Marvel: The Twelve Spells

Chapter 156 Return

Blue light shone in the observatory, and the figures of Luo Xia and Hela emerged.

The guards who took over from Heimdall to guard here immediately launched an attack on them. Hela pulled out a dark green dagger from her waist and shot the two guards to death.

The remaining executioner, Skorch, quickly put his weapon on the ground. He raised his hands and said with fear: "I'm just a janitor!"

"You are still aware of current affairs." Hela said with a smile on her hips.

Suddenly, Luo Xia activated the pig talisman and fired two laser beams from his eyes, blowing up Skorchi's head to pieces. Blood mist and minced meat covered the wall.

Hela nodded reluctantly, "But you met an upright devil! You are unlucky... maybe you are too ugly."

Hela walked to the entrance of the observatory and the entrance to the Rainbow Bridge.

She looked across the calm water, unable to see the end of the Rainbow Bridge or the rows of buildings in the distance.

Everything felt so familiar, as if she had just left Asgard yesterday, but the fact was that she had been away from this place for thousands of years.

"I'm back, Asgard..."

Feeling the steady flow of energy pouring into her body, Hela sneered.

Suddenly a hand reached out from behind and grabbed her neck. Luo Xia lifted her up with a little force. Hela could clearly feel the feeling of power pouring into her body and immediately disappeared...

The man wearing a devil mask said calmly behind her: "Since returning to Asgard, you seem to be a lot more unrestrained?"

"I'm sorry... I just left here for too long... I miss Asgard every day I stay in Eludnir. I'm sorry, I'm too excited..."

Hela's voice was slurred when her throat was strangled. Even after returning to Asgard, she did not dare to make any strange move for the time being.

The longer she stays in Asgard, the more energy she absorbs. Now that she has just returned to Asgard, she is not enough to defeat the demon.

Luo Xia smiled wantonly: "You are no longer the goddess of death, you are just one of my slaves. What are you excited about?"

Hela, who was lifted up in the air, did not dare to refute. She closed her eyes because she was afraid that the flames of her anger would shoot out from her eyes...

After a while, Luo Xia put down Hela. Luo Xia helped her adjust the dark green cloak behind her, patted her shoulders and said:

"But you are also the queen, the queen of Asgard, go and regain your glory..."

Luo Xia gently pushed Hela's shoulders. After receiving the will, Hela stepped onto the bright Rainbow Bridge. Her pace was neither fast nor slow. Her power and grace were really like a queen coming to the throne.

Luo Xia from behind looked at this scene with a smile, and he slowly flew up...

Deep underground in the Immortal Palace, Odin, who was concentrating with his eyes closed, suddenly woke up! The moment Hela arrived in Asgard, he had already felt it, because the power belonging to Asgard was constantly passing away.

Odin looked back at the deep and strange black well.

"Thor, my son, have you completed your mission?"

In Muspelheim, Thor, who was surrounded and attacked by many fire monsters, also heard Odin's call.

Thor, who was scarred all over after being eaten by wild beasts, exploded instantly, and a steady stream of power poured into his body.

Thor broke free from the siege of these beasts, and the approaching beasts were shattered under the powerful lightning.

Lightning burst out from Thor's body and hit the ground, causing him to bounce up. Jumping in the air, he punched Surtur not far away!

Surtur hurriedly moved his huge body to dodge, and he barely managed to avoid Thor's attack. Thor's fist hit countless rocks on the ground and shattered.

"Son of Odin..."

Just when Surtur was about to taunt him, suddenly dense thunder descended from above and struck on the top of his head!

Surtur's words stopped abruptly, and he staggered to the ground. He was actually killed by Thor's blow.

Surtur's huge body began to dissipate, and his body turned into a burst of black smoke and penetrated into the pair of huge horns. Finally, Surtur's body completely disappeared, leaving only his crown...the pair of giant horns. horn.

Thor put Surtur's crown on his back and tied it tightly with iron chains. Countless monsters surged up, and Thor went crazy. He swung his fist in the air, and the lightning flashed to smash those fragile creatures...

"Thor, my son, Asgard needs you, Hela and the devil have arrived..." Odin's call sounded in his mind again.

Thor suddenly woke up and shouted to the sky: "I have got the crown! Take me back, father!"

Dark energy instantly traveled through countless spaces and descended on Muspelheim. They enveloped Thor, and a huge flame dragon broke through the rock wall and attacked!

The flame dragon is powerful, but when it comes into contact with dark energy, its huge body is instantly annihilated!

Thor's heart skipped a beat after seeing this. He was now enveloped by these violent dark energies...

The weightless feeling of falling came again, but this time the time was much shorter. After a few seconds, Thor had returned to the underground palace of Asgard.

When Thor appeared with a giant horn on his back, the weak Odin fell again. Fortunately, Thor held him up in time.

"Father!" Thor was shocked. In his eyes, Odin, who could easily erase his divine power, had always been synonymous with power.

Odin closed his eyes and shook his head: "Thor, remember, there will be a price to pay for using those taboo things."

"The price you pay is..."

"Hela and the devil have arrived!" Odin interrupted what Thor wanted to say. "You immediately go to the treasure house and let Surtur's crown be bathed in the eternal fire. After completing all this, you immediately rush to the port. , there is someone waiting for you there.”

"What about you? Father!"

"Before Surtur comes, someone needs to stop them..."

"I'll go!" As he said that, Thor was about to take off a pair of giant horns from his back.

Odin stopped his movement, "You are not qualified yet!"

"Thor, you have a mission, don't let me down!"

As he said that, Odin left tremblingly, and in a flash of white light, his figure disappeared into the underground palace.

Thor punched the floor to vent his unwillingness and anger. He quickly regained his composure and rushed out with Surtur's crown on his back.

"I am Hela, the first descendant of Odin!"

A dark green figure stood on Victory Square, which is usually where the Asgardian army parades after their triumphant return.

At this moment, the huge Victory Square was filled with fully armed soldiers. They raised their spears and shields and faced off against Hela in front.

"I am the leader of the Asgard Legion, the first heir to the throne, and I am the goddess of death!"

All soldiers took three steps forward and took a charge-ready posture.

Hela chuckled, she didn't care.

"Asgard was once the most powerful army. Our journey should be across the entire universe, but Odin is stuck in the nine kingdoms!"

"So I return to Asgard, with a great mission, and head towards the dark places of the universe. You are honored to have the opportunity to witness and even participate in all of this!"

"Kneel down before me! Join me on this journey of glory!"

Hela spread her hands, and her cloak fluttered...

"Pa bang..."

A round of applause came down from the top of the bell tower next to it, and it was Luo Xia who applauded her.

“Excellent speech!”

Asking for a monthly ticket!

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