Marvel: The Twelve Spells

Chapter 162 Parallel Universe

Rosha once again used the space gem to teleport to Asgard, which was far away from the earth. He stood on the top of the Rainbow Bridge and looked at the entire city-state.

Nothing has changed in Asgard and his memory, resplendent and majestic... except for the deathly silence.

Rosha did not feel any energy fluctuations, which meant that Asgard here was just a dead land without any trace of life.

Suddenly, the space around Luo Xia fluctuated, and powerful energy was gathering. Luo Xia, who was locked, felt like a light on his back.

The Ancient One has not yet arrived, and her magical attack is already brewing.

Luo Xia activated the space gem again, and this time the space gem teleported him to an unknown space. He looked at the vast and bright stars in the distance. Luo Xia didn't know where this place was.

Green ripples spread out in the space in front of him, and Gu Yi followed him like a shadow.

"You have nowhere to escape." Gu Yi's words reached Luo Xia's consciousness.

Gu Yi pushed out her hands, and the vast galaxy behind her began to move. Planets a hundred times larger than the earth were pulled to move quickly, spanning tens of thousands of light-years in an instant, and crashed directly into Luo Xia.

Luo Xia exhaled softly, pinched his wrist and looked at the flying celestial bodies. At this moment, Luo Xia was already a little irritable.

Although Ancient One's attacks were not enough to kill him, and even just tickled him, he could not break through the infinite mirror dimension under Ancient One's time loop. This damage is not enough, but the Supreme Mage with strong control has angered him!

Luo Xia rushed forward, and with the benefit of the Rabbit Talisman, his speed even surpassed the flying speed of those planets after superposition, and it was still increasing. He blasted a blue planet with one punch, and the shock wave Sweeping around, the flowing galaxy trembled, and the ancient time in the distance instantly shattered into green fragments.

Luo Xia continued to increase his speed, blasting the planets that were controlled by Ancient Yi and flying towards him with punch after punch. During the battle, the power of the Ox Talisman also increased infinitely, and the shock waves caused by the bombardment spread improperly. , and each wave is more powerful than the last!

Just as Gu Yi's body was reshaped, it turned into fragments again, and the speed of the time cycle could not keep up with her death in the aftermath of this powerful battle.

As the battle progressed, Luo Xia's speed had far exceeded the speed of light. When he passed by the celestial bodies with smaller masses at extremely high speed, the space shock caused by the super-light movement crushed those weak celestial bodies to pieces.

Rorschach quickly penetrated those stars that were a hundred times larger than the sun. When he flew a long distance, the pierced stars behind him began to explode. The successive explosions released huge flames and illuminated the entire darkness. universe!

The successively spreading shock waves pushed out the crushed matter. When several circular shock waves converged, the pushed matter also began to accumulate and squeeze. Several such matter accumulation points were formed in this universe, and their density was as high as It is impossible to measure, and other nearby materials are also attracted by its huge gravity. Even light cannot escape after entering...

Because of Rorschach's battle, several black holes were formed in a space in a very short period of time. The attraction between them canceled each other, but this stability would not last long. Once a black hole absorbed more matter, By increasing its own mass, the balance is tipped, and it attracts other black holes. When these countless black holes gather together, a black hole large enough to swallow the entire universe will form...

When Rorshastra made an action that could destroy the universe in the dimension of the infinite mirror, Gwen initiated a connection with him through psychic contact.

The psychic connection ability of the Sheep Talisman is not affected by distance, dimension and time.

Gwen: "Where are you now? I came back, but I didn't find you, and there was no fighting for several blocks nearby!

I checked the surveillance camera at the street corner with the authority of the Anti-Demon Alliance, and you suddenly disappeared! Other than that there is nothing unusual.

Reply to me Luo Xia as soon as possible, I am very worried about you..."

Luo Xia: "I am fine, there is no danger! I am in the universe now, which means I have left the earth..."

Gwen: "You left Earth?"

Luo Xia: "Yes, the scenery here is pretty good. The good news is that the battle is over."

Gwen: "How long will it take for you to come back?"

Luo Xia: "Ten minutes? An hour? I'm not sure, but I'm rushing... Over? (End)"

Gwen: "Okay, when you come back, you must explain to me what just happened. Don't try to deceive me with lies! Over."

After a while, Luo Xia, whose speed is several times the speed of light, has felt the barrier of time and space. If he is willing, he can time travel at any time, but it is meaningless to time travel in this cyclic space...

Luo Xia released a bright blue light from his palm, because Luo Xia's speed was much faster than the speed of light, and he dragged a blue arc in the dark universe.

Luo Xia once again activated the power of the Pig Talisman, and his eyes continued to shoot lasers with space-penetrating properties!

