, who was so arrogant just now, now looked extremely fragile.

"How many times have I said this? You should kneel down!" Luo Xia approached Hela, "Answer my question."

"The third time..."

Hela said calmly that this was the first time she felt this deep humiliation. Even after Odin wiped out her divine power and imprisoned her on the earth, he never insulted her.

But looking at Luo Xia approaching step by step, Hela had no other choice.

Hela smiled reluctantly, and she slowly knelt down on one knee in front of Luo Xia...

Hela has uncontrollable ambitions, and she also has a strong heart. In order to realize her ambitions, she will not hesitate even if she has to endure some unbearable humiliation at this moment!

But Luo Xia seems not satisfied...

Luo Xia walked to Hela and closed his eyes. When he opened his eyes again, a shocking red light shot out.

"Kneel down!"

Luo Xia spoke calmly again. He only said this sentence. He never liked to say threatening words.

There were no waves on Hela's face, but there were already turbulent waves in her heart. To a certain extent, she could accept death, but she could not accept humiliation.

But in the end she knelt down and leaned down respectfully...

Late at night in Asgard, in the royal palace, Odin sat alone on the throne, looking at the empty palace and lost in thought.

The palace that was damaged in the battle has been completely repaired, and the broken pillars are still intact... There are only circular murals under the dome, and Odin did not ask anyone to cover them with a new layer of murals.

After an unknown amount of time, the silence in the palace was broken. The huge palace door was pushed open, and Thor, the son of Odin, the God of Thunder, walked in.

Thor walked straight to the throne, bowed slightly and said, "Father."

Odin was still deep in thought, and it was not until Thor called again that he woke up.

Odin did not speak, but looked up at the murals under the dome.

Thor also raised his head. During the battle, he was easily swept out of the palace by the demon, and was turned into a dog by the demon on the observatory. When Frigga helped him break through the seal, he immediately received treatment in the fairy palace.

So this was the first time Thor saw these murals. When he saw a woman holding Mjolnir high, his face was filled with disbelief.

"These are all false, right?" The shocked Thor looked at Odin and asked, "Is there anyone else who can lift Mjolnir? Who is she?"

"No, Thor, all of this once existed for real." Odin said in a deep voice, "Goddess of Death, Hela, my first child, your sister..."

Thor was deeply shocked again. Ever since he learned that Loki was Odin's adopted son, he had always thought that he was Odin's only child.

"The devil is here for her?" Sol asked. Obviously, he was more interested in and fearful of the devil than this sister he had never met before.

Odin shook his head and said, "I don't know, that's your enemy."

"Sorry, father, it was me who brought trouble to Asgard." Thor recalled what the devil had done on earth, "No, this is a disaster..."

"No, it's not your fault Thor, everything has been destined for a long time." Odin shook his head, "As for the devil... his origin is extremely mysterious, and I don't know it. There should be no such thing in the fate of Asgard." His figure.”

"You mean..."

"Ragnarok!" Odin slowly walked down the steps. "Ragnarok has begun. Your sister, Hela, is coming..."

"No matter what she wants, we can stop her." Thor said indifferently, "The key lies in the devil! I have fought against him several times, but all ended in failure. He is a powerful enemy."

Odin just shook his head, "Hela is far more powerful than you think. I have spent my whole life trying to stop her, but I still can't avoid this result..."

"Can Hela compare to the devil?"

"I don't know how powerful the devil is, but Hela is invincible." Odin said firmly.

Thor also looked sad. An enemy more powerful than the devil? Is that real?…

"Her ambitions grew beyond my control, and I couldn't stop her... So I wiped out her divine power and exiled her to the earth." Scenes reappeared in Odin's mind, "Hela's power comes from Ah Sgard, once she returns here, her power will be endless, the devil has the space stone, and he will bring Hela to Asgard."

"The demons will join forces with Hela to invade Asgard?" Thor's mind has shut down. He can't imagine the demons adding an enemy with infinite power. Who can stop them?

"It's not an invasion." Odin said calmly, "Hela is supposed to be the queen of Asgard. She just takes back what belongs to her and brings it to us...Ragnarok!"

The shock on Thor's face lasted for a long time before it faded away. He finally accepted the two upcoming enemies, the devil and Hela, and regained his fighting spirit.

"Can we just sit back and wait for death? Is there no other way?" Sol asked unwillingly.

Odin suddenly turned around and looked at Thor: "No, we have the only way..."

"Aren't you interested in the books I sent?" A voice came from behind.

"Do you want me to be a bookworm for the rest of my life?" Loki said without looking back.

"And you didn't wear the coat I was given. It's very cold and damp in the dungeon."

"You seem to have forgotten that the blood of Frost Giants flows in my body. I am not afraid of the cold." Loki turned to look at Frigga and said.

"But you have adapted to warmth since you were a child..." Frigga shook her head and said, "I have tried my best to make your life more comfortable, Loki."

"Does Odin think so too? And Thor!" Loki sneered, "A hidden danger has not been completely eliminated. They must be worried about me day and night, right? I'm really sorry..."

"Why do you think so? No one has ever wanted to hurt you. The reason you have reached this point is entirely because you brought it upon yourself. These punishments are already lenient," Frigga said.

"I just exposed that lie, the lie you and Odin spun together! What's 'born to be a king'!" Loki said with a sneer.

"The true king is kind, but how many innocent people have you killed on earth?" Frigga asked, "Have you not woken up yet? Loki..."

"It's nothing compared to the mortals that the great Odin killed!" Loki said, "Odin invaded the nine kingdoms, but I only want one earth!"

"That's not occupation. Asgard has brought peace to the nine kingdoms." Frigga said, "Also, he is your father!"

"He is not my father!" Loki suddenly roared.

"Then I'm not your mother either?"

Loki glanced at Frigga and said firmly: "Of course not!"

Frigga smiled, shook her head and walked straight to a chair nearby to sit down.

"I came here tonight to ask you something." Frigga said after sitting down.

"Let me guess, what could make the Queen of Asgard condescend to this dungeon..." Loki suddenly said: "Is it related to today's attack?"

Naturally, Loki could not hide such powerful battle fluctuations in the palace. He was famous for his cunning and strategy.

Frigga nodded without surprise: "You have been smart since you were a child."

"So what happened?" Loki was curious. "Now I'm just a prisoner."

"Asgard is about to face a crisis, and it's also because of a 'prisoner'..."

Frigga and Loki then told the story of Hela and Ragnarok.

"Thank you for telling me a very inspiring story. At least it gives me something to look forward to for the rest of my life..." Loki nodded and said seriously, "By the way, can I join her? I have no blood relationship with Odin. She shouldn’t be considered an enemy.”

"Loki, I need you!" Frigga said directly: "We need to evacuate people from Asgard, but now that the Rainbow Bridge has been closed, there is still a way out of Asgard, and only you know... "

Loki recalled those things again. As a child, he was playful and accidentally left Asgard from a secret place. He often entered and exited Asgard through that exit...

"Absolutely impossible." Loki looked at Frigga and said calmly.

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