Marvel: The Twelve Spells

Chapter 159 Starting the Journey

Even after the battle between the two giants ended, Asgard was still shaking. Those cracks in the ground shattered the planet, and flames swept through the city-state and spread toward the mountains and forests.

Luo Xia landed on the Rainbow Bridge. He pinched his collar and used the ability of the devil mask to restore the battle-damaged clothes.

A burst of dark green mist appeared behind her, and Hela walked out of it. She threw a figure to the ground.

"Look who I found."

Rosha glanced lightly and saw that the person who fell into the hands of Hela was Asgard's Queen Frigga.

"Your stepmother."


Hela was speechless for a while.

"I'm not interested in your revenge," Luo Xia continued: "Stay away from me and don't splash blood on me."

Frigga fell to the ground in a somewhat embarrassed state, her golden dress was full of burnt marks, and her face was gray. At this moment, the two of them were judging her life and death, but even though she was in a critical situation, she acted very calmly, without any fear.

"I'm not going to kill her. It might be more valuable to keep this queen, what do you think?"

Hela was very concerned about Odin's oath that "Thor is king" before his death. No one understood Odin's power better than her. She was very afraid of Odin, so she had a hunch that her brother Thor would be Her biggest enemy in the future will bring her all kinds of troubles.

Keeping Sol's mother is equivalent to having a shackle that can imprison Sol.

"Whatever, I'm not interested in old women." Luo Xia shook his head and said, he turned and walked towards Asgard who was engulfed in flames.

Hela grabbed Frigga's shoulders to control her, and followed Rosha.

"Is this what you want?" Frigga said calmly, "A broken Asgard? A world burned by flames?"

She turned her head and looked under the Rainbow Bridge. Water flowed into the huge cracks in the ground, and energy crystals could be seen from the gaps.

"A new order is always reborn in the wasteland. I will rebuild a more powerful Asgard on these ruins!" Hela scanned the whole world and said, "You are luckier than Odin. You have the opportunity to see it with your own eyes." Witness it all.”

Frigga's face was filled with sadness: "That would be my misfortune..."

Hela naturally doesn't mind whether Asgard encounters disaster. As long as the planet still exists, she can continuously obtain energy from Asgard, which is enough.

The three of them walked towards the world of flames through the Rainbow Bridge. Hela looked at Luo Xia's back and said, "The situation here seems to be a little bad. We should wait until the eternal fire burns everything and shrinks it before coming back?"

"Please leave me in Asgard before you go," Frigga said.

Luo Xia did not answer. He stretched out his hand, and a burst of blue light flashed. An ice-blue cube appeared in his hand. Hela recognized this thing, the artifact of the Frost Giants-the Box of Ice!

From the moment the Ice Box appeared, the burning sensation from the monstrous flames disappeared, everyone felt a chill, and the oncoming heat wave turned into a cool breeze...

Hela's eyes shone. Under normal circumstances, she would not take this artifact seriously, but now the Ice Box can play its greatest role.

"Luckily I took the toy away."

A steady stream of energy poured into the Ice Box, and the Ice Box began to emit light. Everyone felt the coldness that seemed to freeze everything.

Luo Xia activated the Chicken Talisman, and the Ice Box quickly flew towards the ruins of the huge palace in the center of the Asgard city-state where the fire was the strongest.

"Is all this under your control?" Hela smiled, but there was a hint of fear in her eyes. "You knew that Surtur would be resurrected in the eternal fire, so you took the Ice Box in advance?"

"Are you speculating on my thoughts? What are you testing?" Luo Xia looked at Hela.

Hela quickly said: "Sorry, I didn't..."

"The truth is that I watched Thor place the two horns of Surtur into the eternal fire."

"Thor? How is he?" Frigga asked eagerly.

"Who knows, maybe he was burned to death by the eternal fire?" Luo Xia smiled and shook his head.

The power of the Ice Box is truly astonishing. In just over ten seconds, the flames that were enough to burn Asgard disappeared. The entire land was covered in ice. Those lapping huge waves condensed instantly and turned into strange ice sculptures. A thin layer of ice condensed on the Rainbow Bridge, passing through the soles of the three people's feet and spreading towards the observatory.

Rosha entered the ruined Asgard from the central passage. Queen Frigga looked at the wreckage on the ground, and the beautiful Asgard in the past appeared in her mind...

"Look at Odin's work!" Hela said in her ear.

Frigga said nothing. It would be absolutely foolish to argue with an invader.

"Originally Asgard did not have to bear this, but in order to continue the throne, Odin personally caused Ragnarok." Hela smiled, "But he is already dead, and I will not let go of those Asgard who defected. German’s…”

Luo Xia did not participate in the conversation between the two. He looked around the ruins.

Luo Xia stretched out his hand, and there was a sound of a sharp blade flying at high speed and tearing the air. After a few seconds, a red sword blade fell into his hand.

In an instant, Hela's nerves became tense, and even Frigga, who was heartbroken, felt uncomfortable, because in the hands of Rosha was the Sword of Twilight, which had great restraint on the Asgardians!

"The fourth trophy." Luo Xia said, and a burst of blue light emerged and took away the Sword of Twilight.

Rosha continued to look around, and now he had an idea to make Asgard his first territory outside the earth, and let Hela invade the entire Marvel Universe on his behalf...

After all, with his current strength, would he be bored if he stayed in this novice village on Earth for a long time? He needed to find some fun.

After having the idea, Rosha was ready to take action. He would not let Hela waste time on rebuilding Asgard.

Hela suddenly stopped. She looked at Luo Xia's back with some doubts, and inadvertently blocked Frigga in front of her.

The shadow of a horse appeared in Luo Xia's eyes, and the Dragon Talisman was activated with all his strength. A steady stream of repairing power poured out of his body and quickly spread to the entire Asgard!

