Marvel: The Twelve Spells

Chapter 164 Nuclear Explosion

Suddenly, a burst of applause rang out, and Tony, who was wearing the Prodigal Mecha, immediately became alert. There should not be a second person in this research and development room...

Tony quickly turned to the direction of the sound source, where various instruments were placed randomly. In the only empty space stood an Asian young man in formal clothes with short black hair and a pair of black eyes as deep as the universe.

Because he was in a parallel universe, Luo Xia did not put on a demon mask, but showed his true face to others. In this universe, it doesn't matter whether he wears that mask or not.

"Sir, according to the laws of New York State, I can fire on people who illegally enter private property. So, please raise your hands!" Tony raised his palm cannon and aimed at Luo Xia.

This voice was extremely calm, but Tony in the Prodigal Mecha was full of doubts, because Luo Xia suddenly appeared in his research and development room, and the artificial intelligence Jarvis did not sound an alarm.

You must know that Tony's R\u0026D room not only contains the business secrets of Stark Industries, but also the steel armor technology that is coveted by Congress and the military. Therefore, the security system of the R\u0026D room is very high-level. In addition to Jarvis, there is also a set of defense systems. system, but none of them found this uninvited guest... These are enough to illustrate the suspiciousness and mystery of this intruder.

But Tony didn't have the slightest fear. He was Iron Man, and the steel armor on his body gave Tony great confidence.

Rosha had no reaction after hearing Tony's words. He smiled faintly: "Don't be nervous Mr. Stark, aren't we old friends?"

Tony was confused when he heard this, and he slowly approached Luo Xia in an attacking posture.

"Have we met? At some dinner party? Or the Energy and Nuclear Thermodynamics Salon?"

Speaking of Tony, he was already close to Luo Xia. The main focus of the Mecha Prodigal Son was to facilitate assembly, so of course there were deficiencies in the weapons he carried. In addition to the basic hand blaster and chest blaster, there was only a small one mounted on the forearm. Missiles, so this is a melee armor.

Tony inadvertently changed the situation to his advantage, at least in his opinion...

Suddenly, he accelerated and rushed out, grabbed Luo Xia's arm and was about to grapple him!

Luo Xia's reaction was quick and calm. He just put his hand on the Ark reactor on Tony's chest and gently pushed it out.

In an instant, Tony flew backwards. He hit the wall with a loud noise, and the mecha parts on his body exploded and fell to the ground, leaving only the steel helmet. But Luo Xia still stood there without moving, just watching everything with a smile. This scene was extremely familiar, except that Luo Xia's face was missing a demon mask.

Tony took a deep breath and held himself up. The shell of the Ark reactor on his chest had cracked, which made him a little unbelievable.

The Ark Reactor was related to his life safety, and the materials were all first-class. He had experienced several battle armors that were often damaged and repaired, but the Ark Reactor had never had a problem, but now it was in the hands of this mysterious man. one strike……

Tony stood up with his back against the wall, waving his hands to control the assembly of the components of the Prodigal Son armor. However, those components had been damaged in the violent impact and were flying crookedly, making it impossible to complete the assembly. Even Some parts didn't react at all, except for the left arm part which could be assembled successfully.

Tony raised his hand and fired a palm cannon without hesitation, but Luo Xia waved his hand casually, and the palm cannon exploded immediately on his hand, scattering like fireworks.

Rorsha's casual movements, like those of swatting away flies, once again shocked Tony. It was Iron Man's signature attack palm cannon, and even the powerful Asgardian Thor, the God of Thunder, was knocked down when he resisted!

Tony raised his hand again to launch the small missile carried on his forearm. He only had this kind of attack method left... But he saw the opponent raise his hand, and a dragon-shaped totem lit up in Luo Xia's palm. Although Luo Xia Xia's hands were empty, but Tony, who was experienced in fighting, had a premonition of danger, and he immediately jumped out.


Huge explosions of flames erupted, like a giant fire dragon breathing out blazing dragon breath. The entire wall was blasted through in an instant, leaving a circular hole several meters in diameter!

Tony subconsciously looked towards the hole. The same hole appeared in a building adjacent to Stark Tower. The powerful attack actually penetrated the building!

"Who are you?"

As soon as Tony asked this question, a powerful force came, and his body flew towards Luo Xia uncontrollably...

Luo Xia punched Tony gently and knocked him to the ground. He stepped on Tony's steel helmet, which had some paint peeling off. In an instant, the steel mask collapsed, revealing a weathered and handsome uncle's face.

"Didn't I say it? I am your old friend, Mr. Stark."

As Luo Xia said, she exerted a little force, and the sharp part of the broken helmet was inserted into Tony's face. Blood flowed across the bridge of his nose, and Tony let out a scream...

"Now, let's ask the first question. Please answer truthfully." Luo Xia smiled, "otherwise your brains will flow all over the floor."

Those faint words didn't sound like a threat, but they made Tony's hair stand on end...

"Where is Thor?" Rosha asked.

"Asgard!" Tony said with difficulty.

"Where's the Cosmic Cube?"

