Marvel: The Twelve Spells

Chapter 155 Surtur

Thor followed Odin as he walked in the deep underground palace. The narrow corridors seemed to have no end, and the lights on the walls seemed to never go out.

This is the first time for Thor to come to this place, and everything here is weird...

"Father, why did you bring me here?" Thor quickly lost his patience. "Now Asgard is facing an unprecedented catastrophe. You should tell me all the solutions directly, rather than with I’m going in circles here.”

Odin didn't speak, and his walking figure didn't even slow down. He continued walking.

Odin, who had lost the Eternal Spear, found a wooden crutch from nowhere. With his white hair and slightly stooped body, he was no different from an old human man... What was even more tragic was that he was blind. Eye.

Thor sighed, and he could only continue to follow Odin. Bravery, ferocity, and collision are all synonymous with him, but in front of Odin, he will always be just a naughty kid.

Soon after, Odin in front finally stopped, which made Thor breathe a sigh of relief. He thought he was going to make it to dawn...

"This is the depths of the Immortal Palace..."

"I know, we have been gone for a long time!" Thor said quickly, "I can guarantee that even the most naughty Loki has never been to this place!"

"Yes, you will be the second person alive to come to this place."

Odin looked back at Thor and said calmly. After speaking, he pushed open the stone door in front of him.

As the door was opened, a surge of violent energy came oncoming. Thor, who had experienced several battles and had a strong sense of crisis, immediately became alert, and the power of the God of Thunder flowed through his body.

But Odin in front of him was extremely calm. Odin slowly walked into the stone door.

Behind the stone door is a huge space. There is no light and no light source in it, but it is extremely bright. The space is filled with ink lines, but when a human figure enters, it can break the light.

Looking at Odin's back, Thor could only continue to follow. His palms slid through the air, trying to touch those ink lines, but when he watched his palms smash those lines, there was no touch.

Suppressing his doubts, Thor followed Odin to a well-like facility. Ink lines were flying out of the well in a steady stream.

Thor just glanced into the black well, and his heart couldn't help but beat wildly. He felt the danger in the well, which was enough to threaten his life...

Thor became even more curious. He was about to get closer and take a look, but Odin stretched out his hand to stop him.

"Father, this is..."

"Dark energy." Odin said calmly.

"The solution is... we use dark energy to fight against Hela and the devil?" Thor said with some doubts. He felt the violence and high risk of dark energy. He was somewhat doubtful that anyone in the world could really control such a powerful energy. What...

"Dark energy can only destroy Asgard, but it cannot save Asgard." Odin shook his head and said. He looked back at Thor: "This dark energy device has another function, which allows people to forcibly Travel across dimensions, but you can only send one person there."

Thor was stunned and looked at Odin in disbelief.

"Father... do you want to use this device to send me away? Let me escape alone?" Facing Odin's expectant gaze, Thor took a step back and said resolutely, "This is impossible, I am Asgard The future king will never abandon my people, I will fight until the end!"

"Thor, I am not keeping you away from danger, but close to danger..." Odin looked at Thor and said, "I want you to go to Muspelheim, cut off Surtur's crown and bring it back."

"Surtur?" Thor was confused again.

"Yes, I want to take the initiative to start Ragnarok!" Odin said in a deep voice, "I took away the eternal fire many years ago, but Surtur survived. Now we are going to destroy Surtur." brought your crown, and mixed his crown with the eternal fire in Asgard..."

"No, I can't do that, it will destroy Asgard!" Thor shook his head and said, how could he personally destroy the home where he grew up?

"Hela will not destroy Asgard, she will even lead Asgard to grow a hundred times stronger, but behind that will be the destruction of all life in the universe. Is that what you want to see?" Odin looked back at the depths of well.

"As Asgard grows, her power will increase infinitely. No one will be her opponent by then. We must stop Hela, otherwise she will bring disaster to the entire universe... and demons, His danger is self-evident, we can only hope to deal with him in Ragnarok!"

"But Asgard..."

"Thor! Asgard has never been a place...but a place of people." Odin said, "Everything has a price, just like if you want to save Jotunheim, you have to break the Rainbow Bridge. I will order the people to evacuate Asgard."

"We can't open the Rainbow Bridge, how can people evacuate?" Sol asked doubtfully.

"There is another exit..."

"How is that possible!" Thor understood instantly, "We just sent Loki into the dungeon, and now he must be full of resentment towards Asgard!"

"No, Loki is also an Asgardian." Odin waved his hand to interrupt what Thor wanted to say, "Are you ready now? Go to Muspelheim and bring back Surtur's crown. !”

"I'm ready!" Thor stood on the spot and clenched his fists and said, "But father...can I defeat Surtur without Thor's hammer?"

