Marvel: The Twelve Spells

Chapter 157 Death of the God King

"Thank you for your compliment, Mr. Demon!" Hela bowed to him and saluted.

She turned around again and faced all the soldiers in armor and said, "So what are you waiting for? Let's meet your queen!"

"No matter who you are or what you have done, put down your weapons now!" A warrior said coldly.

Explosive laughter came from above, and Luo Xia cheered from the side and said: "It seems that although your speech is wonderful, it has no is just a waste of time!"

Hela's expression was indifferent. She was sure that the devil was here to cause trouble, or to have fun!

Hela reached out and pulled out a dagger and fired it. The warrior who had been indifferent just now opened his eyes wide. He covered his throat in fear, and blood flowed from his fingers. Hela ended it with a raised hand. he.

The soldiers in the audience rushed up. Hela waved her hands and fired two rounds of daggers. The shields of the soldiers in the first row were shattered and inserted into their chests. The powerful force did not stop, knocking down the people behind them and falling to the ground.

A battle formation formed by Asgardian soldiers was defeated by Hela. The soldiers were full of caution and fear, but no one flinched.

Hela responded with the roars of the soldiers. They rushed up with their round shields and stabbed Hela hard with the spears in their hands!

"I thought you would be happy to see me... Thousands of years ago, every soldier was proud of me."

Hela raised her hands and stroked them behind her ears, her long green hair flying about to transform into a fighting state...

"Stop!" Luo Xia interrupted her, "Sorry, you look really ugly after you transform..."

Hela shrugged helplessly, and she also spread her hands to meet her. She pulled out two long swords from the void, jumped up and turned around, drawing out an arc of blood. When she landed, the first round of soldiers The head flew up, and before the body fell to the ground, a column of blood spurted out from the incision in the neck...

Hela took the initiative and rushed into the surrounding of soldiers. Countless soldiers rushed towards her and swung their sharp blades. Every time she swung her long sword or shot out a short blade, she would kill several Asgardians.

The number of Asgardian legions left at the bottom is limited, but the number of attacks Hela shoots with long swords and short blades seems endless... When she stepped into Asgard, her power was taken from Inexhaustible!

The formation of low-flying airships continuously fired laser attacks. Hela turned around and blocked it with her cloak. She spun around and threw out a row of long swords. Those long swords transformed into blades in the air that were even bigger than the bell tower next to them. The blade instantly smashed the spaceship into pieces. Hela destroyed a formation of spaceships with just one blow... and one of the surviving spaceships. He turned the muzzle of the gun and aimed it at Luo Xia and fired!

"Is there any mistake... I look like a soft persimmon?"

Luo Xia, who was sitting on the top floor of the clock tower, clenched his fingers. In an instant, the surviving airship was crushed by pressure from all directions. After the explosion, it could not escape. It was not until the wreckage was crushed into an iron sheet that it became free from the air. Fall down.

At this time, the battle on Victory Square was coming to an end. Hela stood in the center of the square, with countless corpses surrounding her. The Asgard war group's defeat was doomed, but no one backed down, and the last wave of attacks surged. Come up.

The spear in the hand of a warrior pierced her back and penetrated her body. Hela calmly turned around and cut off the warrior's head with a sword. She reached out and pulled out the spear from her abdomen and shot it to the side. , the blood-covered spear shattered a soldier's shield and inserted it into his heart, and incidentally strung together several people behind him...

Hela stood still. She turned around and scanned the entire battlefield. The huge Victory Square was now full of corpses and severed limbs. Black smoke was rising from the beacon fire, and she was the only one left standing. The penetrating wound on Hela's abdomen has long since healed, and even the blood has disappeared.

"I really miss this feeling. I have been away from the battlefield for so long..." Hela walked among the dead bodies. As the goddess of death, she would not hate corpses and blood. "But it is such a pity that the heroic warrior died meaninglessly. , they should have followed me on my journey to the universe.”

Suddenly Hela turned to one side, and Odin appeared in golden armor. He was holding a broken wooden stick in his hand, but it was actually a branch of the World Tree. Odin sits on the nine kingdoms, and there is no shortage of rare treasures in his treasure house.

