Marvel: The Twelve Spells

Chapter 166 Another Universe

Tony stood on the center console of the R\u0026D room wearing steel armor Mark6. He seemed to be frozen in place... Luo Xia appeared silently behind him, watching with interest the confusion, shock, and fear. , Tony was confused and entangled.

Tony looked at everything in front of him and fell into deep doubt. He suspected that there was something wrong with his mental state, that he was hallucinating, or that he was hypnotized by someone with sinister intentions...

Not long ago, Tony watched helplessly as destruction came - the mysterious man came to fight with the Hulk at the Cosmic Cube. The powerful force destroyed everything in front of him, and the members of the Avengers were torn apart. The Stark Tower began to collapse.

Tony himself escaped because he was wearing the steel armor Mark6 that could absorb power. However, Tony, who fell in the ruins, did not feel lucky at all. The experience of seeing everything destroyed was more disturbing to him than death. fear.

When he woke up again, he found that everything just now was just a "dream" and the whole world was at peace. Agent Romanov, who should have exploded into blood mist, walked past him and said anxiously that he was going to go. Looking for Banner. Agent Barton also rushed to Captain America to check his injuries. In his memory, the collapsed Stark Tower was still intact...

Tony forcefully refused medical assistance. When he came to the research and development room, there was a circular hole in the wall, and the disappearance of Dr. Banner, all of which proved that what he had just experienced was not completely false...

At this moment, Tony was still reeling from the shock that Rorschach had given him. He stood in front of the center console and checked the status of one steel armor after another. Mark 7, Mark 15 Sneaky, Mark 16 Nightclub, Mark 33 Silver. Centurions, Mark 40 shotguns... Jarvis reported that those steel armors were in a state of readiness and could be fired and worn at any time.

But these steel armors that represented power in the past could not bring Tony a sense of security. In the face of enemies who were powerful enough to kill them all with one punch, these steel armors seemed extremely fragile. He needed more powerful weapons. …

Tony firmly believes that technology can defeat everything, and a single failure and destruction cannot destroy his confidence.

Just when Tony was about to drag his injured body to do something, he looked down and saw a familiar figure reflected in the silver corners of the center console...

Tony froze, and Rosha also knew that Tony was aware of his appearance, but he was confident. He put his hand on Tony's steel shoulder armor.

"Do you want to see everything happen again?" Luo Xia asked with a smile, "If it happened again, would you change anything?"

Tony was stiff and didn't respond. His ability to remain calm in the face of his inner fears is a sign of strong willpower.

"If you can't, then please get out of the way." Luo Xia pushed Tony aside and said, "And tell your secretary to shut up."

"Jarvis...shut down!" Tony thought for a while before calling.

With the current situation, even if the Avengers knew about Rorshasa's departure and return, there would be nothing they could do, and it would put them in danger. Tony was very afraid that Natasha and Hawkeye would make the same mistakes again in front of him. In comparison, he was willing to do it himself In danger, confront Rorsha.

"Yes, sir." Jarvis's voice sounded.

"Communicating with smart people is effortless." Luo Xia praised.

A chair flew over and Luo Xia sat in front of the center console.

"When will Thor return to Earth? How will you contact him?"

Rorschach asked, using Tony's Avengers authority to access SHIELD's database.

Tony watched Luo Xia's behavior, but he could only watch it all, and there was no way to stop it.

"Thor will return to Earth in three months." Tony said slowly, "Earth is far away from Asgard, and there is no communication method that can connect the two places."

Luo Xia typed on the keyboard quickly. He typed in the name "Ricardo·M·Luo" and hit the Enter key to start the search.

"No, there is a gatekeeper in Asgard named Heimdall. He can see the nine kingdoms, and nothing that happens on earth can be hidden from him." Luo Xia turned to look at Tony and said, "This is also a method of communication. Just like in the ancient East, border guards lit up smoke to warn the rear when they discovered the enemy."

Tony couldn't refute Rosha's words. The person in front of him seemed to know a lot about the Earth and Asgard... His eyes caught a glimpse of the string of English words on the screen, which seemed to be a name. Tony immediately remembered this clue.

Luo Xia looked at the blank screen and smiled. It turned out that there was no person named "Ricardo M. Luo" in this universe.

Rosha continued to enter "Jane Foster" to start the search. Tony immediately became uneasy after seeing it. Why did this suspected alien visitor know the name of Thor's girlfriend on earth...accurately. Said to be an ex-girlfriend, Jane had already dumped Saul.

"Jane Foster, astrophysicist..."

S.H.I.E.L.D. records all of Jane's information in detail, from childhood experiences to current scientific research directions, in a very detailed and comprehensive manner. Rorschach also saw Jane's real-time location in London.

Tony is thinking about whether Asgard can resist Rorsha. Asgard is rich in martial virtue. In addition to a group of warriors, there are also high-end combat powers such as Thor and the Three Warriors of Asgard. Of course, there are also the nine kingdoms. The titular ruler, the god-king Odin.

This man who holds the highest authority in the nine kingdoms also possesses extremely powerful strength. From the fact that Odin can easily remove Thor's divine power and then exile him to the earth, we can get a glimpse of the tip of the iceberg of his terrifying power...

But the mysterious man in front of him is also very powerful. With one punch, he can send the invincible Hulk flying thousands of kilometers, cross the border and fall into the Pacific Ocean.

The smart Tony vaguely guessed Rosha's idea, threatened Thor through Jane, and then went to Asgard to get the cosmic magic...

Tony didn't know if Asgard could resist Rosha, but he knew that he couldn't stop this at all. He could only hope that God King Odin could defeat Rosha. He was just a bystander, as if he had just watched his teammates die. Just in front of me...

"Thank you, my old friend!" Luo Xia patted Tony on the shoulder and said with a smile.

The glass door opened automatically, and Luo Xia was about to go out.

"We know each other?" Tony shouted at his back.

"We met in another universe..." Luo Xia said casually, "The name you remember is my name. I believe you will never forget it."

With that said, Luo Xia walked out of the R\u0026D room.

"Another universe?" Tony muttered to himself as he looked at Luo Xia's disappearing back, and he remembered that name.

"Luo? Another universe? There are other universes..."

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