Marvel: The Twelve Spells

Chapter 163 Universe No. 65

The spider Gwen in front of her punched her again, and Luo Xia reacted and grabbed her fist.

Spider-Gwen was a little shocked. The opponent's strength was obviously far greater than hers... Spider-Gwen tried hard to break away from Luo Xia's arms, and Luo Xia let go of her.

Luo Xia watched the familiar yet unfamiliar Spider Gwen land lightly and smoothly. She then retreated slightly and made preparations for an attack.

Spider Gwen looked at Luo Xia in the air with caution. Not only did she have great strength, she actually knew her true identity...

Luo Xia responded to her girlfriend Gwen through psychic contact: "I did come back, but I left again...Some special things happened in the universe that I need to deal with, but you can rest assured that I am safe and I will be there after I have dealt with it." Return to Earth immediately."

Naturally, Luo Xia would not tell Gwen the true situation now, as that would only make his girlfriend worried, and now she cannot understand what the multiverse is.

"What do you mean you left the earth again?" Gwen was obviously very suspicious. "What is the special thing? I always feel weird..."

"Who are you?" Spider Gwen on the ground asked doubtfully.

Neighbors and passers-by also noticed the movement. Some people came forward to check the black man's injuries, and some called 911.

"The special thing is... there is a M78 nebula far away from the earth. A race named Ultraman established the Kingdom of Light here. Now the evil villain Thanos from Titan is going to invade them. Now I On the way to save the Ultramans!"

Luo Xia looked at the spider Gwen on the ground and asked, but used telepathy to reply to his girlfriend Gwen. This scene was really weird.

"Do you think I will believe this lie?" Gwen felt that her IQ was insulted. "With your style, knowing that the M78 Nebula was invaded by Thanos of Titan, you should just sit back and watch the potato chips. Are you kidding? When did Mr. Luo also take the superhero route?"

"But that's the fact! Over!" Luo Xia was too lazy to explain.

"Okay, okay, I wish you defeat Thanos as soon as possible. When you are done, remember to return to Earth immediately, Over!" Gwen could only say helplessly.

"Sir, I'm asking you!" Spider Gwen said seriously, "You invaded private homes and carried out terrorist attacks on others. This behavior has seriously violated the laws of New York State..."

"Oh, then come and arrest me." Luo Xia interrupted casually.

Luo Xia has figured out the current situation. In order to break through the dimension of the infinite mirror created by Ancient One, he used the rabbit charm, pig charm, and space gem in combination, causing himself to travel to another parallel universe.

And the universe he is currently in should be Earth-65. In this universe, Gwen Stacy became Spider-Woman after being bitten by a radioactive spider.

Unlike in his main universe, Gwen appeared in the Osborn Group. Curiosity drove Gwen to follow him and mistakenly entered the spider breeding room, where he was bitten and obtained the spider gene.

No wonder the Space Stone lost its function just now. The Infinity Stone can only exert its power in the original universe. Once it leaves the original universe, it turns into an ordinary stone, but it looks better.

After figuring out the situation, Luo Xia quickly thought about how to return to the main universe, and didn't pay much attention to Spider-Gwen in front of him. After all, this was not his girlfriend, although he still felt familiar and friendly.

Spider-Gwen, who was angered by Luo Xia's words, shot out the spider silk again. Even though she knew that her power was no match for the opponent, she did not give up easily.

Luo Xia grabbed the spider silk, and the flames triggered by the Dragon Talisman immediately spread along the spider silk. The spider silk burned by the flames instantly turned into ashes. Spider Gwen, who received the spider sense warning, immediately let go of her hand.

"I don't have time to play the game of police catching criminals with you, Miss Spider." Luo Xia turned around and said, "Don't catch up, or you will bear the consequences."

With that said, Luo Xia flew away from here. In this parallel universe, it didn't matter if he exposed his abilities, so he flew at a low altitude without hiding anything, attracting the attention of the crowd. Therefore, many traffic accidents occurred on the road due to driver distraction. …

Gwen smelled the smell of burnt feathers in the air. She looked at Luo Xia's back angrily. Did she illegally break into the house and hurt someone before leaving in a swagger?

Gwen immediately shot out her webbing and followed her, but Spider-Woman was never threatened.

Luo Xia has been thinking about how to return to the main universe. Now there is a ready-made method, which is to repeat the method he used to travel to this parallel universe.

Use the rabbit charm to accelerate beyond the speed of light in the depths of the universe, then use the pig charm's laser to break open the space, and finally activate the space gem of this parallel universe.

So the top priority now is to find the space gems in this universe. This is not difficult for Luo Xia, because he has a God's perspective and knows who controls the space gems in each time period.

