Marvel: The Twelve Spells

Chapter 168 Gentlemanly Behavior

Luo Xia nodded and stood still. With just a simple movement, the gentleman's restraint and demeanor were revealed inadvertently.

"Was that magic? Or a blind trick, it's so magical!"

Darcy looked directly at Luo Xia, her eyes seemed to be shining with stars, she seemed like an ignorant girl who was full of curiosity about the world.

"A cover-up? Maybe, like this..."

Luo Xia said and pointed at her and snapped his fingers. The power of the monkey charm was exerted on Darcy's body. Suddenly Darcy felt that his perspective instantly increased by dozens of centimeters!

Darcy immediately raised her hand and looked down. Her sleeves turned into silver-white gauntlets, the back of her hands turned into bronze, and the hairs were wetted and stuck to her skin. The most surprising thing was that the scientific instruments in her hands also became Became Thor's hammer...


Darcy screamed and immediately covered her mouth with her hands, because the sound she made was actually a rough male voice... Mjolnir took off her hand and hit Darcy's instep, causing her to hold her feet up in pain. Jumping.

Jane, who was on the phone, turned around when she heard the noise. She was in a daze looking at the funny scene of "Thor" jumping with his feet in his arms...

A strange yet somewhat familiar male voice came through her phone. The other person claimed to be Tony Stark, the Iron Man who had become famous in the past two years.

Jane is fascinated by the vast universe and is not interested in superheroes. She only knows this because Thor once appeared in New York after disappearing from New Mexico. He united several superheroes to fight aliens, and Iron Man was one of them. One of the superheroes.

To Jane's horror, Tony Stark accurately stated that a mysterious man would come to find her or kidnap her.

Tony explained that Rosha's purpose was to find Saul through her, and Tony used words like "extremely dangerous" to describe Rosha. Jane even heard fear in Tony's tone.

It can make Iron Man, who is blocking the main force of the alien army, feel scared and say "extreme danger". Jane tries to keep herself calm, but she can no longer find her way out...

And the worst thing is, Luo Xia has already found her...

"He is right in front of me now, looking at me on the phone with a smile." Jane said this calmly and hung up the phone.

"Jane, I'm sorry for making you feel wronged!" Jane's brain was thinking rapidly, and she was pulled into a strong embrace.

Heck, Darcy got a lot more power after being turned into Thor!

"Thor" hugged Jane tightly and said: "I will never leave you again. Let me take you to the sky. You will become the queen there, and we will give birth to a bunch of little aliens..."

What a little alien! Jane couldn't bear it anymore. Jane stepped on "Saul's" feet with high heels and pushed him away hard.

"It hurts, it hurts..." The deformation of the monkey charm on Darcy was lifted, and she continued to jump holding her feet.

Jane ignored her nervous assistant and looked at Luo Xia, who was standing still. Luo Xia looked at the two of them quietly, calmly and calmly, as if everything was certain to win.

"I know your purpose, but you seem to have found the wrong person." Jane tried to communicate with Rosha, "I have broken up with the Asgardian, and he has never appeared. If you try to use me Finding him is just a waste of time, just like I used to stay where he left and cry every day..."

Luo Xia just smiled and did not refute. He just said lightly: "Those just now were not rhetoric. Thor is indeed busy quelling the war in the nine kingdoms."

"Thor loves you very much. He has always asked Heimdall, the gatekeeper of Asgard, to watch you. He is a person who can monitor the nine kingdoms... If Thor knows that you are in danger, then he will definitely do whatever it takes. Those who are rushing to Earth, when the Rainbow Bridge lands, my purpose will be accomplished and you will be free again."

"No..." Jane shook her head, and she slowly backed away.

Luo Xia shook his head and didn't care. As long as Jane was still on the earth, it was impossible to escape from his control.

"As you said, that's just your ex-boyfriend, or the ex-boyfriend who abandoned you." Luo Xia said, "Let's work together to make him appear and give him some punishment..."

"No!" Jane said firmly again, "Don't even think about it!"

"I didn't ask for your opinion." Luo Xia said and activated the snake charm, and a curtain of light came out and enveloped Jane.

Jane's consciousness seemed to have stagnated for a second. When she woke up again, she had been poured out...

There is a Tower Bridge in the lower reaches of the river in the London area. Because of the particularity of its location and architecture, it is also called the Gate of London.

At this moment, the two huge sections of the Tower Bridge are rising under the control of motors. The Tower Bridge opens and closes, and a row of large and small ships sails across the water. The cars on the streets on both sides can only wait patiently. Water traffic on the bridge has priority over road traffic on the bridge.

Jane was dumped on the beam between the two huge tower-shaped bridge bases. She looked at the turbulent water and the passing ships from her scattered hair and screamed.

Soon people on boats and on the road noticed something unusual on the bridge and looked up one after another. Many people called the police 999.

Luo Xia sat on the granite paved by the tower. He ignored the crowd gathered on the ground and said to Jane: "Don't worry, Miss Jane, I guarantee that Sol will arrive before you pass out!"

"Fu*k you!" Jane, who was hanging upside down, gave Luo Xia a thumbs up. She roared and accused Luo Xia of attacking an ordinary innocent person like her.

"Thank you for your compliment!" Luo Xia said with a smile, "You may have forgotten that I am a villain, an unscrupulous villain... and I am also just a poor person looking for a way home."

Asgard, inside the palace.

Thor, the son of Odin, the God of Thunder, returned triumphantly after quelling the wars in the nine kingdoms. Asgard held a feast to celebrate.

At this time, Thor was holding the wine bottle with a frown on his face. On the other side of the wine table were the three drunken warriors of Asgard. Under the influence of alcohol, Sif, the former brave female warrior of Asgard, also expressed her affectionately. Looking at Sol...

Thor looked away evasively. After a while, he stood up and left the banquet hall. Not long after he wandered around the palace, he met Heimdall, who looked anxious.

Thor was a little surprised. His old friend Heimdall always lived in the observatory as the gatekeeper and rarely left his post without permission.

"The human girl, Jane Foster, is in danger and is in danger."

Heimdall's words made Thor wake up from his drunken state. He raised his hand to summon Thor's hammer, grabbed Heimdall and flew towards the observatory...

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