There was a sound of ice breaking, and the ground began to shake again. Hela and Frigga turned around and looked in horror. Not far away, cracks more than ten meters wide began to surge on the ground, and finally healed miraculously. Together!

The wreckage and ashes in the ruins actually floated. They hovered in the air and disappeared. The collapsed buildings flew up and stood up again. As the power of repair spread, Asgard was also recovering...

Hela and Frigga looked around blankly. Although they called themselves gods and possessed supernatural powers that were beyond mortals, the strange sights in front of them could only be described as miracles to them!

After a while, Luo Xia fell to the ground. Looking at the buildings in the castle and the mountains and forests outside, they had all returned to what they were before Ragnarok...

Hela looked at Luo Xia's back and said, "You are the real God, the God of Creation..."

Frigga was also full of shock. She was a child raised by a witch, but there was no magic in the world that could achieve the effect in front of her.

Luo Xia ignored the two people behind him and walked straight towards the gleaming restored palace. Seeing this, Hela continued to follow.

Entering the magnificent palace again, Frigga still felt a little unreal. She looked at the exquisite murals as if she were looking into an illusory dream.

Hela's mood was even more complicated. After a thousand years, she finally entered the palace again... When her soul was still in shock, a plain voice sounded in her ears.

"Sit on your throne, Your Majesty."

Luo Xia was smiling, but there was something strange in Hela's eyes. She always had a bad feeling, and she smelled a conspiracy...

"No, the throne belongs to you." Hela pretended to be respectful and leaned down and said: "Master, I am just your slave!"

This scene surprised Frigga on the side. As a queen, she naturally understood the power of Hela, and how could the goddess of death become someone else's slave? She was keen and even saw that Hela seemed to be very afraid of demons...

Before this, both Frigga and Odin believed that Hela and the devil were in a cooperative relationship.

"I have no interest in the throne of Asgard," Rosha said lightly, "I said, let you sit on it."

Hela nodded, and she heard the underlying meaning of Luo Xia's words.

If you are not interested in the throne of Asgard, what about the throne of the entire universe? The devil seems to have ambitions that are not weaker than hers, and Hela is not afraid of this, and even feels happy about it.

A demon that makes people feel unknown is the most feared, but now that he has exposed his ambition, he has lowered his tone a lot.

Hela walked under the throne. She looked up at Asgard's throne, but flames burned in her calm eyes. This was the basis for her to become stronger and even suppress the demon!

Hela slowly walked up the steps. She came to this place that she had always dreamed of, but now she was extremely peaceful.

Hela finally sat down on the throne. She looked around the entire hall, her face full of awe... Suddenly she saw the smiling Luo Xia, and her expression immediately returned to normal.

Frigga was in a daze. In the past, the old Odin was sitting in that seat, but now he was replaced by a dark green figure...

Luo Xia clapped his hands, like a witness.

However, Hela stood up and walked down from the high platform. She knelt down in front of Luo Xia and said, "Dear master, I am willing to be your executive officer and conquer the entire universe!"

"No, you are not the executioner, you are the queen." Luo Xia used the power of the chicken charm to hold her up.

"Asgard has never had a kneeling king." Frigga said coldly, "You are only one person, and you cannot even conquer the nine kingdoms."

After hearing this, Hela glared at her, and a small dark green short blade condensed out of the air, piercing Frigga's knees. Frigga instantly knelt down, and blood flowed all over the floor.

"I'm not alone..."

In Odin's treasure house, all the decorations have returned to their previous appearance. Except for the treasures taken away by Luo Xia, the other items are arranged neatly in the order of their original shapes, and the eternal fire is also burning in the altar.

Hela came to the center of the treasure house. She transformed into a giant hammer and hit the ground hard until a big hole was made in the ground.

Hela reached into the altar and took out a bunch of eternal fire. She came to the entrance of the cave, leaned back and let herself fall. A few seconds later, the sound of a heavy object falling to the ground came from the entrance of the cave.

At this time Frigga dragged her bleeding leg to Rosha's side.

"Hela has ambitions that you cannot control. She is always planning betrayal. As Asgard grows, her power will grow infinitely. By then, she will definitely eliminate her shame as a slave..."

Frigga spoke very fast, and suddenly she stopped, because at this time, Rosha was watching her performance with a smile, seemingly uninterested in everything she said.

"You wouldn't know that I have been looking forward to her betrayal..."

Frigga took a step back, staggered and fell to the ground...

Luo Xia turned and looked at the entrance of the cave.

Hela, who was underground, raised the eternal fire in her hand to dispel the darkness. This was a huge altar. She saw the skeleton lying on the ground and the huge wolf body in front of her. That was Fenri, the evil wolf. The bones of E.

"With the eternal flame, you are reborn at this moment!"

Hela slapped the eternal fire on the ground and swept the entire altar instantly!

There was a vibration in the altar, and all the soldiers who had turned into bones came to life again, and Fenrir also stood up.

The next moment, Hela stood on Fenrir's head and jumped out of the hole and came to the treasure house. Fenrir, with his fangs exposed, slowly approached Rosha. Frigga behind Rosha retreated in fear...

Luo Xia frowned slightly, and he swung out casually. Fenrir flew sideways and broke several palace pillars. Hela flipped in the air and landed smoothly.

She looked back at Fenrir in the ruins and immediately gave it a quiet command.

"Sorry Master, it just slept for too long..."

"no next time."

There was a sound of metal roaring, and Luo Xia pulled out a long sword from the void and handed it to Hela.

He turned around and walked up the steps and said without looking back: "I'm looking forward to your performance, starting from conquering the nine kingdoms..."

Hela held the item in her hand tightly, which was the sword of the Rainbow Bridge, Bolt Steel!

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