"I thought you were going to be a coward all the time..."

The sound of the sword cutting the air was heard. Hela drew out her swords and faced the person in front of her... the person who exiled and imprisoned her, her father, the God King Odin!

"Odin, I'm glad to see you. Every day in Eludnir, I worry that you will die before I come out..." Hela said with a smile, "How can I repay the favor that I have accumulated for so many years?" Where’s the hatred?”

"Although it makes no sense to say this, I still want to say: Stop all this, Hela!" Odin shook his head, "The ambition you couldn't accomplish a thousand years ago is also impossible now!"

"Really?" Hela said with her swords crossed in front of her, "Then who can stop me now? Who can exile me?"

"Thor," Odin said: "Thunder God Thor, my son, your brother, the king of Asgard..."

"I am the king of Asgard!"

Hela angrily interrupted Odin, and she shot a sharp blade at Odin.

Odin waved the scepter in his hand and shattered the blade. There was not even a single scratch on the branches of the World Tree.

A burst of applause rang out again, and both of them looked up at the source of the applause, in the direction of the devil.

"After a thousand years, father and daughter meet again... This scene really makes people cry!" Luo Xia said with emotion, his face full of confusion: "Hela, why don't you give your father a hug?"

Odin raised the wooden scepter in his hand and pointed it at Luo Xia and said: "Devil, you have committed a heinous crime. You have no idea what kind of monster you have unleashed!"

"Really?" Luo Xia's face was full of disapproval, "But I feel that she is very aware of current affairs, and her style matches my style... Also, I don't like being pointed at a gun, like a cane! Hela , kill your father!"

Listening to Luo Xia's orders, Hela smiled ghostly and walked towards Odin.

"As you command!"

Odin sighed slightly, but he was full of determination after lifting the scepter. He is the god king of the nine kingdoms, and it is his responsibility to bear all this. Even though he had just used dark energy devices twice and forcibly prevented the arrival of Odin's Sleep...

The dark green and golden energy collided together, and Hela's sharp sword kept slashing at the branches of the World Tree, and the sputtered energy flattened buildings one after another...

Odin also continued to fight back. He relied on force to conquer the nine kingdoms!

Rosha disappeared, and now Asgard has become an empty city, which shows that Odin must be preparing some kind of plan.

Although Luo Xia was fearless, curiosity still drove him to explore all this. Based on the energy induction of the Dragon Talisman, he penetrated deep into Asgard.

Rosha entered the palace again, and in a flash he came to Odin's treasure house.

Luo Xia walked down the steps and saw a familiar figure in Odin's treasure house.


Thor, who was carrying the Crown of Surtur, had just entered the treasure house at this moment. He turned around and faced the demon with full vigilance, and slowly retreated closer to the burning eternal fire.

"Devil? You are really haunting!" Thor said through gritted teeth.

"Of course, after all, my name is the devil!" Luo Xia said with a smile, "The ghost lingers and makes you feel fearful and even bad luck. This is my professional requirement!"

Thor kept retreating, and he could already feel the temperature of the eternal fire.

"How did you get into Asgard? Through the Bifrost that descended over New York?"

Thor continued to stall for time, knowing that what he did must be effective, because the devil is a talker, and he is very personable. Usually he will wait for you to finish what you are doing before coming to trouble you.

The strong strength gave Luo Xia the confidence to do whatever he wanted. He ignored the carefully prepared resistance of others. At least until now, he had never made a mistake and suffered a loss.

"Bingo! But unfortunately there is no reward." Luo Xia also slowly approached, he smiled and said: "Just a few days ago, I have been following you and Loki, and I have to thank you two brothers, otherwise I I haven’t found such a fun place yet! By the way, what’s the name of this place? Asgard, right?”

"I knew... I was the one who brought disaster to Asgard."

Thor gritted his teeth. He wanted to punch the devil on the hateful face, but obviously he didn't have the strength, and he had more important things to accomplish now.

"Let me see Odin's collection..."

