"Wow, you killed your father." Luo Xia said from the side, his tone was worth pondering.

"He is even more my enemy!" Hela's face was full of anger.

"Pay attention to your tone." Luo Xia said calmly.

"I'm sorry...I'm just too excited." Hela turned her head and looked in the direction of the palace.

The temperature in Asgard continues to soar, as if the entire world is about to be burned.

The ground began to shake, and the huge palace collapsed after a while, revealing a figure bathed in flames, which continued to grow in size.

"It seems like this place is going to be destroyed, your home, your country..." Luo Xia shook his head and said.

"I will never allow this to happen!"

Hela will definitely protect Asgard, not because she has feelings for this land, but because her power comes from Asgard. She also needs to rely on Asgard to expand her strength and invade the entire universe.

Surtur's prophecies have come true. When the crown and the eternal fire meet, Asgard will usher in Ragnarok.

"Tremble before me, Asgard!"

Surtur, bathed in eternal fire and transformed into a flame giant, roared angrily.

Standing 300 meters tall, he wielded the huge sword named "Sword of Twilight" and slashed into the city-state of Asgard. The magnificent coronation hall was cut in half by him, and the high-rise buildings crashed. Collapsed, and endless flames emerged from the ground.

"No!" Hela also roared, "Stop your destruction!"

She stretched out her hand and pointed at Surtur, and a huge dark green blade shot out from the ground at high speed and stabbed Surtur, inserting into his body full of flames.

The ground surged, and huge spikes like mountain peaks pierced out from under Hela's body, driving her figure to fly towards Surtur.

Surtur spit out a beam of flames at Hela, and countless sword blades intertwined to form a dark green shield. Even after this barrier withstood the fire attack, it could not withstand the high temperature and shattered. Countless fragments fell like a heavy rain, and fell into the air. It disappeared before landing.

The closer he gets to Surtur, the more Hela can feel the terrifying heat. His whole body is composed of flames and he has the power of a thousand blazing suns.

"I am the end of Asgard!"

Surtur, who was as huge as a mountain, held the Sword of Twilight with both hands behind his back and thrust it towards Hela. Hela couldn't help but be afraid of this shocking blow.

Hela possesses endless energy. It stands to reason that she should be invincible in Asgard, but Surtur is a bug-like existence to her.

In the long-destined Ragnarok, Surtur will destroy Asgard, the source of Hela's power, and the Sword of Twilight held by Surtur is magical and can control various mysterious energies, the most deadly What's more, the Sword of Twilight can weaken the immunity and combat effectiveness of the Asgardians, perfectly restraining Hela's power.

Hela kept creating sharp thorns to insert into Surtur's body, but Surtur's body was made of flames, and these attacks seemed to have no effect on him.

When approaching the mighty Sword of Twilight, Hela jumped up from the huge blade, and the blade instantly accelerated and shot Surtur.

The Sword of Twilight plunged straight into the ground, and a shockingly powerful shock wave spread in all directions. The flying blade instantly shattered, and Hela was pushed back thousands of meters and fell into the lake beneath the Rainbow Bridge.

"No one can stop me!"

After easily repelling Hela, Surtur wreaked havoc to his heart's content, shooting countless flames to engulf the city-state of Asgard.

At the same time, the calm lake surface stirred up huge waves, and dense dark green blades emerged instantly. Hela stood on it, her cloak floating, looking majestic. She had already started fighting mode!

This powerful energy fluctuation also attracted Surtur's attention again. He waved the Sword of Twilight with disdain, hoping to completely defeat Hela with a single sweep!

Facing the slashing Sword of Twilight, Hela couldn't help but feel palpitated. The instant release of the energy that restrained her was enough to kill her!

Suddenly there was a burst of blue light. As the blue light bloomed, the sharp blade under Hela's feet and the sword of twilight attacking from a distance stopped. The falling fragments flying in the air stayed in place, and the flying fragments on the ground stopped. The flames also stopped...

The space in Asgard was actually stopped! While Hela was surprised, she also knew who did all this...Only the demon who holds the space gem can do it!

The space next to Hela fluctuated, making her cloak flutter, and Luo Xia silently moved to her side.

"You seem to be no match for him?"

"No, I am invincible!" Hela said firmly, "Except for you..."

"Then how can we say you are invincible?" Luo Xia smiled, "Don't be so harsh, I feel the fear in your heart... You are full of fear of the creator of Ragnarok."

"No..." Hela's face was ferocious, she was unwilling to admit this fact.

Luo Xia suggested: "How about we sneak away quickly? Should I use the space gem or open the rainbow bridge?"

"Compared to being a loser, I would rather die in Asgard!" Hela said firmly.

She has been silent in the Palace of Eludnir for thousands of years. Now she returns for revenge, not to escape again.

