Marvel: The Twelve Spells

Chapter 165 A tough opponent

The floors of Stark Tower began to collapse, and Rosha watched everything from the sky. Suddenly he frowned, and the Dragon Talisman made him feel a familiar energy.

A burst of green light bloomed instantly. They had no source but filled the entire space. The debris, dust and falling objects flying in the air stopped, and the entire time and space seemed to be still.

Those rays of light connecting all things seem to be able to weave fate and change cause and effect, but Luo Xia moves freely in this field. The deep invisibility of the snake charm prevents fate and time from finding him.

A bright yellow figure appeared in the air, and Luo Xia felt a little unhappy when he saw the Ancient One Master not far away. He was really jealous when he saw an enemy... Although the one in front of him was the Ancient One Master from Universe 65, not from the main universe. The Ancient One used a time loop to disgust him.

Ancient One is the most difficult opponent Luo Xia has ever encountered. As the Supreme Mage, Ancient One has mastered many powerful magics, and the Time Stone has greatly improved her error tolerance.

"Intruder, go back to your universe!"

Gu Yi said in a deep voice. She turned the Eye of Agamotto on her chest, and the Time Stone once again emitted green light. In an instant, the building debris and human corpses flying in the air returned, just like the leaves falling on the road. On the branches, time begins to go backwards...

In a very short period of time, the items that had been smashed to pieces were restored, and tall buildings were repaired, including the blood and minced meat sprayed on the walls, floors, and ceilings, which were also reassembled into human forms. People who died within seconds also came back to life.

In Stark Tower, Captain America was lying in the ruins. Tony was staggering in his Mark6. Barton and Natasha looked at the situation in front of them at a loss. Natasha suddenly said in surprise: "Where is Dr. Banner going?"

Luo Xia looked at Gu Yi in front of him with some helplessness, because now he was really an intruder from a parallel universe.

"Actually, I also want to go back. What can you do?" Luo Xia asked seriously, "Are there buses between parallel universes? Or do you have Doraemon's random door?"

Without waiting for Gu Yi's answer, Luo Xia immediately activated the snake talisman to enter a deep invisible state. The dragon talisman exploded, and several pillars of fire poured out of Luo Xia's body, drawing an arc in the air and shooting towards Gu Yi.

Ancient Yi raised his hands and crossed them to open a circular barrier in the air. Although he defended Luo Xia's attack, she was also pushed back thousands of meters by the powerful energy.

Round sparks shot out in the air around Luo Xia. He looked at the arbitrary door that was about to open and shook his head helplessly.

However, he also remembered the arbitrary door mastered by Karma Taj, which was always an interesting spell, and Luo Xia had the idea of ​​mastering this spell.

After all, some people can open any door at will, so it shouldn't be too difficult.

Luo Xia thought about it and also activated the spatial displacement of the snake talisman and disappeared from the place. Before he mastered the method of killing or restraining Ancient One, it was better to stay away, lest Ancient One realize his power again and then use the time gem to pull him into the time loop. He didn't want such a bug-level move. Experience it for the second time...

On the other side, Spider-Gwen stopped screaming after her voice became hoarse. She was still falling, but she had become accustomed to her situation.

As she continued to fall, when air resistance was approximately equal to gravity, her falling speed did not increase. But this kind of rapid fall is also very dangerous for people who are not well protected. If it weren't for the spider gene that strengthened her body, she would have passed out long ago.

Spider-Gwen watched the buildings on the ground continue to enlarge. She knew that in a few seconds she would be hit hard and fall into a ball of flesh on the ground. The fear in her heart continued to amplify, because she knew that even if she had a chance to ejaculate Even if the spider silk grabs the building, it will not be decelerated.

At the last moment when death was approaching, she thought of her father George, as well as her mother and brother who died in the accident...

"Do you feel afraid?" Suddenly a voice sounded behind her.

The agile spider Gwen turned over in the air, and she saw Luo Xia's face clearly.

At this time, Luo Xia was falling at the same speed as her, and the strong wind blew his short hair. He looked at the tears seeping out of Spider-Gwen's mask, and he showed a proud smile.

In the main universe, Gwen was frightened when she fell from a high altitude, even with Rorshacha by her side, so he was very curious about how Spider-Gwen from Universe 65 would react when the enemy dropped her from a high altitude.

Spider-Gwen aimed a punch at Luo Xia's head without hesitation, and she didn't spare any effort.

Luo Xia easily grabbed Spider-Gwen's pink fist and turned to avoid the spider silk she shot.

"This is just a small punishment. If you dare to continue to follow me... you don't want Officer George to be harmed, right? Miss Gwen!"

Luo Xia looked at the random door round fireworks that were lit not far away and said. He squeezed Spider-Gwen's fist, used the rabbit charm to eliminate all the kinetic energy on her body, and then immediately used the snake charm to move away in space.

As Gwen's boyfriend in the main universe, Rorsha also has a filter for Gwen Stacy in other parallel universes, so she never thought of actually harming Spider-Gwen.

The process of falling from an altitude of 10,000 meters is about 44.42 seconds, and Luo Xia also squeezed this time.

Spider-Gwen clearly felt her rapidly falling body hovering for a moment, and then slowly accelerated her fall. This situation that violated physics surprised her, but she didn't have time to think too much!

The falling spider Gwen shot out spider silk to catch the floors on both sides. She easily decelerated and swung in a semicircle before reaching the rooftop of the high-rise building.

Spider Gwen stood on the rooftop and looked up at the sky, where Luo Xia's figure had long since disappeared. A round spark sputtered like a door, and a man wearing a bright yellow hair robe walked out of the door.

Spider-Gwen, who survived the disaster, had no time to rejoice but was full of worry. The mysterious man seemed to have extremely strong strength.

Gu Yi frowned as he looked at the traceless sky. Because Luo Xia turned on the deep invisibility of the snake talisman, Gu Yi couldn't sense where Luo Xia had gone on the earth...

Unless Luo Xia takes the initiative to expose energy fluctuations, he can always lurk in this universe and on the earth.

Gu Yi looked at Spider Gwen on the rooftop. Gu Yi knew that Luo Xia had just arrived to save Spider Gwen.

Facing the unknown Ancient One, Spider-Gwen made a wary attack.

"Where did he go?" Ancient One hoped to get some clues about the intruder from Spider-Gwen.

"I don't know!" Spider-Gwen replied.

Depending on the situation, the two people are not in the same group, but enemies.

"Who is he?" Spider-Gwen asked tentatively.

Ancient One did not answer. The multiverse involves too much and is a secret that needs to be protected.

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