Rorsha was strolling in the treasure house. On the first stand was a golden infinity gauntlet, with six infinity stones inlaid on the glove.

These six Infinity Stones are naturally fakes. After all, the Space Stone is still in Luo Xia's hands.

Luo Xia snapped his fingers, and a burst of blue light appeared on the Infinity Gauntlet. The Infinity Gauntlet disappeared as the blue light dispersed.

"The second trophy!" Luo Xia said with a smile.

"The second thing?" Thor noticed what Rosha said, "What else did you steal in Asgard?"

"The first prize is your sister Hela." Luo Xia said with a smile, and he emphasized: "And this is not stealing, it is an honest robbery."

Thor had already arrived at the Eternal Flame, and he began to carefully untie the chains that locked the crown.

Luo Xia also walked to the second exhibit, which was a blue square object that continued to emit chill, and even the base was solidified with frost.

Of course Luo Xia recognizes this thing, the Ice Box!

The Ice Box is an artifact of the Frost Giants. It possesses terrifying power and can freeze a planet in a very short period of time.

Although the power of the Ice Box has no effect on Luo Xia and seems a bit useless, it is an artifact after all.

"This is not bad, it will be an interesting toy, the third trophy!" Luo Xia snapped his fingers again and took away the Ice Box. He looked at Thor and said: "As Odin's son, these treasures are You don’t have any objections to the legal heir, do you?”

"Seriously, I really want to press your head into this brazier." Thor said, holding a giant horn in one hand, "But I promised others that his crown would be bathed in eternal fire."

As he said that, Thor threw Surtur's crown into the eternal fire, and instantly the pair of skulls burst into flames. Thor felt something bad in his heart, and Rosha also felt a powerful energy gathering. .

"After working on it for a long time, this is your response? Resurrect Surtur and start Ragnarok?" Luo Xia stood there and said with some dissatisfaction.

With Rorsha's speed, of course he could easily stop Thor, but he didn't do that. If the process of conquering Asgard becomes too mundane, it will be boring, and he will not be very happy after victory.

A huge beam of eternal fire burst out from Surtur's skull, and Thor slowly backed away.

"Isn't this amazing enough? I really hope you can survive Ragnarok so I can get my revenge on you!"

Luo Xia wanted to say something else, but the skull bathed in eternal fire began to release terrifying energy. A huge figure crawled out of the burning flames, and continued to grow in size. In an instant, he was on top of it. Through the ceiling of the treasure house.

Feeling the heat, Luo Xia smiled and said, "I wish you good luck!"

Luo Xia used the snake charm to move out. At this moment, Hela and Odin were still fighting fiercely on the front battlefield.

Hela used all her strength to repel Odin. She felt the increasing energy fluctuations, and she immediately asked: "What have you done! Thousands of years ago, you blocked Asgard's progress, and now you want to Destroy it!"

"I just did what the God King should do." Odin said, feeling his rapid loss of divine power. "That is not destruction, but salvation. You will never understand."

Just like what Odin said to Thor, there must be a price to pay for using those forbidden things. Whether it is using dark energy or forcibly resisting Odin's Sleep, it is taboo. Even if he is the God King, he has to pay an unbearable price.

The angry Hela attacked again, she drew her sword and stabbed Odin, but Odin narrowly avoided the sword edge.

Suddenly, a sharp blade emerged from the ground and extended continuously, penetrating the ground and stabbing towards Odin in the sky.

Odin was in a critical situation and was unable to resist. After he was stabbed, his body turned over and fell. The angry Hela shot a short blade. The short blade quickly grew in size after piercing Odin's body, and finally nailed Odin to death. On the ground!


The sharp blade cut the air at a high speed and made a sharp sound. Hela continuously shot short blades and penetrated Odin's body. Blood splashed several meters high. Even the God King became dying under this attack.

"I am Hela, I am the Queen of Asgard!"

Hela shot a final attack straight through Odin's heart. She was venting her endless anger, the hatred she had accumulated for thousands of years... and the humiliation she had suffered today.

"No, you are not." Odin's eyes dimmed rapidly, and he finally said: "The king will only be Thor..."

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