"Then I wish you good luck!" Luo Xia said and was about to leave.

Hela suddenly grabbed his wrist, "No, please help me!"

Luo Xia said dissatisfied: "This doesn't seem to be an attitude of asking for help..."

"My dear master, your slave asks you to help her through her suffering!"

Hela immediately knelt down in front of Luo Xia. After the first encounter, she knelt down for the second time without any hesitation... What's more, at this moment, her ambitions and dreams that had been suppressed for thousands of years were about to be shattered.

Hela released her fighting mode, her dark green hair hanging down like a waterfall, looking extremely coquettish.

The explosion of space shattering came from the distance, and the huge Sword of Twilight began to tremble slightly, and was still moving extremely slowly while trembling.

Surtur's power, bathed in the eternal fire, has ushered in a qualitative leap...

Luo Xia glanced coldly in that direction. The infinite energy of the dragon talisman and the power of the space gem surged out at the same time. The broken space was repaired, and the huge sword of twilight could no longer move an inch!

"Please, I am a devil, only angels do good things!" Luo Xia turned to Hela and said.

"I can help you rule the nine kingdoms, and even the entire universe!" Hela said eagerly.

"To reiterate, I am a devil, not an invader! I am only interested in destruction..."

"I can also destroy, destroy everything that you think should not exist!" Hela looked up at Luo Xia and said, "And my soul, body, authority and strength...including everything about me!"

The devil mask on Luo Xia's face showed a strange smile. He put his hand on Hela's head, looked down at her and said: "You really look like a homeless and lost soul now... I look forward to it." The moment you explode!”

Luo Xia used the space gem again to release the stagnant space. In an instant, all kinds of noises came over again, the hot breath hit his face, and the sword of twilight came with violent energy.

Suddenly, Hela found that all the blades she controlled had stopped, and Luo Xia stood there.

The huge Sword of Twilight swept past, and the dark green blades shattered into slag one after another. The heat wave hit the sword and was slashing at the two of them...

Hela immediately waved her cloak around her body, and a burst of green smoke rose and she disappeared.

But Luo Xia stopped in place, waiting for the sword to strike. The shadow of a cow loomed in his eyes. Suddenly, he stretched out his left hand to resist the sword... In the hands of the flame giant, the Twilight Sword also grew larger. At more than a hundred meters long, Luo Xia seemed much smaller in comparison. He looked like a mantis using his arms as a cart!


The impact produced a loud noise, and the horizontal slash of the Sword of Twilight actually stopped at a speed visible to the naked eye. Luo Xia was only swept back more than ten meters horizontally, and his feet drew a ravine on the ground.

Luo Xia grabbed the edge of the Sword of Twilight with both hands. He suddenly exerted force, and a huge force was transmitted from the blade to the hilt. Surtur, who was unprepared, was instantly thrown out. He flew a distance and hit the rainbow. On the bridge, he rolled down and fell into the water.

Hela, who was watching the battle in the distance, had a face full of disbelief. This scene was shocking...

Rosha walked towards Surtur. He activated the power of the monkey charm, and a dazzling white light flashed. Suddenly, another giant appeared out of thin air in Asgard. The giant was wearing strange clothes and had a demonic look on his face. The mask... He is even taller than Surtur, who is made of fire!

Luo Xia looked at his enlarged body: "This is fair!"

As soon as Surtur climbed out of the water, a giant hand grabbed his neck regardless of the burning flames on his body, and Luo Xia punched him into the water again.

"Fire giant?" Luo Xia pressed Surtur firmly into the water and punched him hard in the face.

"I'll make you Ragnarok...!"

"I'll let you destroy everything...!"

Every time Luo Xia landed a punch, the entire Asgard shook, the earth cracked, huge waves set off on the water and swept towards the land, the Rainbow Bridge was in danger!

The Bull Talisman is still superimposing his power infinitely, and no one knows whether his next punch will shatter the entire Asgard...

Surtur was unable to resist at all under Rosha's consecutive attacks. Rosha completely crushed the flame giant, which could even be said to be a one-sided act of violence.

Rosha stepped on Surtur's chest and grabbed his crown...the pair of huge horns with both hands.

Luo Xia activated the Ox Talisman with all his strength, and after the battle, the superimposed power exploded!

"Ah..." Surtur, who was stepped on the bottom of the water, let out a wail like a ghost.

Asgard was shaking wildly, but Rosha continued to exert force without caring. He insisted on breaking the two corners!


There was a loud noise, the two giant horns broke apart, and countless eternal fires sprayed into the sky, and then fell on the ground to form a raging flame.

At the same time, the ground could not withstand the huge force and cracked, and several huge cracks spread all over Asgard.

Surtur, whose source of power was destroyed, collapsed instantly, and his huge body disappeared in a moment...

Asking for monthly ticket

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