At the same time, Rorsha used the Rabbit Charm's ability to travel at super-light speed to travel through time and space to fight against the time loop created by the Ancient One using the Time Stone.

Then Luo Xia activated the space gem and teleported himself back to Earth.

At the moment when the blue light flashed, Luo Xia used the Rabbit Talisman to immediately erase his body's movement speed, which was dozens of times the speed of light, to prevent the space shock caused by the super-light movement from destroying the earth.

After the blue light dissipated, Luo Xia once again felt the feeling of gravity and air flow brushing his body. He opened his arms and took a deep breath to greedily absorb the oxygen. At this moment, he was flying over New York.

Even at high altitude, he could still hear the noisy people and see the busy traffic on the bustling streets.

Luo Xia was sure that he had returned to the real space. He used the Pig Charm to penetrate the space laser, the Rabbit Charm to travel beyond the speed of light, and the power of the Space Gem to finally break free of the infinite mirror dimension constructed by Ancient One.

Luo Xia sent a message to Gwen through psychic contact: "I have returned to Earth and am rushing home."

"Okay, just wait for me at home and don't run around!" Gwen replied aggressively.

Luo Xia shook his head with a smile. He took off the devil mask on his face and controlled his body's descent. He used the space gem to shift back to the single-family villa in Queens...but he was still descending.

Luo Xia stopped instantly and took out the dim space gem. The space gem gave off a faint light after the power of the Dragon Talisman poured into it.

Luo Xia couldn't help but wonder. It was obviously impossible for the Space Stone, which also had unlimited power, to run out of energy. Could it be that the Space Stone was disturbed in the process of fighting against the Time Stone?

Apart from the Infinity Stones themselves, Rorschach has no idea that they can limit their power in the Marvel Universe.

Luo Xia didn't pay much attention to this. After all, his power came from the Twelve Talismans, not the Infinity Stones. Wanda just wanted to comfort her... snatch the Ancient One's Time Stone and compensate her. ?

Luo Xia activated the spatial displacement of the snake talisman and came to his single-family villa in Queens, but his face turned dark instantly!

In the large living room of the villa, a black man was lying swaggeringly on his sofa. A pile of large dollar bills were scattered on the coffee table. An on-demand adult program was playing on the TV hanging on the wall. Xia spent thousands of dollars to buy a high-end stereo that played "extraordinary sounds"...

Are there still such daring criminals in New York? He didn't leave the scene immediately after the theft, but he actually dared to use the owner's TV account to order adult programs to watch?

Luo Xia even suspected that the black man in front of him was a 2G network. Otherwise, how could he be so short-sighted that he didn't even know about Mr. Luo, who had become famous recently? Who in Queens doesn't know Mr. Lowe's address?

Luo Xia had an angry look on his face, and the black man also noticed Luo Xia. He opened his mouth and was about to yell something, when Luo Xia waved lightly and threw him out of the window!

Fortunately, Luo Xia still had sense and didn't want to let the black man's blood splash all over his room, otherwise Luo Xia would definitely execute him immediately!

Luo Xia appeared outside the villa in a flash. The black man who flew down from the second-floor window hit the lawn, broke the fence and rolled to the side of the road, leaving a trail of blood on the ground.

The black man lay on the ground motionless and looked at the sky. Blood kept flowing from the corners of his mouth. Severe pain was felt. He had no idea how many bones in his body were broken. He let out bursts of wailing sounds unconsciously.

Luo Xia's anger has not subsided, he stretched out his hand to accumulate the dragon talisman...

"call out!"

A piece of spider silk shot from the side and accurately grabbed his wrist.

"Hey! Sir, please stop your violence!" came a familiar voice.

Luo Xia looked sideways and saw Gwen, wearing a white and black spider suit, standing on the roof.

"Gwen, don't make trouble!" Luo Xia turned around and said, "He sneaked into my villa. According to the 'Castle Law', I have the right to execute him!"

Gwen's figure on the roof trembled, "Who is Gwen?"

As she said that, she pulled hard on the spider thread, but she didn't pull it and almost stumbled and fell!

Luo Xia grabbed the spider thread and pulled it. Gwen, who was on the other end of the thread, flew down from the roof before she could react and was held in his arms.

"Don't be naughty, Gwen...ah!"

Luo Xia's words stopped abruptly, because Gwen in his arms hit him hard in the face with a heavy punch. Spider-Woman's power is terrifying!

Although Luo Xia, who was immune to all physical attacks, ignored the damage from this punch, he was still shocked by Gwen's sudden attack on him.

He was even already doubting whether the Gwen in his arms was disguised by the Ancient One Mage!

Suddenly Gwen's voice came through the spiritual connection:

"I arrived at your house, where are you? Why didn't I see you?"

Luo Xia was stunned...

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