In the high-pressure and high-risk situation, Tony was instantly relieved of his doubts. It turned out that the opponent's goal was the Cosmic Cube. It was normal for a cosmic-level item like the Cosmic Cube to involve some dangerous aliens. It was no wonder that he couldn't fight with the opponent...

"Also in Asgard!" Tony said immediately.

The whereabouts of the cosmic magic is not a secret. Many people know it, including members of the Avengers, senior leaders of the World Security Council...Tony does not have to keep it a secret at all. Even if the other party knows the whereabouts of the cosmic magic, it does not matter, because the one guarding the Cosmic Cube is Asgard, distant and powerful Asgard.

Luo Xia nodded casually. He was just confirming whether there had been any changes in the plot. After all, this was also a parallel universe where anything could happen.

Luo Xia was about to continue asking questions, but a familiar voice came out.

"Let Mr. Stark go!"

Luo Xia turned around. At the entrance of the hole blasted by the Dragon Talisman, Spider Gwen was hanging the spider silk upside down. She aimed at Luo Xia and shot the spider silk. As expected, Luo Xia easily caught her.

"Miss Spider, I seem to have said that if I catch up with you again, you will be punished." Luo Xia smiled.

Spider Gwen didn't respond. She pulled the spider thread hard and flew towards Luo Xia.

Luo Xia did not dodge and even moved forward to meet her. Luo Xia reached out and grabbed Spider-Gwen's ballet shoes, easily defused her attack and subdued her.

In this universe, Spider Gwen has experienced various dangers and hardships, and her strength far exceeds that of Gwen in the main universe, but she is still vulnerable to Luo Xia...

The subdued Spider-Gwen was very angry. She could only launch a chatterous attack, but those words without any curse words were not painful. After hearing this, Luo Xia even thought that the Gwen of Universe 65 was also cute.

Luo Xia took Spider Gwen to activate the spatial displacement of the snake charm, and the two of them instantly arrived in the sky above New York, where the altitude is about 10,000 meters.

"Like wind and freedom, and your favorite feeling of converting gravitational potential energy into kinetic energy." Luo Xia said with a smile, and he let go of Spider Gwen.

Spider-Gwen instantly let out a broken scream. She was constantly accelerating in free fall. She had no point of stress, and there was no place for her to shoot out the spider silk in the high altitude. She had no choice but to use her brain. As he fell, he became completely blank, and he could only continue to scream...

Rorsha again used the snake charm's spatial displacement to return to Stark Tower. Tony had already climbed up and was stumbling towards the door. He was greeted by several familiar figures.

Natasha, Captain America, Hawkeye, Dr. Banner, and Jarvis informed the Avengers of Tony's attack when Rorsha appeared.

"Jarvis, fire Mark 6!" Tony shouted, covering his chest.

Facing enemies with powerful energy attacks, Tony felt that Mark 6, which had the ability to absorb energy, would be more advantageous in fighting. If Mark 6 could withstand that kind of attack...

"You still need to stay calm now. This is the center of Manhattan..." Natasha was comforting Dr. Banner, who was turning green.

Luo Xia walked up and was greeted by Captain America, and the glass door automatically opened to both sides.

Captain America carefully held the vibranium shield in front of his chest and asked in a deep voice: "Invaders from aliens?"

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Luo Xia, from New York...Queens!" Luo Xia did not continue to pay attention to the US team, but whistled towards Natasha in the back and said: "My Natasha, come here Come to me."

"Roar!" Dr. Banner, whose neck was green, roared. He was already on the verge of losing control.

Natasha also frowned and looked at Luo Xia. In her memory, she had never seen the Asian man in front of her.

"Hey!" Captain America shouted, "Invaders..."

Without any nonsense, Luo Xia raised his hand and fired out. Captain America, who reacted very quickly, quickly blocked with his shield. The blast of fire exploded on the vibranium shield. Captain America was instantly blasted out, and he was even smashed when he flew out. He hit the solid wall of the R\u0026D room and collapsed in a mess, unable to get up anyway...

The shocked Natasha immediately pulled out her guns and fired. Hawkeye's arrows had already been shot. Banner could no longer control the Hulk that was about to move in his body. A green figure broke through his purple shirt, covered in only A big panty was left.

Luo Xia ignored all the attacks and rushed out. A shadow of a bullfight appeared behind him!

The Hulk punched in the air, and Luo Xia also attacked, and the two fists clashed together!

Hawkeye and Natasha who were watching were just surprised at first that someone could actually fight Hulk, and then they lost consciousness...

The angry Hulk's strength is several times that of his normal state, and Rorshasa, who has activated the Ox Talisman, is even more powerful, with hundreds of millions of tons of power unreserved!

A green figure flew out, and the shock wave with unpredictable power spread in all directions. The nearby walls and instruments were all annihilated. Only the flesh-and-blood Hawkeye and Natasha instantly turned into a ball of blood mist and exploded. Team USA is not immune...

The shock wave is still spreading, and the surrounding high-rise buildings are being shattered by powerful force. Manhattan, the most prosperous area in New York, seems to have experienced a nuclear explosion!

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