Suddenly Odin's power circulated, and the violent dark energy was driven,

"Surtur's strength will not be the same after he loses the eternal fire." Odin looked at Thor and said, "My son, without Thor's hammer, you are still Thor, the god of thunder..."

The dark energy gathered around Thor under the control of Odin. Feeling the violent energy gathered around him, Thor was frightened. Even though Thor knew that his father was the strongest man in the nine kingdoms, he still had some doubts about Odin. Can Ding control these huge energies.

"Father...are you really sure that you can control these dark energies?" Thor couldn't help but ask.

Odin did not speak. He continued to forcefully use more dark energy, even if the price he paid for this was his own health...

"When you defeat Surtur, call me and I will bring you back in the same way."

As Odin drove the dark energy device with all his strength, Thor's figure instantly disappeared into the huge space...

Odin suddenly fell to the ground, and he struggled to get up. It was obvious that this process had consumed too much of his strength.

Usually in this situation, he will fall into Odin's sleep... The divine power of the Asgardians is proportional to their age. When the divine power reaches a certain level, they need to adjust the divine power in the body through sleep. Odin's Odin's power is too much It is powerful and will adjust itself through Odin's Sleep at certain intervals. Often after being seriously injured and using a large amount of energy, the time of Odin's Sleep will be advanced.

But Odin couldn't sleep at this moment. He used his divine power to resist the arrival of Odin's sleep. The consequence of this was that the divine power in his body became even more chaotic...

But Odin has no choice. He needs to run the dark energy device again to bring Thor back. As the God King, he also needs to face a war!

"Please don't crowd and board the ship in an orderly manner!"

The palace's gold guards were dispatched to maintain order at the evacuation site. The Asgardians began to board space battleships under Odin's order. There was no fear on their faces, only bewilderment, but no one disobeyed the order of God King Odin.

Gatekeeper Heimdall was lying on a stretcher and being carried away. Loki watched him board the battleship, and he also looked at Loki calmly.

"Poor Asgardians are about to lose their home." Loki said with a smile.

"You are the one who will lose your home, Loki." Frigga said, standing next to Loki.

Loki didn't respond. He just looked at the panic scene and kept a cheerful smile.

"Honestly, I admire this sister I have never met before." Loki said with emotion, "She has shocked Asgard before she even appeared."

"So you want to stay and appreciate her charm? Maybe you can recognize her." Frigga also said with a smile.

"I don't want to join Ragnarok. For Asgardians, I'm still very young." Loki looked at the other side of the Rainbow Bridge. "Hela may appear in Asgard at any time. I want to leave as soon as possible. here!"

"I promised you that as long as you lead them to the exit, you will be released immediately." Frigga said, "After that, the vast universe is free for you to travel, but Loki, you can't forget Asgard. Never forget the place that raised you, even if it may no longer exist..."

Loki rarely refuted. He remained silent. After a moment, he asked: "What about you? When will you evacuate?"

Frigga shook her head and said, "That's not what you should care about."

"You don't want to be buried with this place that is about to be destroyed, do you?" Loki said angrily, "This is a stupid idea! I will never allow you to do this. You told me, Asgard is where the people are..."

"I never wanted to be buried with Asgard," Frigga turned and looked in the direction of the palace and said, "but I will wait until the end. Wherever he is, I will be."

"You staying here will only distract him, and Hela can kill you easily!"

"I am the queen of Asgard!" Frigga looked at Loki and said.

Frigga has been treating Thor and Loki with kindness since childhood. This is the first time that Loki feels the majesty of the queen in her...

"Queen!" The three warriors of Asgard, Fandral, Hogan and Volstagg, stepped forward to salute.

"Go, Loki, the people of Asgard will thank you."

Loki shook his head and said, "You are all crazy!"

As soon as he walked out, Frigga grabbed his wrist, and Loki turned back in confusion.

"Are you also worried that I'll slip away?"

Frigga looked at the crowd in the distance and said: "Your father suggested using a chain to connect our wrists together, but I refused. I have always trusted you, Loki."

Loki remained silent. He turned around and boarded a small spaceship with the three warriors of Asgard.

Fandral activated the airship, and the airship began to rise. After hovering over the crowd for half a circle, it flew in one direction, and the remaining few airships immediately followed.

"I advise you not to play tricks, I will keep an eye on you!" Volstagg warned, pointing at Loki.

Loki sat proudly in his seat, saying nothing... but in the bottom of his heart, the conversation he had just had with Frigga resurfaced again.

Thor felt like he was falling, but there was no sound of wind in his ears... To be precise, he didn't hear any sound. The space he was in was absolutely quiet, and there was only endless darkness except for him who kept falling!

Sol didn't know how long he had been falling, but suddenly he heard a burst of explosions! It was the kind of popping sound caused by incomplete combustion of gas, and soon he felt the hot breath.

Thor knew that he was approaching the destination of his trip, which was Muspelheim, known as the "Land of Fire".