Now he only needs to determine the timeline of parallel universe No. 65 to determine the location of the space gem.

Thinking of this, Luo Xia fell to the ground, and he randomly grabbed a passerby who was still confused.

"Hand over your phone."

The brains of passers-by are shut down... No matter who is walking on the road on a sunny day, and suddenly a person flies down from the sky and stops him, and wants to rob his mobile phone, he will be stunned. .

Luo Xia didn't talk nonsense. He stretched out his hand to activate the dragon talisman, blasting a big hole into the ground next to the passerby.

Luo Xia stretched out her hand, and the passerby handed over the phone in a thoughtful manner.

"Number password!" Luo Xia handed it back and said dissatisfied.

After unlocking the phone, Luo Xia flew at low altitude again, leaving only passers-by who had not yet recovered.

"He actually robbed a citizen's cell phone!"

Spider-Gwen, who was following far behind, saw this scene, and she increased her speed angrily.

Luo Xia opened Google and entered keywords such as "Iron Man", "Captain America", "New Mexico Town", and "New York Battle" in the search box.

Soon he got the answer. In this universe, Tony had already announced his identity as Iron Man in front of the media, and solved all the out-of-control war mechas on the night of Hammer Company's press conference. He is the hottest superhero at the moment. One of the heroes.

The Battle of New York also ended not long ago. Six superheroes formed the Avengers to turn the tide and repel the Chitauri army.

Luo Xia couldn't help laughing after seeing these consultations. This is the correct way to unfold the plot of the Marvel Universe. And the history of the main universe has been disrupted because of the intrusion of a demon...

In the normal Marvel universe, Odin teleported Thor to Earth through a dark energy device. After Thor participated in the Battle of New York, he brought the Space Stone back to Asgard and used it to repair the Rainbow Bridge.

Since then, the Space Stone has been stored in Odin's treasure house until Loki took it out after Ragnarok, only to be robbed by Thanos on the way.

With Rorsha's strength, he only needs to reach Asgard to obtain the space gem of Universe 65. But the problem now is that without the space gem, he cannot reach distant Asgard...

Rorsha can only focus on Thor, hoping to use Thor, the troublemaker, to reach Asgard through the Rainbow Bridge.

Luo Xia found the right direction and flew towards Stark Tower. Fortunately, there was not much difference between each parallel universe, and he could still recognize the way.

Stark Industries, R\u0026D.

"The biggest shortcomings of today's steel armors are that they are not easy to carry and the assembly process is long. The only way to solve this problem is to change the material of the armor or change the assembly method."

"Based on the second idea, I created the Mark42 Prodigal Son. This set of steel mecha will have the ability to be automatically assembled, and can be remotely controlled and automatically assembled... However, due to automatic assembly, a lot of links on the link parts are eliminated. Screws, so there may be a little flaw in the defensive function, a little bit... OK, that's it, end the work log recording, Jarvis"

Tony stepped out of the console and said, "Start launching the Prodigal Son for the first assembly."

As he spoke, Tony looked at the workbench, where a pile of mecha parts were piled scatteredly together. Tony stretched out his hand and activated the chip implanted under the skin of his wrist!

The mecha prodigal didn't react at all... Tony slapped his wrist, "Launch... garbage!"

Finally, a left-hand component on the workbench reacted. The small arc recoil thruster lit up, slid through an arc in the air and flew into Tony's wrist. A burst of automatic machinery assembled and covered the entire forearm. Then the left shoulder armor part flew over without slowing down and covered Tony's shoulder, causing him to scream in pain!

"Haha..." Tony looked at his arm covered with brass-colored mecha and laughed out loud. The Prodigal Son was indeed a genius invention.

"Okay, come all over here!"

Suddenly, all the parts on the workbench were lit up, and the mecha parts flew up in a mess, and two parts fell after impacting in the air...

These parts were shot over without slowing down, and Tony was wearing them while dodging.

"A little slower and a little gentler!"

As he spoke, Tony raised his left arm to block a part that was flying at a high speed. When it hit, there was a burst of violent sparks, and the part bounced off and smashed a bunch of glass display cabinets.

Tony was just about to curse when the mechas on his back shot out from his body and hit him to the ground. He activated the thrusters on both hands to keep himself balanced. In the process, the mechas he had worn continued to extend and cover him, and finally Only a piece of facial mecha remains.

Tony looked at the steel mask hovering in front of him, "Come on!"

The steel mask shot towards him, Tony caught it with a forward somersault, and then landed firmly in the center of the assembly table.

He sighed sincerely: "I am a genius!"

"Sir, it's a pleasure to watch you work." Jarvis's voice also sounded.

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