According to legend, Muspelheim is filled with fire and heat and is the source of all flames, heat, and light in the world. Except for those born here, no one can endure the dazzling light and high temperature here.

"Boom!" A loud sound of a heavy object falling to the ground was heard, alarming the fire monsters living in this area.

Thor stood up on the ground, feeling the pain throughout his body... Just now he was still thinking about the information about Muspelheim, but he suddenly fell to the ground.

Thor stood up and looked at his palms, which were already hot after briefly touching the ground.

He turned around and glanced, his eyes passing over the surrounding fire monsters, but paying attention to the surrounding environment.

The air in the "Land of Fire" became scorching hot, and it felt a dull pain in the body when inhaled. There are no green plants in this place, and all you can see is rugged rocks. Due to the high temperature, all the cracks in the earth have turned red. When you look down, you can see black-red lava. The magma in the ground seems to be erupting at any time...

Suddenly there was a strong gust of wind behind him, and Thor immediately dodged sideways. He grabbed the thrusting spear with one hand. He grabbed the spear and then spun around and swept across. In a moment, he eliminated the unknown creature that attacked him.

Thor did not stop. He continued to go deep into Muspelheim according to Odin's guidance, looking for the target of his trip, the fire giant Surtur.

Thor kept moving forward, and he kept moving at a constant speed, because his physical strength was exhausted faster in a high-temperature environment. Suddenly Thor stopped because he felt the vibration of the earth... Odin's guidance became stronger and stronger.

The earth shook more and more violently, and Thor had to lower his center of gravity to maintain balance. Just when he was still wondering, the ground suddenly cracked and he fell into a huge crack in the ground.

The familiar feeling of falling came, but there was a blazing wind blowing in front of me!

Thor hit the ground hard again, and countless strange creatures swarmed up and tied him up with strong chains and hung him in the air.

After completing this work, the creatures roared and jumped on the ground as if in a carnival, and Thor could tell that their IQ was not high.

Suddenly, a voice interrupted their carnival. The group of fire-eating beasts immediately became quiet and kept retreating away from this place...

"Thor, Odin's brat!"

A voice came from behind, and Thor struggled to turn while being hung up. He saw a humanoid monster bathed in flames, with two huge horns on his head. Thor was already tall, but the person in front of him was several times taller than him.

Fire Giant, Surtur.

"Surtur, you bastard bastard." Thor said with a smile, "You are really still alive. I always thought you were killed by my father, half a million years ago..."

"Odin? That thief who stole fire? Just him?" Surtur dismissed it. "The Twilight of the Gods has begun. No one can escape. When the crown is bathed in the eternal flame, I will stand On the top of the mountains, a sword penetrates Asgard!"

"Oh! Wonderful story." The chain hanging from Thor kept turning, and he could only say while turning: "So where is your crown? You don't have a hat on your head!"

"This is my crown, the source of my strength!" Surtur said, pointing to the two huge horns on his head.

Thor laughed and said: "Is that a crown? I thought they were two huge eyebrows..."

"This is the crown!" Surtur pulled out a giant sword from the lava behind him and pointed it at Thor. "Whether it's Odin or you, your fate is the same as Asgard. Everything will be catastrophic. Everything will be burned in fire."

"You also have props for the performance? How dedicated! It's a pity that I'm tied up now and can't applaud you."

But Thor's heart still trembled as he looked at the giant sword bathed in flames.

Surtur dragged the giant sword towards Thor. The flaming giant sword left a deep mark on the rocks on the ground, and sparks burst out.

"Actually, I really want to see that scene... Ragnarok, but your eternal fire is now hidden in Asgard's treasure house, and you can't put the crown on it at all. How about letting me help you? "Saul showed his most kind smile, "As long as you let me chop off your head."

Surtur quickly answered, swinging his great sword and slashing Thor hard.

Thor broke the chains with all his strength, and he threw himself sideways to avoid the giant sword slashed in the air!

Surtur's giant sword fell into the open space, and the rocks on the ground instantly cracked, and magma sprang out from the gaps and flew several meters high.

"You can't see Ragnarok anymore, because you will die before then." Surtur said, pointing his giant sword at him.

The next moment, powerful flames shot out from the tip of the giant sword. Thor quickly dodged, but his red cloak was already ignited by the flames.

Thor quickly took off his cloak. He pinched his wrist and pointed at Surtur and said, "You are miserable, I will chisel off your crown!"

Thor accelerated and rushed out. He jumped up to avoid the sweeping giant sword, and flew with lightning and punched Surtur in the face, knocking him to the ground.

Thor felt the endless energy in his body, and those words came to his ears again. He was the son of Odin, Thor, the God of Thunder!

"You will make a big mistake, the son of Odin!" Surtur said as he got up.

Thor's eyes flashed with lightning: "Sorry, making big mistakes is my daily routine..."

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